Trump has spent 22% of his presidency on the golf course

Fake News...
AKA crude, defamatory anti-USA disinformation.

How many people actually believe the false claim that Trump has spent 20% of the time during his presidency on the golf course. Not very many.

That's a great example of how the far left deceives, Muhammed! Trump has two homes that are in golf course communities...a summer place in New Jersey and his winter house in Florida. When he's at either house, liberals count that as being at a golf course. I live in a golf course community therefore according to liberals...I play golf every day that I spend at my house! It's absurd...but what else is new! The attacks on Trump get more absurd with each passing week.
And yet, despite your sycophantic excuses, what Trump actually said was...
"You know what ... and I love golf ... but if I were in the White House, I don't think I'd ever see Turnberry again. I don't think I'd ever see Doral again -- I own Doral, in Miami. I don't think I'd ever see many of the places that I have, I don't ever think that I'd see anything. I just wanna stay in the White House and work my ass off, make great deals, right? Who's gonna leave? I mean, who's gonna leave?"
Now that he's got your vote, of his first 170 days as president, he's spent 51 of them at his own properties plus another 37 at golf properties.

Less than half his time is actually spent at the White House -- "I just wanna stay in the White House and work my ass off, make great deals, right? Who's gonna leave? I mean, who's gonna leave?"

I have absolutely no problem with Trump working out of somewhere other than the White House. I had absolutely no problem with Barack Obama doing the same. What I DID have a problem with in regards to Obama was his taking a vacation to Martha's Vineyard with so many people out of work and waiting on him for to release his plan to grow the economy and create jobs. I'd have the exact same problem if Trump were to do the same thing. To put what I'm saying in context...back in August of 2011, horrible unemployment numbers had come out and the stock market was in free fall losing 419 points the day after! Obama had just been seen on stage admitting that the "shovel ready" jobs that he had promised would be created by his stimulus weren't as shovel ready as they'd predicted! People around the country were reeling and looked to their President for leadership. Instead of telling them what his plan was to fix the economy. Barack Obama told them that they'd have to wait two weeks because he was heading to the Vineyard to play golf! I had a HUGE problem with that! When you're the go on vacation when things are fixed. Trump grasps that concept. Barry never did.

Sorry...too many factual errors in that one to even get started

Such as?
If you are easily impressed with correlations this should convince you without a doubt that stimulus did not simply vanish:

I deleted your unsourced graph, it's worthless, but tell us in your own words what Obama did to create jobs.

WOW are you fucking serious? We are seriously witnessing mental illness in action.

You are willing to ignore a graph showing basic well established, undisputed data posted here for many years now, because there was not sourced to your satisfaction? Just like that, find a little nitpick and you think you have self-justification to not let facts enter your little head. It's the stuff pathological denial is made of.

Here is the official BLS monthly employment change database:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

What are you going to do now crazy? Maybe run to the nearest corner and cry trying to pretend this doesn't exist?

Totally pathetic.
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If you are easily impressed with correlations this should convince you without a doubt that stimulus did not simply vanish:
I deleted your unsourced graph, it's worthless, but tell us in your own words what Obama did to create jobs.

WOW are you fucking serious? We are seriously witnessing mental illness in action.

You are willing to ignore a graph showing basic well established, undisputed data posted here for many years now, because there was not sourced to your satisfaction? Just like that, find a little nitpick and you think you have self-justification to not let facts enter your little head. It's the stuff pathological denial is made of.

Here is the official BLS monthly employment change database:

What are you going to do now crazy? Maybe run to the nearest corner and cry trying to pretend this doesn't exist?

Totally pathetic.
Your graph has no source, you could have put it together. BUT the question was what policy of obama's created jobs. You can spew feces all day but that's not an answer.
If you are easily impressed with correlations this should convince you without a doubt that stimulus did not simply vanish:
I deleted your unsourced graph, it's worthless, but tell us in your own words what Obama did to create jobs.

WOW are you fucking serious? We are seriously witnessing mental illness in action.

You are willing to ignore a graph showing basic well established, undisputed data posted here for many years now, because there was not sourced to your satisfaction? Just like that, find a little nitpick and you think you have self-justification to not let facts enter your little head. It's the stuff pathological denial is made of.

Here is the official BLS monthly employment change database:

What are you going to do now crazy? Maybe run to the nearest corner and cry trying to pretend this doesn't exist?

