Trump hits personal best in approval poll

You'll understand when Trump wins in 2020.
Why should he be re-elected? My taxes aren't lower, but he corporation owning my company got richer. Drain the swamp? Ask Pruitt, Venke, Manafort and Cohen about the swamp. Is he a unifier? Absolutely goddam not.

He is a slimy, corrupt huckster from a crappy reality TV game show. He is a lout, a boor and a bully.

Would you accept all that so your millionaire boss can get more back from his tax returns?

The spell cast by this dark magician will break. And Trumpians will be sitting in a ditch plucking thorns from their feet while they wonder how it all went so terribly wrong.
whats the matter nosmo,cant get used to a guy who likes to burp and fart in public?...
And the bar for leadership and dignified comportment has been placed on the floor.
like i said up above he is doing better than congress according to those approval it seems the congressional bar is even lower than the Presidential one....
When has congress been more popular than an open sewer? Why reach down to find a paradigm?

The fact is he has never polled over 50%. During his 'honeymoon' during the first 100 days, he never broke 47%. He travels in a very narrow amount of support. Among Republicans he's over the moon. But among the American electorate, he is more widely disapproved of than supported.

He never tried to expand his base.
congress at one time polled consistently in the 30-40 percentile.....not anymore and that should worry you more than an old guy who may not be here 5 years from now,congress will be and that should scare every American.....
Trumps all time high approval rating isn’t even more than half the country?! That’s pretty pathetic don’t you think?
he beats who is more pathetic,trump or the 20% congress?....
They are both pathetic in my opinion
yea but he seems to be doing twice as good as the congress is...
That is true, but whether it is applaud worthy is another question. If I told you that you smelled twice as good as a steaming pile of shit, I don’t think that would be saying much
in other words i hate trump ....i get that ...but according to those approval polls trump has been at around the 40 percent mark since he has been here....our wonderful Congress with people just as bad or worse than trump has not seen 30% in ten fucking years,some of the worst people ever in the history of Congress are there right now......i think we know were the real pile of shit is in DC....
I don’t hate trump but per our analogy... Congress is the steaming pile of shit and Trump is the fly buzzing around it
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You'll understand when Trump wins in 2020.
Why should he be re-elected? My taxes aren't lower, but he corporation owning my company got richer. Drain the swamp? Ask Pruitt, Venke, Manafort and Cohen about the swamp. Is he a unifier? Absolutely goddam not.

He is a slimy, corrupt huckster from a crappy reality TV game show. He is a lout, a boor and a bully.

Would you accept all that so your millionaire boss can get more back from his tax returns?

The spell cast by this dark magician will break. And Trumpians will be sitting in a ditch plucking thorns from their feet while they wonder how it all went so terribly wrong.
whats the matter nosmo,cant get used to a guy who likes to burp and fart in public?...
And the bar for leadership and dignified comportment has been placed on the floor.
like i said up above he is doing better than congress according to those approval it seems the congressional bar is even lower than the Presidential one....
Congressional approval ratings are always lower than presidential approval ratings.
these people havent seen 30% in ten years....30-40% was what they at one time used to consistently poll at....that these people are constant 20 percenters should worry you....
he beats who is more pathetic,trump or the 20% congress?....
They are both pathetic in my opinion
yea but he seems to be doing twice as good as the congress is...
That is true, but whether it is applaud worthy is another question. If I told you that you smelled twice as good as a steaming pile of shit, I don’t think that would be saying much
in other words i hate trump ....i get that ...but according to those approval polls trump has been at around the 40 percent mark since he has been here....our wonderful Congress with people just as bad or worse than trump has not seen 30% in ten fucking years,some of the worst people ever in the history of Congress are there right now......i think we know were the real pile of shit is in DC....
I don’t hate trump but pee our analogy... Congress is the steaming pile of shit and Trump is the fly buzzing around it
got no problems with that....
Who are "real Americans?" Seriously?
They are Joe Six Pack and Joe the Fuckin' plumber. The trash of this country. The Palin lovers, orange deity worshipers. They are the drugged out, black, Hispanic hating, overeating, diabetes infested "heartland" bitches.

