Trump Has Driven The Left Mad

“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Under Barack Obama two hot Republican wars were ended. Wars in which 6,000 young Americans sacrificed their lives. You warmongers should get another agenda....either that or start sending your own to fight your goddam oil wars. In the heat of the war in Iraq a survey of all the Republican politicians was taken and one representative from the house had a son fighting there....the rest, Zilch!
More died in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush. Hate is a poor substitute for thought.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Trump upset the applecart but it was full of bad apples rotten to the core. Trump righted the applecart and is filling it up with good apples. Trump's greatest accomplishment to date.
Anarchist punks and black thugs in Berkeley and DC, dupes....not Dems duhhhh.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Under Barack Obama two hot Republican wars were ended. Wars in which 6,000 young Americans sacrificed their lives. You warmongers should get another agenda....either that or start sending your own to fight your goddam oil wars. In the heat of the war in Iraq a survey of all the Republican politicians was taken and one representative from the house had a son fighting there....the rest, Zilch!
More died in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush. Hate is a poor substitute for thought.
Booosh was too busy running off to Iraq and wrecking the ME for no reason, dupe- and letting an easy victory in Afghan, and OBL, get away. Great job!
Iraq and Afghan. Basically no more US deaths, dupe. Owens is on Trump duh.
Nobody else saw ISIS coming. Iraq- stupidest war EVER!!!! No reason for it at ALL, dupes.
90 months of growth, best economy in the world. DESPITE total GOP obstruction and pure fear mongering. Total a-holes, dupe.

And go to prison...

Lies, the worst economy for eight years since the depression, There is no extraction from either war there was a withdrawal that caused thousands of civilian deaths, and made the entire region a base for terrorist activity Afghanistan was started by clinton.

If they stand in the way, he pushes them out of his way and they attack him as they always do he will not even be true billed for grinding them up like the shit they are. Especially NOT if I am on the Grand Jury.
The worst economy was BEFORE Obama got in DUH lol. We went to afghan after 9/11, that Booosh allowed by sheer incompetence. The Northern Alliance won that, but Booosh wrecked that by running off to Iraq for no reason. Just watch TCM or something, you're out of your mind, dupe.
During the campaign, one thing most Americans could agree on was the two nominees were possibly the least likable, least honorable, least effective people ever to hold the nominations of the Republican and the Democrat parties. The Republicans did not full thoatedly support The Sonald. Romney, Ryan (the standard bearers for the GOP in 2012) both distanced themselves from what they considered incompetence and renegade behavior from the Trump campaign.

But today, we find the RWNJ in total lockstep with the boorish, the crass, the petulant Donald Trump! Were the political principles of the Right so malleabl? Were they so insincere that they could be abandoned simply because an election was won by someone nominated by the hapless Republicans? And if those principles were indeed so insincere, what precisely do these RWNJ hold dear? Fiscal responsibility or simply winning? Social repression of Gays and women and minorities, or an election victory?

Donald J Trump drives every freedom loving American mad. Every American who was raised better than to 'respect' a rodeo clown like Trump. Every American who still believes social comportment and a gentlemanly hand at the tiller of the ship of state is preferable to an erratic, manic, tweet happy immature man-child with a thin skin, a fragile ego and the power of the Presidency to further his business dealings.
... and, of course, we see the left with their nose so far up Hillary's ass they can't see the truth.
If that were true, you would have never heard of Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders was a joke .....he never had a chance ... the system was rigged against him.
Oh bs. That crap from Putin e-mails meant NOTHING. Ask Bernie, dupe.

Didn't mention a word about Putin, did I?

But, I will be glad to talk about super delegates, if you'd like. The fix was in.

