Trump has spent 22% of his presidency on the golf course

Yet he's managed to do more than Barry ever got done!

To put Trump's criticism in context...he was saying Obama was a shit heel for going out to play golf right after giving a brief speech regarding an American journalist being beheaded and you know what? Trump was dead right! It was a shitty thing to do.
What would you have done a public rendering?
I have a solution for everyone who's unhappy with Trump.
Don't vote for him next time.
Oh, I forgot, you already did that and he still won the election.
Oh well.
When Trump claims that he won't do like past president did and not play a lot of tee time, and doesn't, we should just go ahead and let him say and do as he likes...ok
All the rightist did during Oblama was bitch and whine about his golfing, including Trump, now they praise him for his time on the fairway..Do you people ever experience any type of consistent observation of your contradictory ways?
I have a solution for everyone who's unhappy with Trump.
Don't vote for him next time.
Oh, I forgot, you already did that and he still won the election.
Oh well.
When Trump claims that he won't do like past president did and not play a lot of tee time, and doesn't, we should just go ahead and let him say and do as he likes...ok
If Hillary won and played golf I'd still have way too many personal matters to take care of instead of reporting here every 2 seconds that she's golfing.
Donald Trump has spent 22% of his presidency so far on the golf course

Can you imagine how Fox News and republicans would have reacted if Obama golfed as much as Trump did thus far? It blows my mind Trumpsters on this board could be such hypocrites.

Half black Jesus problem was he always had to golf and party when folks got killed. Ambassadors, mass shootings when ever one happened he was golfing. Him and weezie had it good, still Trump aint come close to Bammer.
Donald Trump has spent 22% of his presidency so far on the golf course

Can you imagine how Fox News and republicans would have reacted if Obama golfed as much as Trump did thus far? It blows my mind Trumpsters on this board could be such hypocrites.

Half black Jesus problem was he always had to golf and party when folks got killed. Ambassadors, mass shootings when ever one happened he was golfing. Him and weezie had it good, still Trump aint come close to Bammer.
Sure, ok.

Yet he has signed almost 100% more bills into law than Nobama in first 6mo time frame

Didn't care about Obama's golf time. Care even less about Trump's.
Gotta say tho, one tends to be on a golf course more often when they actually OWN THEM!!


I suggest you get a news source based in reality...

"That same month, PolitiFact rated False Trump’s claim that "no administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days." It cited several presidential historians who said Presidents Franklin Roosevelt, Truman and Barack Obama all accomplished more during their first 100 days in the White House."

But you keep it up, Trump needs the idiot class like you to push his authoritarian agenda. By the way you think you will be one of the chosen when he gets his way... Unless you are multi millionaire you are not his base. Look at his Healthcare law alone, his base suffers most under that law, he doesn't care for ye, ye are a tool for his agenda... But it is important that you stick on the blinkers and don't look at that.
He is working on it as we speak. Campaign promise kept.

"working on it" is not a promise kept

There is no money allocated for the Great Wall of Trump and no.....Mexico is not paying for it
Border states oppose it
Trump is kicking your ass and I love it. Cut funding to Mexico till the wall is paid for. See how easy that is?


Trump has been President for six months....what is he waiting for?
If he wants Mexico to pay for the wall, he should be piling up Mexican money already
He is to busy cleaning up the va. 500 are looking for new jobs.

What does that have to do with economic sanctions on Mexico?
If Trump wanted Mexico to pay, why hasn't he been sanctioning Mexico from day one?
Maybe if liberals would leave him alone he could get more done.
Yet he has signed almost 100% more bills into law than Nobama in first 6mo time frame

Didn't care about Obama's golf time. Care even less about Trump's.
Gotta say tho, one tends to be on a golf course more often when they actually OWN THEM!!

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I suggest you get a news source based in reality...

"That same month, PolitiFact rated False Trump’s claim that "no administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days." It cited several presidential historians who said Presidents Franklin Roosevelt, Truman and Barack Obama all accomplished more during their first 100 days in the White House."

But you keep it up, Trump needs the idiot class like you to push his authoritarian agenda. By the way you think you will be one of the chosen when he gets his way... Unless you are multi millionaire you are not his base. Look at his Healthcare law alone, his base suffers most under that law, he doesn't care for ye, ye are a tool for his agenda... But it is important that you stick on the blinkers and don't look at that.

Politifarce is not news... neither it's about facts. It's the democrat bias enforcement network.
Donald Trump has spent 22% of his presidency so far on the golf course

Can you imagine how Fox News and republicans would have reacted if Obama golfed as much as Trump did thus far? It blows my mind Trumpsters on this board could be such hypocrites.

but hes managed to get more SPENDING done than Obama ... @ $10 million bucks a weekend.

piss on Trump

No President in the history of the United States has spent as much as Barack Obama, Siete! It isn't even close!
Yet he's managed to do more than Barry ever got done!

