Trump has spent 22% of his presidency on the golf course

Where were we? Trump didn't accomplish even a 10th of what Obama accomplished.
The stimulus didn't boost the economy, there was no bump. It went into state and union coffers.

Q: How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that 870 billion can be dumped into economy and simply vanish?

A: rightwinger stupid.
A: Only libtards think we can spend our way into prosperity. That 870 billion came OUT of the private sector. Taking money and giving it to someone else creates an economy?

Total horseshit, 870 billion DID NOT come out of economy, it remains to this day on-credit.

There is a SANE, economically sound argument to be made - although stimulus did grow economy in the recessionary period, at some undetermined point in the far off future the debt it caused will likely need to be repaid, and at that point it will cause contractionary effects.

But of course rightwingers taking economically sane positions is a rare bird.
On credit? Oh, you mean debt. Yes, plus interest. So since we are now 20+ trillion in debt we can safely say nothing comes from the tax payer? You make no sense.

The interest has been roughly the inflation rate - in other words it has been pretty much FREE.

Since there has not been REPAYMENT of that debt, there was nothing taken back from tax payer.

Go fish.
We can borrow indefinitely? You are a tard.

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding
Fiscal Year Total $375,632,204,975.65
American Auto industry was on the ropes and stimulus programs really did help that industry significantly to come through the really rough times. Come back when you have a serious response.
You keep burbling the same retarded point. The auto industry wasn't in any trouble at all. GM was.

GM is the biggest vehicle producer, if it went down it would take down huge networks of suppliers and screw the economies of scale for that whole industry, it would take a LONG time to recover.
No, other companies are here now and can use the parts, materials, machining, etc. to pick up the slack. The fact is Obama bailed out union Democrat jobs.

Oh yes, other companies. Other companies including German, Japanese and Korean companies who now would get a big edge thanks to the void GM would leave in the market
American Auto industry was on the ropes and stimulus programs really did help that industry significantly to come through the really rough times. Come back when you have a serious response.
You keep burbling the same retarded point. The auto industry wasn't in any trouble at all. GM was.

Ford Stock was down to about a dollar a share too. Sales plummeted. They just had more cash reserves than GM did. If either of those had gone under, the supply chain would have cratered too.
The stimulus didn't boost the economy, there was no bump. It went into state and union coffers.

Q: How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that 870 billion can be dumped into economy and simply vanish?

A: rightwinger stupid.
A: Only libtards think we can spend our way into prosperity. That 870 billion came OUT of the private sector. Taking money and giving it to someone else creates an economy?

Total horseshit, 870 billion DID NOT come out of economy, it remains to this day on-credit.

There is a SANE, economically sound argument to be made - although stimulus did grow economy in the recessionary period, at some undetermined point in the far off future the debt it caused will likely need to be repaid, and at that point it will cause contractionary effects.

But of course rightwingers taking economically sane positions is a rare bird.
On credit? Oh, you mean debt. Yes, plus interest. So since we are now 20+ trillion in debt we can safely say nothing comes from the tax payer? You make no sense.

The interest has been roughly the inflation rate - in other words it has been pretty much FREE.

Since there has not been REPAYMENT of that debt, there was nothing taken back from tax payer.

Go fish.

Except, the current interest on the debt is $266 billion. Taxpayer's pony that up don't we?

5 Ways to Reduce the Interest on the Debt
Golf every golfing president gets beaten to death about to much golf, that was a big deal when IKE was president Golf is healthy I would guess. Am more worried about what is done when there not on the golf course.
Q: How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that 870 billion can be dumped into economy and simply vanish?

A: rightwinger stupid.
A: Only libtards think we can spend our way into prosperity. That 870 billion came OUT of the private sector. Taking money and giving it to someone else creates an economy?

Total horseshit, 870 billion DID NOT come out of economy, it remains to this day on-credit.

There is a SANE, economically sound argument to be made - although stimulus did grow economy in the recessionary period, at some undetermined point in the far off future the debt it caused will likely need to be repaid, and at that point it will cause contractionary effects.

But of course rightwingers taking economically sane positions is a rare bird.
On credit? Oh, you mean debt. Yes, plus interest. So since we are now 20+ trillion in debt we can safely say nothing comes from the tax payer? You make no sense.

The interest has been roughly the inflation rate - in other words it has been pretty much FREE.

Since there has not been REPAYMENT of that debt, there was nothing taken back from tax payer.

Go fish.
We can borrow indefinitely? You are a tard.

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding
Fiscal Year Total $375,632,204,975.65

Logic fail - just because we cannot burrow indefinetly (I NEVER said otherwise, so stop bullshitting) doesn't mean tax payers have at this point paid even a cent for the stimulus.

Bottom line to all the tagents: Trump hasn't accomplished even a small fraction of everything Obama can take credit for.
Golf every golfing president gets beaten to death about to much golf, that was a big deal when IKE was president Golf is healthy I would guess. Am more worried about what is done when there not on the golf course.

Not every President spends the MOST time of any president playing golf while having promised to not play golf and bashing his predecessor for it.

THAT is uniquely Trump.
American Auto industry was on the ropes and stimulus programs really did help that industry significantly to come through the really rough times. Come back when you have a serious response.
You keep burbling the same retarded point. The auto industry wasn't in any trouble at all. GM was.

Ford Stock was down to about a dollar a share too. Sales plummeted. They just had more cash reserves than GM did. If either of those had gone under, the supply chain would have cratered too.
and one would think more cash reserves would come from better management in such a time.

selling of chrysler was politics. pure and simple.
Q: How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that 870 billion can be dumped into economy and simply vanish?

