Trump Has Driven The Left Mad

“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Conservatives were fucking LIARS about Obama, saying he was destroying the country, yet let him lead on mostly peacefully for 8 years.

If English is your first language you need to go back to school.
During the campaign, one thing most Americans could agree on was the two nominees were possibly the least likable, least honorable, least effective people ever to hold the nominations of the Republican and the Democrat parties. The Republicans did not full thoatedly support The Sonald. Romney, Ryan (the standard bearers for the GOP in 2012) both distanced themselves from what they considered incompetence and renegade behavior from the Trump campaign.

But today, we find the RWNJ in total lockstep with the boorish, the crass, the petulant Donald Trump! Were the political principles of the Right so malleabl? Were they so insincere that they could be abandoned simply because an election was won by someone nominated by the hapless Republicans? And if those principles were indeed so insincere, what precisely do these RWNJ hold dear? Fiscal responsibility or simply winning? Social repression of Gays and women and minorities, or an election victory?

Donald J Trump drives every freedom loving American mad. Every American who was raised better than to 'respect' a rodeo clown like Trump. Every American who still believes social comportment and a gentlemanly hand at the tiller of the ship of state is preferable to an erratic, manic, tweet happy immature man-child with a thin skin, a fragile ego and the power of the Presidency to further his business dealings.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Conservatives were fucking LIARS about Obama, saying he was destroying the country, yet let him lead on mostly peacefully for 8 years.

It was worse than that he trashed the world with leading from behind..

The damn recession should of been over in 2011..but noooo Mr. Anti-bussiness president kept on slowing it down.

During the campaign, one thing most Americans could agree on was the two nominees were possibly the least likable, least honorable, least effective people ever to hold the nominations of the Republican and the Democrat parties. The Republicans did not full thoatedly support The Sonald. Romney, Ryan (the standard bearers for the GOP in 2012) both distanced themselves from what they considered incompetence and renegade behavior from the Trump campaign.

But today, we find the RWNJ in total lockstep with the boorish, the crass, the petulant Donald Trump! Were the political principles of the Right so malleabl? Were they so insincere that they could be abandoned simply because an election was won by someone nominated by the hapless Republicans? And if those principles were indeed so insincere, what precisely do these RWNJ hold dear? Fiscal responsibility or simply winning? Social repression of Gays and women and minorities, or an election victory?

Donald J Trump drives every freedom loving American mad. Every American who was raised better than to 'respect' a rodeo clown like Trump. Every American who still believes social comportment and a gentlemanly hand at the tiller of the ship of state is preferable to an erratic, manic, tweet happy immature man-child with a thin skin, a fragile ego and the power of the Presidency to further his business dealings.

Why? because he wants to undo decades of Draconian restrictions imposed by globalist politicians? Get real. Political Correctness is oppression and suppression of free speech.
Iraq and Afghan. Basically no more US deaths, dupe. Owens is on Trump duh.
Nobody else saw ISIS coming. Iraq- stupidest war EVER!!!! No reason for it at ALL, dupes.
90 months of growth, best economy in the world. DESPITE total GOP obstruction and pure fear mongering. Total a-holes, dupe.

And go to prison...

Lies, the worst economy for eight years since the depression, There is no extraction from either war there was a withdrawal that caused thousands of civilian deaths, and made the entire region a base for terrorist activity Afghanistan was started by clinton.

If they stand in the way, he pushes them out of his way and they attack him as they always do he will not even be true billed for grinding them up like the shit they are. Especially NOT if I am on the Grand Jury.
The worst economy was BEFORE Obama got in DUH lol. We went to afghan after 9/11, that Booosh allowed by sheer incompetence. The Northern Alliance won that, but Booosh wrecked that by running off to Iraq for no reason. Just watch TCM or something, you're out of your mind, dupe.
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Conservatives were fucking LIARS about Obama, saying he was destroying the country, yet let him lead on mostly peacefully for 8 years.

It was worse than that he trashed the world with leading from behind..

The damn recession should of been over in 2011..but noooo Mr. Anti-bussiness president kept on slowing it down.

