Trump hit with criminal charges in New York, a first for a US ex-president -New York Times


Donald J. Trump
These Thugs and Radical Left Monsters have just INDICATED the 45th President of the United States of America, and the leading Republican Candidate, by far, for the 2024 Nomination for President. THIS IS AN ATTACK ON OUR COUNTRY THE LIKES OF WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE. IT IS LIKEWISE A CONTINUING ATTACK ON OUR ONCE FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS. THE USA IS NOW A THIRD WORLD NATION, A NATION IN SERIOUS DECLINE. SO SAD!

Paying off a Porn Star is now the end of our Democracy as we know it?
Nobody has to make stupid memes and fake news to smear Vegetable Joe. He can do it all by himself.
I don't agree. This is the first charge of more to come. All will be televised, and the nitty gritty details of his corruption will be seen by all. I'm looking forward to his many trials. Pass the popcorn!
And there is a 95% chance that trump, under oath, will lie.
Let's see, DT may have banged a bimbo & Joe is taking in foreign cash from geopolitical enemies around the world...
So Biden should be indicted?

How about Barry & his Fast & Furious gun running scheme? Illegal surveillance of DT campaign & Americans?

DT possibly paying off Slutty Pillows while a private citizen is enough to get you wet but actual crimes by high ranking officials colluding with our enemies & against Americans is OK with you?
The whole "penalties for thee but not for me" system is killing America & this is just par for the course
Hey sport... you did see the dates on those links, right? All of them from 2020 and before. So how come your fuhrer did not charge Biden & Obama & Hillary of crimes?

Heck, didn't the orange douchebag campaign on the promise that he was going to LOCK HER UP?!

So, what happened? Was he lying? Thoughts & prayers :itsok:
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Greta Van Susterin just proposed a good idea to Darrell ISSA. Introduce a bill that discloses every congressperson who has benefited from payoffs to affairs out of the Congressional fund set up for his very thing.
A congressional fund to defend criminals, imagine that ! How far the US has declined.
Now, and I am loving the fuck out of this part, in the event this. The Traitor is convicted in New York City (New York State) there can no.....repeat no federal pardon for him.

Federal Pardons are for Federal Crimes, (Which would includes Presidential Pardons). The Federal Government has no jurisdiction and therefore there can no Federal Pardon for the Traitor.

The United States just stepped over the line into being another banana republic.
Is France a banana republic?

France: In 2018, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was indicted on charges of corruption and influence peddling. He is accused of accepting millions of euros in illegal campaign funding from the regime of late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Is Italy a banana republic?

Italy: In 2011, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was indicted on charges of paying an underage prostitute and abuse of power. He was ultimately acquitted of the charges, but he has faced several other legal challenges throughout his career.

Is Israel a banana republic?

Israel: In 2019, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was indicted on charges of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust. He is accused of accepting gifts from wealthy businessmen and offering political favors in exchange for positive news coverage.

Is Iceland a banana republic?

Iceland: In 2016, Iceland's Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson resigned after the Panama Papers revealed that he and his wife had set up a company in an offshore tax haven. He was later indicted for tax evasion.

Is Spain a banana republic?

Spain: In 2018, Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy was ousted in a no-confidence vote following a corruption scandal involving his Popular Party. Several members of his party were indicted on charges of embezzlement, fraud, and money laundering.

In other words, indicting a Prime Minister or President among the first world countries, AKA 'western developed nations',
of which the US is a member, is NOT unusual.

You see, these countries believe in the concept that 'no one is above the law' and if we do not, then rule of law is dead, and if rule of law is dead, then we become a third world country.

Do the crime, do the time. Goes for everyone, including the president.

I will accept the premise that if we are going to indict a President, it shouldn't be for a chickenshit charge, like the Hush Money payment. The 1/6 charges, that should be what Garland should go after, in my view.
Breaking Update

DeSantis to the rescue?

Ron DeSantis

The weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head. It is un-American. The Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney has consistently bent the law to downgrade felonies and to excuse criminal misconduct. Yet, now he is stretching the law to target a political opponent. Florida will not assist in an extradition request given the questionable circumstances at issue with this Soros-backed Manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda.

5:55 PM · Mar 30, 2023

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