Americans are the economic engine of this country. The educated, cerebral, cultured.

Did you type that tripe with your pussy hat on?

Still with teh second grade meme in your signature I see.

Enough said. You are the only guy I know that advertises his immaturity in each and every post.

You Socialist babies crack me up. You hate everyone in the heartland then claim Conservatives hate everyone.

It's why Trump is in the White House and you're a triggered snowflake. Now go burn a flag so you can feel all warm and fuzzy.

Grow up, slime ball.
Why should he be re-elected? My taxes aren't lower, but he corporation owning my company got richer. Drain the swamp? Ask Pruitt, Venke, Manafort and Cohen about the swamp. Is he a unifier? Absolutely goddam not.

He is a slimy, corrupt huckster from a crappy reality TV game show. He is a lout, a boor and a bully.

Would you accept all that so your millionaire boss can get more back from his tax returns?

The spell cast by this dark magician will break. And Trumpians will be sitting in a ditch plucking thorns from their feet while they wonder how it all went so terribly wrong.

1) Trump should not be reelected.

2) You description of Trump is accurate. Your disgust of him appropriate.

3) I don't have a boss.

4) The spell will not break. The darkness is growing.

I see wayyyyyy to many folks like you. You believe what you want to believe.
If we have any possibility of riding ourselves of Trump we will need a candidate that can take votes from teh rust belt and from the suburbia. A socialist can't win this vote.

You're the thinnest kid at Fat Camp.

47% as an all-time High should tell you something valuable.

You'll understand when Trump wins in 2020.
Why should he be re-elected? My taxes aren't lower, but he corporation owning my company got richer. Drain the swamp? Ask Pruitt, Venke, Manafort and Cohen about the swamp. Is he a unifier? Absolutely goddam not.

He is a slimy, corrupt huckster from a crappy reality TV game show. He is a lout, a boor and a bully.

Would you accept all that so your millionaire boss can get more back from his tax returns?

The spell cast by this dark magician will break. And Trumpians will be sitting in a ditch plucking thorns from their feet while they wonder how it all went so terribly wrong.
The swamp consists of career civilian employees at high levels… There’s less of them corrupt motherfuckers.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded...
Are you proud of the personal conduct and ethical comportment of all Trump cabinet level appointees?
It really doesn’t matter, Anything that damages the federal government is good for the country

Head injury?
47 percent of registered voters approve of Trump’s work inside the White House – a five point jump since April.

In comparison, Barack Obama’s approval rating during the same time in his first term was 46 percent, while George W. Bush’s was 61 percent.

Al the dumb asses that want to run a socialist against TRump should enjoy this.
Every time a Dem endorses socialism, TRump's approval goes up.

WARNING: Dems had better find themselves a centrist that can pick off some of the support Trump has in tge rust belt.

You're the thinnest kid at Fat Camp.

47% as an all-time High should tell you something valuable.

You'll understand when Trump wins in 2020.
Why should he be re-elected? My taxes aren't lower, but he corporation owning my company got richer. Drain the swamp? Ask Pruitt, Venke, Manafort and Cohen about the swamp. Is he a unifier? Absolutely goddam not.

He is a slimy, corrupt huckster from a crappy reality TV game show. He is a lout, a boor and a bully.

Would you accept all that so your millionaire boss can get more back from his tax returns?

The spell cast by this dark magician will break. And Trumpians will be sitting in a ditch plucking thorns from their feet while they wonder how it all went so terribly wrong.
Why should he be re-elected? My taxes aren't lower, but he corporation owning my company got richer. Drain the swamp? Ask Pruitt, Venke, Manafort and Cohen about the swamp. Is he a unifier? Absolutely goddam not.

He is a slimy, corrupt huckster from a crappy reality TV game show. He is a lout, a boor and a bully.

Would you accept all that so your millionaire boss can get more back from his tax returns?

