Trump: Have the Coronavirus, Go to Work and recover!

Fucking liar.

and if there are asymptomatic or mild cases that go unreported, that DOES impact the true mortality rate of infection overall. What we need to know is the mortality rates for specific risk groups, the elderly, those with weak immune systems, and those with heart disease.

Also we need to know the overall rate of secondary infections as well as the secondary infection rates for those in the above risk groups, and then we need to know the mortality of those groups via the virus itself or via the secondary infections.[/QUOTE

You really are a Trumptard.

Listen dumbass, I'll put you down as one of the fucking morons that think it is okay for someone to go to work if you are infected with the coronavirus.

You have your head so far up Trump's ass you can't see daylight. It is plain as day on what Trump said and what he continues to say. You are so ignorant that you dispute what is right in front of you. What an idiot. You are not only a idiot but a friggin liar as well.

You double down on a lie with another lie, to protect your original lies.

You've lost the original argument, and now are back to just plain old TDS.

The only liar I see is you Trumptard. Lying about what words Trump obviously said. You are pathetic in your stupidity.

Sorry, but everyone here can see your lying here, as much as you try to hide it. You are fucking pathetic.

Go fuck yourself.
Yeah, a lying fuck like yourself trying to convince others what Trump said wasn't what he said thinks he is above it all. Go take a nap Trumptard and come back when you wake up with some sense in that vacant brain of yours.
John, you have zero credibility as you even twisted my words. People can see it in the first few posts of this thread. Why would we believe you about anything else? You're a compulsive liar.
Let’s settle it for once and all, closed captioning of what he said-

You really are a Trumptard.

Listen dumbass, I'll put you down as one of the fucking morons that think it is okay for someone to go to work if you are infected with the coronavirus.

You have your head so far up Trump's ass you can't see daylight. It is plain as day on what Trump said and what he continues to say. You are so ignorant that you dispute what is right in front of you. What an idiot. You are not only a idiot but a friggin liar as well.

You double down on a lie with another lie, to protect your original lies.

You've lost the original argument, and now are back to just plain old TDS.

The only liar I see is you Trumptard. Lying about what words Trump obviously said. You are pathetic in your stupidity.

Sorry, but everyone here can see your lying here, as much as you try to hide it. You are fucking pathetic.

Go fuck yourself.
Yeah, a lying fuck like yourself trying to convince others what Trump said wasn't what he said thinks he is above it all. Go take a nap Trumptard and come back when you wake up with some sense in that vacant brain of yours.
John, you have zero credibility as you even twisted my words. People can see it in the first few posts of this thread. Why would we believe you about anything else? You're a compulsive liar.
As said you must not speak english as a first language. The compulsive liar is you. Your credibility is near zero. And you know what. You are so ignorant that you are doing exactly what you accuse me of doing: twisting words around. The difference is I don't twist the words. You just don't like the words. You are the other hand engage in subterfuge and lies.

Do you even have the courage to answer my question whether people infected with the coronavirus should go to work? Should they?

SAME HACK WEBSITE YOU USED FOR YOUR LAST DERANGED RANT, and still, not a shred of actual video showing Trump saying any of that.

SAME HACK WEBSITE YOU USED FOR YOUR LAST DERANGED RANT, and still, not a shred of actual video showing Trump saying any of that.
Post 101 has link to the video as well as screen shots of what he actually said. Once again, Johnlaw lies.
You double down on a lie with another lie, to protect your original lies.

You've lost the original argument, and now are back to just plain old TDS.

The only liar I see is you Trumptard. Lying about what words Trump obviously said. You are pathetic in your stupidity.

Sorry, but everyone here can see your lying here, as much as you try to hide it. You are fucking pathetic.

Go fuck yourself.
Yeah, a lying fuck like yourself trying to convince others what Trump said wasn't what he said thinks he is above it all. Go take a nap Trumptard and come back when you wake up with some sense in that vacant brain of yours.
John, you have zero credibility as you even twisted my words. People can see it in the first few posts of this thread. Why would we believe you about anything else? You're a compulsive liar.
As said you must not speak english as a first language. The compulsive liar is you. Your credibility is near zero. And you know what. You are so ignorant that you are doing exactly what you accuse me of doing: twisting words around. The difference is I don't twist the words. You just don't like the words. You are the other hand engage in subterfuge and lies.

Do you even have the courage to answer my question whether people infected with the coronavirus should go to work? Should they?

Bullshit. Here are some more facts. I said no they should not but most don't get tested, believe its a cold and go to work. That is all he said. I have told you 4x now that if they have it they need to follow CDC protocol. I am now convinced you're a stupid person and a liar.

Here is some more from the CDC, you waste of space liar.

A coronavirus is a type of common virus that can infect your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. They can spread much like cold viruses. Almost everyone gets a coronavirus infection at least once in their life, most likely as a young child.