It was over in 10/2009, dupe. We had growth every month starting then.Read something ferchrissake...
Iraq and Afghan. Basically no more US deaths, dupe. Owens is on Trump duh.
Nobody else saw ISIS coming. Iraq- stupidest war EVER!!!! No reason for it at ALL, dupes.
90 months of growth, best economy in the world. DESPITE total GOP obstruction and pure fear mongering. Total a-holes, dupe.

And go to prison...

Lies, the worst economy for eight years since the depression, There is no extraction from either war there was a withdrawal that caused thousands of civilian deaths, and made the entire region a base for terrorist activity Afghanistan was started by clinton.

If they stand in the way, he pushes them out of his way and they attack him as they always do he will not even be true billed for grinding them up like the shit they are. Especially NOT if I am on the Grand Jury.
The worst economy was BEFORE Obama got in DUH lol. We went to afghan after 9/11, that Booosh allowed by sheer incompetence. The Northern Alliance won that, but Booosh wrecked that by running off to Iraq for no reason. Just watch TCM or something, you're out of your mind, dupe.

So again why did your mesiah stay in Afghanistan but created ISIS by pulling out of Iraq?

“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Conservatives were fucking LIARS about Obama, saying he was destroying the country, yet let him lead on mostly peacefully for 8 years.

It was worse than that he trashed the world with leading from behind..

The damn recession should of been over in 2011..but noooo Mr. Anti-bussiness president kept on slowing it down.

It was over in 10/2009, dupe. We had growth every month starting then.Read something ferchrissake...

2009? LMFAO..

During the campaign, one thing most Americans could agree on was the two nominees were possibly the least likable, least honorable, least effective people ever to hold the nominations of the Republican and the Democrat parties. The Republicans did not full thoatedly support The Sonald. Romney, Ryan (the standard bearers for the GOP in 2012) both distanced themselves from what they considered incompetence and renegade behavior from the Trump campaign.

But today, we find the RWNJ in total lockstep with the boorish, the crass, the petulant Donald Trump! Were the political principles of the Right so malleabl? Were they so insincere that they could be abandoned simply because an election was won by someone nominated by the hapless Republicans? And if those principles were indeed so insincere, what precisely do these RWNJ hold dear? Fiscal responsibility or simply winning? Social repression of Gays and women and minorities, or an election victory?

Donald J Trump drives every freedom loving American mad. Every American who was raised better than to 'respect' a rodeo clown like Trump. Every American who still believes social comportment and a gentlemanly hand at the tiller of the ship of state is preferable to an erratic, manic, tweet happy immature man-child with a thin skin, a fragile ego and the power of the Presidency to further his business dealings.

Why? because he wants to undo decades of Draconian restrictions imposed by globalist politicians? Get real. Political Correctness is oppression and suppression of free speech.
All those regs really helped stop the corrupt GOP/crony real estate bubble/world depression lol. Are you a Bilderberg etc nutter? what bubble do you think Trump is working on? The GOP always has one...
Iraq and Afghan. Basically no more US deaths, dupe. Owens is on Trump duh.
Nobody else saw ISIS coming. Iraq- stupidest war EVER!!!! No reason for it at ALL, dupes.
90 months of growth, best economy in the world. DESPITE total GOP obstruction and pure fear mongering. Total a-holes, dupe.

And go to prison...

Lies, the worst economy for eight years since the depression, There is no extraction from either war there was a withdrawal that caused thousands of civilian deaths, and made the entire region a base for terrorist activity Afghanistan was started by clinton.

If they stand in the way, he pushes them out of his way and they attack him as they always do he will not even be true billed for grinding them up like the shit they are. Especially NOT if I am on the Grand Jury.
The worst economy was BEFORE Obama got in DUH lol. We went to afghan after 9/11, that Booosh allowed by sheer incompetence. The Northern Alliance won that, but Booosh wrecked that by running off to Iraq for no reason. Just watch TCM or something, you're out of your mind, dupe.

So again why did your mesiah stay in Afghanistan but created ISIS by pulling out of Iraq?

Because the Afghans wanted us, and the Iraqis were sick to death of us? We were interrupting their Sunni discrimination...
“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters

5. Wait For One Of Them To Break The Law, Then Talk Only About That

If it was only one this might make sense. After watching the constant violence at Trump rallies, the constant violence at protests going on today and the never ending pushing for violence coming from academia this point is moot.

