Trump Haters Mistakenly Reveal The Truth

1. Whether it's just plain stupidity, or being blinded by their own inordinate hatred of Donald Trump, all....every single one.....of the media lynch mob inadvertently clear Trump of collusion with Russia......the basic claim for neigh on three years running!

2. In their most recent attempt to to catch the road-runner,, Trump......that is the claim that he demanded the help of the Ukraine.....they admitted that this is the help he asked for:

"Trump Asked Ukraine President To Help With DOJ Probe Of 2016 Election Interference"

All of Trump's enemies admit that this was his request.

3. "In a July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Donald Trump asked the new leader to assist the United States in its ongoing investigation of foreign interference in the 2016 elections."

4. This from the the phone call:
“I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller,...."

5. Now, the answer to this pertinent question requires our government school grads may have difficulty seeing the significance.....

...but it is dispositive and exculpatory for Trump.


If Trump had colluded, conspired, corresponded with the Kremlin to aid him in winning the election.....
....would he now be asking the Ukraine to reveal it????????????

I have news, the Ukraine is not Russia.

Trump asked for dirt on Biden to help him politically.

His chief of staff admitted it.

Quid Pro Quo after your fat assed orange buddy said " No Quid Pro Quo" a gazillion times.

How do you explain that one?

1. Whether it's just plain stupidity, or being blinded by their own inordinate hatred of Donald Trump, all....every single one.....of the media lynch mob inadvertently clear Trump of collusion with Russia......the basic claim for neigh on three years running!

2. In their most recent attempt to to catch the road-runner,, Trump......that is the claim that he demanded the help of the Ukraine.....they admitted that this is the help he asked for:

"Trump Asked Ukraine President To Help With DOJ Probe Of 2016 Election Interference"

All of Trump's enemies admit that this was his request.

3. "In a July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Donald Trump asked the new leader to assist the United States in its ongoing investigation of foreign interference in the 2016 elections."

4. This from the the phone call:
“I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller,...."

5. Now, the answer to this pertinent question requires our government school grads may have difficulty seeing the significance.....

...but it is dispositive and exculpatory for Trump.


If Trump had colluded, conspired, corresponded with the Kremlin to aid him in winning the election.....
....would he now be asking the Ukraine to reveal it????????????

I have news, the Ukraine is not Russia.

Trump asked for dirt on Biden to help him politically.

His chief of staff admitted it.

Quid Pro Quo after your fat assed orange buddy said " No Quid Pro Quo" a gazillion times.

How do you explain that one?

Let's try to give you some education before your give us the impression that you might possibly be an unread , illiterate liberal which we all know do not exist ( lol) .
It's" Ukraine "not as you stated The Ukraine . Get it right or try a few more years of Sesame Street to increase your spelling and sentence prose .

In all fairness, prior to the fall of the democrats beloved USSR, Ukraine was not a country, just a region and was always referenced as "The Ukraine."

True, but now they prefer to be called just "Ukraine," like a real country.
1. Whether it's just plain stupidity, or being blinded by their own inordinate hatred of Donald Trump, all....every single one.....of the media lynch mob inadvertently clear Trump of collusion with Russia......the basic claim for neigh on three years running!

2. In their most recent attempt to to catch the road-runner,, Trump......that is the claim that he demanded the help of the Ukraine.....they admitted that this is the help he asked for:

"Trump Asked Ukraine President To Help With DOJ Probe Of 2016 Election Interference"

All of Trump's enemies admit that this was his request.

3. "In a July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Donald Trump asked the new leader to assist the United States in its ongoing investigation of foreign interference in the 2016 elections."

4. This from the the phone call:
“I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller,...."

5. Now, the answer to this pertinent question requires our government school grads may have difficulty seeing the significance.....

...but it is dispositive and exculpatory for Trump.


If Trump had colluded, conspired, corresponded with the Kremlin to aid him in winning the election.....

....would he now be asking the Ukraine to reveal it????????????

Trump has not been cleared of any collusion. He will have to explain why his campaign turned over internal polling data and campaign strategy over to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian intelligence. He undoubtedly turned that information over to the Russians.

2. This is Trump's crazy theory that the Ukraine interfered in the elections and put all the blame on Russia. That has been completely debunked. There is no legitimate investigation into that. This has nothing to do with any treaty.

Trump did collude with Russia but not in the sense he called Moscow and told them what to do. He was well aware of the fact that Russia wanted him to win so he provided information that they could use if they wanted to help.

You saw the whole thing didn't you?

Manafort's meetings with a Russian was documented in Mueller's report. Our intelligence agencies confirm Russia was and still is interfering in our election. Ever wonder why Trump is opposed to even a bipartisan election security bill.

Documented in the Mueller reports means Mueller said it happened which doesn't mean shit except to lying progressive scum. This thread shows tons of lies by the media, and in its midst, you puke out another half-truth.

This thread shows tons of lies by Trump supporters like you and you are adding to the collection. You are the lying regressive scum who infest this country. You are the puke.

1. Whether it's just plain stupidity, or being blinded by their own inordinate hatred of Donald Trump, all....every single one.....of the media lynch mob inadvertently clear Trump of collusion with Russia......the basic claim for neigh on three years running!

2. In their most recent attempt to to catch the road-runner,, Trump......that is the claim that he demanded the help of the Ukraine.....they admitted that this is the help he asked for:

"Trump Asked Ukraine President To Help With DOJ Probe Of 2016 Election Interference"

All of Trump's enemies admit that this was his request.

3. "In a July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Donald Trump asked the new leader to assist the United States in its ongoing investigation of foreign interference in the 2016 elections."

4. This from the the phone call:
“I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller,...."

5. Now, the answer to this pertinent question requires our government school grads may have difficulty seeing the significance.....