Sanders was allowed to play only because they thought he would bring millennials to the Dem side ... guess how well that worked !!!
Putin was the guy sending all those e-mails from the DNC to our media every day. Unfortunately, there is no evidence of them DOING anything, just bs-ing. Not crazy about super deegates, as I voted for Bernie in NY, but those were their rules. All would have worked fine without Comey's bs letter to congress 11 days before the election...(and Hillary is corrupt was also bs fake news-25 years of it, and Putin e-mails and pundits bs-ing for a year and a half).
Iraq and Afghan. Basically no more US deaths, dupe. Owens is on Trump duh.
Nobody else saw ISIS coming. Iraq- stupidest war EVER!!!! No reason for it at ALL, dupes.
90 months of growth, best economy in the world. DESPITE total GOP obstruction and pure fear mongering. Total a-holes, dupe.

And go to prison...

Lies, the worst economy for eight years since the depression, There is no extraction from either war there was a withdrawal that caused thousands of civilian deaths, and made the entire region a base for terrorist activity Afghanistan was started by clinton.

If they stand in the way, he pushes them out of his way and they attack him as they always do he will not even be true billed for grinding them up like the shit they are. Especially NOT if I am on the Grand Jury.
The worst economy was BEFORE Obama got in DUH lol. We went to afghan after 9/11, that Booosh allowed by sheer incompetence. The Northern Alliance won that, but Booosh wrecked that by running off to Iraq for no reason. Just watch TCM or something, you're out of your mind, dupe.
Funny how Fannie and Freddie's share of the RE market went from 75% to 25% in 2002-3 and Countrywide etc AIG went nuts under zero oversight by the GOP....but thanks for the BS GOP propaganda...

Globalism is just the natural result of better communications and transportation, not a conspiracy. Bush and the GOP are pander to the rich liars, Clinton and the Dems are for fair taxes for the rich and investment in the nonrich and the country. You are highly misinformed, an expert on bs.

Globalism is a direct result of the socialistic movement of the left. The left-wing loons of the Democrat Party have driven it into the ground by its insistence to deviate from American principles and American values , and it may never recover.
And globalism is just natural, not a conspiracy. Your post is gibberish. The Dems have driven globalism into the ground, you say? WTH? lol. What principles?

Holy fuck !! You really ARE dense, aren't you?
So what did he mean, and what principles does increased trade around the word deviate us from, dupe? Or it only your bs Biderberg conspiracy theories, dupe?

AND WTF is wrong with cheap training/ed to prepare our workers/UE for the good jobs that globalism (NOT THE CONSPIRACEEE!!!!!, dupes) produces and are now going to Germany etc...anything to protect your greedy idiot rich GOP heroes and brainwashers...
Lies, the worst economy for eight years since the depression, There is no extraction from either war there was a withdrawal that caused thousands of civilian deaths, and made the entire region a base for terrorist activity Afghanistan was started by clinton.

If they stand in the way, he pushes them out of his way and they attack him as they always do he will not even be true billed for grinding them up like the shit they are. Especially NOT if I am on the Grand Jury.
The worst economy was BEFORE Obama got in DUH lol. We went to afghan after 9/11, that Booosh allowed by sheer incompetence. The Northern Alliance won that, but Booosh wrecked that by running off to Iraq for no reason. Just watch TCM or something, you're out of your mind, dupe.
... and, of course, we see the left with their nose so far up Hillary's ass they can't see the truth.
If that were true, you would have never heard of Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders was a joke .....he never had a chance ... the system was rigged against him.
Oh bs. That crap from Putin e-mails meant NOTHING. Ask Bernie, dupe.

Didn't mention a word about Putin, did I?

But, I will be glad to talk about super delegates, if you'd like. The fix was in.

Sanders was allowed to play only because they thought he would bring millennials to the Dem side ... guess how well that worked !!!
Putin was the guy sending all those e-mails from the DNC to our media every day. Unfortunately, there is no evidence of them DOING anything, just bs-ing. Not crazy about super deegates, as I voted for Bernie in NY, but those were their rules. All would have worked fine without Comey's bs letter to congress 11 days before the election...(and Hillary is corrupt was also bs fake news-25 years of it, and Putin e-mails and pundits bs-ing for a year and a half).

