Trump has really exposed the lack of logic behind presidential power

Why would a president without having to have political, government or military experience of any kind be able to be the head decision maker of those departments.

Example, a president shouldnt be able to declassify any kind of information without having some years of experience with it? I could go on and on.
At least Trump has a working brain.

Your OP would be better if it used Biden as the subject matter, as he can't even put on his own jacket without assistance....

Nope I posted links yesterday. Desantis is a lot like Trump.
Care to share your evidence that DeSantis doesnt care about the Constitution or rule of law? An instance of him saying that or doing things that are against the Constitution and/or rule of law? Otherwise it's just the opinion of some random person on the internet..
Care to share your evidence that DeSantis doesnt care about the Constitution or rule of law? An instance of him saying that or doing things that are against the Constitution and/or rule of law? Otherwise it's just the opinion of some random person on the internet..
surada is not all there.
And you are the arbitor of who is and isn’t “qualified”? The only “qualifications“ for President are in the Constitution and getting enough votes to get elected. All the BS outside of that is just partisan hackery. Remember how “unqualified“ Obama was? Trump was “unqualified” just like Obama was, disliked by one side of the aisle.
Each and every voter makes their own decision if a candidate is qualified. The forefathers mistakenly thought we would all take that decision seriously.
Each and every voter makes their own decision if a candidate is qualified. The forefathers mistakenly thought we would all take that decision seriously.
So because the voters put someone in the office you didnt approve of, they didn’t take their vote seriousy? I get that you think Trump is the Antichrist and all, and I dont think he was by any means our best President ever, he was also not our worst. By any stretch of the imagination.

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