Trump Haters Mistakenly Reveal The Truth

You are not correct. I will be providing no books. I will continue teaching your young stupid ass lessons. Consider yourself lucky I don't bill you.

"Can provide three or four of the books that have informed your geopolitical views?"

And, of course, you can't.

As is evident to everyone who has read your missives, there are none.

Your posts perform a great service.....proving what we on the Right always say about Leftists.

Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.

Wrong. I simply refuse to provide you with the books I have read. I'm not asking or wanting to know what you have read. Given you quote Ann Coulter, it shows me that you don't read anything worthwhile. And at age 58, I've forgotten more books I have read than the total number of books you have read in your life. Besides, if your world view is only based on books, you're a dumb ass.

"I'm not asking or wanting to know what you have read."


No a nice adult would help you get a library card.

Not too late to begin reading, and getting an education.

All your juvenile peer pressure tactics won't work.

I can assure you that I am better educated than you.

And that also means I have nothing to prove to you.

I will be teaching you lessons and you will learn.

That is how this works.
starting a sentence with "and" is not a sign of a better education, btw.

And I have read published books with sentences starting with that word..
You are not correct. I will be providing no books. I will continue teaching your young stupid ass lessons. Consider yourself lucky I don't bill you.

"Can provide three or four of the books that have informed your geopolitical views?"

And, of course, you can't.

As is evident to everyone who has read your missives, there are none.

Your posts perform a great service.....proving what we on the Right always say about Leftists.

Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.

Wrong. I simply refuse to provide you with the books I have read. I'm not asking or wanting to know what you have read. Given you quote Ann Coulter, it shows me that you don't read anything worthwhile. And at age 58, I've forgotten more books I have read than the total number of books you have read in your life. Besides, if your world view is only based on books, you're a dumb ass.

"I'm not asking or wanting to know what you have read."


No a nice adult would help you get a library card.

Not too late to begin reading, and getting an education.

All your juvenile peer pressure tactics won't work.

I can assure you that I am better educated than you.

And that also means I have nothing to prove to you.

I will be teaching you lessons and you will learn.

That is how this works.

Which books did you say you've read to inform your views??? don't read.

Never mind.

I have already set the expectations of our discussion. So you can just stop talking stupid.
Does anyone actually read the word salad that PC vomits onto a post?

Calling that bs word salad is too kind.

Um.....................IM2, not to be a grammar nazi or anything, but don't you think that your sig line should read "was not INDEPENDENCE day for us" instead of "was not INDEPENDENT day for us"? Sorry, but stuff like that kinda bugs me.
"Can provide three or four of the books that have informed your geopolitical views?"

And, of course, you can't.

As is evident to everyone who has read your missives, there are none.

Your posts perform a great service.....proving what we on the Right always say about Leftists.

Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.

Wrong. I simply refuse to provide you with the books I have read. I'm not asking or wanting to know what you have read. Given you quote Ann Coulter, it shows me that you don't read anything worthwhile. And at age 58, I've forgotten more books I have read than the total number of books you have read in your life. Besides, if your world view is only based on books, you're a dumb ass.

"I'm not asking or wanting to know what you have read."


No a nice adult would help you get a library card.

Not too late to begin reading, and getting an education.

All your juvenile peer pressure tactics won't work.

I can assure you that I am better educated than you.

And that also means I have nothing to prove to you.

I will be teaching you lessons and you will learn.

That is how this works.

Which books did you say you've read to inform your views??? don't read.

Never mind.

I have already set the expectations of our discussion. So you can just stop talking stupid.


I sure hit a nerve, proving you have never read a book.....but, heck....It's not as though anyone had a high opinion of you to begin with.;

Everyone recognizes you as simply a one-note...'racism,racism, racism'.....even though there really is none......just your excuse for personal failures.

Does anyone actually read the word salad that PC vomits onto a post?

Calling that bs word salad is too kind.

Um.....................IM2, not to be a grammar nazi or anything, but don't you think that your sig line should read "was not INDEPENDENCE day for us" instead of "was not INDEPENDENT day for us"? Sorry, but stuff like that kinda bugs me.

