Trump has provided a conservative majority to the Supreme Court

It has been 50 years since the conservatives had a majority on the Supreme Court.
Donald Trump, the most incompetent President in the history of the USA, has put a conservative stamp on the Supreme Court and our country for decades.

Trump has done something many more competent Republican Presidents could not do.

Join the club life’s good.
what does it say about our political system when an absolute idiot asshole can have the success of Trump

Trump may be an asshole....

But it's you anti Trumpers that are the idiots...

The political system went just like our founding fathers planned.
It has been 50 years since the conservatives had a majority on the Supreme Court.
Donald Trump, the most incompetent President in the history of the USA, has put a conservative stamp on the Supreme Court and our country for decades.

Trump has done something many more competent Republican Presidents could not do.


Again, there ain't supposed to be "conservatives" or any other kind of "leaning" in the SCOTUS. It's there to interpret the Constitution --- not to put a spin on it. They don't get the luxury of opinion.

And number two, each of those nominees has to be vetted and approved by Congress. You know, like Merrick Garland was.

There aint' supposed to be liberals on there either but ginsu, sonja, and kagan are radical libs.

"Sonja" and "Kagan" (we capitalize proper nouns in English) are SCOTUS justices. They don't have any leeway to be "libs" other than following a Constitution written by Libs.

Not sure what a "ginsu" is but I'm pretty sure the Supreme Court does not involve knives.
It has been 50 years since the conservatives had a majority on the Supreme Court.
Donald Trump, the most incompetent President in the history of the USA, has put a conservative stamp on the Supreme Court and our country for decades.

Trump has done something many more competent Republican Presidents could not do.


Again, there ain't supposed to be "conservatives" or any other kind of "leaning" in the SCOTUS. It's there to interpret the Constitution --- not to put a spin on it. They don't get the luxury of opinion.

And number two, each of those nominees has to be vetted and approved by Congress. You know, like Merrick Garland was.

But, they do put a spin on it, they do get the luxury of opinion. Having said that, if they would just have had a

strict view of the constitution and not a progressive view, we wouldn't be so screwed up today.
Prime example.....separation of church and state never was supposed to be interpreted as it is now.
It has been 50 years since the conservatives had a majority on the Supreme Court.
Donald Trump, the most incompetent President in the history of the USA, has put a conservative stamp on the Supreme Court and our country for decades.

Trump has done something many more competent Republican Presidents could not do.


Again, there ain't supposed to be "conservatives" or any other kind of "leaning" in the SCOTUS. It's there to interpret the Constitution --- not to put a spin on it. They don't get the luxury of opinion.

And number two, each of those nominees has to be vetted and approved by Congress. You know, like Merrick Garland was.

There aint' supposed to be liberals on there either but ginsu, sonja, and kagan are radical libs.

"Sonja" and "Kagan" (we capitalize proper nouns in English) are SCOTUS justices. They don't have any leeway to be "libs" other than following a Constitution written by Libs.

Not sure what a "ginsu" is but I'm pretty sure the Supreme Court does not involve knives.

sonja and kagan and ginsu.....the old hag i know her name it got your panties all wadded up because you started correcting english and proper nouns and this run on sentence i dont care about proper english punctuation correct grammar on message boards that doesnt have any periods yeah theyre libs
Here is a radical thought maybe Trump is not the incompetent the left likes to claim he is maybe the incompetents are all of the political and media elites who underestimated him from day one and continue to do so to this day.
It has been 50 years since the conservatives had a majority on the Supreme Court.
Donald Trump, the most incompetent President in the history of the USA, has put a conservative stamp on the Supreme Court and our country for decades.

Trump has done something many more competent Republican Presidents could not do.


Again, there ain't supposed to be "conservatives" or any other kind of "leaning" in the SCOTUS. It's there to interpret the Constitution --- not to put a spin on it.

And number two, each of those nominees has to be vetted and approved by Congress. You know, like Merrick Garland was.

Wasn't Garland the liberal judge that Obama wanted?

One has to wonder how much the GOP owe Trump for this victory. If he had lost, they probably would have been begging for Garland, Clinton would have picked a Prince to be judge.

What "victory"?

I don't think you get the idea. We don't have "liberal" or "conservative" SCOTUS judges. They may have had leanings this way or that way before going to the bench but once there they have to leave that behind and deal strictly with what the Constitution says, period. Once they're in nobody gets to influence them with political favors.

This board is pretty much whacking off today to the idea that just because Rump gets a pick it's some kind of "victory". It goes nowhere until and unless Congress approves it. Much ado about nothing.
WE have conservative PRO America judges and leftist communist judges.
It has been 50 years since the conservatives had a majority on the Supreme Court.
Donald Trump, the most incompetent President in the history of the USA, has put a conservative stamp on the Supreme Court and our country for decades.

Trump has done something many more competent Republican Presidents could not do.


Again, there ain't supposed to be "conservatives" or any other kind of "leaning" in the SCOTUS. It's there to interpret the Constitution --- not to put a spin on it. They don't get the luxury of opinion.

