Trump hit with criminal charges in New York, a first for a US ex-president -New York Times

I'LL SAY!! This has the Soros smell all over it. They could tell by the polls that Trump was very likely to win, so Soros put out the order: get him gone ANY WAY IT TAKES.
:itsok: There...there... let it all out.
Seems fair, doesn't it? After all, Trump tried to get a political rival investigated for committing a crime. So now he was investigated for committing a crime. Only difference is that Trump's been indicted for it.
And he DID least, one crime. The walls are closing in on the Serial Criminal.
Bummer for the dude. Hah ha ha!
choke the chicken.gif
The Stat of Limitations expired for federal, but not for NY state, where they have 'tolling' law, meaning when you leave the state, the clock stops and doesn't start until you come back, hence the indictment on state charges. However, on the face of it, it's a misdemeanor and I hope he finds a felony or two in the mix, otherwise, this charge will fall flat on it's face.

Correct, hush money is not illegal. However, given that he reimbursed Cohen for payments he made, at the direction of, for the benefit of 'individual-1' (as named in Cohen's indictment, for which he was convicted and served time) where the charge is a felony campaign violation, given that the evidence shows the payment was made for the benefit of Trump's election campaign. Now, at the state level, there is a crime here, but as to the specifics, we'll have to wait and see.

I don't think they would empanel a grand jury for a misdemeanor, so I am curious to find out what the actual charging document will look like.
As am I. I don't see a lot happening at all beyond a blip in the media to distract from other dumpster fires. I hope they aren't hanging their case on the testimony of a proven perjurer.
Yeah, that's rich given that Fox News won't report on the massive lies they propagate on TV, as the texts and emails prove coming up in discovery in the Dominion law suit against the network. No one is making that shit up.
I'll bet you read and give a pass to the lies spread by the New York Times though.
Trump claims to be a martyr. Thanks to Manhattan D.A. for proving him right.

I know the RW Echo Chamber tells you to say this

Don’t indict Trump, it will only ensure his election

Do you really believe this?
Trump had 84 million people vote against hIn in 2020. Do you think they will change their minds because they feel sorry for Trump?
Hillary's campaign did a no-contest deal, not Hillary personally.

Yes,, Trump is someone who has pissed a lot of people off, that's why he's going down.
Don't brag too soon. This nation is sick and tired of the Democrat Party for making politics sordid. Trump did not act in any kind of criminal way. Hillary should have to face the truth of her sordid little lying dossier of blaming Trump for what she was actually doing in order to smear him as much as she possibly could. You can tell when she and her minions are at their lowest. She's starting a war we will not let her win.
They shouldn't be prosecuted for something the ruling party has/would get away with.
Especially when the statute of limitations has expired & the other party has denied it.

This is at most a process crime or campaign finance violation that is routinely settled without ever a charge filed.

The regular people are seeing through this shit & it won't be popular with Main Street
It is a prosecution in search of a crime & we know it.

Statute of limitations has not expired on NY, owing to to NY's 'tolling' law.
I'm sure you think so. No doubt most of the Roman Senate thought it was a great day when they chased Tiberius Gracchus through the Forum and beat him to death with table legs and had an executioner drag the body through the streets with a meathook and throw it in the Tiber.

However, have to tell you, that event has not worn well with history.
Imagine thinking Trump isnt a criminal.
I don't think Biden is sweating this - not now he's not. Maybe if we get to the general and there's a major recession he might be, but at the moment he's got other distractions.

It's the GOP field that's anxious now. There's no precedent for this. All the political punditry, polling, and data analytics in the world couldn't prepare a campaign for this. This sometimes happens to Senators or even incumbent governors, but not former presidents who are viable 2nd term candidates.

And while a lot of independents and moderate conservatives are done with Trump, his base is not. Maybe frustrated that he went and supported losing candidates during the mid-terms, but they still support the Don, and this is a distinction that many of my left-leaning compadres don't quite understand. They think the midterms sealed his fate and that this really seals it -- it doesn't.
Clever of Trump to turn all the strobe lights his way --- that was part of why I reacted to your post about him stealing all the oxygen out of the air. It was indeed exactly what happened.

All the same, given this event at 5:28 PM today was TOTALLY unexpected, I am not going to predict anything about anything, except that now it's clear that the Dems will do absolutely whatever it takes to get rid of Trump. Up to and including assassination, I would guess. But I hope not.
I know the RW Echo Chamber tells you to say this

Don’t indict Trump, it will only ensure his election

Do you really believe this?
Trump had 84 million people vote against hIn in 2020. Do you think they will change their minds because they feel sorry for Trump?
Either way, He would only prove what a loser he is.
And how much will the Messiah raise from His faithful from this fiasco?
Christ does not deal in money. He deals in love for those who are falsely accused. The Democrat deep staters and their payees the MSM reporters have abridged the 10th Commandment which says "Thou shalt not bear false witness."

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