Trump hints at expanded role for the Military within the US

I know the title sounds all "authoritarianism-y" and all. But one must read it in conjunction with what is happening to day, to wit: a neo-Marxist revolution seeking to decommission our constitutional republic. No Framer would have said that the Constitution is so absolute that it can be used to destroy the republic. In other words, do we interpret the First Amendment so as to enable insurrection? The Democrats certainly argument that we don't, as we see their wild and off-the-wall attempts to restrict the speech rights of conservatives and GOP populists. The only problem, however, is that the latter is trying to protect and conserve the republic. But this is a perversion of the constitution for another discussion. Moreover, civil rights jurisprudence has long interpreted rights as not absolute, especially in times of national security matters. In other words, the republic must be protected a priori, lest the rights of all individuals perish.

Leftist policies today are threatening our national security (e.g., immigration, economic, defense, etc...). This is clearly the case, and empirically verifiable. Also, it is quite clear that there is a neo-Marxist revolution under way in the USA and other western countries. Should these cockroaches be allowed to hide behind the First Amendment in their effort to destroy our constitution and republic? Of course not. That Framers of our constitution are rolling over in their graves right now. It is one thing to burn an American flag and generally act like a douche. But it is quite another thing to have concerted efforts taking place to undermine our nation. The pro-Hamas, anti-Israel demonstrations are but one of such efforts.

Democrats do not seek to preserve our constitution. They want to use it for what they want notwithstanding the context for which it is intended. For example, the constitution does not speak to group rights; it only speaks to individual rights. The group angle is a leftist construct. Take it one step further, with the progressives (i.e., leftists of varying degrees - communists, socialists, dem-soc, and other general human trash), our concept of civil rights and liberties has been horribly distorted, to the point where it is undermining our founding document.

We are at war with leftist ideology in America. They want to destroy our constitutional republic and turn it into something else. Some of their factions are perfectly fine with violence to further this end. Most are perfectly ok with destroying the constitution and starting over. It appears largely generational. But this is not the entire truth. Younger Americans have been intellectually neglected by their families and, instead, sent to government schools, run by leftists, for indoctrination. Their foundational moralities have been perverted, possibly never to recover.

Will it be necessary at some point to utilize the military domestically to quell these clear and present threats to our republic. Maybe, or maybe not. However, I suggest that we be open to this idea. If it comes to losing our constitutional republic or simply suspending some civil rights and liberties for a bit in order to remove the threat, then we may be wise to opt for the latter.

Frankly, I welcome Trump's open-mindedness to this. Obviously, Democrats will not like to hear this, and will use it for propaganda. This is a given, because a very large part of the Democrat Party are enemies to the republic by choice. Now, a Dem like, say, Rep. Cuellar, is not what I consider an enemy. Dingbat Dingle is not what I consider an enemy (just an old school liberal). I do not even consider Shit-Head Schumer and enemy (just a skeevy, old turd). But we know who the enemies are. Most of the enemies are not pols and celebrities. Congressional turds are more driven by a lust for cash and power. The real enemies are organizations like BLM, Antifa, the pro-"Palestine" movement, CAIR, the illegal immigration advocates, and a whole load of NGOs and foreign interests who are influencing these domestic enemies with money. The Dem politicians and many large corporations are complicit. Some foreign states are complicit. Islam is complicit. The complexity of the complicity is the subterfuge that hides them from most people. But make no mistake, this revolutions is real and it is gaining steam.
I know the title sounds all "authoritarianism-y" and all. But one must read it in conjunction with what is happening to day, to wit: a neo-Marxist revolution seeking to decommission our constitutional republic. No Framer would have said that the Constitution is so absolute that it can be used to destroy the republic. In other words, do we interpret the First Amendment so as to enable insurrection? The Democrats certainly argument that we don't, as we see their wild and off-the-wall attempts to restrict the speech rights of conservatives and GOP populists. The only problem, however, is that the latter is trying to protect and conserve the republic. But this is a perversion of the constitution for another discussion. Moreover, civil rights jurisprudence has long interpreted rights as not absolute, especially in times of national security matters. In other words, the republic must be protected a priori, lest the rights of all individuals perish.

