Trump has been 100% EXONERATED again!

Awwww does someone criticizing the dead vote upset you and make your pelosi tighten???
What is the "dead vote"? Like zombies?
No, zombies are people who are in an eternal afterlife state because they didn't wear a mask when told by the Gestapo and were smitten with the leftyvirus. Dead people are voters the Dems resurrect on fake ballots every election, its one of their well established patterns of cheating.
The irony being that in the case of election fraud, courts refused to review evidence and in the cases of impeachment, congress impeached without any evidence.
Get the difference?
Oh poor wanna-be Jedi. : Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.
Everything I wrote was accurate. Judges refused to consider election fraud complaints likely out of fear of assault by democrats not unlike what trump’s defense attorney just endured. Meanwhile, nothing to charge trump with in either impeachment.
There was no widespread election fraud. What evidence of such did Trump present? Now, pull up your big boy pants and get real. Trump lost. He's a loooooooooooooooser.
Lots of evidence none of which was not even considered because democrats threaten violence.
More ass blow. You couldn't write a skinny paragraph on the nonsense that you are pedaling. How many votes were manufactured from where and how. Put up or shut up.
That needs to be investigated and reviewed but judges dismissed it all. Lots of affidavits and witness accounts.
Read this real slow... there is no evidence of widespread election fraud. Your fat boy lost because his base is too small to carry the vote. Quit being silly.
Is that why Democrats refuse to have anyone look at the voting machines?
Since when is it up to the Democrats? Show me their authority on that.

Ask Fox News how they are now feeling about having floated the fat man's nonsense?

Trump made all this shit up long before the vote... on merit of what, his genius gut? He lost, made shit up and got seven people killed. It's not rocket science. Open your eyes.
Seven people killed? Soon it will be over 3000.
I'm counting the two who killed themselves.

Btw, one is too many unless you're a moron making excuses for Trump.
Trump was not responsible for any deaths related to the capitol breach. That’s Pravda controlling your mind.
Who killed David Dorn? BLM. Who encourages and endorses that behavior? Kommie the Ho’.
Pravda is a Russian thing. Last time I looked the Ruskies are buds with the fat man. Remember when Trump kissed Putin's ass in Helsinki?

David Dorn was shot interrupting a burglary that took place after a BLM protest had ended several miles from the burglary. I'm not aware of any connection to BLM, but will bE happy to consider any evidence that you care to present. THANKS
You don’t understand figurative speech. Get a non-democrat to explain it to you.
Dorn’s death was a result of the ensuing chaos surrounding blm rioting. You’re dishonest.
I understand well enough to know that your grammatical skills show serious signs of want. Logic is grammar based, the process of digesting, analyzing and communicating symbolic abstracts that are not part of the concrete world in which lesser beings like yourself are trapped.

Suggest you smash a brick into your face. You might also lessen the torque on your ass muscles as it appears that your brain isn't getting enough air.

Finally, anyone who pretends that the Fat Man did not sit on his commodious ass while domestic terrorist threatened the capitol and the congress - is a fucking bore.
Grammar is the logic of expression. What’s expressed is a separate matter of logic or illogic.
Explain the gist of your post. Otherwise it’s just more pointless disparagement.

The irony being that in the case of election fraud, courts refused to review evidence and in the cases of impeachment, congress impeached without any evidence.
Get the difference?
Oh poor wanna-be Jedi. : Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.
Everything I wrote was accurate. Judges refused to consider election fraud complaints likely out of fear of assault by democrats not unlike what trump’s defense attorney just endured. Meanwhile, nothing to charge trump with in either impeachment.
There was no widespread election fraud. What evidence of such did Trump present? Now, pull up your big boy pants and get real. Trump lost. He's a loooooooooooooooser.
Lots of evidence none of which was not even considered because democrats threaten violence.
More ass blow. You couldn't write a skinny paragraph on the nonsense that you are pedaling. How many votes were manufactured from where and how. Put up or shut up.
That needs to be investigated and reviewed but judges dismissed it all. Lots of affidavits and witness accounts.
Read this real slow... there is no evidence of widespread election fraud. Your fat boy lost because his base is too small to carry the vote. Quit being silly.
Is that why Democrats refuse to have anyone look at the voting machines?
Since when is it up to the Democrats? Show me their authority on that.

