Trump:"Hillary and her campaign started the 'birther' mvmt." Now Dems frantically rewriting history

Will liberals finally realize that the ex Secretary of State started the birther movement?

  • No way, they are too stupid to read this article, because they never got past 3rd grade.

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • Somewhat, after having a night out , binge drinking, they some doubts now about the liberal media.

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Mostly because after 8 years of the lying Obama and the DNC screwing Bernie, i am going with Trump.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Even though Trump isnt the best choice, i cant vote for a sick candidate who could die next week.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Doesn't change the fact of Obama's Kenyan birth
and on the copy I posted of the kenya BC, it shows this:

"It is signed by Joshua Simon ODUYA, Deputy Registrar, as a true copy of "Birth Register of this Province, book 44B, page 5733."

They can go look it up if they think it's fake. It's right there in print for all to go look at.

Or we can just look at the actual birth certificate from the State of Hawaii- confirmed by the State of Hawaii.

Why do Birthers believe anonymous crap they find online- but not Americans?
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that has no filing location for it. And there is an affidavit filed saying one didn't exist.
Doesn't change the fact of Obama's Kenyan birth
and on the copy I posted of the kenya BC, it shows this:

"It is signed by Joshua Simon ODUYA, Deputy Registrar, as a true copy of "Birth Register of this Province, book 44B, page 5733."

They can go look it up if they think it's fake. It's right there in print for all to go look at.

Or we can just look at the actual birth certificate from the State of Hawaii- confirmed by the State of Hawaii.

Why do Birthers believe anonymous crap they find online- but not Americans?
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100% fraudulent.
You forgot, that since she started it, then Hillary is a racist.
Hillary didn't start it.

One of her supporters did.

See the OP.

But Trump lied and claimed that Hillary Clinton and her campaign started it.

This is like blaming Trump for David Duke's robo-calls.

If David Duke was anonymous and Trump never heard about the robo-calls.
they did. There's a thread with the volunteer that started it and released.
You forgot, that since she started it, then Hillary is a racist.
Hillary didn't start it.

One of her supporters did.

See the OP.

But Trump lied and claimed that Hillary Clinton and her campaign started it.

This is like blaming Trump for David Duke's robo-calls.

If David Duke was anonymous and Trump never heard about the robo-calls.
they did. There's a thread with the volunteer that started it and released.

Oh feel free to provide that name.

So you agree that David Duke is working for Donald Trump's campaign?
Today Donald Trump mentioned that "Hillary and her campaign started the 'birther' movement".

Democrats immediately went ballistic, and started frantically rewriting what he said, almost before the microphone had cooled.

"Trump still says Hillary started the birther movement!!! That's a lie!!!"

No, libbies, Trump said she and her campaign started it..)

And yes- that is a lie. Not that Trumpsters and Birthers care about Trump lying.

What is hilarious is that Trump is saying that he believes he was duped by Hillary Clinton- and that its not his fault he was an idiot birther

Why is Trump blaming his own Birther idiocy on Clinton? Because Trump always blames someone else.

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Donald Trump- another idiot Birther.

Imagine a creep like you calling the next President an "idiot".

Imagine a racist like you calling the father of the President a 'darky'
Seems to be another "I do not recall" moments for Hillary
It's a LIE....

An unpaid volunteer in an obscure state started it but was immediately let go, Obama's campaign manager was notified immediately on what the volunteer was saying by the Hillary Campaign, is what was on the news.
how's it a lie if the volunteer was let go? 'let go' means she worked for hitlery and part of the campaign. Dude are you always this slow?

A low level volunteer was pushing that Obama was a Muslim which was a part of the birther movement, NOT the "Obama was not eligible to be a legitimate President because he was not a natuarl born citizen Birther rumor"...
And to add some more TRUTH to the fire....

Breitbart ^ | 16 Sep 2016 | Joel B. Pollak
New evidence is emerging that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was, in fact, responsible for spreading the original Birther conspiracy theory in 2008, which alleged that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and therefore potentially ineligible for the presidency. Though Hillary Clinton — and the media — furiously denied that charge after it was made by Republican nominee Donald Trump on Friday morning, editor James Asher remembered Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal spreading the rumor. Asher, the former Washington, D.C. bureau chief for McClatchy, tweeted on Thursday evening in response to Hillary Clinton:
Is Trump an idiot, or an ally of Clinton? You decide based on his overwhelming support of the Birther Movement.
Well of course the MEDIA lies....they are a bunch of socialist/DemoRATS! that's what Socialist/DemoRATS do!

It is impossible to overstate the level of hypocrisy emanating from Hillary Clinton when it comes to the latest birther controversy.



In an effort to divert eyes and minds from Clinton’s sagging poll numbers and troubling health matters, leftists in her campaign and the media have been pushing an old ‘birther’ controversy. A controversy they claim began with Donald Trump.

The Democrat presidential candidate herself even had the hubris to demand an apology from Trump.

“Barack Obama was born in America, plain and simple,” she railed. “And Donald Trump owes him and the American people an apology.”

Clinton even went so far as to claim Trump’s ‘birther’ claims were based on racism.

“For five years, he has led the birther movement to delegitimize our first black president,” she claimed. “His campaign was founded on this outrageous lie.”

“There is no erasing it in history,” Clinton added.

Unfortunately for her, there is no erasing it from her history.

Hillary Clinton is the founder of the movement that questioned Barack Obama’s birthplace. She can practically be referred to as the mother of the birther movement.

The following is a list of 7 times that Hillary Clinton – not Donald Trump – was shown to have started the Obama birther controversy…

Penn Strategy Memo

Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Meet Mark Penn, chief political strategist for Hillary’s unsuccessful presidential bid in 2008. A strategy memo released by Penn in March of 2007 contains the following statement: “I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values.”