Most coronaviruses are not dangerous, but some are. Those that cause Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) or severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS ) can be deadly.
You double down on a lie with another lie, to protect your original lies.

You've lost the original argument, and now are back to just plain old TDS.

The only liar I see is you Trumptard. Lying about what words Trump obviously said. You are pathetic in your stupidity.

Sorry, but everyone here can see your lying here, as much as you try to hide it. You are fucking pathetic.

Go fuck yourself.
Yeah, a lying fuck like yourself trying to convince others what Trump said wasn't what he said thinks he is above it all. Go take a nap Trumptard and come back when you wake up with some sense in that vacant brain of yours.
John, you have zero credibility as you even twisted my words. People can see it in the first few posts of this thread. Why would we believe you about anything else? You're a compulsive liar.
As said you must not speak english as a first language. The compulsive liar is you. Your credibility is near zero. And you know what. You are so ignorant that you are doing exactly what you accuse me of doing: twisting words around. The difference is I don't twist the words. You just don't like the words. You are the other hand engage in subterfuge and lies.

Do you even have the courage to answer my question whether people infected with the coronavirus should go to work? Should they?

What I said:

Symptoms of this infection include fever, cough and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. The illness causes lung lesions and pneumonia. But milder cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection difficult.

Read the last sentence. This is from the CDC. That’s all he was saying. The # of actual cases may be under reported as people may just think they have a bad cold.

What you said, you lying loser.
I’ll put you in the category of: if you have the coronavirus go to work.

I never said what you said. You're a liar and this thread proves it. ZERO CREDIBILITY.

SAME HACK WEBSITE YOU USED FOR YOUR LAST DERANGED RANT, and still, not a shred of actual video showing Trump saying any of that.
Post 101 has link to the video as well as screen shots of what he actually said. Once again, Johnlaw lies.
See my post 54 where I linked to the Hannity interview Dumbfuck.

SAME HACK WEBSITE YOU USED FOR YOUR LAST DERANGED RANT, and still, not a shred of actual video showing Trump saying any of that.
Post 101 has link to the video as well as screen shots of what he actually said. Once again, Johnlaw lies.

Here's a link to a site that actually loads to my browser. For some reason, Fox News never does.


SAME HACK WEBSITE YOU USED FOR YOUR LAST DERANGED RANT, and still, not a shred of actual video showing Trump saying any of that.
Post 101 has link to the video as well as screen shots of what he actually said. Once again, Johnlaw lies.
See my post 54 where I linked to the Hannity interview Dumbfuck.

So you heard the facts, Coleslaw and yet still got it all wrong.
The only liar I see is you Trumptard. Lying about what words Trump obviously said. You are pathetic in your stupidity.

Sorry, but everyone here can see your lying here, as much as you try to hide it. You are fucking pathetic.

Go fuck yourself.
Yeah, a lying fuck like yourself trying to convince others what Trump said wasn't what he said thinks he is above it all. Go take a nap Trumptard and come back when you wake up with some sense in that vacant brain of yours.
John, you have zero credibility as you even twisted my words. People can see it in the first few posts of this thread. Why would we believe you about anything else? You're a compulsive liar.
As said you must not speak english as a first language. The compulsive liar is you. Your credibility is near zero. And you know what. You are so ignorant that you are doing exactly what you accuse me of doing: twisting words around. The difference is I don't twist the words. You just don't like the words. You are the other hand engage in subterfuge and lies.

Do you even have the courage to answer my question whether people infected with the coronavirus should go to work? Should they?

What I said:

Symptoms of this infection include fever, cough and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. The illness causes lung lesions and pneumonia. But milder cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection difficult.

Read the last sentence. This is from the CDC. That’s all he was saying. The # of actual cases may be under reported as people may just think they have a bad cold.

What you said, you lying loser.
I’ll put you in the category of: if you have the coronavirus go to work.

I never said what you said. You're a liar and this thread proves it. ZERO CREDIBILITY.
Here is where your lack of proficiency in the English language comes into play, you see, my comment was based on your post and I replied as an opinion as to where you stood. I stand by that comment. You have said nothing that changes my opinion. You have yet to respond to my question as to whether someone with the coronavirus should go to work. Why are you afraid to answer the question.
Last edited:

SAME HACK WEBSITE YOU USED FOR YOUR LAST DERANGED RANT, and still, not a shred of actual video showing Trump saying any of that.
Post 101 has link to the video as well as screen shots of what he actually said. Once again, Johnlaw lies.
See my post 54 where I linked to the Hannity interview Dumbfuck.

So you heard the facts, Coleslaw and yet still got it all wrong.
LOL..Coming from an idiot that plays with tubes and knows nothing of politics...toob boob or boob toob whatever.
I think that people with the virus should go to work around trump.

He said it's safe so I think that he should set an example of working with people who have the virus.