...but it is dispositive and exculpatory for Trump.


If Trump had colluded, conspired, corresponded with the Kremlin to aid him in winning the election.....
....would he now be asking the Ukraine to reveal it????????????

Crowdstrike keeps coining up again and again doesnt it?

And somehow, all the Democrat FBI-supporters never question why the DNC wouldn't allow the FBI to examine the servers.....only Crowdstrike.

1. "Washington (CNN)The Democratic National Committee "rebuffed" a request from the FBI to examine its computer services after it was allegedly hacked by Russia during the 2016 election, a senior law enforcement official told CNN Thursday."

2. The DNC actually insisted that the FBI rely on a firm that the DNC hired....
"The FBI instead relied on the assessment from a third-party security company called CrowdStrIke."
FBI says DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers -

3. "What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google"
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google | Zero Hedge
1. Whether it's just plain stupidity, or being blinded by their own inordinate hatred of Donald Trump, all....every single one.....of the media lynch mob inadvertently clear Trump of collusion with Russia......the basic claim for neigh on three years running!

2. In their most recent attempt to to catch the road-runner,, Trump......that is the claim that he demanded the help of the Ukraine.....they admitted that this is the help he asked for:

"Trump Asked Ukraine President To Help With DOJ Probe Of 2016 Election Interference"

All of Trump's enemies admit that this was his request.

3. "In a July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Donald Trump asked the new leader to assist the United States in its ongoing investigation of foreign interference in the 2016 elections."

4. This from the the phone call:
“I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller,...."

5. Now, the answer to this pertinent question requires our government school grads may have difficulty seeing the significance.....

...but it is dispositive and exculpatory for Trump.


If Trump had colluded, conspired, corresponded with the Kremlin to aid him in winning the election.....
....would he now be asking the Ukraine to reveal it????????????

The Federalist?
I so admire you in seeing the truth in everything.
I suggest you do a phd
1. Whether it's just plain stupidity, or being blinded by their own inordinate hatred of Donald Trump, all....every single one.....of the media lynch mob inadvertently clear Trump of collusion with Russia......the basic claim for neigh on three years running!

2. In their most recent attempt to to catch the road-runner,, Trump......that is the claim that he demanded the help of the Ukraine.....they admitted that this is the help he asked for:

"Trump Asked Ukraine President To Help With DOJ Probe Of 2016 Election Interference"

All of Trump's enemies admit that this was his request.

3. "In a July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Donald Trump asked the new leader to assist the United States in its ongoing investigation of foreign interference in the 2016 elections."

4. This from the the phone call:
“I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller,...."

5. Now, the answer to this pertinent question requires our government school grads may have difficulty seeing the significance........but it is dispositive and exculpatory for Trump.


If Trump had colluded, conspired, corresponded with the Kremlin to aid him in winning the election.........would he now be asking the Ukraine to reveal it????????????

Hey stupid. The investigation into foreign election interference is over. The Russians did it. What Trump wants investigated are alt-right conspiracy theories. Something, anything that will prove it wasn't the Russians so Trump can lift sanctions.

He didnt ask the Ukraine to reveal that Russia did it. He asked them to manufacture evidence that the UKRAINIANS hacked the DNC, to get Russia off the hook.

Whatever you paid for your fancy education, it was a waste of money. There is no cure for stupid.
Once Trump falls for a hoax, he rides it all the way down.
As do his sad little cultists.

Let's be clear......this is what you choose to vote for????

1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

11. The abolition of prisons so that convicted criminals would be free to prey on innocent citizens.

Oh....and this....

12. Abortion rights for men."AOC Wants to Abolish Prisons

...saying that lawmakers needed to explore the mass release of America's prison population.

Even you must admit you're an imbecile.......true?

GDP has stayed in the 2% range under Trump and is now falling. The projected GDP growth in the last quarter was 2.0%. Sound familiar?

You would ignore legitimate asylum claims and send people back to face possible death. We should trade you and send you back instead.

The tax breaks that the rich and powerful received should be reversed. Everything Trump said would happen is not happening.

You support a woman having no power to make the decision and allowing the state to enforce your beliefs on abortion.

You would allow the health care system to go back to the old ways. Lifetime caps on insurance policies, high premiums for people with pre-existing conditions and other undesirable conditions.

Jewish have the same rights as others and that is not going to change.

You are as far to the right as AOC is to the left. You both are equally wrong and equally bad.

71. "Pence and other Trump enthusiasts can point to increasing macroeconomic growth. Growth rose 4.1 percent in the second quarter and is up more than 3 percent for the year. Unemployment was down to 3.9 percent in July. The S&P 500 stock index is up 6 percent since the Trump presidency, while the rest of the world's stock markets are down 6 percent. These are numbers any recent administration would boast about.

More notable are positive trends among subgroups that weren't doing so well before Trump took office. Former Obama administration chief economic adviser Jason Furman, writing for Vox, notes that in the past three years "recent wage growth ... at the low end of the wage scale" is stronger than growth among the higher-paid. Similarly, Bloomberg columnist and portfolio manager Conor Sen makes the point that job growth has been greatest among "goods-producing workers and the least-educated workers."

Has Trump Delivered on His Economic Promises?

72. “Atlanta Fed predicts 5% jump in economic growth for third quarter The central bank district estimates that GDP will increase 5 percent for the July-to-September period, according to an update posted Wednesday.

If the forecast is accurate, it will come on top of a strong 4.1 percent second quarter…” Atlanta Fed predicts 5% jump in economic growth for third quarter

73. “Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high”
Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high

But it’s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy – economists are as well.

74. “But it’s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy – economists are as well. CNBC called the American economy a “tremendous achievement” for Trump, highlighting that “during his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible. GDP is growing at a 3-percent plus rate. The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low. Meanwhile, the stock market has jumped 27 percent amid a surge in corporate profits.”