Ask Fox News how they are now feeling about having floated the fat man's nonsense?

Trump made all this shit up long before the vote... on merit of what, his genius gut? He lost, made shit up and got seven people killed. It's not rocket science. Open your eyes.
Seven people killed? Soon it will be over 3000.
I'm counting the two who killed themselves.

Btw, one is too many unless you're a moron making excuses for Trump.
Trump was not responsible for any deaths related to the capitol breach. That’s Pravda controlling your mind.
Who killed David Dorn? BLM. Who encourages and endorses that behavior? Kommie the Ho’.
Pravda is a Russian thing. Last time I looked the Ruskies are buds with the fat man. Remember when Trump kissed Putin's ass in Helsinki?

David Dorn was shot interrupting a burglary that took place after a BLM protest had ended several miles from the burglary. I'm not aware of any connection to BLM, but will bE happy to consider any evidence that you care to present. THANKS
You don’t understand figurative speech. Get a non-democrat to explain it to you.
Dorn’s death was a result of the ensuing chaos surrounding blm rioting. You’re dishonest.
I understand well enough to know that your grammatical skills show serious signs of want. Logic is grammar based, the process of digesting, analyzing and communicating symbolic abstracts that are not part of the concrete world in which lesser beings like yourself are trapped.

Suggest you smash a brick into your face. You might also lessen the torque on your ass muscles as it appears that your brain isn't getting enough air.

Finally, anyone who pretends that the Fat Man did not sit on his commodious ass while domestic terrorist threatened the capitol and the congress - is a fucking bore.
Grammar is the logic of expression. What’s expressed is a separate matter of logic or illogic.
Explain the gist of your post. Otherwise it’s just more pointless disparagement.
Language is a symbolic representation (abstract) of what we see and sense in the physical world, and further, a means to indulge things which have no physical presence. Grammar provides rules in which language operates. If one's grammar is weak, then it follows that so shall be the ability to negotiate logically.

If you dislike "pointless disparagement" you should spare announcing yourself to others with lame assertions about Pravda and smartass charges of dishonesty. I can play it straight or play games. You decide but don't try to sell me that black is white, that the criminals who breached the capitol were patriots, and that Trump didn't drag his feet while Rome burned. In time of war, his abandonment of his post and duty would have earned a firing squad. There are simply no two ways about the timeline and the film.
I never defended the capitol breachers. They’re not patriots. They’re the equivalent of antifa.
Congress allowed and probably enabled this event to happen in order to falsely promote the notion that patriots are in fact the threat. That’s why we have the iron curtain around the capitol. It’s all front and Pravda is leading the charge.
The difference between democrats and the soviet people is that those soviet people knew they were being lied to.
Where in the hell do you cook this kind of guesswork? Congress probably did what? Dude, you need to get a grip on reality.
They intentionally failed to bolster security in anticipation of violence. That would create opportunity to build this boogeyman they keep feeding.
You overlook an important detail.

It was Trump's watch.
It wasn’t his job. What’s more, trump suggested national guard be deployed but bowser said no.
Read his Oath of Office.
It wasn’t part of his oath. Bowser dropped the ball. Everyone of those democrats who allowed for this to happen are responsible. They let it happen just like Pearl Harbor. Just to generate an excuse for the reaction.
Roshown, I have a feeling that you mean well. I know I'm wasting keystrokes but I'm going to type it anyway. Men like Trump are not your friend. Take care, and good luck.
I’m not looking for my president to be my friend. I want a president with good policies. Like a robust economy and national security and pro-freedom. That’s trump.
No it's not, but I refuse to elaborate with you.

Stay safe,
Bullshit. I’ve made more money in the past four years than ever. We got more tax money back without increased withholding and the US was only hit by democrat terrorists (antifa, blm).
My only consternation during trump’s term was the impact relentless democrat accusations and Pravda would have on reelection.
You are overlooking the fact that the voting was rigged, a large number of the jurors decided not on merit of the overwhelming evidence but purely on what served their political interest.