Totally pathetic.
Your graph has no source, you could have put it together. BUT the question was what policy of obama's created jobs. You can spew feces all day but that's not an answer.

I just provided you DIRECT SOURCE FROM BLS. Yes, I went out and fetched to you the bestestest of sources, since you yourself are only interested in politico denials. You looked for nitpick to not have to admit the facts instead of doing the intellectually honest thing - check my data yourself if had any doubt at all.

The QUESTION WAS NOT, what Obama did, the question was of CORRELATION between Stimulus and economic indicators. A standard Oldstyle himself has set when he tried to claim that Stimulus did not improve economic conditions and 870 billion simply vanished without upsides to economy.

But as to that irrelavant question you want to move the goal post to, here is again a chewed up answer:

1. Bailout administration - stabilization of financial sector that Bush started and Obama supported and saw through.
2. Stimulus
3. Monetary Policy (quantitative easing)

It's tough to say exactly how much those factors helped economy but it was significant. Here are some estimates from economists on economic state without those policies:


2 economists imagined a financial crisis without stimulus or bailouts. It’s … ugly.
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If you are easily impressed with correlations this should convince you without a doubt that stimulus did not simply vanish:
I deleted your unsourced graph, it's worthless, but tell us in your own words what Obama did to create jobs.

WOW are you fucking serious? We are seriously witnessing mental illness in action.

You are willing to ignore a graph showing basic well established, undisputed data posted here for many years now, because there was not sourced to your satisfaction? Just like that, find a little nitpick and you think you have self-justification to not let facts enter your little head. It's the stuff pathological denial is made of.

Here is the official BLS monthly employment change database:

What are you going to do now crazy? Maybe run to the nearest corner and cry trying to pretend this doesn't exist?

Totally pathetic.
Your graph has no source, you could have put it together. BUT the question was what policy of obama's created jobs. You can spew feces all day but that's not an answer.

I just provided you DIRECT SOURCE FROM BLS. Yes, I went out and fetched to you the bestestest of sources, since you yourself are only interested in politico denials. You looked for nitpick to not have to admit the facts instead of doing the intellectually honest thing - check my data yourself if had any doubt at all.

The QUESTION WAS NOT, what Obama did, the question was of CORRELATION between stimulus and economic indicators. A standard Oldstyle himself has set when he tried to claim that Stimulus did not improve economic conditions and 870 billion simply vanished without upsides to economy.

At no point have I ever claimed that the Stimulus did not improve economic conditions. It would be almost impossible to spend close to a trillion dollars and NOT improve the economy! What I pointed out was that Barry, Harry and Nancy spent all that money but created so few jobs that it was obvious their stimulus was badly conceived. This reminds me of the polls of economists taken following the Stimulus that the Obama White House cited repeatedly that in their opinion the stimulus improved the economy! Well of course it did! How do you spend THAT much and not improve your economic numbers? The question that should have been asked of those economists is whether they thought the stimulus created as many jobs as it should have given the amount of money that was spent?
If you are easily impressed with correlations this should convince you without a doubt that stimulus did not simply vanish:
I deleted your unsourced graph, it's worthless, but tell us in your own words what Obama did to create jobs.

WOW are you fucking serious? We are seriously witnessing mental illness in action.

You are willing to ignore a graph showing basic well established, undisputed data posted here for many years now, because there was not sourced to your satisfaction? Just like that, find a little nitpick and you think you have self-justification to not let facts enter your little head. It's the stuff pathological denial is made of.

Here is the official BLS monthly employment change database:

What are you going to do now crazy? Maybe run to the nearest corner and cry trying to pretend this doesn't exist?

Totally pathetic.
Your graph has no source, you could have put it together. BUT the question was what policy of obama's created jobs. You can spew feces all day but that's not an answer.

I just provided you DIRECT SOURCE FROM BLS. Yes, I went out and fetched to you the bestestest of sources, since you yourself are only interested in politico denials. You looked for nitpick to not have to admit the facts instead of doing the intellectually honest thing - check my data yourself if had any doubt at all.

The QUESTION WAS NOT, what Obama did, the question was of CORRELATION between stimulus and economic indicators. A standard Oldstyle himself has set when he tried to claim that Stimulus did not improve economic conditions and 870 billion simply vanished without upsides to economy.

At no point have I ever claimed that the Stimulus did not improve economic conditions.

