Trump has spent 22% of his presidency on the golf course

No, you are not listening,
Just because I do not agree with a position does not mean I did not read or did not understand it. It just means I have a different opinion.

it is NOT to validate policy, it is to accurately describe what the estimates are of it's macroeconomic effects.
Ummm that's the same thing. To look at the effects of a policy and judge its effectiveness.

Estimates DO NOT show whether jobs were saved or created, they show how many more(or less) jobs there are due to specific policy.
We CAN accurately estimate/measure change in jobs and change in rate of change.

But we go from objective to more subjective measurements when we try to link those changes to policy decisions. This is why BLS is forbidden from commenting on policy or policy effects.

Again, macroeconomic estimate cannot tell you how many people didn't get fired because of policy vs how many got a new job, it looks at how many jobs a policy sustains.
Which inherently involves estimating how many would have been laid off without the policy. By saying the policy sustained X jobs, you are necessarily saying that approximately X jobs would otherwise have been lost.
We were trying to stimulate the economy and stop a depression

When you are losing 770,000 jobs a month, stopping the bleeding was a major objective. Stimulus funds were reserved for "shovel ready jobs", jobs that could hire immediately if funding were available. Additional funding was used to allow budget starved municipalities to not fire police, firemen and teachers

Saving those jobs was as important as creating new jobs

And it had no effect on jobs. It was also petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and his Jobs Czar Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE laughed when they mentioned those Shovel Ready jobs not being so ready after all.

As for Tallahassee, we were bestowed with a THREE POINT TWO MILLION DOLLAR TURTLE TUNNEL. It runs under four lanes of US 27N just north of the city. Lake Jackson is in its path and the highway cut off a small portion called "Little Lake Jackson". A student at FSU was disturbed that turtles were getting smushed crossing between the two lakes. Mind you I drove that stretch hundreds of times and never saw a turtle. The object was being remedied by volunteers maintaining those low black screening type material along both sides of the highway. He'd been trying to get the county commission to pay for it for years. Had the plans and everything.

When the Stimulus came along, we received a $3.2 MILLION TURTLe TUNNEL. Which is actually now a fast food "restaurant". The turtles and other small animals now go through the 20 or so foot tunnel as the dozens of alligators wait at each end.

As always, environmentalists plans most often do more damage than good.
Isn't it amazing how you attacked Obama over golfing but now want to suck Trump dick for doing the same!
althoh better by adamned sight than the alternative, president tannen has some disturbing authoritarian leanings, or at least seems the more time he's aggravating communists on twitter and hanging out on the green......the less time he has to grow government
besides 22 percent still leaves 78 percent
We were trying to stimulate the economy and stop a depression

When you are losing 770,000 jobs a month, stopping the bleeding was a major objective. Stimulus funds were reserved for "shovel ready jobs", jobs that could hire immediately if funding were available. Additional funding was used to allow budget starved municipalities to not fire police, firemen and teachers

Saving those jobs was as important as creating new jobs

And it had no effect on jobs. It was also petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and his Jobs Czar Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE laughed when they mentioned those Shovel Ready jobs not being so ready after all.

As for Tallahassee, we were bestowed with a THREE POINT TWO MILLION DOLLAR TURTLE TUNNEL. It runs under four lanes of US 27N just north of the city. Lake Jackson is in its path and the highway cut off a small portion called "Little Lake Jackson". A student at FSU was disturbed that turtles were getting smushed crossing between the two lakes. Mind you I drove that stretch hundreds of times and never saw a turtle. The object was being remedied by volunteers maintaining those low black screening type material along both sides of the highway. He'd been trying to get the county commission to pay for it for years. Had the plans and everything.

When the Stimulus came along, we received a $3.2 MILLION TURTLe TUNNEL. Which is actually now a fast food "restaurant". The turtles and other small animals now go through the 20 or so foot tunnel as the dozens of alligators wait at each end.

As always, environmentalists plans most often do more damage than good.
Yet it did impact jobs

Stopped a depression

It isn't how hard you play that counts, but how hard and long you work. Whatever Obama spent on golfing, he spent nearly ZERO time working for the people doing anything but really just promoting himself and milking lavish world vacations disguised as foreign trips.

Yet it did impact jobs

Stopped a depression


As you know it wasn't until November 2009 at the earliest when some funds started to reach the market. By that time the recovery was well under way.

What is most amusing is the fact that 37 percent of the act was tax relief. Amusing because it is the Democrats and Progressives are the ones who swear up and down that tax relief has nothing to do with jobs and growing the economy.
No, you are. Where did the article state he played golf for 22% of his presidency?

You're joking.

The headline of the thread.

I'll copy and paste it for you here.

Trump has spent 22% of his presidency on the golf course
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Billy000, Tuesday at 2:50 AM.
What a crock of shit. That would be 5 and a half hours of golf a day. Where did they get that figure from? And even if he does play that much golf, he has accomplished more since being elected than Obama has in eight years. So I can't begrudge him the time off. He's doing an excellent job.
What a crock of shit. That would be 5 and a half hours of golf a day. Where did they get that figure from? And even if he does play that much golf, he has accomplished more since being elected than Obama has in eight years. So I can't begrudge him the time off. He's doing an excellent job.

I simply used the headline of the thread and simple arithmetic to show how foolish their headline is in the real world. This is the headline:

Trump has spent 22% of his presidency on the golf course
What a crock of shit. That would be 5 and a half hours of golf a day. Where did they get that figure from? And even if he does play that much golf, he has accomplished more since being elected than Obama has in eight years. So I can't begrudge him the time off. He's doing an excellent job.

I simply used the headline of the thread and simple arithmetic to show how foolish their headline is in the real world. This is the headline:

Trump has spent 22% of his presidency on the golf course
5 and a half hours a day. Not possible.

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