Oh, please. Making excuses makes you look weak and pathetic.

He was found not guilty. He was exonerated...

Hence, real Americans are making their case in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION...

As is their right. But public opinion does not supersede the findings of the Senate, and those findings say Trump is not guilty...

Donald Trump is a criminal who should not be allowed to again hold public office.

No, he's not.

The Senate says he isn't.

Your opinion is meaningless...

You should be happy that we don't storm Mira Lago and threaten to hang someone.

You know, that's something I would actually like to see. I would love to see the bleeding bodies of idiot libs strewn across the lawn...
Yes, he has been found legally innocent. That doesn't make him innocent. It makes him OJ.

Further, his dismissal by the Senate has nothing to do with the Court of Public Opinion which is where Americans are protesting. I understand that Trumpers object to free speech just as they object to the Constitution (see Jan 6). Are you one of those or do you condemn the Republican Terrorist?

I'm not sure what Fake God appointed you judge, but rest assured that I'm not swayed by your empty rhetoric as to what is meaningless. Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry at you. I allow that you may be in over your head. Keep trying.

As for bleeding bodies, I did a year in combat and it never pleased me to see any of my brothers bleeding regardless of their political sentiments. Either you lack sufficient empathy and compassion to be called human - or are a virgin who has watched too many John Wayne Films.
I understand that Trumpers object to free speech

Replace speech with violence, unless, of course, the trauma of combat caused you to sustain brain damage.
I suppose you might be correct about the Trumpers expecting "free violence". However, Trump appears to have disappointed them in that regard. Some of them will be paying dearly with loss of their freedom.

As for combat trauma and brain damage, I'd wear that with pride but I came home relatively whole. That said, I don't expect that an asshole would understand.
Trumpers object to free violence while Liberals are still burning down cities.
You're probably cheering them on.
So you mean that you pay your friends to beat on you?

Dudette, that's sick and a big waste of money that you probably don't have. Surely, your friends would kick your ass without charge.

Wait, do you have any friends?
Was that post supposed to make sense?
If so, you need psychological counseling pronto.
Do you honestly expect serious replies to your crap?
My replies are relevant to what I am replying to.
Awwww does someone criticizing the dead vote upset you and make your pelosi tighten???
What is the "dead vote"? Like zombies?
No, zombies are people who are in an eternal afterlife state because they didn't wear a mask when told by the Gestapo and were smitten with the leftyvirus. Dead people are voters the Dems resurrect on fake ballots every election, its one of their well established patterns of cheating.
Yes, Donald Trump lost because...Democrats...resurrected the dead. sure lady.
Well, with the leftyvirus fake mailin ballots from China, its quite possible that dead votes were fairly infrequent.....because any name could be attached to the ballot being filled out by numerous libber workers at the polls as they were never checked. Imagine that.....millions of ballots with only "Biden" selected nobody bothered to quality check.
Go kick rocks, lady. Donald Trump lost the election. By like 7 or 8 million votes. There were no resurrected voters, the Democrats are not Necromancers. Y'all just got your butt kicked. That's all. Move on.
Sure lady (since for some reason you call me that). Without millions of fake mailin ballots, Pinochijoe wouldn't have been close. How many counties did he win, fewer then Hildabeast right? We all know the scam that just took place.
I thought you were a female. sorry... anyways, y'all lost. move on. It was not even close.
I have moved on....a little less than before though with gas prices so high now.

You know you're a fucking nut, don't you?

Nationally, gas prices are up only 0.066¢ on average since a year ago...

LOL, the guy who needs to look at his avatar before calling someone a "fucking nut," LOL.

Interesting self image you have there sport
You are overlooking the fact that the voting was rigged, a large number of the jurors decided not on merit of the overwhelming evidence but purely on what served their political interest.

Oh, please. Making excuses makes you look weak and pathetic.

He was found not guilty. He was exonerated...

Hence, real Americans are making their case in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION...

As is their right. But public opinion does not supersede the findings of the Senate, and those findings say Trump is not guilty...

Donald Trump is a criminal who should not be allowed to again hold public office.

No, he's not.

The Senate says he isn't.

Your opinion is meaningless...