Penn would later suggest that the Clinton camp target Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots.”

You can view a portion of that memo and see exactly how Hillary’s campaign team plotted to expose Obama’s ‘lack of American roots’ below........

Read more: 7 News Stories from 2008 that PROVE Hillary Started Obama 'Birtherism' - Media is LYING!


All of that- and yet unlike Trump- not once did Hillary Clinton question whether Barack Obama was born in the United States.

Why do Birthers like you now blame Clinton for being Birthers?

Now Trump- Trump went full Birther for years- why do you think Trump was just a gullible Birther idiot?





Poor Trump: Its all Hillary's fault I am a Birther!
She didn't start it, it was never a campaign strategy...

And it matters not at this point, the rumor was PUSHED by TRUMP for years and years and years....NOT by Hillary or her campaign.

Donny Deplorable Trump is a low life weasel, and he ain't weaseling out of this one....
Is Trump an idiot, or an ally of Clinton? You decide based on his overwhelming support of the Birther Movement.

Its all Clinton's fault


Clinton's fault

Clinton's fault

Clinton's fault


Clinton's fault

Clinton's fault.

Donald was just a gullible fool- not his fault he was a Birther.
She didn't start it, it was never a campaign strategy...

And it matters not at this point, the rumor was PUSHED by TRUMP for years and years and years....NOT by Hillary or her campaign.

Donny Deplorable Trump is a low life weasel, and he ain't weaseling out of this one....
right cause i'm sure it never came up at the intern round table pizza/chinese food night meetings on friday nights in the clinton campaign war room.

"it's the birth certificate stupid..."
Well of course the MEDIA lies....they are a bunch of socialist/DemoRATS! that's what Socialist/DemoRATS do!

It is impossible to overstate the level of hypocrisy emanating from Hillary Clinton when it comes to the latest birther controversy.



In an effort to divert eyes and minds from Clinton’s sagging poll numbers and troubling health matters, leftists in her campaign and the media have been pushing an old ‘birther’ controversy. A controversy they claim began with Donald Trump.

The Democrat presidential candidate herself even had the hubris to demand an apology from Trump.

“Barack Obama was born in America, plain and simple,” she railed. “And Donald Trump owes him and the American people an apology.”

Clinton even went so far as to claim Trump’s ‘birther’ claims were based on racism.

“For five years, he has led the birther movement to delegitimize our first black president,” she claimed. “His campaign was founded on this outrageous lie.”

“There is no erasing it in history,” Clinton added.

Unfortunately for her, there is no erasing it from her history.

Hillary Clinton is the founder of the movement that questioned Barack Obama’s birthplace. She can practically be referred to as the mother of the birther movement.

The following is a list of 7 times that Hillary Clinton – not Donald Trump – was shown to have started the Obama birther controversy…

Penn Strategy Memo

Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Meet Mark Penn, chief political strategist for Hillary’s unsuccessful presidential bid in 2008. A strategy memo released by Penn in March of 2007 contains the following statement: “I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values.”

Penn would later suggest that the Clinton camp target Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots.”

You can view a portion of that memo and see exactly how Hillary’s campaign team plotted to expose Obama’s ‘lack of American roots’ below........

Read more: 7 News Stories from 2008 that PROVE Hillary Started Obama 'Birtherism' - Media is LYING!


All of that- and yet unlike Trump- not once did Hillary Clinton question whether Barack Obama was born in the United States.

Why do Birthers like you now blame Clinton for being Birthers?

Now Trump- Trump went full Birther for years- why do you think Trump was just a gullible Birther idiot?

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Poor Trump: Its all Hillary's fault I am a Birther!
Her answer to Chris Mathews when he asked her if she believed Obuma was born in America was "I suppose so!" Seems you scum jumped down Trump's throat when in 2002 he answered to Do you believe we needed to go to war in Iraq, and he said..."I guess so!" You are a pathetic loser, but everyone knows that!
It's a LIE....

An unpaid volunteer in an obscure state started it but was immediately let go, Obama's campaign manager was notified immediately on what the volunteer was saying by the Hillary Campaign, is what was on the news.
how's it a lie if the volunteer was let go? 'let go' means she worked for hitlery and part of the campaign. Dude are you always this slow?

A low level volunteer was pushing that Obama was a Muslim which was a part of the birther movement, NOT the "Obama was not eligible to be a legitimate President because he was not a natuarl born citizen Birther rumor"...
Imagine if Hillary Clinton had ever said anything like
Today Donald Trump mentioned that "Hillary and her campaign started the 'birther' movement".

Democrats immediately went ballistic, and started frantically rewriting what he said, almost before the microphone had cooled.

"Trump still says Hillary started the birther movement!!! That's a lie!!!"

No, libbies, Trump said she and her campaign started it.

What actually happened, back in 2008 as Hillary fought a bitter campaign against Barack Obama?

According to The Telegraph, a major newspaper in England:

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters

"...supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.
It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.
An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.
“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy,” it said. “She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth.”

It has never been disproven by any Democrat, fact-checker, or other source, that this Hillary supporter started the "birther" movement that appeared during her campaign.

Democrat have to use subtle changes in what a Republican said, and quietly cut out the "And her campaign" part, to furiously scream and call him a "liar". But in fact, the Dems themselves are the ones lying about what Trump said... as usual.

Keep this in mind before you assume the Democrats are telling the truth. (Good advice for anything a Democrat says, at any time. You'd be surprised how often it turns out they themselves are the ones telling the lies.)

The chief clinton family blumenthal........he is the one shopping the birther story to the press in 2008.......he doesn't wipe his rear without permission from hilary.....he was also the guy who was shopping that Monica Lewinsky was nuts to the press as well......back in the 90s........

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