Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

They do one other thing when they do that, WIN.

Only appealing to your base will NEVER net you a victory.
Uh.......the general election hasn't even started yet.....and you want him to start moving to the left already?
The thing is, Trump already appealed to some of the left.....the ones who aren't happy with having a criminal in the White House......or a community-organizer who starts riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, or tells people that cops are trying to murder blacks indiscriminately. The left and the right aren't going to stop the degeneration of America, so Trump appeals to a wide segment of the electorate. The goal of the GOP and Democrat establishment was to peel away his support issue by issue, simply by saying he's not presidential material or that he's a racist. Nothing he's said is racist.....only realistic.
Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?


Nowhere in my post did I state that he needed to do it now.
I can read, DICK.
You never said shit in that post about the General Election.
Apparently you can't read. It specifically says if he wants to win in the GENERAL......

I might be a dick but you are clearly an illiterate moron
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.....shitstain.
How does what I posted make what you posted in response to my post any more wrong?

You still have to wait till the general election to start fine-tuning your message.....and that doesn't begin for a few months. You act like he should be doing it now. To be honest.....Ted Cruz has zero chance of convincing anyone he's anything but a strict conservative asshole. He can't bring any Democrat voters under his tent because he's portrayed himself as too far right to appeal to them.
I busted your balls chump. You accused me of wanting Trump to moderate BEFORE the general. I put in bold my original statement that stated the OPPOSITE of what you accused me of saying. Accept that you were wrong about me or continue acting like a fucking child, your choice.
Oh so why don't you run Romney again? It worked out so well last time.


I know. Run Jeb. Who is as exciting as a Boy Scout leader giving saftey instructions on how to roast a marshmallow.\

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!!!

The thing is --- a Chief Executive is supposed to be an Executive --- not "exciting".

Exciting. Breath of fresh air. Speaking his mind without PC. That's the draw. He's positive.

So does a demented homeless guy in the gutter. Doesn't mean I want him running anything.

There's a vast difference between "executing" and "being exciting". The two are not even related. A tightrope walker can be "exciting". Doesn't mean he should be executing foreign policy.

I think we've overblurred the line between "politics" and "entertainment".
Yes, but the ‘exciting’ candidate is the Trojan Horse candidate – where voters vote on subjective emotion, not objective facts and policy positions, particularly when those policy positions conflict with the Constitution and the will of the people.

“We like [insert candidate name here], we don’t know where he stands on the issues, but we like him and will vote for him. He’s ‘exciting.’”
Here is Hillary practicing her What Difference Does it Make she was thrown out during Watergate for unethical behavior.........

Uh.......the general election hasn't even started yet.....and you want him to start moving to the left already?
The thing is, Trump already appealed to some of the left.....the ones who aren't happy with having a criminal in the White House......or a community-organizer who starts riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, or tells people that cops are trying to murder blacks indiscriminately. The left and the right aren't going to stop the degeneration of America, so Trump appeals to a wide segment of the electorate. The goal of the GOP and Democrat establishment was to peel away his support issue by issue, simply by saying he's not presidential material or that he's a racist. Nothing he's said is racist.....only realistic.
Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?


Nowhere in my post did I state that he needed to do it now.
I can read, DICK.
You never said shit in that post about the General Election.
Apparently you can't read. It specifically says if he wants to win in the GENERAL......

I might be a dick but you are clearly an illiterate moron
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.....shitstain.
How does what I posted make what you posted in response to my post any more wrong?

You still have to wait till the general election to start fine-tuning your message.....and that doesn't begin for a few months. You act like he should be doing it now. To be honest.....Ted Cruz has zero chance of convincing anyone he's anything but a strict conservative asshole. He can't bring any Democrat voters under his tent because he's portrayed himself as too far right to appeal to them.
I busted your balls chump. You accused me of wanting Trump to moderate BEFORE the general. I put in bold my original statement that stated the OPPOSITE of what you accused me of saying. Accept that you were wrong about me or continue acting like a fucking child, your choice.
You accused me of not being able to read. You called me an illiterate moron. To me, that is childish.
Way back about 1 to 2 hours ago you may have said something about the general election, but then you started whining about him needing to moderate.....and it looked like you felt he had to do it now. There was no God Damned reason for you to start insulting me, you fucking asshole.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?
talk to the party people about long as the person says they are from their party,its ok.....even if they dont like or agree with that person.....the reason the 2 parties are destroying this country,the sub-par people they go with and their members vote for,no matter what.......
I am GOP and it's not ok. Unfortunately I'm in the minority it seams.
then you are not a "party" person...
Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?


Nowhere in my post did I state that he needed to do it now.
I can read, DICK.
You never said shit in that post about the General Election.
Apparently you can't read. It specifically says if he wants to win in the GENERAL......

I might be a dick but you are clearly an illiterate moron
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.....shitstain.
How does what I posted make what you posted in response to my post any more wrong?