A: rightwinger stupid.
A: Only libtards think we can spend our way into prosperity. That 870 billion came OUT of the private sector. Taking money and giving it to someone else creates an economy?

Total horseshit, 870 billion DID NOT come out of economy, it remains to this day on-credit.

There is a SANE, economically sound argument to be made - although stimulus did grow economy in the recessionary period, at some undetermined point in the far off future the debt it caused will likely need to be repaid, and at that point it will cause contractionary effects.

But of course rightwingers taking economically sane positions is a rare bird.
On credit? Oh, you mean debt. Yes, plus interest. So since we are now 20+ trillion in debt we can safely say nothing comes from the tax payer? You make no sense.

The interest has been roughly the inflation rate - in other words it has been pretty much FREE.

Since there has not been REPAYMENT of that debt, there was nothing taken back from tax payer.

Go fish.

Except, the current interest on the debt is $266 billion. Taxpayer's pony that up don't we?

5 Ways to Reduce the Interest on the Debt

REAL interest (interest-inflation) has been very small. People have been basically willing to let the Feds hold their money for nothing (and sometimes even a small loss).

Tax payers have done nothing but enjoy the tax cuts for a long time now. It's tough to make any case for paying for extra stuff we've been doing in the last 20 years.
A: Only libtards think we can spend our way into prosperity. That 870 billion came OUT of the private sector. Taking money and giving it to someone else creates an economy?

Total horseshit, 870 billion DID NOT come out of economy, it remains to this day on-credit.

There is a SANE, economically sound argument to be made - although stimulus did grow economy in the recessionary period, at some undetermined point in the far off future the debt it caused will likely need to be repaid, and at that point it will cause contractionary effects.

But of course rightwingers taking economically sane positions is a rare bird.
On credit? Oh, you mean debt. Yes, plus interest. So since we are now 20+ trillion in debt we can safely say nothing comes from the tax payer? You make no sense.

The interest has been roughly the inflation rate - in other words it has been pretty much FREE.

Since there has not been REPAYMENT of that debt, there was nothing taken back from tax payer.

Go fish.

Except, the current interest on the debt is $266 billion. Taxpayer's pony that up don't we?

5 Ways to Reduce the Interest on the Debt

REAL interest (interest-inflation) has been very small. People have been basically willing to let the Feds hold their money for nothing (and sometimes even a small loss).

Tax payers have done nothing but enjoy the tax cuts for a long time now. It's tough to make any case for paying for extra stuff we've been doing in the last 20 years.

I think we're talking about two different debts. The problem I had with the stimulus was it was only enough to stop the crisis and give us an anemic recovery.
Donald Trump has spent 22% of his presidency so far on the golf course

Can you imagine how Fox News and republicans would have reacted if Obama golfed as much as Trump did thus far? It blows my mind Trumpsters on this board could be such hypocrites.

Counting the whole day as "playing golf is bad math.

If you assume a 5 hour round at worst, that's 178 rounds in 169 days as president.

Assuming 37 games, and 5 hour rounds, Trump has actually only spent 4.6% of his presidency playing golf. (And a 5 hour round is assuming he takes freaking forever on the course).
Yeah, 3 1/2 hours is the norm on the courses I've played on. They run you off if you take longer.
Yet he's managed to do more than Barry ever got done!

To put Trump's criticism in context...he was saying Obama was a shit heel for going out to play golf right after giving a brief speech regarding an American journalist being beheaded and you know what? Trump was dead right! It was a shitty thing to do.
You are such a pawn. These trips have cost 10 million each to the tax payers. On top of that, Trump has already broken all of his core campaign promises but you're too dense to even acknowledge that.

Oh, really need to get your news from somewhere other than MSNBC and Think Progress! Those sources are turning your little brain to mush!
Donald Trump has spent 22% of his presidency so far on the golf course

Can you imagine how Fox News and republicans would have reacted if Obama golfed as much as Trump did thus far? It blows my mind Trumpsters on this board could be such hypocrites.

Counting the whole day as "playing golf is bad math.

If you assume a 5 hour round at worst, that's 178 rounds in 169 days as president.

Assuming 37 games, and 5 hour rounds, Trump has actually only spent 4.6% of his presidency playing golf. (And a 5 hour round is assuming he takes freaking forever on the course).
Yeah, 3 1/2 hours is the norm on the courses I've played on. They run you off if you take longer.

Takes longer to get Fat Donnie in and out of a golf cart
Yet he's managed to do more than Barry ever got done!

To put Trump's criticism in context...he was saying Obama was a shit heel for going out to play golf right after giving a brief speech regarding an American journalist being beheaded and you know what? Trump was dead right! It was a shitty thing to do.
You are such a pawn. These trips have cost 10 million each to the tax payers. On top of that, Trump has already broken all of his core campaign promises but you're too dense to even acknowledge that.
What campaign promises has he broke?
Where's his wall?
Taking bids as we speak and have four different protege walls built to see which will be the best. Next.
So no wall.
He is working on it as we speak. Campaign promise kept.
Golf every golfing president gets beaten to death about to much golf, that was a big deal when IKE was president Golf is healthy I would guess. Am more worried about what is done when there not on the golf course.
All very true. The only reason it's an issue now is because Republicans, and most notably Trump, criticized Obama for doing what Trump is now doing. And one can't help but notice how silent the hypocritical Republicans are now about a president playing golf.

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