Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

Doesn't rise to the level. haha
You know zero about the law. Get lost.

You know zero about politics..

The law keeps politics in check. Next!

Wrong. Might makes right and the laws. Just like Andrew jackson
Wrong! The constitution does with checks and balances. That is the only "Might that makes right" that counts. Everything else is just fantasy.
Right. Who cares if he's impeached if he's not removed?

That's obviously the case, as was with Clinton, so why waste taxpayer money? Hmm?

Didn't Clinton serve 2 terms? That Whitewater shit was nothing but a drain on taxpayers, and here goes the same garbage again.
I'm not onboard with an impeachment proceeding until we've got real dirt on the guy, and from the sounds of it, that dirt is coming. But by the time it arrives, it will be time for another election. If he is embroiled in impeachment proceedings or has been indicted by then, he will have a hard time being reelected. So it will probably all be moot.
The plan all along maybe ???? Drip, drip, drip, drip ??? The Demon-crats weaponizing the justice system to ensure that the Demon-crats will rule the presidency for the next 100 years was the thinking right ???. So Obama had the motive to use spies on a political opponent in order to create havoc for that in coming opponent was just the beginning of it all, and then we had this Lisa Page and Peter Strock having their back up plan in place, along with Comey and crew working it along with their now last hope and allie Mueller to try and finish the job up.

Then we had Hollyweird and the MSM working it in order to create confusion and chaos among the citizens in hopes that they would turn completely against the republicans now, and in the near future.

The radical agenda of the crats was so strong that they are willing to corrupt this country to the core in order to get it's way.

And if that doesn't work, the crats are willing to spur a foriegn power to actually make war with us in order to make Trump look bad or better yet to destroy him. The thing is that if it means destroying Americans also in order to get the job done, they will do it without blinking an eye I believe.
Ah, beagle. I'm not going to argue with you, but I see things differently. One thing I will protest though is your final paragraph. That is going way too far. Encouraging the people of this country to view their political opponents as true enemies is the work of the real enemy.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

I wish everyone would wake up before the roof falls in and we've got a real mess to pick up.
People such as that, want the roof to fall in. If they didn't, they wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail in the name of criminals.
Give it time

Mueller hasn’t released his report yet
When he does, Trump won’t have a Republican House to cover for him
and the Senate will laugh at them if they do try to impeach.

Just like happened to Clinton

and dont forget the evidence was 10 times far more damaging and overwhelming to mass murderer clinton than there is to Trump.:abgg2q.jpg:
What mass murder by Clinton?
One angle appears to be "Cohen acted on Trump's explicit direction". Yep, that wouldn't be good.

The only illegality that would make "acting" a crime -- would be if those funds used were "laundered" in any way and came from reportable campaign coffers. A lawyer ALWAYS acts on explicit directions, unless the order is illegal.

Got to remind you that paying hush money for sexual embarrassments of politicians is NOT a crime. Signing NDisclosures is not illegal. Paying rights for compromising materials is not either. It's a decision to NOT make it a civil or criminal case, not determine guilt or innocence and "just make it go away".

And for the lefties who want to argue that point --- I give you the ULTIMATE EXAMPLE of how NOT illegal it is. We were treated just this year to the uncovering of a Congressional SLUSH FUND for sexual peccadillos. $MILLs of TAXPAYER DOLLARS set aside to make "embarrassments go away"..

Hard to explain how a taxpayer funded -- sexual embarrassment slush fund paying off accusers or supporting Congressional PERSONAL LEGAL EXPENSES is not an illegality. Isn't it? Tell me that didn't go for their "re-election" images. Difference is -- it wasn't handled out of their OWN PERSONAL funds.
At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Fool, Have you read the OP?

Your Trumpenfuhrer has been found to have committed crimes.

Are you OK w/a criminal President?

Committed a crime?

Like running guns across the Mexican border to drug lords or targeting conservatives with the IRS?

Those kinds of crimes?

Yeah criminal Obozo does that and this hypocrite OP troll never says anything about that.doesnrt he ever get tired of ending up with shit on his face in embarrassment?:abgg2q.jpg:
None of which are criminal activities

Now Trump.......
Those are criminal
The only illegality that would make "acting" a crime -- would be if those funds used were "laundered" in any way and came from reportable campaign coffers.
What utter nonsense....Cohen committed a federal crime, and directing him to do so is also a federal crime.
The only illegality that would make "acting" a crime -- would be if those funds used were "laundered" in any way and came from reportable campaign coffers.
What utter nonsense....Cohen committed a federal crime, and directing him to do so is also a federal crime.

what i said is entirely correct. Cohen may have added the "laundering" part of the money. That's the ONLY part that would make ANY of that negotiation and payment to Daniels a crime.