You still have to wait till the general election to start fine-tuning your message.....and that doesn't begin for a few months. You act like he should be doing it now. To be honest.....Ted Cruz has zero chance of convincing anyone he's anything but a strict conservative asshole. He can't bring any Democrat voters under his tent because he's portrayed himself as too far right to appeal to them.
I busted your balls chump. You accused me of wanting Trump to moderate BEFORE the general. I put in bold my original statement that stated the OPPOSITE of what you accused me of saying. Accept that you were wrong about me or continue acting like a fucking child, your choice.
You accused me of not being able to read. You called me an illiterate moron. To me, that is childish.
Way back about 1 to 2 hours ago you may have said something about the general election, but then you started whining about him needing to moderate.....and it looked like you felt he had to do it now. There was no God Damned reason for you to start insulting me, you fucking asshole.
Reread our entire discussion. Then either admit you were wrong or just fuck off. Up to you bud
I can read, DICK.
You never said shit in that post about the General Election.
Apparently you can't read. It specifically says if he wants to win in the GENERAL......

I might be a dick but you are clearly an illiterate moron
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.....shitstain.
How does what I posted make what you posted in response to my post any more wrong?

You still have to wait till the general election to start fine-tuning your message.....and that doesn't begin for a few months. You act like he should be doing it now. To be honest.....Ted Cruz has zero chance of convincing anyone he's anything but a strict conservative asshole. He can't bring any Democrat voters under his tent because he's portrayed himself as too far right to appeal to them.
I busted your balls chump. You accused me of wanting Trump to moderate BEFORE the general. I put in bold my original statement that stated the OPPOSITE of what you accused me of saying. Accept that you were wrong about me or continue acting like a fucking child, your choice.
You accused me of not being able to read. You called me an illiterate moron. To me, that is childish.
Way back about 1 to 2 hours ago you may have said something about the general election, but then you started whining about him needing to moderate.....and it looked like you felt he had to do it now. There was no God Damned reason for you to start insulting me, you fucking asshole.
Reread our entire discussion. Then either admit you were wrong or just fuck off. Up to you bud

Not my problem you started acting like you couldn't wait for the general election.
Words have meaning.....and often times what you post can be misunderstood.....not because the person is stupid but because the context is lost and has to be reiterated. The insults were out of line.
I can read, DICK.
You never said shit in that post about the General Election.
Apparently you can't read. It specifically says if he wants to win in the GENERAL......

I might be a dick but you are clearly an illiterate moron
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.....shitstain.
How does what I posted make what you posted in response to my post any more wrong?

You still have to wait till the general election to start fine-tuning your message.....and that doesn't begin for a few months. You act like he should be doing it now. To be honest.....Ted Cruz has zero chance of convincing anyone he's anything but a strict conservative asshole. He can't bring any Democrat voters under his tent because he's portrayed himself as too far right to appeal to them.
I busted your balls chump. You accused me of wanting Trump to moderate BEFORE the general. I put in bold my original statement that stated the OPPOSITE of what you accused me of saying. Accept that you were wrong about me or continue acting like a fucking child, your choice.
You accused me of not being able to read. You called me an illiterate moron. To me, that is childish.
Way back about 1 to 2 hours ago you may have said something about the general election, but then you started whining about him needing to moderate.....and it looked like you felt he had to do it now. There was no God Damned reason for you to start insulting me, you fucking asshole.
Reread our entire discussion. Then either admit you were wrong or just fuck off. Up to you bud
Rereading the entire discussion shows me that even though you and I were in agreement at first, you immediately started saying Trump wasn't doing anything to appeal to anyone in the if you forgot what we had just agreed upon.....and I responded with pretty much what we agreed on again.....then you started throwing out insults. It's not my fault you act like you haven't taken a shit in a month.
Apparently you can't read. It specifically says if he wants to win in the GENERAL......

I might be a dick but you are clearly an illiterate moron
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.....shitstain.
How does what I posted make what you posted in response to my post any more wrong?

You still have to wait till the general election to start fine-tuning your message.....and that doesn't begin for a few months. You act like he should be doing it now. To be honest.....Ted Cruz has zero chance of convincing anyone he's anything but a strict conservative asshole. He can't bring any Democrat voters under his tent because he's portrayed himself as too far right to appeal to them.
I busted your balls chump. You accused me of wanting Trump to moderate BEFORE the general. I put in bold my original statement that stated the OPPOSITE of what you accused me of saying. Accept that you were wrong about me or continue acting like a fucking child, your choice.
You accused me of not being able to read. You called me an illiterate moron. To me, that is childish.
Way back about 1 to 2 hours ago you may have said something about the general election, but then you started whining about him needing to moderate.....and it looked like you felt he had to do it now. There was no God Damned reason for you to start insulting me, you fucking asshole.
Reread our entire discussion. Then either admit you were wrong or just fuck off. Up to you bud

Not my problem you started acting like you couldn't wait for the general election.
Words have meaning.....and often times what you post can be misunderstood.....not because the person is stupid but because the context is lost and has to be reiterated. The insults were out of line.