Nonsense. Sanders couldn't win - that's why Clinton focused the primaries on Republicans, and not Sanders.

We conveniently forget that all those emails Putin released were, simply, the TRUTH. It DOES have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass, doesn't it?

Comey? Seriously? How many Democrats do you suppose switched over to Trump as a result of the criminal investigation?
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

for some reason rightwingnut losers always need to feel like they're "driving the left mad" or "scaring the left".

hint: you don't drive anyone mad. and no one is afraid of your ignorant butts.

but your insanity is proof that you trump loons hate the country so much that you don't care that he's insane. you don't care that he's incompetent. you don't care that his top advisors work for russia.... so your hate causes you to be un-American and disgusting.

so don't talk to anyone about losing their mind. you voted for an internet troll as president.

“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters

Fooled you!!!

You didn't have to "trick" me into hating immature and irresponsible protesters.

It just kinda came natural.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Under Barack Obama two hot Republican wars were ended. Wars in which 6,000 young Americans sacrificed their lives. You goddam warmongers should get another agenda.

Really? Just exactly what "... two hot Republican wars ..." were ended?
No more US combat deaths DUH....the stupidest wars EVER. And you incompetents also allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence. AND a corrupt world depression still going on many places because of your mindless obstruction for 8 years...thankfully Trump has dumped your brainwashed asses...without your knowledge of course...

If there was such incompetence, then Clinton NSA Secretary Sandy Berger would not have been destroying and/or stealing National Archives documents related to 9/11? You can't dupe that fact outside of what lies between your ears.
The worst economy was BEFORE Obama got in DUH lol. We went to afghan after 9/11, that Booosh allowed by sheer incompetence. The Northern Alliance won that, but Booosh wrecked that by running off to Iraq for no reason. Just watch TCM or something, you're out of your mind, dupe.
If that were true, you would have never heard of Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders was a joke .....he never had a chance ... the system was rigged against him.
Oh bs. That crap from Putin e-mails meant NOTHING. Ask Bernie, dupe.

Didn't mention a word about Putin, did I?

But, I will be glad to talk about super delegates, if you'd like. The fix was in.

Sanders was allowed to play only because they thought he would bring millennials to the Dem side ... guess how well that worked !!!
Putin was the guy sending all those e-mails from the DNC to our media every day. Unfortunately, there is no evidence of them DOING anything, just bs-ing. Not crazy about super deegates, as I voted for Bernie in NY, but those were their rules. All would have worked fine without Comey's bs letter to congress 11 days before the election...(and Hillary is corrupt was also bs fake news-25 years of it, and Putin e-mails and pundits bs-ing for a year and a half).

Nonsense. Sanders couldn't win - that's why Clinton focused the primaries on Republicans, and not Sanders.

We conveniently forget that all those emails Putin released were, simply, the TRUTH. It DOES have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass, doesn't it?

Comey? Seriously? How many Democrats do you suppose switched over to Trump as a result of the criminal investigation?
She never said a WORD against Sanders, and what DNC staffers BSed about means NOTHING, dupe- That didn't stop all pundits from ALSO making mountains out of nothing. Our media is gotcha pathetic. Still, Hillary was up 10 til Comey started it up again with 11 days to go- against all protocol. Now 4% of that was Trump voters lying or ignoring pollsters, but that did it, DUH dupe.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters

Fooled you!!!

You didn't have to "trick" me into hating immature and irresponsible protesters.

It just kinda came natural.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Under Barack Obama two hot Republican wars were ended. Wars in which 6,000 young Americans sacrificed their lives. You goddam warmongers should get another agenda.

Really? Just exactly what "... two hot Republican wars ..." were ended?
No more US combat deaths DUH....the stupidest wars EVER. And you incompetents also allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence. AND a corrupt world depression still going on many places because of your mindless obstruction for 8 years...thankfully Trump has dumped your brainwashed asses...without your knowledge of course...