Leftist policies today are threatening our national security (e.g., immigration, economic, defense, etc...). This is clearly the case, and empirically verifiable. Also, it is quite clear that there is a neo-Marxist revolution under way in the USA and other western countries. Should these cockroaches be allowed to hide behind the First Amendment in their effort to destroy our constitution and republic? Of course not. That Framers of our constitution are rolling over in their graves right now. It is one thing to burn an American flag and generally act like a douche. But it is quite another thing to have concerted efforts taking place to undermine our nation. The pro-Hamas, anti-Israel demonstrations are but one of such efforts.

Democrats do not seek to preserve our constitution. They want to use it for what they want notwithstanding the context for which it is intended. For example, the constitution does not speak to group rights; it only speaks to individual rights. The group angle is a leftist construct. Take it one step further, with the progressives (i.e., leftists of varying degrees - communists, socialists, dem-soc, and other general human trash), our concept of civil rights and liberties has been horribly distorted, to the point where it is undermining our founding document.

We are at war with leftist ideology in America. They want to destroy our constitutional republic and turn it into something else. Some of their factions are perfectly fine with violence to further this end. Most are perfectly ok with destroying the constitution and starting over. It appears largely generational. But this is not the entire truth. Younger Americans have been intellectually neglected by their families and, instead, sent to government schools, run by leftists, for indoctrination. Their foundational moralities have been perverted, possibly never to recover.

Will it be necessary at some point to utilize the military domestically to quell these clear and present threats to our republic. Maybe, or maybe not. However, I suggest that we be open to this idea. If it comes to losing our constitutional republic or simply suspending some civil rights and liberties for a bit in order to remove the threat, then we may be wise to opt for the latter.

Frankly, I welcome Trump's open-mindedness to this. Obviously, Democrats will not like to hear this, and will use it for propaganda. This is a given, because a very large part of the Democrat Party are enemies to the republic by choice. Now, a Dem like, say, Rep. Cuellar, is not what I consider an enemy. Dingbat Dingle is not what I consider an enemy (just an old school liberal). I do not even consider Shit-Head Schumer and enemy (just a skeevy, old turd). But we know who the enemies are. Most of the enemies are not pols and celebrities. Congressional turds are more driven by a lust for cash and power. The real enemies are organizations like BLM, Antifa, the pro-"Palestine" movement, CAIR, the illegal immigration advocates, and a whole load of NGOs and foreign interests who are influencing these domestic enemies with money. The Dem politicians and many large corporations are complicit. Some foreign states are complicit. Islam is complicit. The complexity of the complicity is the subterfuge that hides them from most people. But make no mistake, this revolutions is real and it is gaining steam.
The way to destroy the Republic is to have an authoritarian federal leader that uses the power of the military against citizens instead of letting the states handle their own business. Do you really not see that?
The way to destroy the Republic is to have an authoritarian federal leader that uses the power of the military against citizens instead of letting the states handle their own business. Do you really not see that?
LOL! You did not read a fucking word I wrote. Go fuck a rake, moron.
The way to destroy the Republic is to have an authoritarian federal leader that uses the power of the military against citizens instead of letting the states handle their own business. Do you really not see that?
You are not an expert.
I know the title sounds all "authoritarianism-y" and all. But one must read it in conjunction with what is happening to day, to wit: a neo-Marxist revolution seeking to decommission our constitutional republic. No Framer would have said that the Constitution is so absolute that it can be used to destroy the republic. In other words, do we interpret the First Amendment so as to enable insurrection? The Democrats certainly argument that we don't, as we see their wild and off-the-wall attempts to restrict the speech rights of conservatives and GOP populists. The only problem, however, is that the latter is trying to protect and conserve the republic. But this is a perversion of the constitution for another discussion. Moreover, civil rights jurisprudence has long interpreted rights as not absolute, especially in times of national security matters. In other words, the republic must be protected a priori, lest the rights of all individuals perish.

