Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

Oh so why don't you run Romney again? It worked out so well last time.


I know. Run Jeb. Who is as exciting as a Boy Scout leader giving saftey instructions on how to roast a marshmallow.\

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!!!

The thing is --- a Chief Executive is supposed to be an Executive --- not "exciting".

Exciting. Breath of fresh air. Speaking his mind without PC. That's the draw. He's positive.

So does a demented homeless guy in the gutter --- doesn't mean I want him running anything.
What's his name.......he'd probably be a better candidate than Hillary.............We could write his name in...........:deal:
While I agree with your cartoon in the end it doesn't matter if that's the way voters perceive him. No amount of outside support can change his image, only he can. If he wants to win in the general he will have to moderate & shape his message. Shooting from the hip all the time will not gain him new followers. People that like his brash nature are already in his campaign. Now he MUST bring in outsiders. I've seen no indication he can or will do that.
Oh so why don't you run Romney again? It worked out so well last time.


I know. Run Jeb. Who is as exciting as a Boy Scout leader giving saftey instructions on how to roast a marshmallow.\

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!!!

The thing is --- a Chief Executive is supposed to be an Executive --- not "exciting".

Exciting. Breath of fresh air. Speaking his mind without PC. That's the draw. He's positive.

So does a demented homeless guy in the gutter. Doesn't mean I want him running anything.

There's a vast difference between "executing" and "being exciting". The two are not even related. A tightrope walker can be "exciting". Doesn't mean he should be executing foreign policy.

I think we've overblurred the line between "politics" and "entertainment". Trump is a homeless guy.

You guys have compared Trump to just about every despot in history. Now you're comparing him to homeless people.

Totally disingenuous.
While I agree with your cartoon in the end it doesn't matter if that's the way voters perceive him. No amount of outside support can change his image, only he can. If he wants to win in the general he will have to moderate & shape his message. Shooting from the hip all the time will not gain him new followers. People that like his brash nature are already in his campaign. Now he MUST bring in outsiders. I've seen no indication he can or will do that.
Just like Democrats......they appeal to the left....and then move to the center.
I love the deflection from the POS Hillary Clinton.....:lol: In this election, anything is possible.
While I agree with your cartoon in the end it doesn't matter if that's the way voters perceive him. No amount of outside support can change his image, only he can. If he wants to win in the general he will have to moderate & shape his message. Shooting from the hip all the time will not gain him new followers. People that like his brash nature are already in his campaign. Now he MUST bring in outsiders. I've seen no indication he can or will do that.
Just like Democrats......they appeal to the left....and then move to the center.
They do one other thing when they do that, WIN.

Only appealing to your base will NEVER net you a victory.
While I agree with your cartoon in the end it doesn't matter if that's the way voters perceive him. No amount of outside support can change his image, only he can. If he wants to win in the general he will have to moderate & shape his message. Shooting from the hip all the time will not gain him new followers. People that like his brash nature are already in his campaign. Now he MUST bring in outsiders. I've seen no indication he can or will do that.
Trump is his own worst enemy................his shooting off the hip has helped him and hurt has the recent hit pieces by the likes of Mathews and the Media machine........................

Just got off a thread where they said he would imprison women for an abortion..........watched it and did a whole thread on it because it was a Set up and Trap by Mathews that he fell for..................He never said it............and it's total BS.........but in today's elections it got mileage..............
Now for some reality so you all can stop your infantile LIB circle-jerk.
Hillary will drop out within a month for 'health reasons' as soon as she's tipped off Comey is recommending charges.
Sanders will hang in there but as soon as Hillary quits Biden and Warren will be the final nominees.
Even some of Sander's supporters will go for Biden and Warren.
Trump has already peaked and Kasich and whoever will be the REP nominees.
Kasich can't beat Biden and Warren. Trump is a homeless guy.

You guys have compared Trump to just about every despot in history. Now you're comparing him to homeless people.

Totally disingenuous.
No Trump is a big government liberal who you are supporting. Trump is a homeless guy.

You guys have compared Trump to just about every despot in history. Now you're comparing him to homeless people.

Totally disingenuous.

Reading is fun-DUH-meantal.
Emphasis on DUH.

Know what word starts with the letter DUH? "Disingenuous". As in acting stupid to pretend something has an entirely different meaning from what it obviously means.

Or is that not an act?
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?
Most delusional Trump supporters believe that once Trump wins the nomination, he’ll ‘work his magic’ on the rest of the Nation.
While I agree with your cartoon in the end it doesn't matter if that's the way voters perceive him. No amount of outside support can change his image, only he can. If he wants to win in the general he will have to moderate & shape his message. Shooting from the hip all the time will not gain him new followers. People that like his brash nature are already in his campaign. Now he MUST bring in outsiders. I've seen no indication he can or will do that.
Just like Democrats......they appeal to the left....and then move to the center.
They do one other thing when they do that, WIN.

Only appealing to your base will NEVER net you a victory.
Uh.......the general election hasn't even started yet.....and you want him to start moving to the left already?
The thing is, Trump already appealed to some of the left.....the ones who aren't happy with having a criminal in the White House......or a community-organizer who starts riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, or tells people that cops are trying to murder blacks indiscriminately. The left and the right aren't going to stop the degeneration of America, so Trump appeals to a wide segment of the electorate. The goal of the GOP and Democrat establishment was to peel away his support issue by issue, simply by saying he's not presidential material or that he's a racist. Nothing he's said is racist.....only realistic.
So how the fuck is he winning so big?


everyone supposedly hates him but thousands upon thousands are voting for him.
This would have merit if only registered republicans were allowed to vote.

But that’s not the case – so this reflects the ignorance and lack of political acumen typical of most on the right.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?
Most delusional Trump supporters believe that once Trump wins the nomination, he’ll ‘work his magic’ on the rest of the Nation.
And your hope is to make up as much shit about him so he can't.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?
Most delusional Trump supporters believe that once Trump wins the nomination, he’ll ‘work his magic’ on the rest of the Nation.
And your hope is to make up as much shit about him so he can't.
Why do you love Big Government lying liberals like Hillary and Donald? When did you realize you where a huge Hypocrite?
So how the fuck is he winning so big?


everyone supposedly hates him but thousands upon thousands are voting for him.
This would have merit if only registered republicans were allowed to vote.

But that’s not the case – so this reflects the ignorance and lack of political acumen typical of most on the right.
Actually it appears you think we're put somebody who's in last place up against Hillary. That's what you want. You don't want to have to worry about the threat he is to Democrats. You want a pushover.
I use to think the Paulbots supported Paul because they were potheads but now seeing they sell all their values to worship the mighty Trump I see they were just stupid.
How is that going to reconcile with the millions who hate the hillarys, mcconnells, boehners, romneys, Ryan's, etc. Let's not fool ourselves here. This current group of elitists who feel they're entitled to king status are reviled.
The numbers show that your perception is off.

So you're saying that the people will still vote for elites who hate and despise the electorate.
Obviously they will seeing as 30% of the republicans are voting for Trump

So we should all vote for the honest and clean hillary?
No you should vote for the true conservative Ted Cruz.

He's the most conservative but the mcconnels and boehners hate him and trump. They're gonna try to get rid of them both.

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