4 Convince The Powerful Majority That They're The Oppressed Ones

Again, in today's political turmoil it is the left that is violently trying to silence any debate. While I certainly don't think of the right as being the oppressed, the left is doing everything it can to make it so.

I have to admit that I almost stopped reading the article when I saw the Name Anita Sarkeesian. Now I'm not a gamer to any degree but somehow started to follow this battle. In the course of doing so I looked into this woman and watched some of her speaking engagements. My lord, I thought I was watching parodies. Quite possibly the most irrational, illogical fountain of nonsense I have ever heard bar none, OK except maybe Nancy Pelosi. This woman has the critical thinking skills of a door knob.

3 Focus On Their Most Frivolous Complaints (And Most Unlikable Members)

I'm having a hard time finding non-frivolous complaints. Patriarchy, white supremacy, gender pay gap? The left is chock full of nonexistent nonsense that make for good buzzwords.

2 Pit Two Disadvantaged Groups Against One Another (And Insist That Only One Can "Win")

This has some validity although I would have to say that any one that can't have empathy for a rape victim and some falsely
accused has some problems to start with. I will say, however, that the author misses the point many make about some of these high profile cases and that's the media immediately, loudly and constantly screaming about them. Only to find out that they're not true, at which point the media will go into "but it happens else where" mode. Or more often place a retraction on page 8.

1 Insist That Any Change Will Ruin The World

Hyperbole in politics? This isn't really worth mentioning, if you've paid 3 minutes of attention to any issue in this country, you should know that this is part and parcel,
During the campaign, one thing most Americans could agree on was the two nominees were possibly the least likable, least honorable, least effective people ever to hold the nominations of the Republican and the Democrat parties. The Republicans did not full thoatedly support The Sonald. Romney, Ryan (the standard bearers for the GOP in 2012) both distanced themselves from what they considered incompetence and renegade behavior from the Trump campaign.

But today, we find the RWNJ in total lockstep with the boorish, the crass, the petulant Donald Trump! Were the political principles of the Right so malleabl? Were they so insincere that they could be abandoned simply because an election was won by someone nominated by the hapless Republicans? And if those principles were indeed so insincere, what precisely do these RWNJ hold dear? Fiscal responsibility or simply winning? Social repression of Gays and women and minorities, or an election victory?

Donald J Trump drives every freedom loving American mad. Every American who was raised better than to 'respect' a rodeo clown like Trump. Every American who still believes social comportment and a gentlemanly hand at the tiller of the ship of state is preferable to an erratic, manic, tweet happy immature man-child with a thin skin, a fragile ego and the power of the Presidency to further his business dealings.

Why? because he wants to undo decades of Draconian restrictions imposed by globalist politicians? Get real. Political Correctness is oppression and suppression of free speech.
All those regs really helped stop the corrupt GOP/crony real estate bubble/world depression lol. Are you a Bilderberg etc nutter? what bubble do you think Trump is working on? The GOP always has one...

Hey numbnuts, It was Bill Clinton who sponsored the "GOP/crony real estate bubble/world depression" housing bubble. Yes Clinton and the Bushes are globalists.

The Clinton Housing Bubble

Clinton's Legacy: The Financial and Housing Meltdown
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During the campaign, one thing most Americans could agree on was the two nominees were possibly the least likable, least honorable, least effective people ever to hold the nominations of the Republican and the Democrat parties. The Republicans did not full thoatedly support The Sonald. Romney, Ryan (the standard bearers for the GOP in 2012) both distanced themselves from what they considered incompetence and renegade behavior from the Trump campaign.

But today, we find the RWNJ in total lockstep with the boorish, the crass, the petulant Donald Trump! Were the political principles of the Right so malleabl? Were they so insincere that they could be abandoned simply because an election was won by someone nominated by the hapless Republicans? And if those principles were indeed so insincere, what precisely do these RWNJ hold dear? Fiscal responsibility or simply winning? Social repression of Gays and women and minorities, or an election victory?