I mean, he said people with the virus can go to work. Why not send them to work with trump?

SAME HACK WEBSITE YOU USED FOR YOUR LAST DERANGED RANT, and still, not a shred of actual video showing Trump saying any of that.
Post 101 has link to the video as well as screen shots of what he actually said. Once again, Johnlaw lies.
See my post 54 where I linked to the Hannity interview Dumbfuck.

So you heard the facts, Coleslaw and yet still got it all wrong.
LOL..Coming from an idiot that plays with tubes...toob boob.

You really are a DIP SHIT, aren't you, shithead coleslaw?


Just once shock us by reporting something actually factual.
SAME HACK WEBSITE YOU USED FOR YOUR LAST DERANGED RANT, and still, not a shred of actual video showing Trump saying any of that.
Post 101 has link to the video as well as screen shots of what he actually said. Once again, Johnlaw lies.
See my post 54 where I linked to the Hannity interview Dumbfuck.

So you heard the facts, Coleslaw and yet still got it all wrong.
LOL..Coming from an idiot that plays with tubes...toob boob.

You really are a DIP SHIT, aren't you, shithead coleslaw?

View attachment 310491

Just once shock us by reporting something actually factual.
Oh..poor boob toob got his feeling hurt. Stick to tubes boob.

Trumpers like yourself live in a world of denial That is why your ilk always go off the deep end. Truly hilarious.

SAME HACK WEBSITE YOU USED FOR YOUR LAST DERANGED RANT, and still, not a shred of actual video showing Trump saying any of that.

Because he didn't.
The OP repeatedly falls for headlines and can't wait to repost the garbage here.
He does this pretty much daily.
Sorry, but everyone here can see your lying here, as much as you try to hide it. You are fucking pathetic.

Go fuck yourself.
Yeah, a lying fuck like yourself trying to convince others what Trump said wasn't what he said thinks he is above it all. Go take a nap Trumptard and come back when you wake up with some sense in that vacant brain of yours.
John, you have zero credibility as you even twisted my words. People can see it in the first few posts of this thread. Why would we believe you about anything else? You're a compulsive liar.
As said you must not speak english as a first language. The compulsive liar is you. Your credibility is near zero. And you know what. You are so ignorant that you are doing exactly what you accuse me of doing: twisting words around. The difference is I don't twist the words. You just don't like the words. You are the other hand engage in subterfuge and lies.

Do you even have the courage to answer my question whether people infected with the coronavirus should go to work? Should they?

What I said:

Symptoms of this infection include fever, cough and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. The illness causes lung lesions and pneumonia. But milder cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection difficult.

Read the last sentence. This is from the CDC. That’s all he was saying. The # of actual cases may be under reported as people may just think they have a bad cold.

What you said, you lying loser.
I’ll put you in the category of: if you have the coronavirus go to work.

I never said what you said. You're a liar and this thread proves it. ZERO CREDIBILITY.
Here is where your lack of proficiency in the English language comes into play, you see, my comment was based on your post and I replied as an opinion as to where you stood. I stand by that comment. You have said nothing that changes my opinion. You have yet to respond to my question as to whether someone with the coronavirus should go to work. Why are you afraid to answer the question.

Bullshit. You're spinning and you lied again! Here is my follow up post. I NEVER said if you knowingly have the disease you should stay home. Maybe English is your 2nd language or you're just stupid. I'll put you in the latter category.

I just told you that’s not what he said and not what I am saying. Let me dumb it down.

If you know you have the virus seek help and follow CDC protocol. Many think it’s just a bad cold and still go to work. Have you never gone to work with a bad cold? You’re conflating the two in order to troll. Why are you purposely spreading false rumors and lies? Not only about Trump but now me? Hold yourself accountable

SAME HACK WEBSITE YOU USED FOR YOUR LAST DERANGED RANT, and still, not a shred of actual video showing Trump saying any of that.

Because he didn't.
The OP repeatedly falls for headlines and can't wait to repost the garbage here.
He does this pretty much daily.
So do you agree that that those with the coronavirus should go to work to recover? Yes or no?
Post 101 has link to the video as well as screen shots of what he actually said. Once again, Johnlaw lies.
See my post 54 where I linked to the Hannity interview Dumbfuck.

So you heard the facts, Coleslaw and yet still got it all wrong.
LOL..Coming from an idiot that plays with tubes...toob boob.

You really are a DIP SHIT, aren't you, shithead coleslaw?

View attachment 310491

Just once shock us by reporting something actually factual.
Oh..poor boob toob got his feeling hurt. Stick to tubes boob.

Trumpers like yourself live in a world of denial That is why your ilk always go off the deep end. Truly hilarious.

Says the man with ZERO credibility, whom I have caught lying on multiple occasions in this very thread!
Every time that Tinydick bastard opens his mouth, the market plummets, and I love him for it!!

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