Your expectations are far too high.
There is no need to lie about Obama to show what an awful President he was. There is no need to lie to show Trump is a far better President than Obama's mindless worshipers insist he was.
I find it so funny when a Trumpkin mentions "mindless worshippers"
I just showed you a bunch of mindless Obama worshipers.

You can pretend it's not there, but your willful ignorance does not alter reality.

Most of your crap was just that crap. Most of the Messiah bullshit came from Republicans mocking Obama's popularitry.

If you want to see mindless devotion, look ion the mirror. You love Trump.
Man, you get really pissed when someone criticizes your little tin god, don't you?

Each of the quotes I provided were from liberals. None of them were from Republicans.

I don't love Trump. I support him because he's doing a good job. Not everyone is motivated solely by emotion like you leftists.

"I don't love Trump. I support him because he's doing a good job. Not everyone is motivated solely by emotion like you leftists."

Excellent point!!!

We on the right vote policies, the juvenile Democrat voters behave as though politics were sports: "my team forever!!"
Exactly so.
I find it so funny when a Trumpkin mentions "mindless worshippers"
I just showed you a bunch of mindless Obama worshipers.

You can pretend it's not there, but your willful ignorance does not alter reality.

Most of your crap was just that crap. Most of the Messiah bullshit came from Republicans mocking Obama's popularitry.

If you want to see mindless devotion, look ion the mirror. You love Trump.
Man, you get really pissed when someone criticizes your little tin god, don't you?

Each of the quotes I provided were from liberals. None of them were from Republicans.

I don't love Trump. I support him because he's doing a good job. Not everyone is motivated solely by emotion like you leftists.

"I don't love Trump. I support him because he's doing a good job. Not everyone is motivated solely by emotion like you leftists."

Excellent point!!!

We on the right vote policies, the juvenile Democrat voters behave as though politics were sports: "my team forever!!"
You voted for Trump? A good job at what? Destroying America?
No. Exposing the decades-long failures of career politicians of both parties.
Trump Haters Mistakenly Reveal The Truth

We know what the "truth" is.

Barack Obama was born in Kenya, Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring out of Comet Pizza, the DNC server is in the Ukraine, Joe Biden fired the Ukrainian prosecutor to protect his son investigation that was closed which...uh...investigated events from several years before his son was on the board, and Ted Cruz's dad helped kill Kennedy.

Yeah, that's it! :lol:

One can only wonder why Michelle Obama made the claim that Hussein was born in Kenya.

Possibly you have an answer....

Let's review the origins of the story.

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere

2. Hussein himself told his agent/publisher to write that he was from Kenya....or, did they just pick a country out of a hatd?

3. Michelle Obama made the claim that Kenya was Hussein's 'homecountry'....the word means where someone was born.

Well, dunce??????
Speak up.

The Asian birther. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What's her race got to do with anything?

Oh, yeah -- you're a racist.

You lose.
Trump supporters love to attack others by calling them names. Yet when they get the same back they whine about it. Get over it.

Violence Against Trump Supporters - YouTube

Violence is the language of the Left......they can't win a debate on ideas, and lack of control of their emotions results in violence

Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

Your history needs help. The largest act of domestic terrorism was done by a right wing extremist.

  1. Guess which political group both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the FBI consider the most dangerous in America? Environmentalists. Yep. Some $43 million in damage by the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front in the past two decades.
    1. “Extremists within the environmental and animal rights movements have committed literally thousands of violent criminal acts in recent decades — arguably more than those from any other radical sector, left or right.” Eco-Violence: The Record
    2. “A leader of the Earth Liberation Front, a radical environmentalist organization the FBI described as America's most dangerous domestic terrorist group, refused to answer questions Tuesday before a congressional hearing on ecoterrorism.” About Questia | Questia, Your Online Research Library


So, what have we learned? Conservatives, we are endlessly told, create “an atmosphere of hatred and fear.” This, as opposed to liberals, who go around shooting elected officials. Welcome to the real world.

Sooooo.....where do you get your insights....Pravda??????

