Trump has played his supporters for suckers

Trump played the Democrats for suckers this week.

He signed that massive budget with tons of money for defense and now he is using defense funds to build the wall.

It is called "Schlonging" the Moon Bats.


I've been saying he should do it that way since he entered office. We'll see if it actually happens.

He played his base for suckers too. Promised them many times Mexico was going to build that wall. Typical politician though, should be no surprise.

I have more faith in Trump getting the money out of Mexico some way or another than I had faith in Obama cutting my health care cost by $2500 a year like he promised you Moon Bat suckers.
Trump has lied about everything else, what makes you think the stable genius can get mexico to pay for wall. He now says the wall will pay for itself, while asking congress to pay for it.

On the subject of $2500 obamacare: this was based on the expectation of public option, until blue dog democrats killed it. (blue dogs were a thing in 2010).

I didn't vote for Trump so you can take your mindless Moon Bat Trump hate and shove it up your ass.

You stupid Moon Bats didn't give a shit about the numerous lies told to you by the Obama Administration so pretending that you care about the government lying to you now that Trump is President is ludicrous.

If you are confused about the Obama lies there are many videos and articles I can post that list his filthy ass lies.

Then, after that, we can list the lies of Crooked Hillary,which you dumb ass Moon Bats all voted for.
Then, after that, we can list the lies of Crooked Hillary,which you dumb ass Moon Bats all voted for.

Lefties won't watch this, but check it out for a laugh. Hillary lies so much it's actually gross.

Trump played the Democrats for suckers this week.

He signed that massive budget with tons of money for defense and now he is using defense funds to build the wall.

It is called "Schlonging" the Moon Bats.


I've been saying he should do it that way since he entered office. We'll see if it actually happens.

He played his base for suckers too. Promised them many times Mexico was going to build that wall. Typical politician though, should be no surprise.

I have more faith in Trump getting the money out of Mexico some way or another than I had faith in Obama cutting my health care cost by $2500 a year like he promised you Moon Bat suckers.
Trump has lied about everything else, what makes you think the stable genius can get mexico to pay for wall. He now says the wall will pay for itself, while asking congress to pay for it.

On the subject of $2500 obamacare: this was based on the expectation of public option, until blue dog democrats killed it. (blue dogs were a thing in 2010).

I didn't vote for Trump so you can take your mindless Moon Bat Trump hate and shove it up your ass.

You stupid Moon Bats didn't give a shit about the numerous lies told to you by the Obama Administration so pretending that you care about the government lying to you now that Trump is President is ludicrous.

If you are confused about the Obama lies there are many videos and articles I can post that list his filthy ass lies.

Then, after that, we can list the lies of Crooked Hillary,which you dumb ass Moon Bats all voted for.
great job..
I didn't vote for Trump so you can take your mindless Moon Bat Trump hate and shove it up your ass.

The above will soon spread like a run-away epidemic among these,
If you are confused about the Obama lies there are many videos and articles I can post that list his filthy ass lies..

And they're all fake news. Other than you can keep your doctor, and saving $2,500, you got nothing.
You are going on the assumption people who voted for Trump actually believed he would do everything he promised few people are naive enough to believe any politician will do that. This election like most was an who do I dislike the least vote I voted Trump because of that empty Supreme Court seat and Trump came through on that.

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