The spell cast by this dark magician will break. And Trumpians will be sitting in a ditch plucking thorns from their feet while they wonder how it all went so terribly wrong.

1) Trump should not be reelected.

2) You description of Trump is accurate. Your disgust of him appropriate.

3) I don't have a boss.

4) The spell will not break. The darkness is growing.

I see wayyyyyy to many folks like you. You believe what you want to believe.
If we have any possibility of riding ourselves of Trump we will need a candidate that can take votes from teh rust belt and from the suburbia. A socialist can't win this vote.
Check out Sen. Amy Klobuchar
47 percent of registered voters approve of Trump’s work inside the White House – a five point jump since April.

In comparison, Barack Obama’s approval rating during the same time in his first term was 46 percent, while George W. Bush’s was 61 percent.

Al the dumb asses that want to run a socialist against TRump should enjoy this.
Every time a Dem endorses socialism, TRump's approval goes up.

WARNING: Dems had better find themselves a centrist that can pick off some of the support Trump has in tge rust belt.

You're the thinnest kid at Fat Camp.

47% as an all-time High should tell you something valuable.

You'll understand when Trump wins in 2020.
Why should he be re-elected? My taxes aren't lower, but he corporation owning my company got richer. Drain the swamp? Ask Pruitt, Venke, Manafort and Cohen about the swamp. Is he a unifier? Absolutely goddam not.

He is a slimy, corrupt huckster from a crappy reality TV game show. He is a lout, a boor and a bully.

Would you accept all that so your millionaire boss can get more back from his tax returns?

The spell cast by this dark magician will break. And Trumpians will be sitting in a ditch plucking thorns from their feet while they wonder how it all went so terribly wrong.
View attachment 268331
Is this what passes as an argument in Trumpworld?
Why should he be re-elected? My taxes aren't lower, but he corporation owning my company got richer. Drain the swamp? Ask Pruitt, Venke, Manafort and Cohen about the swamp. Is he a unifier? Absolutely goddam not.

He is a slimy, corrupt huckster from a crappy reality TV game show. He is a lout, a boor and a bully.

Would you accept all that so your millionaire boss can get more back from his tax returns?

The spell cast by this dark magician will break. And Trumpians will be sitting in a ditch plucking thorns from their feet while they wonder how it all went so terribly wrong.

1) Trump should not be reelected.

2) You description of Trump is accurate. Your disgust of him appropriate.

3) I don't have a boss.

4) The spell will not break. The darkness is growing.

I see wayyyyyy to many folks like you. You believe what you want to believe.
If we have any possibility of riding ourselves of Trump we will need a candidate that can take votes from teh rust belt and from the suburbia. A socialist can't win this vote.
Agreed. Biden is the only one I’m seeing that can do it
47 percent of registered voters approve of Trump’s work inside the White House – a five point jump since April.

In comparison, Barack Obama’s approval rating during the same time in his first term was 46 percent, while George W. Bush’s was 61 percent.

Al the dumb asses that want to run a socialist against TRump should enjoy this.
Every time a Dem endorses socialism, TRump's approval goes up.

WARNING: Dems had better find themselves a centrist that can pick off some of the support Trump has in tge rust belt.
I don't think much of your politics but you are right about the democrat party in the grips of the far left.
They are conceding the presidency because the fringe left members of the dem party are zealots who won't consider anything that doesn't pass their purity test.

Hard times ahead for the left, I'm afraid.
Why should he be re-elected? My taxes aren't lower, but he corporation owning my company got richer. Drain the swamp? Ask Pruitt, Venke, Manafort and Cohen about the swamp. Is he a unifier? Absolutely goddam not.

He is a slimy, corrupt huckster from a crappy reality TV game show. He is a lout, a boor and a bully.

Would you accept all that so your millionaire boss can get more back from his tax returns?

The spell cast by this dark magician will break. And Trumpians will be sitting in a ditch plucking thorns from their feet while they wonder how it all went so terribly wrong.

1) Trump should not be reelected.

