Trump hits personal best in approval poll

The problem with democrats is that they believe

Americans want to give 100 billion of their money to black people for unaffordable housing.

On top of that Americans want to pay for reparations for blacks and wealthy gays.

Americans support the infanticide of babies that are born on crying on the delivery table.

Americans want open borders and a third world invasion of millions that they have to pay for.

Americans support eliminating cars, planes, and cows. Americans believe you can take the train from New York to Paris.

Trump panders to the small segment of Americans that know this is bullshit of the smelliest order.

Trust me dude, Trumpism is not the party of the rocket scientist.
Except for Herman Cain who is a rocket scientist.
LOL......every time the DUMS hit on the anti-America theme like we've seen over the past week they get train wrecked politically. Youd think these bozo's would learn.......but instead, they double down with the st00pid.

The problem with democrats is that they believe

Americans want to give 100 billion of their money to black people for unaffordable housing.

On top of that Americans want to pay for reparations for blacks and wealthy gays.

Americans support the infanticide of babies that are born on crying on the delivery table.

Americans want open borders and a third world invasion of millions that they have to pay for.

Americans support eliminating cars, planes, and cows. Americans believe you can take the train from New York to Paris.

Trump panders to the small segment of Americans that know this is bullshit of the smelliest order.
Let’s take your first point and play a little game of follow the money. Let’s just say that Americans gave 100 billion to black people for housing. Who do the black people then give the money to in exchange for the housing?

Direct answers please...
Drug dealers, clothing stores, car dealerships, fancy flights and cheap vacations. They had FEMA money after Katrina and in shelters...they bought fancy clothing and big screen televisions, and other superficial bullshit. Go figure. This is factual. Went through it.
So the 100 billion for housing that tipsy is talking about... you think will be given in the form of checks being sent to black people? Is that right?
100% guaranteed. They will squander it and then an excuse will be made to give them more. Katrina and Rita changed my view on our culture completely. I wish liberal white people living in the suburbs would have been forced to take them into their homes. I wish liberal suburbanite whites could be forced to take in illegal families into their homes.
You didn’t answer my question
I just did...your too stupid to understand it.
Let’s take your first point and play a little game of follow the money. Let’s just say that Americans gave 100 billion to black people for housing. Who do the black people then give the money to in exchange for the housing?

Direct answers please...
Drug dealers, clothing stores, car dealerships, fancy flights and cheap vacations. They had FEMA money after Katrina and in shelters...they bought fancy clothing and big screen televisions, and other superficial bullshit. Go figure. This is factual. Went through it.
So the 100 billion for housing that tipsy is talking about... you think will be given in the form of checks being sent to black people? Is that right?
100% guaranteed. They will squander it and then an excuse will be made to give them more. Katrina and Rita changed my view on our culture completely. I wish liberal white people living in the suburbs would have been forced to take them into their homes. I wish liberal suburbanite whites could be forced to take in illegal families into their homes.
You didn’t answer my question
I just did...your too stupid to understand it.
I asked if you thought they would be sent checks... that’s a yes or no question. You did not answer it, you went off on a tangent
47 percent of registered voters approve of Trump’s work inside the White House – a five point jump since April.

In comparison, Barack Obama’s approval rating during the same time in his first term was 46 percent, while George W. Bush’s was 61 percent.

Al the dumb asses that want to run a socialist against TRump should enjoy this.
Every time a Dem endorses socialism, TRump's approval goes up.

WARNING: Dems had better find themselves a centrist that can pick off some of the support Trump has in tge rust belt.
Democrats need to understand, as long as we keep babying illegals, ignoring the real issues we have in this country, Trump is gonna win this one, because everybody, including democrats, contrary to popular beliefs, ARE SICK AND TIRED OF HOSTING ILLEGALS IN THIS COUNTRY, WE'RE TIRED OF IT.
Trump keeps waving socialized welfare checks to those farmers, while the deficits hits record highs each quarter

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