To put Trump's criticism in context...he was saying Obama was a shit heel for going out to play golf right after giving a brief speech regarding an American journalist being beheaded and you know what? Trump was dead right! It was a shitty thing to do.
You are such a pawn. These trips have cost 10 million each to the tax payers. On top of that, Trump has already broken all of his core campaign promises but you're too dense to even acknowledge that.
How many times did Barry go golfing, like 500, wasn't it?

Educate yourself

Who plays more golf: Trump or Obama?

But he big thing is, Obama played Golf in Washington... 8 times by June 12th is really not that much and 333 times over 8 years works out at about once a week during the playing season. But they were for a large part in Washington...

Trump makes a whole weekend out of his golf... Clears off for the weekend to one of his resorts...

If you are a Trump supporter you really don't want any facts here... Trump has been pretty poor so far and opinion polls have shown that way...
Donald Trump has spent 22% of his presidency so far on the golf course

Can you imagine how Fox News and republicans would have reacted if Obama golfed as much as Trump did thus far? It blows my mind Trumpsters on this board could be such hypocrites.

Half black Jesus problem was he always had to golf and party when folks got killed. Ambassadors, mass shootings when ever one happened he was golfing. Him and weezie had it good, still Trump aint come close to Bammer.
Sure, ok.


Yeah, every dead American where was your messiah? golfing or sending his wife to Spain. This is understandable. You are running out of stuff to be hyperbolic about. You still have to sit and watch your Messiah's legacy get shit on for eight years. It will be amusing watching you cry about it. Mayhap you and joseB131 can cry together>
Donald Trump has spent 22% of his presidency so far on the golf course

Can you imagine how Fox News and republicans would have reacted if Obama golfed as much as Trump did thus far? It blows my mind Trumpsters on this board could be such hypocrites.

Half black Jesus problem was he always had to golf and party when folks got killed. Ambassadors, mass shootings when ever one happened he was golfing. Him and weezie had it good, still Trump aint come close to Bammer.
Sure, ok.


Yeah, every dead American where was your messiah? golfing or sending his wife to Spain. This is understandable. You are running out of stuff to be hyperbolic about. You still have to sit and watch your Messiah's legacy get shit on for eight years. It will be amusing watching you cry about it. Mayhap you and joseB131 can cry together>
if you dont like trumps policiesw, isnt him gofing rather than governing a GOOD thing?
I don't believe anyone is complaining about him playing golf, per se. The complaint is that he's a hypocrite, along with many conservatives, who attacked Obama for playing golf; while Trump is now playing golf at an even higher frequency than Obama.
if you dont like trumps policiesw, isnt him gofing rather than governing a GOOD thing?
I don't believe anyone is complaining about him playing golf, per se. The complaint is that he's a hypocrite, along with many conservatives, who attacked Obama for playing golf; while Trump is now playing golf at an even higher frequency than Obama.
thats still good though.....the less a POTUS is in the office, the better
The stimulus didn't boost the economy, there was no bump. It went into state and union coffers.

Q: How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that 870 billion can be dumped into economy and simply vanish without any economic effects?

A: rightwinger stupid.

You, like 80% Americans put a piece of that stimulus INTO YOUR POCKET and you still try to push this lunatic bullshit.

Amazingly enough...Barry, Harry and Nancy managed to do just that, Antontoo! They spent all that money and unemployment went up. It was SO bad that they had to coin a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they managed to create!

As for what went into my pocket? Only a liberal would deem taxpayers getting some of their own taxes back as a "gift"! That was about the only good thing that was in the Obama Stimulus.
if you dont like trumps policiesw, isnt him gofing rather than governing a GOOD thing?
I don't believe anyone is complaining about him playing golf, per se. The complaint is that he's a hypocrite, along with many conservatives, who attacked Obama for playing golf; while Trump is now playing golf at an even higher frequency than Obama.

Trump does EVERYTHING at a higher frequency than Barry did! He gets up earlier...he works longer hours...he goes to bed later. He's actually involved in crafting legislation. Obama didn't do that...he left all of THAT up to Pelosi and Reid! The reason he was able to lie so easily about what was in the Affordable Care Act is that he didn't have the faintest idea what was IN the ACA!
The stimulus didn't boost the economy, there was no bump. It went into state and union coffers.

Q: How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that 870 billion can be dumped into economy and simply vanish without any economic effects?

A: rightwinger stupid.

You, like 80% Americans put a piece of that stimulus INTO YOUR POCKET and you still try to push this lunatic bullshit.

Amazingly enough...Barry, Harry and Nancy managed to do just that, Antontoo! They spent all that money and unemployment went up. It was SO bad that they had to coin a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they managed to create!

As for what went into my pocket? Only a liberal would deem taxpayers getting some of their own taxes back as a "gift"! That was about the only good thing that was in the Obama Stimulus.
You're still lying about that, huh?

Just pitiful.

a) the Obama administration used the term from before the plan was even implemented, so your insinuation that they "coined" that term because you believe it had no effect, is merely you, a lying con tool, lying again.

b) as you've been shown several times before, the term, jobs saved or created, was already used by the Bush administration, rendering it impossible for the Obama administration to "coin" the term.

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


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