Trump has played his supporters for suckers


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016

Opinion | Trump has played his supporters for suckers

President Trump’s most urgent political problem doesn’t involve Robert S. Mueller III, Stormy Daniels, Vladimir Putin or the hundreds of thousands of voters who marched for gun control. Rather, it’s that his die-hard supporters might be starting to realize how thoroughly he has played them for suckers.

On immigration, the issue that most viscerally connects the president with his thus-far-loyal base, Trump got basically nothing in the $1.3 trillion spending bill he signed Friday.

The vaunted “big, beautiful wall” he pledges to build along the 2,000-mile border with Mexico? Trump got 25 miles’ worth of new wall, along with eight miles of new fencing. And the bill specifies that none of this tiny increment can be built using any of the prototype designs Trump so ostentatiously showed off.

The threatened punishment for “sanctuary cities” that show compassion for undocumented immigrants? Not in there. The money to hire 1,000 new Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents? Trump got enough for just 100, with the proviso that they all be administrative and support personnel working in offices, not in the field. The 20 percent increase in funding for detention centers that Trump asked for? Congress not only refused to authorize an extra penny but also went so far as to rebuke ICE for overspending its current detention budget.

The results sent conservative pundit Ann Coulter into paroxysms on Twitter, flying uncontrollably into all-caps mode. One tweet read simply: “CONGRATULATIONS, PRESIDENT SCHUMER!”

Coulter referred, of course, to Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), and indeed this spending bill in many ways reflected Democratic spending priorities more than Republican. Think of it this way: If I told you that the president just signed spending legislation that funds Planned Parenthood but not a border wall, you might wonder for a moment if Barack Obama were still president and this whole ridiculous Donald Trump thing had been just a long, profoundly disturbing dream.
Those who voted for the idiot trump would rather die, than admit they were played for the fools they are.

No new revelations here. People are not happy. I personally feel like it is starting to look like a conjob. I have said it before, both here and among vote.
I am sticking to that.
I am 100% satisfied and everyone I know that voted for him are still loyal. He has done an incredible job so far and things will only get better
I am 100% satisfied and everyone I know that voted for him are still loyal. He has done an incredible job so far and things will only get better

What specifically has he done that is incredible and satisfying to you? Just curious.
No new revelations here. People are not happy. I personally feel like it is starting to look like a conjob. I have said it before, both here and among vote.
I am sticking to that.

You got 25 miles. That's something, right?
Nope...I want the "big beautiful wall...believe me...believe me...yuge"
or he can fuck off and die. Real simple. I am not complicated in my approach to a candidate...any candidate. I vote on issues not people or parties. Immigration is a 'yuge' issue for me. I chose the wall...I want that fkn wall.
No new revelations here. People are not happy. I personally feel like it is starting to look like a conjob. I have said it before, both here and among vote.
I am sticking to that.

You got 25 miles. That's something, right?
Nope...I want the "big beautiful wall...believe me...believe me...yuge"
or he can fuck off and die. Real simple. I am not complicated in my approach to a candidate...any candidate. I vote on issues not people or parties. Immigration is a 'yuge' issue for me. I chose the wall...I want that fkn wall.

The wall is coming have patience
I am 100% satisfied and everyone I know that voted for him are still loyal. He has done an incredible job so far and things will only get better

What specifically has he done that is incredible and satisfying to you? Just curious.
If you have to ask, then you are either being blatantly ignorant, or you have no way what so ever to find out, which we know is not the case since you're here on the internet...

Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed
No new revelations here. People are not happy. I personally feel like it is starting to look like a conjob. I have said it before, both here and among vote.
I am sticking to that.

You got 25 miles. That's something, right?
Nope...I want the "big beautiful wall...believe me...believe me...yuge"
or he can fuck off and die. Real simple. I am not complicated in my approach to a candidate...any candidate. I vote on issues not people or parties. Immigration is a 'yuge' issue for me. I chose the wall...I want that fkn wall.

The wall is coming have patience
That's all well and good. If not, wont be the first time I have been lied to, wont be the last. However, you only get one.
Trump played the Democrats for suckers this week.

He signed that massive budget with tons of money for defense and now he is using defense funds to build the wall.

It is called "Schlonging" the Moon Bats.

Trump played the Democrats for suckers this week.

He signed that massive budget with tons of money for defense and now he is using defense funds to build the wall.

It is called "Schlonging" the Moon Bats.


I've been saying he should do it that way since he entered office. We'll see if it actually happens.
Trump played the Democrats for suckers this week.

He signed that massive budget with tons of money for defense and now he is using defense funds to build the wall.

It is called "Schlonging" the Moon Bats.


I've been saying he should do it that way since he entered office. We'll see if it actually happens.

He played his base for suckers too. Promised them many times Mexico was going to build that wall. Typical politician though, should be no surprise.
Trump played the Democrats for suckers this week.

He signed that massive budget with tons of money for defense and now he is using defense funds to build the wall.

It is called "Schlonging" the Moon Bats.


I've been saying he should do it that way since he entered office. We'll see if it actually happens.

He played his base for suckers too. Promised them many times Mexico was going to build that wall. Typical politician though, should be no surprise.

Anybody that actually believed Mexico would be paying for the wall is a bit gullible. :p
Trump played the Democrats for suckers this week.

He signed that massive budget with tons of money for defense and now he is using defense funds to build the wall.

It is called "Schlonging" the Moon Bats.


I've been saying he should do it that way since he entered office. We'll see if it actually happens.

He played his base for suckers too. Promised them many times Mexico was going to build that wall. Typical politician though, should be no surprise.

I have more faith in Trump getting the money out of Mexico some way or another than I had faith in Obama cutting my health care cost by $2500 a year like he promised you Moon Bat suckers.
Trump played the Democrats for suckers this week.

He signed that massive budget with tons of money for defense and now he is using defense funds to build the wall.

It is called "Schlonging" the Moon Bats.


I've been saying he should do it that way since he entered office. We'll see if it actually happens.

He played his base for suckers too. Promised them many times Mexico was going to build that wall. Typical politician though, should be no surprise.

Anybody that actually believed Mexico would be paying for the wall is a bit gullible. :p

Anybody that believed that Obamacare was going to save them $2500 a year was brain dead, weren't they?
Trump played the Democrats for suckers this week.

He signed that massive budget with tons of money for defense and now he is using defense funds to build the wall.

It is called "Schlonging" the Moon Bats.


I've been saying he should do it that way since he entered office. We'll see if it actually happens.

He played his base for suckers too. Promised them many times Mexico was going to build that wall. Typical politician though, should be no surprise.

I have more faith in Trump getting the money out of Mexico some way or another than I had faith in Obama cutting my health care cost by $2500 a year like he promised you Moon Bat suckers.
Trump has lied about everything else, what makes you think the stable genius can get mexico to pay for wall. He now says the wall will pay for itself, while asking congress to pay for it.

On the subject of $2500 obamacare: this was based on the expectation of public option, until blue dog democrats killed it. (blue dogs were a thing in 2010).
you are correct...I must be a could I have voted for him???!!!??
you are totally correct.....I have to agree with you totally
you could not have put it any better have to be some kind of genius/wizard/clairvoyant/superman/etc because you knew not to vote for him and you were not suckered like we were --or we are complete dumbasses
..I wish I would've listened to you sooner

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