Cohen may have grabbed the wrong checkbook. Doesn't mean the President specified taking the money out of an account that would be illegal.

And where were you when YOUR TAX DOLLARS were being handed out as benefits to Congress critters to fix their sexual embarrassments?? CERTAINLY -- by those standards -- everyone of those transactions was a "campaign contribution" from the TAX-PAYERS... Where's the line-up and the pink jumpsuits???
The only illegality that would make "acting" a crime -- would be if those funds used were "laundered" in any way and came from reportable campaign coffers.
What utter nonsense....Cohen committed a federal crime, and directing him to do so is also a federal crime.

what i said is entirely correct. Cohen may have added the "laundering" part of the money. That's the ONLY part that would make ANY of that negotiation and payment to Daniels a crime.

Cohen may have grabbed the wrong checkbook. Doesn't mean the President specified taking the money out of an account that would be illegal.

And where were you when YOUR TAX DOLLARS were being handed out as benefits to Congress critters to fix their sexual embarrassments?? CERTAINLY -- by those standards -- everyone of those transactions was a "campaign contribution" from the TAX-PAYERS... Where's the line-up and the pink jumpsuits???
All nonsense. Federal prosecutors just stated Cohen committed a federal crime at the direction of trump. If true, Trump committed a federal crime. Simple as that.
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

There was no violation of election laws by Trump.

Good grief, wealthy people pay out hush money all the time and it has zero to do with biannual elections.
The difference is they don't use campaign funds as hush money and fail to report it as a campaign expense. Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen arranged hush money payments to two women funneling campaign funds through a hastily formed Delaware LLC to the women. Cohen has pled guilty to campaign finance violations and has implicated Trump.

It has been claimed the payments to these ladies were charitable gifts, that Cohen would not have been convicted had his case gone to trial, and the funds were not really campaign funds.

In a court of law, Trump might get off with smart political maneuvers, but Trump is not going to be facing jurors but US congressmen in an impeachment trial. That means his adulterous affairs, hush money and lies will be on display for nation and world.

Trump gave Cohen money to pay off the parasites, but if Cohen used campaign funds somehow, that is on him.

I really dont see how Cohen got access to campaign funds anyway. but he pled, so whatever.
There were no checks. And balances with pres Andrew Jackson Jackson he had the power of the men to ignore the judges
Checks and balances does not work. Only might makes right as Andrew Jackson showed against the judges
The only illegality that would make "acting" a crime -- would be if those funds used were "laundered" in any way and came from reportable campaign coffers.
What utter nonsense....Cohen committed a federal crime, and directing him to do so is also a federal crime.

what i said is entirely correct. Cohen may have added the "laundering" part of the money. That's the ONLY part that would make ANY of that negotiation and payment to Daniels a crime.

Cohen may have grabbed the wrong checkbook. Doesn't mean the President specified taking the money out of an account that would be illegal.

And where were you when YOUR TAX DOLLARS were being handed out as benefits to Congress critters to fix their sexual embarrassments?? CERTAINLY -- by those standards -- everyone of those transactions was a "campaign contribution" from the TAX-PAYERS... Where's the line-up and the pink jumpsuits???
All nonsense. Federal prosecutors just stated Cohen committed a federal crime at the direction of trump. If true, Trump committed a federal crime. Simple as that.

No trial --- no proof. No jury vote on the evidence, no real guilt. For EITHER of them. Mueller COUNTED on that by including that weak ass charges in the laundry list of indictments.
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

There was no violation of election laws by Trump.

Good grief, wealthy people pay out hush money all the time and it has zero to do with biannual elections.
The difference is they don't use campaign funds as hush money and fail to report it as a campaign expense. Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen arranged hush money payments to two women funneling campaign funds through a hastily formed Delaware LLC to the women. Cohen has pled guilty to campaign finance violations and has implicated Trump.

It has been claimed the payments to these ladies were charitable gifts, that Cohen would not have been convicted had his case gone to trial, and the funds were not really campaign funds.

In a court of law, Trump might get off with smart political maneuvers, but Trump is not going to be facing jurors but US congressmen in an impeachment trial. That means his adulterous affairs, hush money and lies will be on display for nation and world.

Trump gave Cohen money to pay off the parasites, but if Cohen used campaign funds somehow, that is on him.

