Trump has no path to victory in 2024

According to Biden, voting is a constitutional right for deceased Americans, with you Nazis doing a bit of vote harvesting.

Standard Disclaimer: Quid Pro said this just as much as Trump said what you claim.
It was Republicans voting for dead people in 2020.
Republicans are crazy but they’re not stupid – nominating Trump would be stupid.

2024 will let us know if Republicans are both.
Trump will be nominated.....quite easily too. I realize this frightens you but you will have an opportunity to eat crow if you are still posting here.

Republicans are crazy but they’re not stupid – nominating Trump would be stupid.

2024 will let us know if Republicans are both.

If Trump runs and is the nominee in 2024, he'll win and everyone here knows it. Why do you Nazis persist with the silly lies?
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You still trying to sell that 10 percent lie?
Trump has taught you well
Maybe MAGAMorons will believe you

Nobody else does
If Trump runs and is the nominee in 2024, he'll win and everyone here knows it. Why do you Nazis persist with the silly lies?
It's a childish game of confirmation bias wherein they become the targets and beneficiaries of their own wishful thinking. The theory works like this.... Despite all the evidence to the contrary if they continue to speak in terms of Trump failing then somehow magically their words will contradict all the available evidence and he will fail based on the power of closing their eyes and tapping the "ruby slippers" together. It's a mental and emotional mechanism often employed by very young children (and bleary-eyed Democrats) to stifle their fears and surround themselves with a blanket of false security in the face of something that they feel is threatening.
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Even given the remote chance that he can get 270 Electoral Votes in 2024, Kamala Harris can just overturn those states that voted for Trump

Trump has made it clear that that is within the Constitutional Powers of the Vice President. He has no grounds to complain.

free elections are the liberals worse nightmare
We don’t need it
The Trump Doctrine will ensure a Republican never takes the White House again

As long as a Democrat is Vice President, we can ensure that a Democrat will assume the position of President and Vice President

as long as senile joe and cackle girl are in office we can asassured the democrat is going in the toilet
Trump will be nominated.....quite easily too. I realize this frightens you but you will have an opportunity to eat crow if you are still posting here.

Trump was a dreadful president, an absolute failure – except for his cult members no one wants Trump to be president again.

Nominating Trump would be both stupid and insane – guaranteeing Biden a second term.
No Bidungs FBI investigated and found no trace of anyone wanting to overthrow the Government.

These 1/6 meetings are a waste of time and tax dollars. Its already been investigated to death. Good Lord. More tax dollars wasted so the Dems can beel good about themselves.
No Bidungs FBI investigated and found no trace of anyone wanting to overthrow the Government.

These 1/6 meetings are a waste of time and tax dollars. Its already been investigated to death. Good Lord. More tax dollars wasted so the Dems can beel good about themselves.
Actually it was Trump's FBI that started and finished the investigation.

And how could they have investigated it, without subpoena power to get all the 1/6 white house records, without interviewing all the higher ups involved, that are refusing to turn over documents and testify before the house select committee?

They didn't investigate it in any reasonable or thorough manner, we were just told they did.....
I find that hard to believe since Trump left office in January and Biden took office in January. I'd say Trump's FBI may have started it but Bidungs finished it.

There were no signs of anyone wanting to overthrow the Government. In fact there is footage of men in black opening the doors for the surprised protesters and inviting them in. Pretty good indication that this was a false flag event. There were also FBI informants imbedded with the protesters. Kinda funny that don't you think???
No Bidungs FBI investigated and found no trace of anyone wanting to overthrow the Government.

These 1/6 meetings are a waste of time and tax dollars. Its already been investigated to death. Good Lord. More tax dollars wasted so the Dems can beel good about themselves.

Waste of money?

Shit, major democrats are being indicted, the treason of the Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory is unraveling.

democrats have to do something, ANYTHING to distract from the facts. Using taxpayer money to have a dog and pony show distracting from the crimes by the Reich and at the same time crushing 1st amendment rights? That's golden to the Nazi democrats.
I find that hard to believe since Trump left office in January and Biden took office in January. I'd say Trump's FBI may have started it but Bidungs finished it.

There were no signs of anyone wanting to overthrow the Government. In fact there is footage of men in black opening the doors for the surprised protesters and inviting them in. Pretty good indication that this was a false flag event. There were also FBI informants imbedded with the protesters. Kinda funny that don't you think???
Same people, no one was switched out.

IT WAS A PLANNED, attempted SOFT COUP DE TAT. Not by protesters, they were pawns in the game and the little guys being punished for their part.

But all news is showing that Trump and cronies planned to stop the legal and constitutional process to sit the WINNER of the presidential election....Trump and cronies tried to STEAL, illegally, the election from Biden.
Trump and cronies planned to stop the legal and constitutional process to sit the WINNER of the presidential election....Trump and cronies tried to STEAL, illegally, the election from Biden.

Trump knew he would lose before the election
That is why is set up his scam

Stack the courts with Conservatives and assume they would support your wild claims out of loyalty.
Pressure local election officials to overturn the vote
Pressure your Vice President to overturn the states
Use a TRUMPmob to threaten Congress and keep them from certifying the election

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