And number two, each of those nominees has to be vetted and approved by Congress. You know, like Merrick Garland was.
So that's why Ginsberg has been quoted in the past that she looks to Europe to interpret the US Constitution.
separation of church and state never was supposed to be interpreted as it is now.
In what way, Meister?
In England the Catholic Church dictated government policy, our FF's wanted no part of that when setting up our government.
It never was meant for it to be interpreted what it is today. Legislating from the bench gave us what we have today.
It has been 50 years since the conservatives had a majority on the Supreme Court.
Donald Trump, the most incompetent President in the history of the USA, has put a conservative stamp on the Supreme Court and our country for decades.

Trump has done something many more competent Republican Presidents could not do.


Again, there ain't supposed to be "conservatives" or any other kind of "leaning" in the SCOTUS. It's there to interpret the Constitution --- not to put a spin on it. They don't get the luxury of opinion.

And number two, each of those nominees has to be vetted and approved by Congress. You know, like Merrick Garland was.

There aint' supposed to be liberals on there either but ginsu, sonja, and kagan are radical libs.

"Sonja" and "Kagan" (we capitalize proper nouns in English) are SCOTUS justices. They don't have any leeway to be "libs" other than following a Constitution written by Libs.

Not sure what a "ginsu" is but I'm pretty sure the Supreme Court does not involve knives.

sonja and kagan and ginsu.....the old hag i know her name it got your panties all wadded up because you started correcting english and proper nouns and this run on sentence i dont care about proper english punctuation correct grammar on message boards that doesnt have any periods yeah theyre libs

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." --- Isaac Asimov (complete with capital letters)

He needs to get one more in there. 6-3 is much better than 5-4. Bush's pick Roberts, is a weak waffler. Remember, he gave is 'ObummerCare.' 6-3 would spell Game Over for the Left/Globalists. They'd be sidelined for many years to come.

Obama said we are going to stack the courts with progressives to do our biding....


No of course you don't have a link. Why would you.

See if this wets your whistle...

How Obama Transformed the Courts


I read the whole thing and there's no such quote. Not even remotely close.

You'll notice the poster who I called on his "conjecture" ---- bailed out when called out and "thanked" you for white-knighting to try to get him off the hook, and then ran away.

But it isn't there.

I know bullshit when I see it.
It has been 50 years since the conservatives had a majority on the Supreme Court.
Donald Trump, the most incompetent President in the history of the USA, has put a conservative stamp on the Supreme Court and our country for decades.

Trump has done something many more competent Republican Presidents could not do.


Again, there ain't supposed to be "conservatives" or any other kind of "leaning" in the SCOTUS. It's there to interpret the Constitution --- not to put a spin on it. They don't get the luxury of opinion.

And number two, each of those nominees has to be vetted and approved by Congress. You know, like Merrick Garland was.

There aint' supposed to be liberals on there either but ginsu, sonja, and kagan are radical libs.

"Sonja" and "Kagan" (we capitalize proper nouns in English) are SCOTUS justices. They don't have any leeway to be "libs" other than following a Constitution written by Libs.

Not sure what a "ginsu" is but I'm pretty sure the Supreme Court does not involve knives.

sonja and kagan and ginsu.....the old hag i know her name it got your panties all wadded up because you started correcting english and proper nouns and this run on sentence i dont care about proper english punctuation correct grammar on message boards that doesnt have any periods yeah theyre libs

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." --- Isaac Asimov (complete with capital letters)


I can see that you failed to note the mockery but then immediately went off on a tangent to claim some type of victory. Keep digging.
separation of church and state never was supposed to be interpreted as it is now.
In what way, Meister?
In England the Catholic Church dictated government policy, our FF's wanted no part of that when setting up our government.
It never was meant for it to be interpreted what it is today. Legislating from the bench gave us what we have today.
The situation we have, is that the Christians, in persons such as the 'devout Catholic' Brett Kavanaugh, and our 'New Earth Dep. Prez are, in fact dictating the government policy by delivering their fundamental belief system upon the Judiciary.
It has been 50 years since the conservatives had a majority on the Supreme Court.
Donald Trump, the most incompetent President in the history of the USA, has put a conservative stamp on the Supreme Court and our country for decades.

Trump has done something many more competent Republican Presidents could not do.


Perhaps Trump is more competent than all those other conservative presidents, who could not even conserve canned food for a day if you gave it to them.
It has been 50 years since the conservatives had a majority on the Supreme Court.
Donald Trump, the most incompetent President in the history of the USA, has put a conservative stamp on the Supreme Court and our country for decades.

Trump has done something many more competent Republican Presidents could not do.

Actually not.

The Supreme Court had a conservative majority prior to Trump.

What Trump has accomplished is the creation of a social conservative Supreme Court majority; a majority comprised of rightwing ideologues hostile to privacy rights, hostile to the due process rights of immigrants, hostile to the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, and hostile to the voting rights of minorities.

In essence, Trump has succeeded in doing away with our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law – citizens will no longer be able to seek relief in the courts when Republican state lawmakers enact measures that violate citizens’ rights and liberties; government – not the rule of law – will determine who will have his rights and liberties, citizens’ rights and liberties will now be subject to the capricious ‘will of the people’: the ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate of the people, exactly the opposite of what the Framers intended.

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