I really dont see how Cohen got access to campaign funds anyway. but he pled, so whatever.

For Trump, most campaign funds were HIS funds anyways. So it's complicated. He largely self-funded the campaign. So Cohen probably had some checkbooks with a incorporation linked to the campaign. But I DOUBT he was seriously confused by that.

Better chance, knowing what a slimeball he is --- he was embezzling from his client Trump and USED unrelated funds but BILLED TRUMP for the payments personally.
It goes well beyond that boss. It destroyed the integrity of a "free and fair election" system.
Our election system has never been free nor fair.

There has always been various classes of people excluded, cheaters and whiners.

As Stalin once said, "It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes."
The founders set up a wisdom test for voters in order to keep the nation strong

Trump will declare treason on the people who changed the founders intent and set up a real logic ability test for voters and increase the age to vote
Trumps world seems to be crumbling around him

Mueller has too many high profile witnesses

Really? You think that when one of Mueller's TOP witnesses has now been found to have lied to them making all of his other claims, testimony and evidence suspect as well?
Mueller demonstrated how thorough he is in disproving the testimony of Manafort

He also put other witnesses on notice

Swell! Mueller has now shot in the foot the reliability of his own star witness Manafort on anything he says that he was hoping to use against Trump in the now two year old witch hunt! Another ass-backflip by the Left onto the runway of life as Trump laughs on!

View attachment 233577
Manafort acted like a mole funneling information to Trump

Mueller would have none of it

Now Manafort expects a pardon

Manafort cannot be trusted with anything he says or does. Kinda like you, "rightwinger." Both are inadmissible, unbelievable testimony.
The prosecutors are calling it a felony.

They can pile on 25 charges that they'd never win in court. At this point, Cohen can only plead guilty to ALL of the charges (including the obvious ones like the campaign finance violations) or shoot himself in the head like Vince Foster did. That's how this "special counsel" shitshow works..

He's NOT actually PROVEN guilty of ANY of those charges. He's being tortured by prosecutorial excesses right now by the Biggest bully that the FBI has..
I find it hard to believe that Cohen would plead guilty to a violation of election law unless Mueller had convincing evidence that the payment was an unreported campaign expense. Cohen had a net work of 40 million and was paying a legal team in access of $100,000 a month.

That's because you don't understand the plea deal that was offered.. Mueller is bullying the fuck out of all these peripheral players trying to get them to squeal or make up shit or recite what he TELLS THEM to recite

You really think Mueller is telling people to make stuff up to build his case? Or orders them to recite what he says?

Get a grip bud.

That charge is a perfect example of "narrating the case". If Cohen wants to avoid a trial and bankrupting his family he can only plead guilty to ALL the charges or shoot himself -- like Vince Foster did. So yeah -- that charge was in there, but probably would have failed at trial to convict Cohen or especially Trump.

Why you think Manafort is in SOLITARY for all these months? Even El Chappo gets more sunshine than the 2 hours a day that Manafort does? Mueller would waterboard him if he could to get what he wants.

These special counsels need to be reformed. Only way to make it fair is to SERIOUSLY RESTRICT scope or have TWO PERMANENT Special Counsels each digging for dirt on the other party every day of every year.

I'd take either solution over this tyrannical abuse of prosecution powers..
Hell, maybe Trump shouldn't have paid the slut off, then she could have come out and he would have won by a landslide.

Clinton was awarded for having sex with someone half his age

and committing perjury -a very serious crime
Clinton was impeached. You didn`t know that? If Trump did nothing wrong he would agree to be interviewed under oath just like Clinton did.
Clinton got impeached in a perjury trap...........LOL

Did he have to leave office..........Nope.........He should have refused..........or should have just said I got a blow job and liked it too......ended the equation.

If Trump did screw Stormy......which is highly possible........then he should have just said.........yea...........we did it right after the Golf Game........I lost and needed stress relief.........LOL Would have saved him 130k...........Oh that 130k that he had to get from campaign funds...........LOL
With political investigations it's almost always about the cover up, not the act. If Nixon would have come clean as soon as he heard about Watergate and what his people did, it would have been forgotten within a few months. If Clinton had said yeah I had sex with the woman. It was a mistake and I am so sorry. Again, there would have been no impeachment. If Trump had refused to pay hush money and admitted to the affairs, we wouldn't be talking about impeachment. It's always about the cover up, the hush money, and lies that follows and for high officials it's about the potential for blackmail. Taking responsibility for your mistakes is what separates the men from the boys, and doing the right thing instead doing what is convenient.

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