You should be happy that we don't storm Mira Lago and threaten to hang someone.

You know, that's something I would actually like to see. I would love to see the bleeding bodies of idiot libs strewn across the lawn...
Yes, he has been found legally innocent. That doesn't make him innocent. It makes him OJ.

Further, his dismissal by the Senate has nothing to do with the Court of Public Opinion which is where Americans are protesting. I understand that Trumpers object to free speech just as they object to the Constitution (see Jan 6). Are you one of those or do you condemn the Republican Terrorist?

I'm not sure what Fake God appointed you judge, but rest assured that I'm not swayed by your empty rhetoric as to what is meaningless. Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry at you. I allow that you may be in over your head. Keep trying.

As for bleeding bodies, I did a year in combat and it never pleased me to see any of my brothers bleeding regardless of their political sentiments. Either you lack sufficient empathy and compassion to be called human - or are a virgin who has watched too many John Wayne Films.
I understand that Trumpers object to free speech

Replace speech with violence, unless, of course, the trauma of combat caused you to sustain brain damage.
I suppose you might be correct about the Trumpers expecting "free violence". However, Trump appears to have disappointed them in that regard. Some of them will be paying dearly with loss of their freedom.

As for combat trauma and brain damage, I'd wear that with pride but I came home relatively whole. That said, I don't expect that an asshole would understand.
Trumpers object to free violence while Liberals are still burning down cities.
You're probably cheering them on.
So you mean that you pay your friends to beat on you?

Dudette, that's sick and a big waste of money that you probably don't have. Surely, your friends would kick your ass without charge.

Wait, do you have any friends?
Was that post supposed to make sense?
If so, you need psychological counseling pronto.
Do you honestly expect serious replies to your crap?
My replies are relevant to what I am replying to.
I sometimes respond to those from alternate realties with perpetrated irrelevance. It's easier than sifting through their insanity. Of course, it makes them angry but I figure that's what they want. My goal is watch their hair catch fire.
All we learned is that there are 43 Senators who are active enemies of this county.

It will now be up to the rest of us to root out all the militias who supported him and make sure that no member has any chance to repeat their acts of treason.

Everything we do to such people is 100% moral, and it is now our solemn duty to make sure the threat is irradicated forever
And when you run up against someone who won't be pushed around, let us know how it goes from the hospital.
All we learned is that there are 43 Senators who are active enemies of this county.

It will now be up to the rest of us to root out all the militias who supported him and make sure that no member has any chance to repeat their acts of treason.

Everything we do to such people is 100% moral, and it is now our solemn duty to make sure the threat is irradicated forever
And when you run up against someone who won't be pushed around, let us know how it goes from the hospital.

Funny how Agit8r thinks we're enemies of this country because we're not fascists like him and that's the exact same reason we think he's an enemy of this country. If it were up to him, we'd be fired or beaten into shutting up and agreeing with him
You are overlooking the fact that the voting was rigged, a large number of the jurors decided not on merit of the overwhelming evidence but purely on what served their political interest.

Oh, please. Making excuses makes you look weak and pathetic.

He was found not guilty. He was exonerated...

Hence, real Americans are making their case in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION...

As is their right. But public opinion does not supersede the findings of the Senate, and those findings say Trump is not guilty...

Donald Trump is a criminal who should not be allowed to again hold public office.

No, he's not.

The Senate says he isn't.

Your opinion is meaningless...

You should be happy that we don't storm Mira Lago and threaten to hang someone.

You know, that's something I would actually like to see. I would love to see the bleeding bodies of idiot libs strewn across the lawn...
Yes, he has been found legally innocent. That doesn't make him innocent. It makes him OJ.

Further, his dismissal by the Senate has nothing to do with the Court of Public Opinion which is where Americans are protesting. I understand that Trumpers object to free speech just as they object to the Constitution (see Jan 6). Are you one of those or do you condemn the Republican Terrorist?

I'm not sure what Fake God appointed you judge, but rest assured that I'm not swayed by your empty rhetoric as to what is meaningless. Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry at you. I allow that you may be in over your head. Keep trying.