Leftist policies today are threatening our national security (e.g., immigration, economic, defense, etc...). This is clearly the case, and empirically verifiable. Also, it is quite clear that there is a neo-Marxist revolution under way in the USA and other western countries. Should these cockroaches be allowed to hide behind the First Amendment in their effort to destroy our constitution and republic? Of course not. That Framers of our constitution are rolling over in their graves right now. It is one thing to burn an American flag and generally act like a douche. But it is quite another thing to have concerted efforts taking place to undermine our nation. The pro-Hamas, anti-Israel demonstrations are but one of such efforts.

Democrats do not seek to preserve our constitution. They want to use it for what they want notwithstanding the context for which it is intended. For example, the constitution does not speak to group rights; it only speaks to individual rights. The group angle is a leftist construct. Take it one step further, with the progressives (i.e., leftists of varying degrees - communists, socialists, dem-soc, and other general human trash), our concept of civil rights and liberties has been horribly distorted, to the point where it is undermining our founding document.

We are at war with leftist ideology in America. They want to destroy our constitutional republic and turn it into something else. Some of their factions are perfectly fine with violence to further this end. Most are perfectly ok with destroying the constitution and starting over. It appears largely generational. But this is not the entire truth. Younger Americans have been intellectually neglected by their families and, instead, sent to government schools, run by leftists, for indoctrination. Their foundational moralities have been perverted, possibly never to recover.

Will it be necessary at some point to utilize the military domestically to quell these clear and present threats to our republic. Maybe, or maybe not. However, I suggest that we be open to this idea. If it comes to losing our constitutional republic or simply suspending some civil rights and liberties for a bit in order to remove the threat, then we may be wise to opt for the latter.

Frankly, I welcome Trump's open-mindedness to this. Obviously, Democrats will not like to hear this, and will use it for propaganda. This is a given, because a very large part of the Democrat Party are enemies to the republic by choice. Now, a Dem like, say, Rep. Cuellar, is not what I consider an enemy. Dingbat Dingle is not what I consider an enemy (just an old school liberal). I do not even consider Shit-Head Schumer and enemy (just a skeevy, old turd). But we know who the enemies are. Most of the enemies are not pols and celebrities. Congressional turds are more driven by a lust for cash and power. The real enemies are organizations like BLM, Antifa, the pro-"Palestine" movement, CAIR, the illegal immigration advocates, and a whole load of NGOs and foreign interests who are influencing these domestic enemies with money. The Dem politicians and many large corporations are complicit. Some foreign states are complicit. Islam is complicit. The complexity of the complicity is the subterfuge that hides them from most people. But make no mistake, this revolutions is real and it is gaining steam.
LOL! You did not read a fucking word I wrote. Go fuck a rake, moron.
I read the first paragraph and then responded to your first point. If I read every long winded rant posted on this board I’d be on this thing all day.
I read the first paragraph and then responded to your first point. If I read every long winded rant posted on this board I’d be on this thing all day.
See, your problem is that you fail to see the obvious, to wit: We are currently careening toward authoritarianism. Absent intervention, this is most likely where we will end up.
I read the first paragraph and then responded to your first point. If I read every long winded rant posted on this board I’d be on this thing all day.
BTW, point taken on my lack of brevity. I have heard that complaint here more times that I can count.
The way to destroy the Republic is to have an authoritarian federal leader that uses the power of the military against citizens instead of letting the states handle their own business. Do you really not see that?
Do you think democrat FDR was authoritarian when he rounded up the Jap-Americans after Pearl Harbor and threw them in internment camps?
I know the title sounds all "authoritarianism-y" and all. But one must read it in conjunction with what is happening to day, to wit: a neo-Marxist revolution seeking to decommission our constitutional republic. No Framer would have said that the Constitution is so absolute that it can be used to destroy the republic. In other words, do we interpret the First Amendment so as to enable insurrection? The Democrats certainly argument that we don't, as we see their wild and off-the-wall attempts to restrict the speech rights of conservatives and GOP populists. The only problem, however, is that the latter is trying to protect and conserve the republic. But this is a perversion of the constitution for another discussion. Moreover, civil rights jurisprudence has long interpreted rights as not absolute, especially in times of national security matters. In other words, the republic must be protected a priori, lest the rights of all individuals perish.