That may be where you get yours. Or perhaps you get your philosophy from the wrtitings of chairman Mao or Pol Pot. SPLC and DHS have determined that white supremacists are the number 1 threat of terror. We've had 4 assassination attempts in 243 years. Right wing McVeigh killed over 400 in a few minutes.
Mao and Pol Pot were undeniably leftist totalitarians.

They're all yours, Skippy.
Your history needs help. The largest act of domestic terrorism was done by a right wing extremist.

  1. Guess which political group both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the FBI consider the most dangerous in America? Environmentalists. Yep. Some $43 million in damage by the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front in the past two decades.
    1. “Extremists within the environmental and animal rights movements have committed literally thousands of violent criminal acts in recent decades — arguably more than those from any other radical sector, left or right.” Eco-Violence: The Record
    2. “A leader of the Earth Liberation Front, a radical environmentalist organization the FBI described as America's most dangerous domestic terrorist group, refused to answer questions Tuesday before a congressional hearing on ecoterrorism.” About Questia | Questia, Your Online Research Library


So, what have we learned? Conservatives, we are endlessly told, create “an atmosphere of hatred and fear.” This, as opposed to liberals, who go around shooting elected officials. Welcome to the real world.

Sooooo.....where do you get your insights....Pravda??????

That may be where you get yours. Or perhaps you get your philosophy from the wrtitings of chairman Mao or Pol Pot. SPLC and DHS have determined that white supremacists are the number 1 threat of terror. We've had 4 assassination attempts in 243 years. Right wing McVeigh killed over 400 in a few minutes.

This is what I said, and of course, it is correct:
Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

Can provide three or four of the books that have informed your geopolitical views?

You are not correct. I will be providing no books. I will continue teaching your young stupid ass lessons. Consider yourself lucky I don't bill you.

"Can provide three or four of the books that have informed your geopolitical views?"

And, of course, you can't.

As is evident to everyone who has read your missives, there are none.

Your posts perform a great service.....proving what we on the Right always say about Leftists.

Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.
If it can't be explained on a protest sign or bumper sticker, leftists can't grasp it.
"Can provide three or four of the books that have informed your geopolitical views?"

And, of course, you can't.

As is evident to everyone who has read your missives, there are none.

Your posts perform a great service.....proving what we on the Right always say about Leftists.

Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.

Wrong. I simply refuse to provide you with the books I have read. I'm not asking or wanting to know what you have read. Given you quote Ann Coulter, it shows me that you don't read anything worthwhile. And at age 58, I've forgotten more books I have read than the total number of books you have read in your life. Besides, if your world view is only based on books, you're a dumb ass.

"I'm not asking or wanting to know what you have read."


No a nice adult would help you get a library card.

Not too late to begin reading, and getting an education.

All your juvenile peer pressure tactics won't work.

I can assure you that I am better educated than you.

And that also means I have nothing to prove to you.

I will be teaching you lessons and you will learn.

That is how this works.

Which books did you say you've read to inform your views??? don't read.

Never mind.

I have already set the expectations of our discussion. So you can just stop talking stupid.
Demanding people accept and agree with everything you say simply because you say it is not discussion. It's childish.

But you won't stop, will you?
How is this any different?

Did you notice Mulvany accidentally revealing the truth yesterday?
Not one of you have ever explained how you know when someone tells the truth or not, that you have never met or worked with or know anything about.

Look it up.
You have no evidence liar, none of you do, all you have is media bullshit and it's all you ever have.
Lol, how can you kiddos live in the "Information Age" and still be so uninformed?

They're gas lighting.
Which is nothing but a fancy term for lying.

Get out of my way, bitch! I'm coming through!


Yes, sir! Right away, sir!


Hey, as long as I have you on the phone...I need a favor. Let's call it a quid pro quo.


What is it?


Can you make up some dirt on Pocahontas?

I enjoy it when fools like you expose themselves as lying Liberal low-lives.....saves me the effort.

Nothing in your slanderous screed is linked, documented, or true.

And every reader will recognize what you are.
Yes, yes you are.

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