As for bleeding bodies, I did a year in combat and it never pleased me to see any of my brothers bleeding regardless of their political sentiments. Either you lack sufficient empathy and compassion to be called human - or are a virgin who has watched too many John Wayne Films.
It makes him not guilty twice no matter how much that vexes your emotions.
Well it makes him not guilty in the eyes of the government. He has not been found not guilty in a court of law, a venue he still may face.
You are overlooking the fact that the voting was rigged, a large number of the jurors decided not on merit of the overwhelming evidence but purely on what served their political interest.

Oh, please. Making excuses makes you look weak and pathetic.

He was found not guilty. He was exonerated...

Hence, real Americans are making their case in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION...

As is their right. But public opinion does not supersede the findings of the Senate, and those findings say Trump is not guilty...

Donald Trump is a criminal who should not be allowed to again hold public office.

No, he's not.

The Senate says he isn't.

Your opinion is meaningless...

You should be happy that we don't storm Mira Lago and threaten to hang someone.

You know, that's something I would actually like to see. I would love to see the bleeding bodies of idiot libs strewn across the lawn...
Yes, he has been found legally innocent. That doesn't make him innocent. It makes him OJ.

Further, his dismissal by the Senate has nothing to do with the Court of Public Opinion which is where Americans are protesting. I understand that Trumpers object to free speech just as they object to the Constitution (see Jan 6). Are you one of those or do you condemn the Republican Terrorist?

I'm not sure what Fake God appointed you judge, but rest assured that I'm not swayed by your empty rhetoric as to what is meaningless. Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry at you. I allow that you may be in over your head. Keep trying.

As for bleeding bodies, I did a year in combat and it never pleased me to see any of my brothers bleeding regardless of their political sentiments. Either you lack sufficient empathy and compassion to be called human - or are a virgin who has watched too many John Wayne Films.
It makes him not guilty twice no matter how much that vexes your emotions.
I stand on what I already provided, that he was found legally innocent. If that's not good enough for you, shit and fall back in it.
Correction, he was not found legally innocent. Impeachment is a political process, not a legal process. He's been found politically not guilty.
You are overlooking the fact that the voting was rigged, a large number of the jurors decided not on merit of the overwhelming evidence but purely on what served their political interest.

Oh, please. Making excuses makes you look weak and pathetic.

He was found not guilty. He was exonerated...

Hence, real Americans are making their case in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION...

As is their right. But public opinion does not supersede the findings of the Senate, and those findings say Trump is not guilty...

Donald Trump is a criminal who should not be allowed to again hold public office.

No, he's not.

The Senate says he isn't.

Your opinion is meaningless...

You should be happy that we don't storm Mira Lago and threaten to hang someone.

You know, that's something I would actually like to see. I would love to see the bleeding bodies of idiot libs strewn across the lawn...
Yes, he has been found legally innocent. That doesn't make him innocent. It makes him OJ.

Further, his dismissal by the Senate has nothing to do with the Court of Public Opinion which is where Americans are protesting. I understand that Trumpers object to free speech just as they object to the Constitution (see Jan 6). Are you one of those or do you condemn the Republican Terrorist?

I'm not sure what Fake God appointed you judge, but rest assured that I'm not swayed by your empty rhetoric as to what is meaningless. Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry at you. I allow that you may be in over your head. Keep trying.

As for bleeding bodies, I did a year in combat and it never pleased me to see any of my brothers bleeding regardless of their political sentiments. Either you lack sufficient empathy and compassion to be called human - or are a virgin who has watched too many John Wayne Films.
It makes him not guilty twice no matter how much that vexes your emotions.
Well it makes him not guilty in the eyes of the government. He has not been found not guilty in a court of law, a venue he still may face.

