Trump has the worst negatives of just about any candidate in modern history.

85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?
Most delusional Trump supporters believe that once Trump wins the nomination, he’ll ‘work his magic’ on the rest of the Nation.
And your hope is to make up as much shit about him so he can't.
Why do you love Big Government lying liberals like Hillary and Donald? When did you realize you where a huge Hypocrite?

Trump is winning among a minority of the GOP. He is overall way behind in women, blacks, browns, disabled, veterans, and what ever group he has decided to piss off.
So how the fuck is he winning so big?


everyone supposedly hates him but thousands upon thousands are voting for him.
He is "winning " with the uneducated segment, not in the general population

I used to do promo for a living. And made a fortune at it. I got to retire really really early and just have fun for all the shit I have been doing for years now.

This like other situations is based on demographics. Whether it is a presidential election or where the hell to put a new grocery store in a location is based on demographics.

You should see Trump's. He wins. On the R side. I like to bet and I'm betting big on him. He's got such a cross section that it's freaking wild. Just like Bernie. Man oh man I love that guy. He's got it on the D side.

Then we can square off. But make no mistake about it. Trump has the win.
lol don't count your money till the dealings done ....republicans are the walking dead
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

He is dead in the water. The GOP is so totally screwed, it is embarrassing. And if "Lying Ted" steals the nomination, the real war begins.
The GOP: the party of personal attacks and the politics of fear and division.

Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy – rather than addressing the thread topic they instead attempt, and fail, to deflect with baseless attacks on Clinton.

It would be funny if not so pathetic.
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

He is dead in the water. The GOP is so totally screwed, it is embarrassing. And if "Lying Ted" steals the nomination, the real war begins.
Trump and Cruz are the products of a GOP that abandoned long ago pursuing sound, responsible governance – instead placing party above country.

The GOP is bankrupt of new, viable ideas and policies to benefit all of the American people, and their leading candidates are evidence of that bankrupt agenda.
Just like Democrats......they appeal to the left....and then move to the center.
They do one other thing when they do that, WIN.

Only appealing to your base will NEVER net you a victory.
Uh.......the general election hasn't even started yet.....and you want him to start moving to the left already?
The thing is, Trump already appealed to some of the left.....the ones who aren't happy with having a criminal in the White House......or a community-organizer who starts riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, or tells people that cops are trying to murder blacks indiscriminately. The left and the right aren't going to stop the degeneration of America, so Trump appeals to a wide segment of the electorate. The goal of the GOP and Democrat establishment was to peel away his support issue by issue, simply by saying he's not presidential material or that he's a racist. Nothing he's said is racist.....only realistic.
Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?


Nowhere in my post did I state that he needed to do it now.
I can read, DICK.
You never said shit in that post about the General Election.
This is where the insults began.

You misunderstood my post. I responded asking if you can read. YOU threw out the first insult.

Kindly fuck off now
What the fuck does this mean then, shit for brains??? ****"Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?"**** meant it in a nice way.....not in an insulting manner.

How bout this.......

Kindly fuck off and while you're at it.....just die and save the oxygen, prick.
Last edited:
They do one other thing when they do that, WIN.

Only appealing to your base will NEVER net you a victory.
Uh.......the general election hasn't even started yet.....and you want him to start moving to the left already?
The thing is, Trump already appealed to some of the left.....the ones who aren't happy with having a criminal in the White House......or a community-organizer who starts riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, or tells people that cops are trying to murder blacks indiscriminately. The left and the right aren't going to stop the degeneration of America, so Trump appeals to a wide segment of the electorate. The goal of the GOP and Democrat establishment was to peel away his support issue by issue, simply by saying he's not presidential material or that he's a racist. Nothing he's said is racist.....only realistic.
Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?


Nowhere in my post did I state that he needed to do it now.
I can read, DICK.
You never said shit in that post about the General Election.
This is where the insults began.

You misunderstood my post. I responded asking if you can read. YOU threw out the first insult.

Kindly fuck off now
What the fuck does this mean then, shit for brains??? ****"Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?"****

Kindly fuck off and while you're at it.....just die and save the oxygen, prick.
sounds insulting to me
They do one other thing when they do that, WIN.

Only appealing to your base will NEVER net you a victory.
Uh.......the general election hasn't even started yet.....and you want him to start moving to the left already?
The thing is, Trump already appealed to some of the left.....the ones who aren't happy with having a criminal in the White House......or a community-organizer who starts riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, or tells people that cops are trying to murder blacks indiscriminately. The left and the right aren't going to stop the degeneration of America, so Trump appeals to a wide segment of the electorate. The goal of the GOP and Democrat establishment was to peel away his support issue by issue, simply by saying he's not presidential material or that he's a racist. Nothing he's said is racist.....only realistic.
Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?


Nowhere in my post did I state that he needed to do it now.
I can read, DICK.
You never said shit in that post about the General Election.
This is where the insults began.

You misunderstood my post. I responded asking if you can read. YOU threw out the first insult.

