Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?
HRC polls higher favorability, as bad as it is, then Trump.
She does but she is still a despised candidate by millions.
The left shouldn't have run off Webb

No one gave a shit about Webb.
Webb could have United the country. I have never voted democrat in a national election. Webb vs Trump.... I may have crossed party lines. Instead we are going to be left with two candidates who can't even unify their base, let alone the country.
Oh so why don't you run Romney again? It worked out so well last time.


I know. Run Jeb. Who is as exciting as a Boy Scout leader giving saftey instructions on how to roast a marshmallow.\

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!!!

The thing is --- a Chief Executive is supposed to be an Executive --- not "exciting".
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?
HRC polls higher favorability, as bad as it is, then Trump.
She does but she is still a despised candidate by millions.
The left shouldn't have run off Webb

No one gave a shit about Webb.
Webb could have United the country. I have never voted democrat in a national election. Webb vs Trump.... I may have crossed party lines. Instead we are going to be left with two candidates who can't even unify their base, let alone the country.

Webb couldn't have even united Democrats. No one was particularly interested in him being president.
I use to think the Paulbots supported Paul because they were potheads but now seeing they sell all their values to worship the mighty Trump I see they were just stupid.
Only a strong minority in the GOP, td.

How is that going to reconcile with the millions who hate the hillarys, mcconnells, boehners, romneys, Ryan's, etc. Let's not fool ourselves here. This current group of elitists who feel they're entitled to king status are reviled.
The numbers show that your perception is off.

So you're saying that the people will still vote for elites who hate and despise the electorate.
Obviously they will seeing as 30% of the republicans are voting for Trump
I use to think the Paulbots supported Paul because they were potheads but now seeing they sell all their values to worship the mighty Trump I see they were just stupid.
Only a strong minority in the GOP, td.

How is that going to reconcile with the millions who hate the hillarys, mcconnells, boehners, romneys, Ryan's, etc. Let's not fool ourselves here. This current group of elitists who feel they're entitled to king status are reviled.
The numbers show that your perception is off.

So you're saying that the people will still vote for elites who hate and despise the electorate.
Obviously they will seeing as 30% of the republicans are voting for Trump

So we should all vote for the honest and clean hillary?
This sounds like a typical Libtard thread: Attack Trump without having to defend an alternative. Bravo.
We have no good alternatives. And calling me a libtard because you don't like what I posted makes you look about as intelligent as a pouting child.

This party is as much mine as anyone else's. The difference is I stick with it & try to change it for the better while half you cocksuckers beat it like an abusive husband beats his weak wife. It seems many of you never learned that life is not a black & white proposition.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?
talk to the party people about long as the person says they are from their party,its ok.....even if they dont like or agree with that person.....the reason the 2 parties are destroying this country,the sub-par people they go with and their members vote for,no matter what.......
I am GOP and it's not ok. Unfortunately I'm in the minority it seams.
I use to think the Paulbots supported Paul because they were potheads but now seeing they sell all their values to worship the mighty Trump I see they were just stupid.
Only a strong minority in the GOP, td.

How is that going to reconcile with the millions who hate the hillarys, mcconnells, boehners, romneys, Ryan's, etc. Let's not fool ourselves here. This current group of elitists who feel they're entitled to king status are reviled.
The numbers show that your perception is off.

So you're saying that the people will still vote for elites who hate and despise the electorate.
Obviously they will seeing as 30% of the republicans are voting for Trump

So we should all vote for the honest and clean hillary?
No you should vote for the true conservative Ted Cruz.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?
talk to the party people about long as the person says they are from their party,its ok.....even if they dont like or agree with that person.....the reason the 2 parties are destroying this country,the sub-par people they go with and their members vote for,no matter what.......
I am GOP and it's not ok. Unfortunately I'm in the minority it seams.
Actually you are not. Trump is only winning because Kasich is in and Rubio stayed in far to long.
I use to think the Paulbots supported Paul because they were potheads but now seeing they sell all their values to worship the mighty Trump I see they were just stupid.
How is that going to reconcile with the millions who hate the hillarys, mcconnells, boehners, romneys, Ryan's, etc. Let's not fool ourselves here. This current group of elitists who feel they're entitled to king status are reviled.
The numbers show that your perception is off.

So you're saying that the people will still vote for elites who hate and despise the electorate.
Obviously they will seeing as 30% of the republicans are voting for Trump

So we should all vote for the honest and clean hillary?
No you should vote for the true conservative Ted Cruz.
I voted for Cruz but I don't think it matters. The GOP is in complete disarray & set to give away yet another election. And there's no blaming this shit on the Elites this time. This mess is 100% on the voters0
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?
talk to the party people about long as the person says they are from their party,its ok.....even if they dont like or agree with that person.....the reason the 2 parties are destroying this country,the sub-par people they go with and their members vote for,no matter what.......
I am GOP and it's not ok. Unfortunately I'm in the minority it seams.
Actually you are not. Trump is only winning because Kasich is in and Rubio stayed in far to long.
I predicted this about a month ago when I created a thread about people staying in the race too long & not joining forces. Everyone said I was wrong and that it was too early.

I was right. They all put their own ambition over the country. We will now reap the rewards, if you want to call them that.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?
talk to the party people about long as the person says they are from their party,its ok.....even if they dont like or agree with that person.....the reason the 2 parties are destroying this country,the sub-par people they go with and their members vote for,no matter what.......
I am GOP and it's not ok. Unfortunately I'm in the minority it seams.
Actually you are not. Trump is only winning because Kasich is in and Rubio stayed in far to long.
I predicted this about a month ago when I created a thread about people staying in the race too long & not joining forces. Everyone said I was wrong and that it was too early.

I was right. They all put their own ambition over the country. We will now reap the rewards, if you want to call them that.
not over yet.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?
By exposing Hillary. It won't be hard at all. Hillary isn't liked by anyone. If there ever was a person Trump can beat it's Hillary.

I don't really believe that poll anyway. It's too easy to lie about it because there is no proof it's accurate.
Taking into consideration the underhanded nature of the GOP and the way the media operates....truth is not a consideration at all.
Oh so why don't you run Romney again? It worked out so well last time.


I know. Run Jeb. Who is as exciting as a Boy Scout leader giving saftey instructions on how to roast a marshmallow.\

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!!!

The thing is --- a Chief Executive is supposed to be an Executive --- not "exciting".

Exciting. Breath of fresh air. Speaking his mind without PC. That's the draw. He's positive.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?
By exposing Hillary. It won't be hard at all. Hillary isn't liked by anyone. If there ever was a person Trump can beat it's Hillary.

I don't really believe that poll anyway. It's too easy to lie about it because there is no proof it's accurate.
Taking into consideration the underhanded nature of the GOP and the way the media operates....truth is not a consideration at all.

It's also not linked. Sixty posts in and the thread hasn't even established its own credentials.

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