The criminalization of politics by the fascist left
Awwww does someone criticizing the dead vote upset you and make your pelosi tighten???
What is the "dead vote"? Like zombies?
No, zombies are people who are in an eternal afterlife state because they didn't wear a mask when told by the Gestapo and were smitten with the leftyvirus. Dead people are voters the Dems resurrect on fake ballots every election, its one of their well established patterns of cheating.
Yes, Donald Trump lost because...Democrats...resurrected the dead. sure lady.
Well, with the leftyvirus fake mailin ballots from China, its quite possible that dead votes were fairly infrequent.....because any name could be attached to the ballot being filled out by numerous libber workers at the polls as they were never checked. Imagine that.....millions of ballots with only "Biden" selected nobody bothered to quality check.
Go kick rocks, lady. Donald Trump lost the election. By like 7 or 8 million votes. There were no resurrected voters, the Democrats are not Necromancers. Y'all just got your butt kicked. That's all. Move on.
Sure lady (since for some reason you call me that). Without millions of fake mailin ballots, Pinochijoe wouldn't have been close. How many counties did he win, fewer then Hildabeast right? We all know the scam that just took place.
I thought you were a female. sorry... anyways, y'all lost. move on. It was not even close.
I have moved on....a little less than before though with gas prices so high now.

You know you're a fucking nut, don't you?

Nationally, gas prices are up only 0.066¢ on average since a year ago...

LOL, the guy who needs to look at his avatar before calling someone a "fucking nut," LOL.

Interesting self image you have there sport
Aww, poor guy. Thanks for letting me know you're bothered by my avatar. :itsok:

And yes, someone complaining about gas prices under Biden while ignoring gas prices under Trump, which were just 0.066¢ lower a year ago, is a fucking nut. Did that hit too close to home for you too?

You are overlooking the fact that the voting was rigged, a large number of the jurors decided not on merit of the overwhelming evidence but purely on what served their political interest.

Oh, please. Making excuses makes you look weak and pathetic.

He was found not guilty. He was exonerated...

Hence, real Americans are making their case in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION...

As is their right. But public opinion does not supersede the findings of the Senate, and those findings say Trump is not guilty...

Donald Trump is a criminal who should not be allowed to again hold public office.

No, he's not.

The Senate says he isn't.

Your opinion is meaningless...

You should be happy that we don't storm Mira Lago and threaten to hang someone.

You know, that's something I would actually like to see. I would love to see the bleeding bodies of idiot libs strewn across the lawn...
Yes, he has been found legally innocent. That doesn't make him innocent. It makes him OJ.

Further, his dismissal by the Senate has nothing to do with the Court of Public Opinion which is where Americans are protesting. I understand that Trumpers object to free speech just as they object to the Constitution (see Jan 6). Are you one of those or do you condemn the Republican Terrorist?

I'm not sure what Fake God appointed you judge, but rest assured that I'm not swayed by your empty rhetoric as to what is meaningless. Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry at you. I allow that you may be in over your head. Keep trying.

As for bleeding bodies, I did a year in combat and it never pleased me to see any of my brothers bleeding regardless of their political sentiments. Either you lack sufficient empathy and compassion to be called human - or are a virgin who has watched too many John Wayne Films.
It makes him not guilty twice no matter how much that vexes your emotions.
Well it makes him not guilty in the eyes of the government. He has not been found not guilty in a court of law, a venue he still may face.

The criminalization of politics by the fascist left
Oh? What criminalization would that be?
All we learned is that there are 43 Senators who are active enemies of this county.

It will now be up to the rest of us to root out all the militias who supported him and make sure that no member has any chance to repeat their acts of treason.

Everything we do to such people is 100% moral, and it is now our solemn duty to make sure the threat is irradicated forever
And when you run up against someone who won't be pushed around, let us know how it goes from the hospital.

Funny how Agit8r thinks we're enemies of this country because we're not fascists like him and that's the exact same reason we think he's an enemy of this country. If it were up to him, we'd be fired or beaten into shutting up and agreeing with him