If there was such incompetence, then Clinton NSA Secretary Sandy Berger would not have been destroying and/or stealing National Archives documents related to 9/11? You can't dupe that fact outside of what lies between your ears.
He was an idiot that night, end of story. As if, lol, dupe. Try and follow the discussion.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters

Fooled you!!!

You didn't have to "trick" me into hating immature and irresponsible protesters.

It just kinda came natural.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Under Barack Obama two hot Republican wars were ended. Wars in which 6,000 young Americans sacrificed their lives. You goddam warmongers should get another agenda.

Really? Just exactly what "... two hot Republican wars ..." were ended?
No more US combat deaths DUH....the stupidest wars EVER. And you incompetents also allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence. AND a corrupt world depression still going on many places because of your mindless obstruction for 8 years...thankfully Trump has dumped your brainwashed asses...without your knowledge of course...

If there was such incompetence, then Clinton NSA Secretary Sandy Berger would not have been destroying and/or stealing National Archives documents related to 9/11? You can't dupe that fact outside of what lies between your ears.
He was an idiot that night, end of story. As if, lol, dupe. Try and follow the discussion.

His idiocy in one night was the beginning, middle, and never ending of it. You brought up's part of the discussion.
The worst economy was BEFORE Obama got in DUH lol. We went to afghan after 9/11, that Booosh allowed by sheer incompetence. The Northern Alliance won that, but Booosh wrecked that by running off to Iraq for no reason. Just watch TCM or something, you're out of your mind, dupe.
If that were true, you would have never heard of Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders was a joke .....he never had a chance ... the system was rigged against him.
Oh bs. That crap from Putin e-mails meant NOTHING. Ask Bernie, dupe.

Didn't mention a word about Putin, did I?

But, I will be glad to talk about super delegates, if you'd like. The fix was in.

Sanders was allowed to play only because they thought he would bring millennials to the Dem side ... guess how well that worked !!!
Putin was the guy sending all those e-mails from the DNC to our media every day. Unfortunately, there is no evidence of them DOING anything, just bs-ing. Not crazy about super deegates, as I voted for Bernie in NY, but those were their rules. All would have worked fine without Comey's bs letter to congress 11 days before the election...(and Hillary is corrupt was also bs fake news-25 years of it, and Putin e-mails and pundits bs-ing for a year and a half).

Nonsense. Sanders couldn't win - that's why Clinton focused the primaries on Republicans, and not Sanders.

We conveniently forget that all those emails Putin released were, simply, the TRUTH. It DOES have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass, doesn't it?

Comey? Seriously? How many Democrats do you suppose switched over to Trump as a result of the criminal investigation?
Look at the E-mails, dumbass. NOTHING but jackasses/staffers bs-ing. Independents switched, not Dems. "They talk about it all the time, there must be something there.'' Nope. Hell, 3% decide in the booth. Dumbest voters in the modern world.

Fooled you!!!

You didn't have to "trick" me into hating immature and irresponsible protesters.

It just kinda came natural.
Under Barack Obama two hot Republican wars were ended. Wars in which 6,000 young Americans sacrificed their lives. You goddam warmongers should get another agenda.

Really? Just exactly what "... two hot Republican wars ..." were ended?
No more US combat deaths DUH....the stupidest wars EVER. And you incompetents also allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence. AND a corrupt world depression still going on many places because of your mindless obstruction for 8 years...thankfully Trump has dumped your brainwashed asses...without your knowledge of course...

If there was such incompetence, then Clinton NSA Secretary Sandy Berger would not have been destroying and/or stealing National Archives documents related to 9/11? You can't dupe that fact outside of what lies between your ears.
He was an idiot that night, end of story. As if, lol, dupe. Try and follow the discussion.

His idiocy in one night was the beginning, middle, and never ending of it. You brought up's part of the discussion.
Berger had nothing to do with 9/11, just like Clinton. That was Booosh never even seeing his terror Czar. Cheney probably WANTED an excuse to incompetence on every level.