Leftist policies today are threatening our national security (e.g., immigration, economic, defense, etc...). This is clearly the case, and empirically verifiable. Also, it is quite clear that there is a neo-Marxist revolution under way in the USA and other western countries. Should these cockroaches be allowed to hide behind the First Amendment in their effort to destroy our constitution and republic? Of course not. That Framers of our constitution are rolling over in their graves right now. It is one thing to burn an American flag and generally act like a douche. But it is quite another thing to have concerted efforts taking place to undermine our nation. The pro-Hamas, anti-Israel demonstrations are but one of such efforts.

Democrats do not seek to preserve our constitution. They want to use it for what they want notwithstanding the context for which it is intended. For example, the constitution does not speak to group rights; it only speaks to individual rights. The group angle is a leftist construct. Take it one step further, with the progressives (i.e., leftists of varying degrees - communists, socialists, dem-soc, and other general human trash), our concept of civil rights and liberties has been horribly distorted, to the point where it is undermining our founding document.

We are at war with leftist ideology in America. They want to destroy our constitutional republic and turn it into something else. Some of their factions are perfectly fine with violence to further this end. Most are perfectly ok with destroying the constitution and starting over. It appears largely generational. But this is not the entire truth. Younger Americans have been intellectually neglected by their families and, instead, sent to government schools, run by leftists, for indoctrination. Their foundational moralities have been perverted, possibly never to recover.

Will it be necessary at some point to utilize the military domestically to quell these clear and present threats to our republic. Maybe, or maybe not. However, I suggest that we be open to this idea. If it comes to losing our constitutional republic or simply suspending some civil rights and liberties for a bit in order to remove the threat, then we may be wise to opt for the latter.

Frankly, I welcome Trump's open-mindedness to this. Obviously, Democrats will not like to hear this, and will use it for propaganda. This is a given, because a very large part of the Democrat Party are enemies to the republic by choice. Now, a Dem like, say, Rep. Cuellar, is not what I consider an enemy. Dingbat Dingle is not what I consider an enemy (just an old school liberal). I do not even consider Shit-Head Schumer and enemy (just a skeevy, old turd). But we know who the enemies are. Most of the enemies are not pols and celebrities. Congressional turds are more driven by a lust for cash and power. The real enemies are organizations like BLM, Antifa, the pro-"Palestine" movement, CAIR, the illegal immigration advocates, and a whole load of NGOs and foreign interests who are influencing these domestic enemies with money. The Dem politicians and many large corporations are complicit. Some foreign states are complicit. Islam is complicit. The complexity of the complicity is the subterfuge that hides them from most people. But make no mistake, this revolutions is real and it is gaining steam.
Balderdash and hubris.

The only domestic use for the military in a Neo-GOP aka, Trumpian overthrow/suspension of the Constitution is a military coup to restore the constitutional order and a court martial/tribunal for all elected officials who seek to destroy the nearly 250 years of constitutional governance, like should have occurred on Jan 7th 2021.
Republicans voters don't seem to mind if a dictator took over our country so long as it is a conservative one. Reagan, Bush or Trump.

Consider the rhetoric from the right. The left is DESTROYING America. So is the left even an option?

We used to have a two party system. If one side is DESTROYING America, then that probably means Republicans would be happier with a 1 party system.

MIL Police can do EVERYTHING at Border that ICE / BP and Homeland Security did ( not just drive busses and do processing and paperwork and diaper infants and service portapotties )
The freaking world is falling apart under the leadership (or lack of it) of a doddering old fool who might not even be in charge but the best the left can come up with in a political forum is "Trump hints". Go figure.
Balderdash and hubris.

The only domestic use for the military in a Neo-GOP aka, Trumpian overthrow/suspension of the Constitution is a military coup to restore the constitutional order and a court martial/tribunal for all elected officials who seek to destroy the nearly 250 years of constitutional governance, like should have occurred on Jan 7th 2021.
You think the Dems are not planning to use the military domestically? With all the DEI training? LOL!

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