Donald J Trump drives every freedom loving American mad. Every American who was raised better than to 'respect' a rodeo clown like Trump. Every American who still believes social comportment and a gentlemanly hand at the tiller of the ship of state is preferable to an erratic, manic, tweet happy immature man-child with a thin skin, a fragile ego and the power of the Presidency to further his business dealings.

Why? because he wants to undo decades of Draconian restrictions imposed by globalist politicians? Get real. Political Correctness is oppression and suppression of free speech.
All those regs really helped stop the corrupt GOP/crony real estate bubble/world depression lol. Are you a Bilderberg etc nutter? what bubble do you think Trump is working on? The GOP always has one...

Hey numbnuts, It was Bill Clinton who sponsored the "GOP/crony real estate bubble/world depression" housing bubble. Yes Clinton and the Bushes are globalists.

The Clinton Housing Bubble

Clinton's Legacy: The Financial and Housing Meltdown
Funny how Fannie and Freddie's share of the RE market went from 75% to 25% in 2002-3 and Countrywide etc AIG went nuts under zero oversight by the GOP....but thanks for the BS GOP propaganda...
During the campaign, one thing most Americans could agree on was the two nominees were possibly the least likable, least honorable, least effective people ever to hold the nominations of the Republican and the Democrat parties. The Republicans did not full thoatedly support The Sonald. Romney, Ryan (the standard bearers for the GOP in 2012) both distanced themselves from what they considered incompetence and renegade behavior from the Trump campaign.

But today, we find the RWNJ in total lockstep with the boorish, the crass, the petulant Donald Trump! Were the political principles of the Right so malleabl? Were they so insincere that they could be abandoned simply because an election was won by someone nominated by the hapless Republicans? And if those principles were indeed so insincere, what precisely do these RWNJ hold dear? Fiscal responsibility or simply winning? Social repression of Gays and women and minorities, or an election victory?

Donald J Trump drives every freedom loving American mad. Every American who was raised better than to 'respect' a rodeo clown like Trump. Every American who still believes social comportment and a gentlemanly hand at the tiller of the ship of state is preferable to an erratic, manic, tweet happy immature man-child with a thin skin, a fragile ego and the power of the Presidency to further his business dealings.
... and, of course, we see the left with their nose so far up Hillary's ass they can't see the truth.
The worst economy was BEFORE Obama got in DUH lol. We went to afghan after 9/11, that Booosh allowed by sheer incompetence. The Northern Alliance won that, but Booosh wrecked that by running off to Iraq for no reason. Just watch TCM or something, you're out of your mind, dupe.

No you just do not know what you are posting about as usual, The HOUSING BUBBLE caused by the dimshits clinton administrations free money for those who cant pay it back mortgage scheme to get votes That was pushed extensively by oshitass. was what caused the economy to fail AFTER BUSH warned about the coming wave of defaults causing it if the dimshitscum in congress didn't replace the restrictions on lending to those unable to pay their mortgage. oshitscum came into office and made the recession MUCH WORSE the dishitscum did not even write a budget for years, they just spent all the money they could beg borrow and steal from the American people on projects that were designed to give their friends and associates billions of taxpayer dollars. the clinton administration bombed Afghanistan, and started the war there. so you are as usual wrong and have proved to be the real thing you label others as.
Funny how Fannie and Freddie's share of the RE market went from 75% to 25% in 2002-3 and Countrywide etc AIG went nuts under zero oversight by the GOP....but thanks for the BS GOP propaganda...

More stup from the major dupe,, Try again you don't know what the two entities you posted are do you DA?

Perfect example of the most misinformed dumbass voters ever. Thanks Fox/ Rush/whatever....
During the campaign, one thing most Americans could agree on was the two nominees were possibly the least likable, least honorable, least effective people ever to hold the nominations of the Republican and the Democrat parties. The Republicans did not full thoatedly support The Sonald. Romney, Ryan (the standard bearers for the GOP in 2012) both distanced themselves from what they considered incompetence and renegade behavior from the Trump campaign.

