Trump has the REAL Power on his side !!!

Remember this is totally different than the civil war. Where white men was fighting other white men and the north had more

This is conservatives against liberals.

And now has gone to men against women

Look thru history what happens when this starts to rise
According to pew research there were 20.4 million veterans

1.3 million active duty

Ones that served in the gulf war

7.1 million

Vietnam 6.8 million

This current active duty has men against women in support of trump or not

This would make before Obamas purge of the military much more for trump

These vets are well trained

The question is will the active men stop the active duty women. And the past military will have less women and even more for trump

And the next question will all those men who votes opposite women not try to stop the destruction of the nation with women by crooks

Remember the founders would not let women vote
The current military is still for trump and conservatives But not as strong as before Obama brought in so many women into the military

The women military is a landslide against trump. But the men is even a higher landslide for trump This makes the current military a decent amount for trump and Trump now is replacing Obamas purging of the current military ... This makes trump stronger and stronger with the CUR RENT military

But all the military before Obama much more of a landslide for trump. These are much more and just as well trained

Today's military men are very strong against their own military women who are opposite. Which group has the real power?

Remember America's founders were vastly outnumbered in America but they still had the real power
Support for Trump is fading among active-duty troops, new poll shows

Sure. Inventing a new narrative again?

He just gave them a ten percent raise
They should love him

You butthurt Snowflakes are going to use that canard forever, aren't you

If you take into account the raises in ALL forms of military compensation, the raise DOES come to about 10%!!!

I know this will be diffitult for you, but here are the various allowances due to military members:

There are more than 40 types of military pay, but most service members receive only a few different types throughout their careers. A service member’s Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) shows the pays and allowances he or she is receiving. The types of pay and allowances received most often are Basic Pay, Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) and Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH).

Basic pay makes up the largest portion of a service member’s compensation. It is structured according to the service member’s rank and years of service. Military pay raises normally take effect in January of each year and are set by Congress based on wage increases in the civilian sector. In some years, additional targeted raises are provided for service members of certain ranks and years of service. In recent years, military pay raises have been greater than average civilian raises.

Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) is a non-taxable allowance intended to offset the cost of the service member’s meals. The BAS rate is adjusted annually based on the cost of food. All officers receive the same allowance, $175.23 per month in 2004. Most enlisted personnel receive the regular BAS of $254.46. Enlisted personnel in basic training are required to eat in government dining facilities and thus do not receive BAS.

Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) is a non-taxable allowance to offset housing costs. The amount of BAH is determined by rank, duty assignment and the presence (or lack) of family members. Service members who live in government-owned housing – either in barracks, dorms or family housing – forfeit their housing allowance. BAH is determined through a survey of housing costs in each community for the housing size designated as the standard for each rank. The current standard used to determine the BAH for an E-5, for example, is a two-bedroom townhouse.

Deployment-Related Pays and Allowances. When service members deploy, they receive additional pays and allowances based on their deployment location, length of deployment and whether or not they have a family. Deployment pays and allowances include:

  • Family Separation Allowance (FSA) is paid during extended periods of family separation. The current amount of FSA is $250 per month.
  • Imminent Danger Pay is for service members serving within an officially declared hostile fire/imminent danger zone. The current rate is $225 per month.
  • Hardship Duty Pay compensates service members assigned to certain duty stations deemed to be arduous. The amount is based on the location.
  • Per diem, including payments for incidental expenses, is paid to service members on some deployments.
Other Pays and Allowances. The local finance office can provide additional information about the many other special pays and allowances available in special circumstances or to service members performing certain duties. Examples of special pays and allowances include but are not limited to:

  • Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) helps pay the cost of off-base housing in foreign countries. OHA is based on the assignment location.
  • Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) is paid to help with higher cost of living in certain areas within the United States and overseas.
  • Assignment Incentive Pay may be offered to entice service members to accept or extend an assignment in hard-to-fill billets in certain locations.
  • Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay is for certain assignments including demolitions work, flight duty, exposure to certain toxic items and parachuting. The amount is based on pay grade.
  • A Clothing Allowance is provided to all service members upon entering the military. Enlisted personnel also receive an annual replacement clothing maintenance allowance that varies by Service and gender.
  • Flight Pay, Diving Pay, Sea Pay and Submarine Duty Pay, as well as professional bonus for medical personnel, are among the pays designed to compensate service members in certain missions with certain skills and to retain them in the military.
  • Drill Pay for National Guard and Reserve members is based on years of service, military specialty and pay grade.
  • Enlistment and re-enlistment bonuses are provided to meet the recruiting and retention needs of the services. They can be paid annually, on a one-time basis or as a set amount spread over several years.
When the basic pay goes up, SO DO ALL THE OTHERS!

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