My posts are generally relatively simple to understand. The only way you can misinterpret what I said is if you are in perpetual defensive mode and unable to have an open mind. My post, which you took issue with, is very simple to understand. I didn't mince words and I got directly to the point.
The problem MANY of you have is your political blinders. Just like the obamabots you go into instant defense mode and don't listen to what's being said. You simply scratch the surface with your defense & move on.
While I agree with your cartoon in the end it doesn't matter if that's the way voters perceive him. No amount of outside support can change his image, only he can. If he wants to win in the general he will have to moderate & shape his message. Shooting from the hip all the time will not gain him new followers. People that like his brash nature are already in his campaign. Now he MUST bring in outsiders. I've seen no indication he can or will do that.
Just like Democrats......they appeal to the left....and then move to the center.
They do one other thing when they do that, WIN.

Only appealing to your base will NEVER net you a victory.
Uh.......the general election hasn't even started yet.....and you want him to start moving to the left already?
The thing is, Trump already appealed to some of the left.....the ones who aren't happy with having a criminal in the White House......or a community-organizer who starts riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, or tells people that cops are trying to murder blacks indiscriminately. The left and the right aren't going to stop the degeneration of America, so Trump appeals to a wide segment of the electorate. The goal of the GOP and Democrat establishment was to peel away his support issue by issue, simply by saying he's not presidential material or that he's a racist. Nothing he's said is racist.....only realistic.
Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?


Nowhere in my post did I state that he needed to do it now.
I can read, DICK.
You never said shit in that post about the General Election.
This is where the insults began.

You misunderstood my post. I responded asking if you can read. YOU threw out the first insult.

Kindly fuck off now
So how the fuck is he winning so big?


everyone supposedly hates him but thousands upon thousands are voting for him.
He is "winning " with the uneducated segment, not in the general population

I used to do promo for a living. And made a fortune at it. I got to retire really really early and just have fun for all the shit I have been doing for years now.

This like other situations is based on demographics. Whether it is a presidential election or where the hell to put a new grocery store in a location is based on demographics.

You should see Trump's. He wins. On the R side. I like to bet and I'm betting big on him. He's got such a cross section that it's freaking wild. Just like Bernie. Man oh man I love that guy. He's got it on the D side.

Then we can square off. But make no mistake about it. Trump has the win.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.....shitstain.
How does what I posted make what you posted in response to my post any more wrong?

You still have to wait till the general election to start fine-tuning your message.....and that doesn't begin for a few months. You act like he should be doing it now. To be honest.....Ted Cruz has zero chance of convincing anyone he's anything but a strict conservative asshole. He can't bring any Democrat voters under his tent because he's portrayed himself as too far right to appeal to them.
I busted your balls chump. You accused me of wanting Trump to moderate BEFORE the general. I put in bold my original statement that stated the OPPOSITE of what you accused me of saying. Accept that you were wrong about me or continue acting like a fucking child, your choice.
You accused me of not being able to read. You called me an illiterate moron. To me, that is childish.
Way back about 1 to 2 hours ago you may have said something about the general election, but then you started whining about him needing to moderate.....and it looked like you felt he had to do it now. There was no God Damned reason for you to start insulting me, you fucking asshole.
Reread our entire discussion. Then either admit you were wrong or just fuck off. Up to you bud

Not my problem you started acting like you couldn't wait for the general election.
Words have meaning.....and often times what you post can be misunderstood.....not because the person is stupid but because the context is lost and has to be reiterated. The insults were out of line.

My posts are generally relatively simple to understand. The only way you can misinterpret what I said is if you are in perpetual defensive mode and unable to have an open mind. My post, which you took issue with, is very simple to understand. I didn't mince words and I got directly to the point.
The problem MANY of you have is your political blinders. Just like the obamabots you go into instant defense mode and don't listen to what's being said. You simply scratch the surface with your defense & move on.
You posts were contradictory. On one hand you said that the 'general' is where candidates move to the center...and I agreed....then you a comment like Trump couldn't do the same....actually claimed that Trump is doing this "Only appealing to your base will NEVER net you a victory".

No shit Sherlock......I think that was the whole point of the discussion.

Then you started throwing around insults like some pent up prick.
So how the fuck is he winning so big?


everyone supposedly hates him but thousands upon thousands are voting for him.
He is "winning " with the uneducated segment, not in the general population

I used to do promo for a living. And made a fortune at it. I got to retire really really early and just have fun for all the shit I have been doing for years now.

This like other situations is based on demographics. Whether it is a presidential election or where the hell to put a new grocery store in a location is based on demographics.

You should see Trump's. He wins. On the R side. I like to bet and I'm betting big on him. He's got such a cross section that it's freaking wild. Just like Bernie. Man oh man I love that guy. He's got it on the D side.

Then we can square off. But make no mistake about it. Trump has the win.
Yet if you listen to his opponents......he's going to bring great harm to the country.......probably because he's going to put a stop to all of the crap they're pulling on us.
They are willing lay out a mile of bullshit to convince us he can't win.....and that Hillary has it in the bag.

It's all BS.

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