You are lying. PERIOD. I don't understand how you can bullshit like that given that what you said is plainly recorded in this thread.

Here you are clearly saying that yes 780 billion simply vanished
What I pointed out was that Barry, Harry and Nancy spent all that money but created so few jobs that it was obvious their stimulus was badly conceived.

Your basis for "only few job created" is increasing unemployment between 2009 and 2010.

In other words, because stimulus that was spent over 3-4 years did not immediately turn 800,000 monthly job loss into job growth it therefore has not created significant number of jobs.

It is a stupid argument and stark reversal of job growth clearly shows a trend of employment improvement following that passage of Stimulus. That is not saying that Stimulus caused the entirety of reversal, but it does meet the evidence standard by which you yourself have judged Stimulus to not make any significant number of jobs.

So here it is again:


You can go ahead and CHANGE your standard and tell us of some OTHER reason you think stimulus didn't create significant number of jobs, but as of now your assertion is completely bust.
The fact that someone used a term vaguely similar to "jobs created or saved" once or twice isn't the same as an Administration basing it's economic report to the nation on an economic statistic that only has one notable claim to fame...THAT IT ISN'T VERIFIABLE!

That's the reason the Obama Administration quoted that statistic over and over and over again! They wanted to confuse people. They wanted to hide the truth.
Let's be clear here....are you claiming that the government released "jobs saved or created" as an official statistic in any economic report? If so, please link to any such report.

What I'm "claiming" is that the Obama Administration started using "jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic instead of simply jobs created when it became clear that the stimulus had failed miserably at creating jobs!

I love that bullshit manufactured number. So stupid.

Maybe Dems can use a similar number for calculating saved welfare from abortions.

Why is that a "bullshit number"?
When you enter office and are losing 700,000 jobs a month, preventing additional losses is imperative
Stimulus provided funds to keep teachers, firemen and police from being laid off due to budget cuts

It's a bullshit number because you can make it any number you want! Jobs created is a REAL created or saved is nothing more than a public relations smoke screen to obscure the truth rather than report it.

It is reflected in declining numbers of jobs lost in the jobs report

It is a real number. If you were losing 750,000 jobs a month in January and only 300,000 jobs lost in March that is significant improvement ....even though you are still losing jobs

That is "jobs saved"
Let's be clear here....are you claiming that the government released "jobs saved or created" as an official statistic in any economic report? If so, please link to any such report.

What I'm "claiming" is that the Obama Administration started using "jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic instead of simply jobs created when it became clear that the stimulus had failed miserably at creating jobs!

I love that bullshit manufactured number. So stupid.

Maybe Dems can use a similar number for calculating saved welfare from abortions.

Why is that a "bullshit number"?
When you enter office and are losing 700,000 jobs a month, preventing additional losses is imperative
Stimulus provided funds to keep teachers, firemen and police from being laid off due to budget cuts

It's a bullshit number because you can make it any number you want! Jobs created is a REAL created or saved is nothing more than a public relations smoke screen to obscure the truth rather than report it.

It is reflected in declining numbers of jobs lost in the jobs report

It is a real number. If you were losing 750,000 jobs a month in January and only 300,000 jobs lost in March that is significant improvement ....even though you are still losing jobs

That is "jobs saved"

That's not really it though - from top-down view of effects it's impossible to tell a difference between a job not-lost and a job created.

It goes to fundamental reality that it's impossible to actually track where every dollar went.

Suppose we estimate that $100,000 in tax cuts will support 2 jobs in the economy - does it matter if those jobs were new or people simply not getting fired thanks to extra liquidity in the economy?

No. That's where "created or saved" language comes from. We can't tell if they were saved or created. Macroeconomic estimates simply state overall job delta effect to the economy from a specific policy.
Let's be clear here....are you claiming that the government released "jobs saved or created" as an official statistic in any economic report? If so, please link to any such report.

What I'm "claiming" is that the Obama Administration started using "jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic instead of simply jobs created when it became clear that the stimulus had failed miserably at creating jobs!

I love that bullshit manufactured number. So stupid.

Maybe Dems can use a similar number for calculating saved welfare from abortions.

Why is that a "bullshit number"?
When you enter office and are losing 700,000 jobs a month, preventing additional losses is imperative
Stimulus provided funds to keep teachers, firemen and police from being laid off due to budget cuts

It's a bullshit number because you can make it any number you want! Jobs created is a REAL created or saved is nothing more than a public relations smoke screen to obscure the truth rather than report it.