75. “U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week” U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week

76. “President Trump let the world know at the U.N. today that he’s sticking to his vision of America-first sovereignty, rather than cede power to U.N. multilateralists — to their great dismay. Too bad for them: Mr. Trump’s approach is working.
“America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination,” he told world leaders at the UN General Assembly. This country “will not tell you how to live or work or worship.” But we “ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.”
…vowing to “never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.” Globalists at U.N. Rage at Trump

77. “”Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

"USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region."

"It will strengthen the middle class and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half-billion people who call North America home," Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

78. “Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump Since President Donald Trump took office, federal employment has declined by 16,000.” Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
79. “The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a report recently that found “the Trump Administration’s regulatory reform efforts have saved American families and businesses $23 billion in Fiscal Year 2018 by getting rid of unduly burdensome and unnecessary regulation. The findings, released by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), also reported that Federal Agencies issued 176 deregulatory actions.” This is an important report that you will hear little about from a media obsessed with palace intrigue and investigations.”
Trump Regulatory Reform Saved Taxpayers $23 Billion

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

( - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."

Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”

Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low


GDP growth is slowing.
2018: 2.9%
First quarter 2019: 3.1%
Second quarter 2019: 2.1%

GDP slows to 2.1% in second quarter but beats expectations thanks to strong consumer

Manufacturing is slumping.
The red flags have been rising for the manufacturing section this year. Hiring has slowed sharply. Last year, the sector was averaging 22,000 new jobs a month, according to Labor Department data. This year it’s down to 8,000. And a popular gauge of manufacturing’s health — the PMI (Purchasing Managers’ Index) — has tumbled in recent months and now sits at near-recession levels.

But the biggest warning sign arrived last week when the Federal Reserve reported that U.S. manufacturing was in a “technical recession” the first half of 2019.

The widely held definition of a recession is when output shrinks for two consecutive quarters. According to the Fed’s U.S. industrial output data, that’s exactly what happened: Output fell for the January through March quarter and again in the April through June quarter.

US manufacturing is in a 'technical recession.' How worried should we be?

US Job Openings slip
The numbers: The number of job openings nationwide fell in August for the third straight month and hit a one-and-a-half-year low, coinciding with a decline in hiring that’s taken place against the backdrop of a slowing U.S. economy.

U.S. job openings fall in August to a 1 1/2-year low as hiring and the economy slow

Then you brag about a 136,000 job gain.
Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 136,000 in September. Job growth has averaged 161,000 per month thus far in 2019, compared with an average monthly gain of 223,000 in 2018. In September, employment continued to trend up in health care and in professional and business services.

All of this has happened under Trump's trade war. There are no winners in a trade war just losers and that is what we are seeing. The US is in a slowdown and the question is whether it will turn into a recession.


And this has what to do with the exposé that I provided in the OP?

Oh.....right....nothing, it merely proves how deeply the facts injured you.

What 'expose' was there in that word salad?

I don't hate Trump because I really don't go in for that.

But I do despise that lying Nervous Nancy for his corruption, lies and just plain idiocy.

Lets recap:
a) Trump asks Ukraine to dig up dirt on his political opponent
b) Trump asks China to dig up dirt on his political opponent.
c) Trump withholds military aid unless Ukraine agrees to publicly announce it was pursuing his conspiracy theory about the server.
d) Trump selects his own property to hold the G7

And that is just in the last what- 10 days?


And the Liberals/Democrats called Obama god, the messiah, and Jesus.

You said this:

“No they didn’t. And I dare you to find anyone credible who did.

Why do you lie so much? Trump emulation?”
Does A Religion Need A God?

Then I ripped you a new one.

That was fun.
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?

Credible is his standard?


JANUARY 7, 2008.

"We have an amazing story to tell," she said. "This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light."

-- Michelle Obama

"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

-- Barack Obama

"This is bigger than Kennedy. . . . This is the New Testament." | "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."

-- Chris Matthews

"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . . He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . . . Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."

-- Ezra Klein

"We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."

-- Oprah Winfrey
1. Whether it's just plain stupidity, or being blinded by their own inordinate hatred of Donald Trump, all....every single one.....of the media lynch mob inadvertently clear Trump of collusion with Russia......the basic claim for neigh on three years running!

2. In their most recent attempt to to catch the road-runner,, Trump......that is the claim that he demanded the help of the Ukraine.....they admitted that this is the help he asked for:

"Trump Asked Ukraine President To Help With DOJ Probe Of 2016 Election Interference"

All of Trump's enemies admit that this was his request.

3. "In a July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Donald Trump asked the new leader to assist the United States in its ongoing investigation of foreign interference in the 2016 elections."

4. This from the the phone call:
“I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller,...."

5. Now, the answer to this pertinent question requires our government school grads may have difficulty seeing the significance.....

...but it is dispositive and exculpatory for Trump.


If Trump had colluded, conspired, corresponded with the Kremlin to aid him in winning the election.....
....would he now be asking the Ukraine to reveal it????????????

The Federalist?
I so admire you in seeing the truth in everything.
I suggest you do a phd

The Federalist.

Seems you couldn't find any error.....just the usual carping from your sort.

And that pain you're showing????

From Thomas Hardy....

Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

See ya,' you dunce.


And this has what to do with the exposé that I provided in the OP?

Oh.....right....nothing, it merely proves how deeply the facts injured you.

What 'expose' was there in that word salad?

I don't hate Trump because I really don't go in for that.

But I do despise that lying Nervous Nancy for his corruption, lies and just plain idiocy.