Projecting much?
Awwww does someone criticizing the dead vote upset you and make your pelosi tighten???
What is the "dead vote"? Like zombies?
No, zombies are people who are in an eternal afterlife state because they didn't wear a mask when told by the Gestapo and were smitten with the leftyvirus. Dead people are voters the Dems resurrect on fake ballots every election, its one of their well established patterns of cheating.
Yes, Donald Trump lost because...Democrats...resurrected the dead. sure lady.
Well, with the leftyvirus fake mailin ballots from China, its quite possible that dead votes were fairly infrequent.....because any name could be attached to the ballot being filled out by numerous libber workers at the polls as they were never checked. Imagine that.....millions of ballots with only "Biden" selected nobody bothered to quality check.
Go kick rocks, lady. Donald Trump lost the election. By like 7 or 8 million votes. There were no resurrected voters, the Democrats are not Necromancers. Y'all just got your butt kicked. That's all. Move on.
Sure lady (since for some reason you call me that). Without millions of fake mailin ballots, Pinochijoe wouldn't have been close. How many counties did he win, fewer then Hildabeast right? We all know the scam that just took place.
I thought you were a female. sorry... anyways, y'all lost. move on. It was not even close.
I have moved on....a little less than before though with gas prices so high now.

You know you're a fucking nut, don't you?

Nationally, gas prices are up only 0.066¢ on average since a year ago...

LOL, the guy who needs to look at his avatar before calling someone a "fucking nut," LOL.

Interesting self image you have there sport
Aww, poor guy. Thanks for letting me know you're bothered by my avatar. :itsok:

And yes, someone complaining about gas prices under Biden while ignoring gas prices under Trump, which were just 0.066¢ lower a year ago, is a fucking nut. Did that hit too close to home for you too?


Your avatar is hilarious. I love it. It clearly identifies you as the nut that you are. And that you pick Trump as your self selected self image is hilarious. It's funny as hell, angry fascist man
You are overlooking the fact that the voting was rigged, a large number of the jurors decided not on merit of the overwhelming evidence but purely on what served their political interest.

Oh, please. Making excuses makes you look weak and pathetic.

He was found not guilty. He was exonerated...

Hence, real Americans are making their case in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION...

As is their right. But public opinion does not supersede the findings of the Senate, and those findings say Trump is not guilty...

Donald Trump is a criminal who should not be allowed to again hold public office.

No, he's not.

The Senate says he isn't.

Your opinion is meaningless...

You should be happy that we don't storm Mira Lago and threaten to hang someone.

You know, that's something I would actually like to see. I would love to see the bleeding bodies of idiot libs strewn across the lawn...
Yes, he has been found legally innocent. That doesn't make him innocent. It makes him OJ.

Further, his dismissal by the Senate has nothing to do with the Court of Public Opinion which is where Americans are protesting. I understand that Trumpers object to free speech just as they object to the Constitution (see Jan 6). Are you one of those or do you condemn the Republican Terrorist?

I'm not sure what Fake God appointed you judge, but rest assured that I'm not swayed by your empty rhetoric as to what is meaningless. Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry at you. I allow that you may be in over your head. Keep trying.

As for bleeding bodies, I did a year in combat and it never pleased me to see any of my brothers bleeding regardless of their political sentiments. Either you lack sufficient empathy and compassion to be called human - or are a virgin who has watched too many John Wayne Films.
It makes him not guilty twice no matter how much that vexes your emotions.
Well it makes him not guilty in the eyes of the government. He has not been found not guilty in a court of law, a venue he still may face.

The criminalization of politics by the fascist left
Oh? What criminalization would that be?

Read the post I responded to. See how that works, Nazi?
All we learned is that there are 43 Senators who are active enemies of this county.

It will now be up to the rest of us to root out all the militias who supported him and make sure that no member has any chance to repeat their acts of treason.

Everything we do to such people is 100% moral, and it is now our solemn duty to make sure the threat is irradicated forever
And when you run up against someone who won't be pushed around, let us know how it goes from the hospital.

Funny how Agit8r thinks we're enemies of this country because we're not fascists like him and that's the exact same reason we think he's an enemy of this country. If it were up to him, we'd be fired or beaten into shutting up and agreeing with him

Projecting much?

So you have nothing but playground, huh?

Agit8r: No I'm not, kaz, YOU are! You are, kaz, you are!

Good one, if 8 is your age
He's been found politically not guilty.
You know, that is a useful...and perceptive....definition of what happened in that Senate 'trial'. Thank you, poster Faun.

The recent threads and posts on total "exoneration".... of "not responsible" have all tried-too-hard to wrap Don Trump in the swaddling cloth of innocence.