2) You description of Trump is accurate. Your disgust of him appropriate.

3) I don't have a boss.

4) The spell will not break. The darkness is growing.

I see wayyyyyy to many folks like you. You believe what you want to believe.
If we have any possibility of riding ourselves of Trump we will need a candidate that can take votes from teh rust belt and from the suburbia. A socialist can't win this vote.
Agreed. Biden is the only one I’m seeing that can do it

Don't look now but Creepy Joe has a new scandal much like Facebook/Cambridge Analytical
Why should he be re-elected? My taxes aren't lower, but he corporation owning my company got richer. Drain the swamp? Ask Pruitt, Venke, Manafort and Cohen about the swamp. Is he a unifier? Absolutely goddam not.

He is a slimy, corrupt huckster from a crappy reality TV game show. He is a lout, a boor and a bully.

Would you accept all that so your millionaire boss can get more back from his tax returns?

The spell cast by this dark magician will break. And Trumpians will be sitting in a ditch plucking thorns from their feet while they wonder how it all went so terribly wrong.

1) Trump should not be reelected.

2) You description of Trump is accurate. Your disgust of him appropriate.

3) I don't have a boss.

4) The spell will not break. The darkness is growing.

I see wayyyyyy to many folks like you. You believe what you want to believe.
If we have any possibility of riding ourselves of Trump we will need a candidate that can take votes from teh rust belt and from the suburbia. A socialist can't win this vote.
Agreed. Biden is the only one I’m seeing that can do it

Don't look now but Creepy Joe has a new scandal much like Facebook/Cambridge Analytical
Not worried about it... just more noise
47 percent of registered voters approve of Trump’s work inside the White House – a five point jump since April.

In comparison, Barack Obama’s approval rating during the same time in his first term was 46 percent, while George W. Bush’s was 61 percent.

Al the dumb asses that want to run a socialist against TRump should enjoy this.
Every time a Dem endorses socialism, TRump's approval goes up.

WARNING: Dems had better find themselves a centrist that can pick off some of the support Trump has in tge rust belt.
Trumps all time high approval rating isn’t even more than half the country?! That’s pretty pathetic don’t you think?
It would be if the poll was truthful. Since just about every poll is biased and rigged I just ignore them.

Soooo mikeytx,

What would an "honest" poll show? Dictator type approval for donny grifter?
47 percent of registered voters approve of Trump’s work inside the White House – a five point jump since April.

In comparison, Barack Obama’s approval rating during the same time in his first term was 46 percent, while George W. Bush’s was 61 percent.

Al the dumb asses that want to run a socialist against TRump should enjoy this.
Every time a Dem endorses socialism, TRump's approval goes up.

WARNING: Dems had better find themselves a centrist that can pick off some of the support Trump has in tge rust belt.
I don't think much of your politics but you are right about the democrat party in the grips of the far left.
They are conceding the presidency because the fringe left members of the dem party are zealots who won't consider anything that doesn't pass their purity test.

Hard times ahead for the left, I'm afraid.

Didn't you post that in late October 2018?
Why should he be re-elected? My taxes aren't lower, but he corporation owning my company got richer. Drain the swamp? Ask Pruitt, Venke, Manafort and Cohen about the swamp. Is he a unifier? Absolutely goddam not.

He is a slimy, corrupt huckster from a crappy reality TV game show. He is a lout, a boor and a bully.

Would you accept all that so your millionaire boss can get more back from his tax returns?

The spell cast by this dark magician will break. And Trumpians will be sitting in a ditch plucking thorns from their feet while they wonder how it all went so terribly wrong.

1) Trump should not be reelected.

2) You description of Trump is accurate. Your disgust of him appropriate.

3) I don't have a boss.

4) The spell will not break. The darkness is growing.