Lets recap:
a) Trump asks Ukraine to dig up dirt on his political opponent
b) Trump asks China to dig up dirt on his political opponent.
c) Trump withholds military aid unless Ukraine agrees to publicly announce it was pursuing his conspiracy theory about the server.
d) Trump selects his own property to hold the G7

And that is just in the last what- 10 days?


And the Liberals/Democrats called Obama god, the messiah, and Jesus.

You said this:

“No they didn’t. And I dare you to find anyone credible who did.

Why do you lie so much? Trump emulation?”
Does A Religion Need A God?

Then I ripped you a new one.

That was fun.
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?

Credible is his standard?


JANUARY 7, 2008.

"We have an amazing story to tell," she said. "This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light."

-- Michelle Obama

"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

-- Barack Obama

"This is bigger than Kennedy. . . . This is the New Testament." | "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."

-- Chris Matthews

"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . . He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . . . Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."

-- Ezra Klein

"We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."

-- Oprah Winfrey

But the, Democrats, deny they ever claimed so.
Trump has not been cleared of any collusion. He will have to explain why his campaign turned over internal polling data and campaign strategy over to a Russian business associate with ties to Russian intelligence. He undoubtedly turned that information over to the Russians.

2. This is Trump's crazy theory that the Ukraine interfered in the elections and put all the blame on Russia. That has been completely debunked. There is no legitimate investigation into that. This has nothing to do with any treaty.

Trump did collude with Russia but not in the sense he called Moscow and told them what to do. He was well aware of the fact that Russia wanted him to win so he provided information that they could use if they wanted to help.
You saw the whole thing didn't you?

Manafort's meetings with a Russian was documented in Mueller's report. Our intelligence agencies confirm Russia was and still is interfering in our election. Ever wonder why Trump is opposed to even a bipartisan election security bill.
Documented in the Mueller reports means Mueller said it happened which doesn't mean shit except to lying progressive scum. This thread shows tons of lies by the media, and in its midst, you puke out another half-truth.

This thread shows tons of lies by Trump supporters like you and you are adding to the collection. You are the lying regressive scum who infest this country. You are the puke.

Classic projection and totally expected. You can't overcome the facts presented so you attack! lol
View attachment 285228

Mulvaney admitted to a quid pro quo but you say he didn't. The fact that he tried to take it back shows he said it. Showing a picture of your hero Goebbels? You definitely are following in his footsteps.
1. Whether it's just plain stupidity, or being blinded by their own inordinate hatred of Donald Trump, all....every single one.....of the media lynch mob inadvertently clear Trump of collusion with Russia......the basic claim for neigh on three years running!

2. In their most recent attempt to to catch the road-runner,, Trump......that is the claim that he demanded the help of the Ukraine.....they admitted that this is the help he asked for:

"Trump Asked Ukraine President To Help With DOJ Probe Of 2016 Election Interference"

All of Trump's enemies admit that this was his request.

3. "In a July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Donald Trump asked the new leader to assist the United States in its ongoing investigation of foreign interference in the 2016 elections."

4. This from the the phone call:
“I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller,...."

5. Now, the answer to this pertinent question requires our government school grads may have difficulty seeing the significance.....

...but it is dispositive and exculpatory for Trump.


If Trump had colluded, conspired, corresponded with the Kremlin to aid him in winning the election.....
....would he now be asking the Ukraine to reveal it????????????

I have news, the Ukraine is not Russia.

Trump asked for dirt on Biden to help him politically.

His chief of staff admitted it.

Quid Pro Quo after your fat assed orange buddy said " No Quid Pro Quo" a gazillion times.

How do you explain that one?

Let's check:

This from the the phone call:
“I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller,...."

...versus this....

Biden bragged he would cut $1 billlion if they didn't get rid of the prosecutor who was investigating his son's company.

Here it is again.

Biden's exact words at 1:20 of the vid, you dunce.



There, I covered that for you, USMB leftists.
1. Whether it's just plain stupidity, or being blinded by their own inordinate hatred of Donald Trump, all....every single one.....of the media lynch mob inadvertently clear Trump of collusion with Russia......the basic claim for neigh on three years running!

2. In their most recent attempt to to catch the road-runner,, Trump......that is the claim that he demanded the help of the Ukraine.....they admitted that this is the help he asked for:

"Trump Asked Ukraine President To Help With DOJ Probe Of 2016 Election Interference"

All of Trump's enemies admit that this was his request.

3. "In a July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Donald Trump asked the new leader to assist the United States in its ongoing investigation of foreign interference in the 2016 elections."

4. This from the the phone call:
“I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller,...."

5. Now, the answer to this pertinent question requires our government school grads may have difficulty seeing the significance........but it is dispositive and exculpatory for Trump.


If Trump had colluded, conspired, corresponded with the Kremlin to aid him in winning the election.........would he now be asking the Ukraine to reveal it????????????

Hey stupid. The investigation into foreign election interference is over. The Russians did it. What Trump wants investigated are alt-right conspiracy theories. Something, anything that will prove it wasn't the Russians so Trump can lift sanctions.

He didnt ask the Ukraine to reveal that Russia did it. He asked them to manufacture evidence that the UKRAINIANS hacked the DNC, to get Russia off the hook.

Whatever you paid for your fancy education, it was a waste of money. There is no cure for stupid.

Try again....

1. Whether it's just plain stupidity, or being blinded by their own inordinate hatred of Donald Trump, all....every single one.....of the media lynch mob inadvertently clear Trump of collusion with Russia......the basic claim for neigh on three years running!

2. In their most recent attempt to to catch the road-runner,, Trump......that is the claim that he demanded the help of the Ukraine.....they admitted that this is the help he asked for:

"Trump Asked Ukraine President To Help With DOJ Probe Of 2016 Election Interference"
Trump Asked Ukraine President To Help With DOJ Probe Of 2016 Election Interference

All of Trump's enemies admit that this was his request.