It is reflected in declining numbers of jobs lost in the jobs report

It is a real number. If you were losing 750,000 jobs a month in January and only 300,000 jobs lost in March that is significant improvement ....even though you are still losing jobs

That is "jobs saved"

Oh for the love of God! It is NOT a real number! It's a made up number! You can claim that you've saved a million jobs and there is no possible way on earth to disprove that number! On the other hand jobs created is an actual number that's compiled not something made up which is the reason it's always been used to judge success or failure of economic policies!
What I'm "claiming" is that the Obama Administration started using "jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic instead of simply jobs created when it became clear that the stimulus had failed miserably at creating jobs!

I love that bullshit manufactured number. So stupid.

Maybe Dems can use a similar number for calculating saved welfare from abortions.

Why is that a "bullshit number"?
When you enter office and are losing 700,000 jobs a month, preventing additional losses is imperative
Stimulus provided funds to keep teachers, firemen and police from being laid off due to budget cuts

It's a bullshit number because you can make it any number you want! Jobs created is a REAL created or saved is nothing more than a public relations smoke screen to obscure the truth rather than report it.

It is reflected in declining numbers of jobs lost in the jobs report

It is a real number. If you were losing 750,000 jobs a month in January and only 300,000 jobs lost in March that is significant improvement ....even though you are still losing jobs

That is "jobs saved"

Oh for the love of God! It is NOT a real number! It's a made up number! You can claim that you've saved a million jobs and there is no possible way on earth to disprove that number! On the other hand jobs created is an actual number that's compiled not something made up which is the reason it's always been used to judge success or failure of economic policies!

Yes you can prove it
If the number of people being laid off is decreasing in the absence of new jobs being created...there are jobs being saved

In Obama's case, Stimulus funding was being directly provided to states which used the funding to support teachers, cops and firemen who were not funded. Those jobs were "saved" even though they didn't count as new jobs
Oh for the love of God! It is NOT a real number! It's a made up number! You can claim that you've saved a million jobs and there is no possible way on earth to disprove that number!

You are posting total falsehoods. The numbers are mainstream estimates from non-partisan economists. They are not "made up" as you ridiculously claim.

There is some difficulty in tracking dollars going through economy, which is why we have to rely on macro-economic estimates. But you don't get to believe whatever you feel like simply because you have some political inclination to.

Economists, like those at CBO, say that because of Stimulus there were 1.5-3 million jobs more during 2009-2015 period then there would be absent that policy.

They can't say how many were saved vs. how many were created, nor does it matter much for the overall economic picture.

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I love that bullshit manufactured number. So stupid.

Maybe Dems can use a similar number for calculating saved welfare from abortions.

Why is that a "bullshit number"?
When you enter office and are losing 700,000 jobs a month, preventing additional losses is imperative
Stimulus provided funds to keep teachers, firemen and police from being laid off due to budget cuts

It's a bullshit number because you can make it any number you want! Jobs created is a REAL created or saved is nothing more than a public relations smoke screen to obscure the truth rather than report it.

It is reflected in declining numbers of jobs lost in the jobs report

It is a real number. If you were losing 750,000 jobs a month in January and only 300,000 jobs lost in March that is significant improvement ....even though you are still losing jobs

That is "jobs saved"

How is it that you prove a job has been "saved"? If I say that we would have lost a million jobs without my stimulus plan how do you dispute that? It's why they used that statistic! It's total fiction.

Oh for the love of God! It is NOT a real number! It's a made up number! You can claim that you've saved a million jobs and there is no possible way on earth to disprove that number! On the other hand jobs created is an actual number that's compiled not something made up which is the reason it's always been used to judge success or failure of economic policies!

Yes you can prove it
If the number of people being laid off is decreasing in the absence of new jobs being created...there are jobs being saved

In Obama's case, Stimulus funding was being directly provided to states which used the funding to support teachers, cops and firemen who were not funded. Those jobs were "saved" even though they didn't count as new jobs
And yet he's accomplished more in less than 6 months than Obama did in 8 years. :)

By this point in Obama's presidency, he had already passed a stimulus bill, ended Bush's Great Recession, turned around the stock market, and saved the U.S. auto industry.

Meanwhile, there's 102 million people out of work now -- where's your outrage over Trump playing too much golf?
To be fair...he is in the middle of an election campaign.