He wasn't.
He was not innocent of fostering and encouraging and directing the anger and agitation that became an insurrection to destroy the American government. The event didn't happen without Don Trump.
It wouldn't have happened without Don Trump.

So yes, he was found politically not guilty by 43 Senators.
Tho 57 others did.
But not enough under the high-bar rules long established.
So be it.

But Don Trump, I think we can all agree after watching the offered videos and listening to the case against him, well, Don Trump didn't really come out a winner from last week's events. Rather, he escaped ----from last week's event.

Some can be forgiven for thinking they see a similarity to the OJ Simpson "not guilty" experience.

You are overlooking the fact that the voting was rigged, a large number of the jurors decided not on merit of the overwhelming evidence but purely on what served their political interest.

Oh, please. Making excuses makes you look weak and pathetic.

He was found not guilty. He was exonerated...

Hence, real Americans are making their case in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION...

As is their right. But public opinion does not supersede the findings of the Senate, and those findings say Trump is not guilty...

Donald Trump is a criminal who should not be allowed to again hold public office.

No, he's not.

The Senate says he isn't.

Your opinion is meaningless...

You should be happy that we don't storm Mira Lago and threaten to hang someone.

You know, that's something I would actually like to see. I would love to see the bleeding bodies of idiot libs strewn across the lawn...
Yes, he has been found legally innocent. That doesn't make him innocent. It makes him OJ.

Further, his dismissal by the Senate has nothing to do with the Court of Public Opinion which is where Americans are protesting. I understand that Trumpers object to free speech just as they object to the Constitution (see Jan 6). Are you one of those or do you condemn the Republican Terrorist?

I'm not sure what Fake God appointed you judge, but rest assured that I'm not swayed by your empty rhetoric as to what is meaningless. Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry at you. I allow that you may be in over your head. Keep trying.

As for bleeding bodies, I did a year in combat and it never pleased me to see any of my brothers bleeding regardless of their political sentiments. Either you lack sufficient empathy and compassion to be called human - or are a virgin who has watched too many John Wayne Films.
It makes him not guilty twice no matter how much that vexes your emotions.
I stand on what I already provided, that he was found legally innocent. If that's not good enough for you, shit and fall back in it.
Correction, he was not found legally innocent. Impeachment is a political process, not a legal process. He's been found politically not guilty.
Spot on. Thanks
You are overlooking the fact that the voting was rigged, a large number of the jurors decided not on merit of the overwhelming evidence but purely on what served their political interest.

Oh, please. Making excuses makes you look weak and pathetic.

He was found not guilty. He was exonerated...

Hence, real Americans are making their case in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION...

As is their right. But public opinion does not supersede the findings of the Senate, and those findings say Trump is not guilty...

Donald Trump is a criminal who should not be allowed to again hold public office.

No, he's not.

The Senate says he isn't.

Your opinion is meaningless...

You should be happy that we don't storm Mira Lago and threaten to hang someone.

You know, that's something I would actually like to see. I would love to see the bleeding bodies of idiot libs strewn across the lawn...
Yes, he has been found legally innocent. That doesn't make him innocent. It makes him OJ.

Further, his dismissal by the Senate has nothing to do with the Court of Public Opinion which is where Americans are protesting. I understand that Trumpers object to free speech just as they object to the Constitution (see Jan 6). Are you one of those or do you condemn the Republican Terrorist?

I'm not sure what Fake God appointed you judge, but rest assured that I'm not swayed by your empty rhetoric as to what is meaningless. Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry at you. I allow that you may be in over your head. Keep trying.

As for bleeding bodies, I did a year in combat and it never pleased me to see any of my brothers bleeding regardless of their political sentiments. Either you lack sufficient empathy and compassion to be called human - or are a virgin who has watched too many John Wayne Films.
It makes him not guilty twice no matter how much that vexes your emotions.
Well it makes him not guilty in the eyes of the government. He has not been found not guilty in a court of law, a venue he still may face.

The criminalization of politics by the fascist left
Per Miriram-Webster:

Definition of fascism

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition ...

Sounds like a chapter out of four years with Trump, he who would pronounce himself Dictator in Charge (a DiC) by denying the Rule of Law and a democratic process.

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