3. "In a July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Donald Trump asked the new leader to assist the United States in its ongoing investigation of foreign interference in the 2016 elections."

4. This from the the phone call:
“I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller,...."

5. Now, the answer to this pertinent question requires our government school grads may have difficulty seeing the significance.....

...but it is dispositive and exculpatory for Trump.


If Trump had colluded, conspired, corresponded with the Kremlin to aid him in winning the election.....
....would he now be asking the Ukraine to reveal it????????????
Last edited:
Once Trump falls for a hoax, he rides it all the way down.
As do his sad little cultists.

Let's be clear......this is what you choose to vote for????

1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

11. The abolition of prisons so that convicted criminals would be free to prey on innocent citizens.

Oh....and this....

12. Abortion rights for men."AOC Wants to Abolish Prisons

...saying that lawmakers needed to explore the mass release of America's prison population.

Even you must admit you're an imbecile.......true?

GDP has stayed in the 2% range under Trump and is now falling. The projected GDP growth in the last quarter was 2.0%. Sound familiar?

You would ignore legitimate asylum claims and send people back to face possible death. We should trade you and send you back instead.

The tax breaks that the rich and powerful received should be reversed. Everything Trump said would happen is not happening.

You support a woman having no power to make the decision and allowing the state to enforce your beliefs on abortion.

You would allow the health care system to go back to the old ways. Lifetime caps on insurance policies, high premiums for people with pre-existing conditions and other undesirable conditions.

Jewish have the same rights as others and that is not going to change.

You are as far to the right as AOC is to the left. You both are equally wrong and equally bad.

71. "Pence and other Trump enthusiasts can point to increasing macroeconomic growth. Growth rose 4.1 percent in the second quarter and is up more than 3 percent for the year. Unemployment was down to 3.9 percent in July. The S&P 500 stock index is up 6 percent since the Trump presidency, while the rest of the world's stock markets are down 6 percent. These are numbers any recent administration would boast about.

More notable are positive trends among subgroups that weren't doing so well before Trump took office. Former Obama administration chief economic adviser Jason Furman, writing for Vox, notes that in the past three years "recent wage growth ... at the low end of the wage scale" is stronger than growth among the higher-paid. Similarly, Bloomberg columnist and portfolio manager Conor Sen makes the point that job growth has been greatest among "goods-producing workers and the least-educated workers."

Has Trump Delivered on His Economic Promises?

72. “Atlanta Fed predicts 5% jump in economic growth for third quarter The central bank district estimates that GDP will increase 5 percent for the July-to-September period, according to an update posted Wednesday.

If the forecast is accurate, it will come on top of a strong 4.1 percent second quarter…” Atlanta Fed predicts 5% jump in economic growth for third quarter

73. “Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high”
Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high

But it’s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy – economists are as well.

74. “But it’s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy – economists are as well. CNBC called the American economy a “tremendous achievement” for Trump, highlighting that “during his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible. GDP is growing at a 3-percent plus rate. The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low. Meanwhile, the stock market has jumped 27 percent amid a surge in corporate profits.”

75. “U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week” U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week

76. “President Trump let the world know at the U.N. today that he’s sticking to his vision of America-first sovereignty, rather than cede power to U.N. multilateralists — to their great dismay. Too bad for them: Mr. Trump’s approach is working.
“America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination,” he told world leaders at the UN General Assembly. This country “will not tell you how to live or work or worship.” But we “ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.”
…vowing to “never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.” Globalists at U.N. Rage at Trump

77. “”Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

"USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region."

"It will strengthen the middle class and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half-billion people who call North America home," Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

78. “Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump Since President Donald Trump took office, federal employment has declined by 16,000.” Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
79. “The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a report recently that found “the Trump Administration’s regulatory reform efforts have saved American families and businesses $23 billion in Fiscal Year 2018 by getting rid of unduly burdensome and unnecessary regulation. The findings, released by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), also reported that Federal Agencies issued 176 deregulatory actions.” This is an important report that you will hear little about from a media obsessed with palace intrigue and investigations.”
Trump Regulatory Reform Saved Taxpayers $23 Billion

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

( - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."

Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”

Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low


GDP growth is slowing.
2018: 2.9%
First quarter 2019: 3.1%
Second quarter 2019: 2.1%

GDP slows to 2.1% in second quarter but beats expectations thanks to strong consumer

Manufacturing is slumping.
The red flags have been rising for the manufacturing section this year. Hiring has slowed sharply. Last year, the sector was averaging 22,000 new jobs a month, according to Labor Department data. This year it’s down to 8,000. And a popular gauge of manufacturing’s health — the PMI (Purchasing Managers’ Index) — has tumbled in recent months and now sits at near-recession levels.

But the biggest warning sign arrived last week when the Federal Reserve reported that U.S. manufacturing was in a “technical recession” the first half of 2019.

The widely held definition of a recession is when output shrinks for two consecutive quarters. According to the Fed’s U.S. industrial output data, that’s exactly what happened: Output fell for the January through March quarter and again in the April through June quarter.

US manufacturing is in a 'technical recession.' How worried should we be?

US Job Openings slip
The numbers: The number of job openings nationwide fell in August for the third straight month and hit a one-and-a-half-year low, coinciding with a decline in hiring that’s taken place against the backdrop of a slowing U.S. economy.

U.S. job openings fall in August to a 1 1/2-year low as hiring and the economy slow

Then you brag about a 136,000 job gain.
Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 136,000 in September. Job growth has averaged 161,000 per month thus far in 2019, compared with an average monthly gain of 223,000 in 2018. In September, employment continued to trend up in health care and in professional and business services.