Kindly fuck off now
What the fuck does this mean then, shit for brains??? ****"Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?"****

Kindly fuck off and while you're at it.....just die and save the oxygen, prick.
wow such an angry little bagger
They do one other thing when they do that, WIN.

Only appealing to your base will NEVER net you a victory.
Uh.......the general election hasn't even started yet.....and you want him to start moving to the left already?
The thing is, Trump already appealed to some of the left.....the ones who aren't happy with having a criminal in the White House......or a community-organizer who starts riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, or tells people that cops are trying to murder blacks indiscriminately. The left and the right aren't going to stop the degeneration of America, so Trump appeals to a wide segment of the electorate. The goal of the GOP and Democrat establishment was to peel away his support issue by issue, simply by saying he's not presidential material or that he's a racist. Nothing he's said is racist.....only realistic.
Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?


Nowhere in my post did I state that he needed to do it now.
I can read, DICK.
You never said shit in that post about the General Election.
This is where the insults began.

You misunderstood my post. I responded asking if you can read. YOU threw out the first insult.

Kindly fuck off now
What the fuck does this mean then, shit for brains??? ****"Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?"****

Kindly fuck off and while you're at it.....just die and save the oxygen, prick.
What does it mean?

It CLEARLY means you didn't read or comprehend my post and it was intended to get you to read it again. Apparently I gave you too much credit in the common sense department.

My bad
85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?

He is dead in the water. The GOP is so totally screwed, it is embarrassing. And if "Lying Ted" steals the nomination, the real war begins.
Trump and Cruz are the products of a GOP that abandoned long ago pursuing sound, responsible governance – instead placing party above country.

The GOP is bankrupt of new, viable ideas and policies to benefit all of the American people, and their leading candidates are evidence of that bankrupt agenda.
There is nothing about the Democrat party that benefits all of the American people. They do what benefits themselves, enriches their pockets.....and while they're doing it, they're dividing us along racial lines, along religious lines, and dividing us by sexes. They do nothing but cause pain and suffering and hate.
Uh.......the general election hasn't even started yet.....and you want him to start moving to the left already?
The thing is, Trump already appealed to some of the left.....the ones who aren't happy with having a criminal in the White House......or a community-organizer who starts riots in Ferguson and Baltimore, or tells people that cops are trying to murder blacks indiscriminately. The left and the right aren't going to stop the degeneration of America, so Trump appeals to a wide segment of the electorate. The goal of the GOP and Democrat establishment was to peel away his support issue by issue, simply by saying he's not presidential material or that he's a racist. Nothing he's said is racist.....only realistic.
Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?


Nowhere in my post did I state that he needed to do it now.
I can read, DICK.
You never said shit in that post about the General Election.
This is where the insults began.

You misunderstood my post. I responded asking if you can read. YOU threw out the first insult.

Kindly fuck off now
What the fuck does this mean then, shit for brains??? ****"Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?"****

Kindly fuck off and while you're at it.....just die and save the oxygen, prick.
What does it mean?

It CLEARLY means you didn't read or comprehend my post and it was intended to get you to read it again. Apparently I gave you too much credit in the common sense department.

My bad
I read it and you never gave me any shit, you fucking tool!!!
Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?


Nowhere in my post did I state that he needed to do it now.
I can read, DICK.
You never said shit in that post about the General Election.
This is where the insults began.

You misunderstood my post. I responded asking if you can read. YOU threw out the first insult.

Kindly fuck off now
What the fuck does this mean then, shit for brains??? ****"Can you fucking read? CAN YOU?"****

Kindly fuck off and while you're at it.....just die and save the oxygen, prick.
What does it mean?

It CLEARLY means you didn't read or comprehend my post and it was intended to get you to read it again. Apparently I gave you too much credit in the common sense department.

My bad
I read it and you never gave me any shit, you fucking tool!!!
Unhinged in


85% Latino
80% Black
80% Young
75% Women

Poll was from the Washington Post.

How exactly will Trump overcome those numbers to win the Whitehouse? And how will we save the Senate in down ballot races?
Most delusional Trump supporters believe that once Trump wins the nomination, he’ll ‘work his magic’ on the rest of the Nation.
And your hope is to make up as much shit about him so he can't.
Why do you love Big Government lying liberals like Hillary and Donald? When did you realize you where a huge Hypocrite?

Trump is winning among a minority of the GOP. He is overall way behind in women, blacks, browns, disabled, veterans, and what ever group he has decided to piss off.
Well, if you want the support of blacks.....start telling them cops are murdering them....and tell them Trumps gonna put em back in chains.
If you want the support of Hispanics.....just let hundreds of thousands of them cross our borders so your buddies can get their drugs in.
If you want the support of women....lie to them.....tell them Trump wants to throw them in prison.
When it comes to veterans.....can't help you there...because Obama dug that grave for the Democrats.
When it comes to disabled......well, I guess they could make up some shit about how Trump likes kicking them out on the street.

It's just a big pack of lies.
And this, folks, ^^^ are part of my GOP. Sigh. We are going to get are heads handed to us. The GOP may lose the House. It surely will the Senate.

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