I see wayyyyyy to many folks like you. You believe what you want to believe.
If we have any possibility of riding ourselves of Trump we will need a candidate that can take votes from teh rust belt and from the suburbia. A socialist can't win this vote.
Agreed. Biden is the only one I’m seeing that can do it

Don't look now but Creepy Joe has a new scandal much like Facebook/Cambridge Analytical
Not worried about it... just more noise
Is it the sort of noise that echoes around Kremlin walls?
The problem with democrats is that they believe

Americans want to give 100 billion of their money to black people for unaffordable housing.

On top of that Americans want to pay for reparations for blacks and wealthy gays.

Americans support the infanticide of babies that are born on crying on the delivery table.

Americans want open borders and a third world invasion of millions that they have to pay for.

Americans support eliminating cars, planes, and cows. Americans believe you can take the train from New York to Paris.

Trump panders to the small segment of Americans that know this is bullshit of the smelliest order.
Let’s take your first point and play a little game of follow the money. Let’s just say that Americans gave 100 billion to black people for housing. Who do the black people then give the money to in exchange for the housing?

Direct answers please...
Drug dealers, clothing stores, car dealerships, fancy flights and cheap vacations. They had FEMA money after Katrina and in shelters...they bought fancy clothing and big screen televisions, and other superficial bullshit. Go figure. This is factual. Went through it.
So the 100 billion for housing that tipsy is talking about... you think will be given in the form of checks being sent to black people? Is that right?
100% guaranteed. They will squander it and then an excuse will be made to give them more. Katrina and Rita changed my view on our culture completely. I wish liberal white people living in the suburbs would have been forced to take them into their homes. I wish liberal suburbanite whites could be forced to take in illegal families into their homes.
Why should he be re-elected? My taxes aren't lower, but he corporation owning my company got richer. Drain the swamp? Ask Pruitt, Venke, Manafort and Cohen about the swamp. Is he a unifier? Absolutely goddam not.

He is a slimy, corrupt huckster from a crappy reality TV game show. He is a lout, a boor and a bully.

Would you accept all that so your millionaire boss can get more back from his tax returns?

The spell cast by this dark magician will break. And Trumpians will be sitting in a ditch plucking thorns from their feet while they wonder how it all went so terribly wrong.

1) Trump should not be reelected.

2) You description of Trump is accurate. Your disgust of him appropriate.

3) I don't have a boss.

4) The spell will not break. The darkness is growing.

I see wayyyyyy to many folks like you. You believe what you want to believe.
If we have any possibility of riding ourselves of Trump we will need a candidate that can take votes from teh rust belt and from the suburbia. A socialist can't win this vote.
Agreed. Biden is the only one I’m seeing that can do it

Don't look now but Creepy Joe has a new scandal much like Facebook/Cambridge Analytical
Not worried about it... just more noise
Is it the sort of noise that echoes around Kremlin walls?
The noise around Kremlin walls is how happy they are that liberals are destroying the United States of America.
The problem with democrats is that they believe

Americans want to give 100 billion of their money to black people for unaffordable housing.

On top of that Americans want to pay for reparations for blacks and wealthy gays.

Americans support the infanticide of babies that are born on crying on the delivery table.

Americans want open borders and a third world invasion of millions that they have to pay for.

Americans support eliminating cars, planes, and cows. Americans believe you can take the train from New York to Paris.

Trump panders to the small segment of Americans that know this is bullshit of the smelliest order.
Let’s take your first point and play a little game of follow the money. Let’s just say that Americans gave 100 billion to black people for housing. Who do the black people then give the money to in exchange for the housing?

Direct answers please...
Drug dealers, clothing stores, car dealerships, fancy flights and cheap vacations. They had FEMA money after Katrina and in shelters...they bought fancy clothing and big screen televisions, and other superficial bullshit. Go figure. This is factual. Went through it.
So the 100 billion for housing that tipsy is talking about... you think will be given in the form of checks being sent to black people? Is that right?
100% guaranteed. They will squander it and then an excuse will be made to give them more. Katrina and Rita changed my view on our culture completely. I wish liberal white people living in the suburbs would have been forced to take them into their homes. I wish liberal suburbanite whites could be forced to take in illegal families into their homes.
You didn’t answer my question

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