All of this has happened under Trump's trade war. There are no winners in a trade war just losers and that is what we are seeing. The US is in a slowdown and the question is whether it will turn into a recession.

It eats at Trump that he would not be president today were it not for the leg up he got from Putin. It eats at him and eats at him.

That's why he was gullible enough to fall for a hoax that Putin didn't interfere in our elections. He is desperate to have that rot in his stomach go away.

Trump is a birther creduloid. He was chasing yet another hoax in the Ukraine, fed to him by two guys who are now in jail.

Gee, there's a clue you've been hoaxed! :lol:

It's A Birther Thing

You really are mentally ill........

Putin already bought hilary, cause no one expected Trump to doofus....he paid her 145 million dollars and her rapist husband got a tip of 500,000 dollars. They were already bought and paid for......

A lot of Russian money flowed to Trump too. He received millions for putting on a beauty pageant in Russia. He also received financing from Russian oligarchs to finance some of his projects when US banks refused to back him. Donald Trump Jr bragged about all of the business they were doing with Russia. By your logic the Russians bought Trump as well.

...a beauty pageant??????

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun


Trump received $20 million from Russia for bringing his Miss Universe pageant to Moscow in 2013.

The Uranium One conspiracy has been thoroughly debunked. IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE?
You saw the whole thing didn't you?

Manafort's meetings with a Russian was documented in Mueller's report. Our intelligence agencies confirm Russia was and still is interfering in our election. Ever wonder why Trump is opposed to even a bipartisan election security bill.
Documented in the Mueller reports means Mueller said it happened which doesn't mean shit except to lying progressive scum. This thread shows tons of lies by the media, and in its midst, you puke out another half-truth.

This thread shows tons of lies by Trump supporters like you and you are adding to the collection. You are the lying regressive scum who infest this country. You are the puke.

Classic projection and totally expected. You can't overcome the facts presented so you attack! lol
View attachment 285228

Mulvaney admitted to a quid pro quo but you say he didn't. The fact that he tried to take it back shows he said it. Showing a picture of your hero Goebbels? You definitely are following in his footsteps.

He said Trump simply asked the Ukraine to do what the incompetent Mueller claimed he was doing of two years.

The only quid pro quo was here:

Biden bragged he would cut $1 billlion if they didn't get rid of the prosecutor who was investigating his son's company.

Here it is again.

Biden's exact words at 1:20 of the vid, you dunce.

Pop Quiz: what does Biden say at 1:20 of the vid????

C' can do it....
It eats at Trump that he would not be president today were it not for the leg up he got from Putin. It eats at him and eats at him.

That's why he was gullible enough to fall for a hoax that Putin didn't interfere in our elections. He is desperate to have that rot in his stomach go away.

Trump is a birther creduloid. He was chasing yet another hoax in the Ukraine, fed to him by two guys who are now in jail.

Gee, there's a clue you've been hoaxed! :lol:

It's A Birther Thing

You really are mentally ill........

Putin already bought hilary, cause no one expected Trump to doofus....he paid her 145 million dollars and her rapist husband got a tip of 500,000 dollars. They were already bought and paid for......

A lot of Russian money flowed to Trump too. He received millions for putting on a beauty pageant in Russia. He also received financing from Russian oligarchs to finance some of his projects when US banks refused to back him. Donald Trump Jr bragged about all of the business they were doing with Russia. By your logic the Russians bought Trump as well.

...a beauty pageant??????

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun


Trump received $20 million from Russia for bringing his Miss Universe pageant to Moscow in 2013.

The Uranium One conspiracy has been thoroughly debunked. IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE?

Is there any illegality in that pageant?
Of course not.

Hillary received $145 million for selling out the United States.

Biden received $1.5 billion from Red China, by way of his son.....what do you suppose he'd be selling?
It eats at Trump that he would not be president today were it not for the leg up he got from Putin. It eats at him and eats at him.

That's why he was gullible enough to fall for a hoax that Putin didn't interfere in our elections. He is desperate to have that rot in his stomach go away.

Trump is a birther creduloid. He was chasing yet another hoax in the Ukraine, fed to him by two guys who are now in jail.

Gee, there's a clue you've been hoaxed! :lol:

It's A Birther Thing

You really are mentally ill........

Putin already bought hilary, cause no one expected Trump to doofus....he paid her 145 million dollars and her rapist husband got a tip of 500,000 dollars. They were already bought and paid for......

A lot of Russian money flowed to Trump too. He received millions for putting on a beauty pageant in Russia. He also received financing from Russian oligarchs to finance some of his projects when US banks refused to back him. Donald Trump Jr bragged about all of the business they were doing with Russia. By your logic the Russians bought Trump as well.

...a beauty pageant??????

"Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Bags $145 Million"
Devastating Timeline Reveals the Transfer of Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Russia as Hillary Clinton's Foundation Bags $145 Million - Breitbart

Hillary and Bill.....all about the bucks.

"Mrs. Clinton does not mention her speech of apology to the world’s Muslims, a toe-curling embarrassment to the entire Western world, nor her inability to utter or write the words “Islamic terrorism or extremism,” nor the disconcerting pay-to-play activities of the Clinton Foundation, including the payment or pledge of $145 million and a $500,000 speech fee for Bill Clinton at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s agreement was required to approve a sale of uranium assets in the United States to Russian interests."
Mrs. Clinton Convicts Herself In Stunning Display of Rage At What Happened in 2016 - The New York Sun


Trump received $20 million from Russia for bringing his Miss Universe pageant to Moscow in 2013.

The Uranium One conspiracy has been thoroughly debunked. IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE?

"debunked," it appears,is defined by whatever the DNC tells you, huh?
As do his sad little cultists.

Let's be clear......this is what you choose to vote for????

1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

11. The abolition of prisons so that convicted criminals would be free to prey on innocent citizens.

Oh....and this....

