Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

Does anyone realize how stupid this is? To claim everyone and their mother hates him and yet the numbers in the states he wins completely fly in the face of this fairy tale so many are spinning.

You silly thing. The republican primary does not include the general population. It only includes republicans and most of them are crazy. That's who is voting for Trump. The general election will include the crazies who are voting now, and all the non crazies in the rest of the country. There are many more non crazies than there are crazies.
So how the fuck is he winning so big?


everyone supposedly hates him but thousands upon thousands are voting for him.

He's winning among Republicans only and even then he isn't winning a majority. Why you people can't understand the difference between a primary electorate and a general electorate is beyond me.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

The Washington Post poll doesn't affirm the beliefs of Trump Supporters. Thus, the Washington Post poll is invalid according to Trump Supporters.

Lets see how confirmation bias works in the general election.
Oh so why don't you run Romney again? It worked out so well last time.


I know. Run Jeb. Who is as exciting as a Boy Scout leader giving saftey instructions on how to roast a marshmallow.\

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!!!
Oh so why don't you run Romney again? It worked out so well last time.


I know. Run Jeb. Who is as exciting as a Boy Scout leader giving saftey instructions on how to roast a marshmallow.\

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!!!

Laughing.....Trump is currently polling 9 points behind Hillary. With 1 in 4 republican voters indicating that they would vote for Hillary rather than Trump. Yeah, that's the ticket!

I love how you poor, hopeless souls think that willful ignorance will beat math.

Good luck with that.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?
HRC polls higher favorability, as bad as it is, then Trump.
She does but she is still a despised candidate by millions.
The left shouldn't have run off Webb
Oh so why don't you run Romney again? It worked out so well last time.


I know. Run Jeb. Who is as exciting as a Boy Scout leader giving saftey instructions on how to roast a marshmallow.\

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!!!
I know. Why don't you STAY ON TOPIC.

You dumbfucks gave this jackals the damn lead in the primaries but EVERYONE will have to deal with the damage when he gets smoked and we lose the Senate & the next 3 judges on the scotus
Webb or Warren or Biden or Sanders would beat Trump even worse than HRC.
Oh so why don't you run Romney again? It worked out so well last time.


I know. Run Jeb. Who is as exciting as a Boy Scout leader giving saftey instructions on how to roast a marshmallow.\

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!!!
I know. Why don't you STAY ON TOPIC.

You dumbfucks gave this jackals the damn lead in the primaries but EVERYONE will have to deal with the damage when he gets smoked and we lose the Senate & the next 3 judges on the scotus

You mean when we win the general election, win the senate and get to nominate the next 3 judges on the scotus.

Oh, wait. You might mean a different 'we'.
This sounds like a typical Libtard thread: Attack Trump without having to defend an alternative. Bravo.
The only saving grace could be Hillarys negatives are high as well.

Which begs the question. Why are the two biggest losers winning?
talk to the party people about long as the person says they are from their party,its ok.....even if they dont like or agree with that person.....the reason the 2 parties are destroying this country,the sub-par people they go with and their members vote for,no matter what.......
No one needs to offer an alternative because Cruz and Kasich et al are already there, jwoodie.
Only a strong minority in the GOP, td.

How is that going to reconcile with the millions who hate the hillarys, mcconnells, boehners, romneys, Ryan's, etc. Let's not fool ourselves here. This current group of elitists who feel they're entitled to king status are reviled.
The numbers show that your perception is off.

So you're saying that the people will still vote for elites who hate and despise the electorate.

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