Trump Kicks Off His 2020 Reelection Campaign on Saturday
The president is taking the permanent campaign to new levels with a political rally in Florida—the latest sign that he’s already planning for a second term.

Trump Kicks Off His 2020 Reelection Campaign on Saturday
AKA crude, defamatory anti-USA disinformation.

How many people actually believe the false claim that Trump has spent 20% of the time during his presidency on the golf course. Not very many.

That's a great example of how the far left deceives, Muhammed! Trump has two homes that are in golf course communities...a summer place in New Jersey and his winter house in Florida. When he's at either house, liberals count that as being at a golf course. I live in a golf course community therefore according to liberals...I play golf every day that I spend at my house! It's absurd...but what else is new! The attacks on Trump get more absurd with each passing week.
And yet, despite your sycophantic excuses, what Trump actually said was...
"You know what ... and I love golf ... but if I were in the White House, I don't think I'd ever see Turnberry again. I don't think I'd ever see Doral again -- I own Doral, in Miami. I don't think I'd ever see many of the places that I have, I don't ever think that I'd see anything. I just wanna stay in the White House and work my ass off, make great deals, right? Who's gonna leave? I mean, who's gonna leave?"
Now that he's got your vote, of his first 170 days as president, he's spent 51 of them at his own properties plus another 37 at golf properties.

Less than half his time is actually spent at the White House -- "I just wanna stay in the White House and work my ass off, make great deals, right? Who's gonna leave? I mean, who's gonna leave?"

I have absolutely no problem with Trump working out of somewhere other than the White House. I had absolutely no problem with Barack Obama doing the same. What I DID have a problem with in regards to Obama was his taking a vacation to Martha's Vineyard with so many people out of work and waiting on him for to release his plan to grow the economy and create jobs. I'd have the exact same problem if Trump were to do the same thing. To put what I'm saying in context...back in August of 2011, horrible unemployment numbers had come out and the stock market was in free fall losing 419 points the day after! Obama had just been seen on stage admitting that the "shovel ready" jobs that he had promised would be created by his stimulus weren't as shovel ready as they'd predicted! People around the country were reeling and looked to their President for leadership. Instead of telling them what his plan was to fix the economy. Barack Obama told them that they'd have to wait two weeks because he was heading to the Vineyard to play golf! I had a HUGE problem with that! When you're the go on vacation when things are fixed. Trump grasps that concept. Barry never did.
WTF?? There were 100 million people, ages 16 and up, not working in August of 2012, when you claim you had a problem with the president playing golf.

Yet you don't mind the president playing golf now even though there are 102 million people not working??

Huge difference between then and now, Faun! The stock market isn't in free's hitting record highs. Unemployment numbers look better than they have...not worse. People aren't asking what Trump's plan is to fix the economy because he's been working since taking office on things specifically designed to stimulate economic growth. That wasn't the case with Obama. He had just spent the majority of his time getting the ACA passed...something that hurt job creation! The stimulus was supposed to make the economy grow and create hundreds of thousands of "shovel ready" jobs but he'd just admitted that hadn't happened! Telling people who were out of work and running dry on their life's savings that they'd have to wait a couple weeks before he'd reveal what his new plan would be to fix the economy because he was going on vacation was adding insult to injury.
He had just spent the majority of his time getting the ACA passed...something that hurt job creation!

Healthcare led the charge in jobs growth throughout 2016
Healthcare creates 13,500 jobs in March as ACA repeal scare slowed growth
Oh for the love of God! It is NOT a real number! It's a made up number! You can claim that you've saved a million jobs and there is no possible way on earth to disprove that number!

You are posting total falsehoods. The numbers are mainstream estimates from non-partisan economists. They are not "made up" as you ridiculously claim.

There is some difficulty in tracking dollars going through economy, which is why we have to rely on macro-economic estimates. But you don't get to believe whatever you feel like simply because you have some political inclination to.

Economists, like those at CBO, say that because of Stimulus there were 1.5-3 million jobs more during 2009-2015 period then there would be absent that policy.

They can't say how many were saved vs. how many were created, nor does it matter much for the overall economic picture.

"Jobs saved," though is not an objective measure. It's clearly impossible to know with any real certainty how many jobs would have been lost and were not due to any specific cause. That's why none of the statistical agencies publish any such number. Are the CBO estimates "made up?" No. Neither are they necessarily anywhere close to the truth.

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