12. Abortion rights for men."AOC Wants to Abolish Prisons

...saying that lawmakers needed to explore the mass release of America's prison population.

Even you must admit you're an imbecile.......true?

GDP has stayed in the 2% range under Trump and is now falling. The projected GDP growth in the last quarter was 2.0%. Sound familiar?

You would ignore legitimate asylum claims and send people back to face possible death. We should trade you and send you back instead.

The tax breaks that the rich and powerful received should be reversed. Everything Trump said would happen is not happening.

You support a woman having no power to make the decision and allowing the state to enforce your beliefs on abortion.

You would allow the health care system to go back to the old ways. Lifetime caps on insurance policies, high premiums for people with pre-existing conditions and other undesirable conditions.

Jewish have the same rights as others and that is not going to change.

You are as far to the right as AOC is to the left. You both are equally wrong and equally bad.

71. "Pence and other Trump enthusiasts can point to increasing macroeconomic growth. Growth rose 4.1 percent in the second quarter and is up more than 3 percent for the year. Unemployment was down to 3.9 percent in July. The S&P 500 stock index is up 6 percent since the Trump presidency, while the rest of the world's stock markets are down 6 percent. These are numbers any recent administration would boast about.

More notable are positive trends among subgroups that weren't doing so well before Trump took office. Former Obama administration chief economic adviser Jason Furman, writing for Vox, notes that in the past three years "recent wage growth ... at the low end of the wage scale" is stronger than growth among the higher-paid. Similarly, Bloomberg columnist and portfolio manager Conor Sen makes the point that job growth has been greatest among "goods-producing workers and the least-educated workers."

Has Trump Delivered on His Economic Promises?

72. “Atlanta Fed predicts 5% jump in economic growth for third quarter The central bank district estimates that GDP will increase 5 percent for the July-to-September period, according to an update posted Wednesday.

If the forecast is accurate, it will come on top of a strong 4.1 percent second quarter…” Atlanta Fed predicts 5% jump in economic growth for third quarter

73. “Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high”
Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high

But it’s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy – economists are as well.

74. “But it’s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy – economists are as well. CNBC called the American economy a “tremendous achievement” for Trump, highlighting that “during his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible. GDP is growing at a 3-percent plus rate. The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low. Meanwhile, the stock market has jumped 27 percent amid a surge in corporate profits.”

75. “U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week” U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week

76. “President Trump let the world know at the U.N. today that he’s sticking to his vision of America-first sovereignty, rather than cede power to U.N. multilateralists — to their great dismay. Too bad for them: Mr. Trump’s approach is working.
“America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination,” he told world leaders at the UN General Assembly. This country “will not tell you how to live or work or worship.” But we “ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.”
…vowing to “never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.” Globalists at U.N. Rage at Trump

77. “”Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

"USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region."

"It will strengthen the middle class and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half-billion people who call North America home," Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

78. “Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump Since President Donald Trump took office, federal employment has declined by 16,000.” Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
79. “The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a report recently that found “the Trump Administration’s regulatory reform efforts have saved American families and businesses $23 billion in Fiscal Year 2018 by getting rid of unduly burdensome and unnecessary regulation. The findings, released by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), also reported that Federal Agencies issued 176 deregulatory actions.” This is an important report that you will hear little about from a media obsessed with palace intrigue and investigations.”
Trump Regulatory Reform Saved Taxpayers $23 Billion

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

( - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."

Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”

Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low


GDP growth is slowing.
2018: 2.9%
First quarter 2019: 3.1%
Second quarter 2019: 2.1%

GDP slows to 2.1% in second quarter but beats expectations thanks to strong consumer

Manufacturing is slumping.
The red flags have been rising for the manufacturing section this year. Hiring has slowed sharply. Last year, the sector was averaging 22,000 new jobs a month, according to Labor Department data. This year it’s down to 8,000. And a popular gauge of manufacturing’s health — the PMI (Purchasing Managers’ Index) — has tumbled in recent months and now sits at near-recession levels.

But the biggest warning sign arrived last week when the Federal Reserve reported that U.S. manufacturing was in a “technical recession” the first half of 2019.

The widely held definition of a recession is when output shrinks for two consecutive quarters. According to the Fed’s U.S. industrial output data, that’s exactly what happened: Output fell for the January through March quarter and again in the April through June quarter.

US manufacturing is in a 'technical recession.' How worried should we be?

US Job Openings slip
The numbers: The number of job openings nationwide fell in August for the third straight month and hit a one-and-a-half-year low, coinciding with a decline in hiring that’s taken place against the backdrop of a slowing U.S. economy.

U.S. job openings fall in August to a 1 1/2-year low as hiring and the economy slow

Then you brag about a 136,000 job gain.
Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 136,000 in September. Job growth has averaged 161,000 per month thus far in 2019, compared with an average monthly gain of 223,000 in 2018. In September, employment continued to trend up in health care and in professional and business services.

All of this has happened under Trump's trade war. There are no winners in a trade war just losers and that is what we are seeing. The US is in a slowdown and the question is whether it will turn into a recession.


The economy started improving under Obama even though he had nothing to do with it. The economy went into recession under Bush and is slowing down under Trump. You reply to facts with a lame cartoon. Pathetic.
Let's be clear......this is what you choose to vote for????

1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

11. The abolition of prisons so that convicted criminals would be free to prey on innocent citizens.

Oh....and this....

12. Abortion rights for men."AOC Wants to Abolish Prisons

...saying that lawmakers needed to explore the mass release of America's prison population.

Even you must admit you're an imbecile.......true?

GDP has stayed in the 2% range under Trump and is now falling. The projected GDP growth in the last quarter was 2.0%. Sound familiar?