But today, we find the RWNJ in total lockstep with the boorish, the crass, the petulant Donald Trump! Were the political principles of the Right so malleabl? Were they so insincere that they could be abandoned simply because an election was won by someone nominated by the hapless Republicans? And if those principles were indeed so insincere, what precisely do these RWNJ hold dear? Fiscal responsibility or simply winning? Social repression of Gays and women and minorities, or an election victory?

Donald J Trump drives every freedom loving American mad. Every American who was raised better than to 'respect' a rodeo clown like Trump. Every American who still believes social comportment and a gentlemanly hand at the tiller of the ship of state is preferable to an erratic, manic, tweet happy immature man-child with a thin skin, a fragile ego and the power of the Presidency to further his business dealings.

Why? because he wants to undo decades of Draconian restrictions imposed by globalist politicians? Get real. Political Correctness is oppression and suppression of free speech.
All those regs really helped stop the corrupt GOP/crony real estate bubble/world depression lol. Are you a Bilderberg etc nutter? what bubble do you think Trump is working on? The GOP always has one...

Hey numbnuts, It was Bill Clinton who sponsored the "GOP/crony real estate bubble/world depression" housing bubble. Yes Clinton and the Bushes are globalists.

The Clinton Housing Bubble

Clinton's Legacy: The Financial and Housing Meltdown
Funny how Fannie and Freddie's share of the RE market went from 75% to 25% in 2002-3 and Countrywide etc AIG went nuts under zero oversight by the GOP....but thanks for the BS GOP propaganda...

“You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.”Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President

When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like the liberals you see in this HILARIOUS VIDEO. We didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still, we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties. We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that, Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented “self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”

Donald Trump Has Caused The Left to Lose Its Mind


History may tell us THIS was his greatest accomplishment.

Conservatives were fucking LIARS about Obama, saying he was destroying the country, yet let him lead on mostly peacefully for 8 years.

It was worse than that he trashed the world with leading from behind..

The damn recession should of been over in 2011..but noooo Mr. Anti-bussiness president kept on slowing it down.

It was over in 10/2009, dupe. We had growth every month starting then.Read something ferchrissake...

2009? LMFAO..


During the campaign, one thing most Americans could agree on was the two nominees were possibly the least likable, least honorable, least effective people ever to hold the nominations of the Republican and the Democrat parties. The Republicans did not full thoatedly support The Sonald. Romney, Ryan (the standard bearers for the GOP in 2012) both distanced themselves from what they considered incompetence and renegade behavior from the Trump campaign.

But today, we find the RWNJ in total lockstep with the boorish, the crass, the petulant Donald Trump! Were the political principles of the Right so malleabl? Were they so insincere that they could be abandoned simply because an election was won by someone nominated by the hapless Republicans? And if those principles were indeed so insincere, what precisely do these RWNJ hold dear? Fiscal responsibility or simply winning? Social repression of Gays and women and minorities, or an election victory?

Donald J Trump drives every freedom loving American mad. Every American who was raised better than to 'respect' a rodeo clown like Trump. Every American who still believes social comportment and a gentlemanly hand at the tiller of the ship of state is preferable to an erratic, manic, tweet happy immature man-child with a thin skin, a fragile ego and the power of the Presidency to further his business dealings.

Why? because he wants to undo decades of Draconian restrictions imposed by globalist politicians? Get real. Political Correctness is oppression and suppression of free speech.
All those regs really helped stop the corrupt GOP/crony real estate bubble/world depression lol. Are you a Bilderberg etc nutter? what bubble do you think Trump is working on? The GOP always has one...

Hey numbnuts, It was Bill Clinton who sponsored the "GOP/crony real estate bubble/world depression" housing bubble. Yes Clinton and the Bushes are globalists.

The Clinton Housing Bubble

Clinton's Legacy: The Financial and Housing Meltdown
Funny how Fannie and Freddie's share of the RE market went from 75% to 25% in 2002-3 and Countrywide etc AIG went nuts under zero oversight by the GOP....but thanks for the BS GOP propaganda...

Globalism is just the natural result of better communications and transportation, not a conspiracy. Bush and the GOP are pander to the rich liars, Clinton and the Dems are for fair taxes for the rich and investment in the nonrich and the country. You are highly misinformed, an expert on bs.

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