Fooled you!!!

You didn't have to "trick" me into hating immature and irresponsible protesters.

It just kinda came natural.
Under Barack Obama two hot Republican wars were ended. Wars in which 6,000 young Americans sacrificed their lives. You goddam warmongers should get another agenda.

Really? Just exactly what "... two hot Republican wars ..." were ended?
No more US combat deaths DUH....the stupidest wars EVER. And you incompetents also allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence. AND a corrupt world depression still going on many places because of your mindless obstruction for 8 years...thankfully Trump has dumped your brainwashed asses...without your knowledge of course...

If there was such incompetence, then Clinton NSA Secretary Sandy Berger would not have been destroying and/or stealing National Archives documents related to 9/11? You can't dupe that fact outside of what lies between your ears.
He was an idiot that night, end of story. As if, lol, dupe. Try and follow the discussion.

His idiocy in one night was the beginning, middle, and never ending of it. You brought up's part of the discussion.
Link? Where the hell do you get that, Rush? Total crap- out of thin air. Berger theft wasn't important, as far as the lawmen looking into it were concerned, and it appears there were other copies, so PFFFFT!!.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

The left was already mad for the most part before Trump.
Fooled you!!!

You didn't have to "trick" me into hating immature and irresponsible protesters.

It just kinda came natural.
Really? Just exactly what "... two hot Republican wars ..." were ended?
No more US combat deaths DUH....the stupidest wars EVER. And you incompetents also allowed 9/11 thru sheer incompetence. AND a corrupt world depression still going on many places because of your mindless obstruction for 8 years...thankfully Trump has dumped your brainwashed asses...without your knowledge of course...

If there was such incompetence, then Clinton NSA Secretary Sandy Berger would not have been destroying and/or stealing National Archives documents related to 9/11? You can't dupe that fact outside of what lies between your ears.
He was an idiot that night, end of story. As if, lol, dupe. Try and follow the discussion.

His idiocy in one night was the beginning, middle, and never ending of it. You brought up's part of the discussion.
Link? Where the hell do you get that, Rush? Total crap- out of thin air. Berger theft wasn't important, as far as the lawmen looking into it were concerned, and it appears there were other copies, so PFFFFT!!.

Why did he have to theft?
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

for some reason rightwingnut losers always need to feel like they're "driving the left mad" or "scaring the left".

hint: you don't drive anyone mad. and no one is afraid of your ignorant butts.

but your insanity is proof that you trump loons hate the country so much that you don't care that he's insane. you don't care that he's incompetent. you don't care that his top advisors work for russia.... so your hate causes you to be un-American and disgusting.

so don't talk to anyone about losing their mind. you voted for an internet troll as president.


Perhaps, then, you can rationalize the paranoia of the left, the need to violate every societal norm, to ignore the rule of law, and to, simply, make up things in an effort to move your agenda forward.

Can you explain the absolute stupidity that thinks Trump's failure to build a 2000 mile wall on inauguration day is a failure?

Can you explain why you think using a measured and conscientious approach to replacing Obamacare is a direct insult to his voters?

Can you explain why the simple presence of someone who offers a different political philosophy is justification for rioting, destruction, looting, and suspension of the 1st Amendment?

Can you explain why something said 30 years ago would mobilize thousands of misinformed and hysterical women to march in the streets for their rights, while simultaneously demanding that the rights of other women be suppressed?

Can you explain why you think the left is justified in slow-rolling Cabinet nominations in order to prevent the President having the tools he needs to do his job?

Can you explain why the left would intentionally misconstrue the contents of an executive order, turning it into something it never was, in order to block an action the vast majority of the American populace believes is right and appropriate?

If - and when - you can explain these incredibly narcissistic, elitist, and just plain silly things, then I'll listen.


An addendum:

Can you explain why you think it appropriate to ruin someone's career simply because they hold political views different than yours?

Singer Joy Villa wears Trump dress to the Grammys
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