You would ignore legitimate asylum claims and send people back to face possible death. We should trade you and send you back instead.

The tax breaks that the rich and powerful received should be reversed. Everything Trump said would happen is not happening.

You support a woman having no power to make the decision and allowing the state to enforce your beliefs on abortion.

You would allow the health care system to go back to the old ways. Lifetime caps on insurance policies, high premiums for people with pre-existing conditions and other undesirable conditions.

Jewish have the same rights as others and that is not going to change.

You are as far to the right as AOC is to the left. You both are equally wrong and equally bad.

71. "Pence and other Trump enthusiasts can point to increasing macroeconomic growth. Growth rose 4.1 percent in the second quarter and is up more than 3 percent for the year. Unemployment was down to 3.9 percent in July. The S&P 500 stock index is up 6 percent since the Trump presidency, while the rest of the world's stock markets are down 6 percent. These are numbers any recent administration would boast about.

More notable are positive trends among subgroups that weren't doing so well before Trump took office. Former Obama administration chief economic adviser Jason Furman, writing for Vox, notes that in the past three years "recent wage growth ... at the low end of the wage scale" is stronger than growth among the higher-paid. Similarly, Bloomberg columnist and portfolio manager Conor Sen makes the point that job growth has been greatest among "goods-producing workers and the least-educated workers."

Has Trump Delivered on His Economic Promises?

72. “Atlanta Fed predicts 5% jump in economic growth for third quarter The central bank district estimates that GDP will increase 5 percent for the July-to-September period, according to an update posted Wednesday.

If the forecast is accurate, it will come on top of a strong 4.1 percent second quarter…” Atlanta Fed predicts 5% jump in economic growth for third quarter

73. “Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high”
Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high

But it’s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy – economists are as well.

74. “But it’s not just Trump giving himself credit for the strong economy – economists are as well. CNBC called the American economy a “tremendous achievement” for Trump, highlighting that “during his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible. GDP is growing at a 3-percent plus rate. The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low. Meanwhile, the stock market has jumped 27 percent amid a surge in corporate profits.”

75. “U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week” U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week

76. “President Trump let the world know at the U.N. today that he’s sticking to his vision of America-first sovereignty, rather than cede power to U.N. multilateralists — to their great dismay. Too bad for them: Mr. Trump’s approach is working.
“America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination,” he told world leaders at the UN General Assembly. This country “will not tell you how to live or work or worship.” But we “ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.”
…vowing to “never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.” Globalists at U.N. Rage at Trump

77. “”Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

"USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region."

"It will strengthen the middle class and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half-billion people who call North America home," Canada agrees to join U.S. and Mexico in new trade deal to replace NAFTA, say US and Canadian officials

78. “Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump Since President Donald Trump took office, federal employment has declined by 16,000.” Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
79. “The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a report recently that found “the Trump Administration’s regulatory reform efforts have saved American families and businesses $23 billion in Fiscal Year 2018 by getting rid of unduly burdensome and unnecessary regulation. The findings, released by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), also reported that Federal Agencies issued 176 deregulatory actions.” This is an important report that you will hear little about from a media obsessed with palace intrigue and investigations.”
Trump Regulatory Reform Saved Taxpayers $23 Billion

80. "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

81. “Job growth surges by 312,000 in December” Job growth surges by 312,000 in December
82. "Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring"
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. "
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

83. "Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

( - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,288,000 in July, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That was up 283,000 from the 157,005,000 employed in June."

Record 157,288,000 Employed in July

84. “…Planned Parenthood announced that it would withdraw from Title X, a federal family planning program that helps poor women access birth control and other health services. As a result, the organization will lose about $60 million a year in federal funding. The decision was made in response to a new Trump administration rule which forbids Title X clinics from referring patients for abortions.” Planned Parenthood Just Lost $60M in Funding. What Does That Mean for Women?
85. “U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low”

Published: Oct 4, 2019 10:32 a.m. ET

U.S. adds 136,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate hits 50-year low


GDP growth is slowing.
2018: 2.9%
First quarter 2019: 3.1%
Second quarter 2019: 2.1%

GDP slows to 2.1% in second quarter but beats expectations thanks to strong consumer

Manufacturing is slumping.
The red flags have been rising for the manufacturing section this year. Hiring has slowed sharply. Last year, the sector was averaging 22,000 new jobs a month, according to Labor Department data. This year it’s down to 8,000. And a popular gauge of manufacturing’s health — the PMI (Purchasing Managers’ Index) — has tumbled in recent months and now sits at near-recession levels.

But the biggest warning sign arrived last week when the Federal Reserve reported that U.S. manufacturing was in a “technical recession” the first half of 2019.

The widely held definition of a recession is when output shrinks for two consecutive quarters. According to the Fed’s U.S. industrial output data, that’s exactly what happened: Output fell for the January through March quarter and again in the April through June quarter.

US manufacturing is in a 'technical recession.' How worried should we be?

US Job Openings slip
The numbers: The number of job openings nationwide fell in August for the third straight month and hit a one-and-a-half-year low, coinciding with a decline in hiring that’s taken place against the backdrop of a slowing U.S. economy.

U.S. job openings fall in August to a 1 1/2-year low as hiring and the economy slow

Then you brag about a 136,000 job gain.
Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 136,000 in September. Job growth has averaged 161,000 per month thus far in 2019, compared with an average monthly gain of 223,000 in 2018. In September, employment continued to trend up in health care and in professional and business services.

All of this has happened under Trump's trade war. There are no winners in a trade war just losers and that is what we are seeing. The US is in a slowdown and the question is whether it will turn into a recession.


The economy started improving under Obama even though he had nothing to do with it. The economy went into recession under Bush and is slowing down under Trump. You reply to facts with a lame cartoon. Pathetic.

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