Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

It is finally beginning to look like Trump could be in some trouble. I don't know if it can be proven, but there's a possibility Mueller has a good case. Of course, the Trumptards, being completely brainwashed after three solid years of alt-right conditioning, no longer will believe any of the findings. So that will go on as forever as Hillary's emails. It still doesn't impeach him, though. Remember there are 53 Republicans in the Senate.
If the country is to survive as a lawful Constitutionally founded country Trump has to go. You can't have common thugs like him controlling a country and using the office just to enrich himself. He will need to be impeached and prosecuted later. It has to happen or we lose our freedoms and our laws. And this country cannot function without them.
Talk about libstain double speak. Goebbels would be proud.
Then Mueller should have 2 indictments

1- for lying about talking with Assange
2- The email dump

“Jeannie Rhee, one of the prosecutors, said, ‘Dr. Corsi, you are asking us to believe that on an extended international flight with your wife for an anniversary you had divine intervention, and God inspired your mind and told you Assange has Podesta’s emails and they’re gonna be dumped in October and they’re going to be dumped in a serial fashion?’ Is that what you’re saying? I said, ‘Well I guess, Ms. Rhee, that’s about what I’m saying.’”

Where is this evidence?
Apparently in the possession of federal prosecutors, who have explicitly stated that Corsi had advance knowledge of the email dump. Duh, what a stupid question.
They are intellectually bankrupt. They fail to see just how damn retarded their questions are. They have zero understanding about how investigations work. They truly are desperate and willfully stupid for their support of a known career criminal. The Republicans looked for the bottom, and that is exactly what they got. Now they will have to swim in their own shit until they decide they've had enough.
Then Mueller should have 2 indictments

1- for lying about talking with Assange
2- The email dump

“Jeannie Rhee, one of the prosecutors, said, ‘Dr. Corsi, you are asking us to believe that on an extended international flight with your wife for an anniversary you had divine intervention, and God inspired your mind and told you Assange has Podesta’s emails and they’re gonna be dumped in October and they’re going to be dumped in a serial fashion?’ Is that what you’re saying? I said, ‘Well I guess, Ms. Rhee, that’s about what I’m saying.’”

Laugh all you want... but that wont fly.... no pun intended. Mueller has to provide the phone call, email or whatever correspondence transpired between Corsi and Assange. If the spoke, it's out there for the FBI to find.

Mueller has to provide the phone call, email or whatever correspondence transpired between Corsi and Assange. If the spoke, it's out there for the FBI to find.
In order to prove...what? That Corsi had advance knowledge of the dump? Not so.
It is finally beginning to look like Trump could be in some trouble. I don't know if it can be proven, but there's a possibility Mueller has a good case. Of course, the Trumptards, being completely brainwashed after three solid years of alt-right conditioning, no longer will believe any of the findings. So that will go on as forever as Hillary's emails. It still doesn't impeach him, though. Remember there are 53 Republicans in the Senate.
If the country is to survive as a lawful Constitutionally founded country Trump has to go. You can't have common thugs like him controlling a country and using the office just to enrich himself. He will need to be impeached and prosecuted later. It has to happen or we lose our freedoms and our laws. And this country cannot function without them.
Talk about libstain double speak. Goebbels would be proud.
I'm proud to speak the truth. Which is a whole lot more than I can say for your shit stain leader.
Mueller has to provide the phone call, email or whatever correspondence transpired between Corsi and Assange. If the spoke, it's out there for the FBI to find.
In order to prove...what? That Corsi had advance knowledge of the dump? Not so.
Then why was he trying to get Corsi to say he spoke with Assange about it? And when he refused to cop to that, they nailed him for his first statement on another matter?

Doesn't pass the sniff test

It is finally beginning to look like Trump could be in some trouble. I don't know if it can be proven, but there's a possibility Mueller has a good case. Of course, the Trumptards, being completely brainwashed after three solid years of alt-right conditioning, no longer will believe any of the findings. So that will go on as forever as Hillary's emails. It still doesn't impeach him, though. Remember there are 53 Republicans in the Senate.
If the country is to survive as a lawful Constitutionally founded country Trump has to go. You can't have common thugs like him controlling a country and using the office just to enrich himself. He will need to be impeached and prosecuted later. It has to happen or we lose our freedoms and our laws. And this country cannot function without them.
He is a common thug, alright, but he is not powerful enough to do what you say. The system was devised to stop just such a man, and it is working. I wouldn't go so far as to say "relax," but it is just a matter of countering his moves and protecting Mueller. Nothing so far can not be undone.
But can't prove it.
And yet another authoritative declaration that is actually your wishful thinking, pulled rright out of your ass.

You got nothing. Well, maybe a truckload of leftist butthurt..
I am not the prosecutor, gay cowboy. Why would I be in possession of the evidence? What a very odd and stupid thing to say.

Where is this evidence?
Apparently in the possession of federal prosecutors, who have explicitly stated that Corsi had advance knowledge of the email dump. Duh, what a stupid question.
They are intellectually bankrupt. They fail to see just how damn retarded their questions are. They have zero understanding about how investigations work. They truly are desperate and willfully stupid for their support of a known career criminal. The Republicans looked for the bottom, and that is exactly what they got. Now they will have to swim in their own shit until they decide they've had enough.

Right. Who cares if he's impeached if he's not removed?

That's obviously the case, as was with Clinton, so why waste taxpayer money? Hmm?

Didn't Clinton serve 2 terms? That Whitewater shit was nothing but a drain on taxpayers, and here goes the same garbage again.
I'm not onboard with an impeachment proceeding until we've got real dirt on the guy, and from the sounds of it, that dirt is coming. But by the time it arrives, it will be time for another election. If he is embroiled in impeachment proceedings or has been indicted by then, he will have a hard time being reelected. So it will probably all be moot.
It is finally beginning to look like Trump could be in some trouble. I don't know if it can be proven, but there's a possibility Mueller has a good case. Of course, the Trumptards, being completely brainwashed after three solid years of alt-right conditioning, no longer will believe any of the findings. So that will go on as forever as Hillary's emails. It still doesn't impeach him, though. Remember there are 53 Republicans in the Senate.
If the country is to survive as a lawful Constitutionally founded country Trump has to go. You can't have common thugs like him controlling a country and using the office just to enrich himself. He will need to be impeached and prosecuted later. It has to happen or we lose our freedoms and our laws. And this country cannot function without them.
He is a common thug, alright, but he is not powerful enough to do what you say. The system was devised to stop just such a man, and it is working. I wouldn't go so far as to say "relax," but it is just a matter of countering his moves and protecting Mueller. Nothing so far can not be undone.

Why protect Mueller? Mueller is hip-deep in the poo along with Rosenstein and Comey.

Really he should have recused himself for conflict of interest, but did not. That's quite telling as to his integrity.
Right. Who cares if he's impeached if he's not removed?

That's obviously the case, as was with Clinton, so why waste taxpayer money? Hmm?

Didn't Clinton serve 2 terms? That Whitewater shit was nothing but a drain on taxpayers, and here goes the same garbage again.
I'm not onboard with an impeachment proceeding until we've got real dirt on the guy, and from the sounds of it, that dirt is coming. But by the time it arrives, it will be time for another election. If he is embroiled in impeachment proceedings or has been indicted by then, he will have a hard time being reelected. So it will probably all be moot.
Clinton was THE MAN after being impeached and the republicans paid dearly for it


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