Trump holds event with Rand Paul at White House to announce executive order repealing Obamacare

BTW, trumpcare will include a 20% increase in premiums and blowing up the deficit and debt. Remember when the orange moron said he loves debt? .

And that's just to start.

And you christians will have to stop pretending you care about children, the elderly, our vets, the handicapped and no more bitching about abortion either.
Actually, nothing at all happened.


but the NYT, Senile Pelosi, & Cryin Chuck Schumer are having a complete meltdown.

they're saying Trump is taking away Obamacare subsidies. GOOD! he should take away Congress' subsidies too!
"Donald Trump's health care executive order is corrupt, unconstituonal, and genocidal against the American people." - Crazy Bernie

the meltdown begins...
unconstitutional? What does he think govt regulated healthcare is?

Trump's EO was illegal. It infringed on state rights to regulate companies that do business in their state. This has to be passed by Congress and it still may be unconstitutional. The government has every right to regulate healthcare. You want a unregulated doctor cutting you up?
“I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence of which there is so much.” ~ Donald J. Trump

this executive order allows insurers to sell across state lines->first step toward a "freer" market for health care. Competition = lower premiums

The trouble is that it is illegal. Only Congress can pass it. States should take action against firms who attempt to sell insurance products without submitting to state regulation. States should insure that any firm that sells insurance in the state have adequate funds to cover claims. If we allowed Trump to do what he wants, that would open people up to con artists and undercapitalized firms that would leave customers in a lurch if they folded.

Competition also means everyone plays by the same rules. These associations would lower premiums by denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, older people, and others who would be able to buy insurance at a affordable cost. What you say is screw these people. You are a prize fool.
"President Trump will today legalize and allow individuals to form Health Associations and purchase insurance across state lines. This is what real free market replacement looks like. Millions of Americans will be eligible to band together to demand less-expensive insurance. The 28 million individuals left behind by Obamacare will now be eligible for inexpensive insurance. The cost to the taxpayer? ZERO! As opposed to the trillion-dollar, “fake” replacements we voted on, this replacement simply legalizes choice.

So what does that mean for you, the healthcare consumer? Well, first of all, it means millions of people who now go it alone or in very small groups will join together and make the CONSUMER THE KING, with increased bargaining power and better prices.

You will be able to choose among better and cheaper insurance that works for you — something Obamacare made illegal. You will be able to buy across state lines, opening up competition for the best plans." - Senator Rand Paul

Unless you are someone who will be denied coverage because insurance will have to pay a few bucks. Then it's tough shit. Hard to believe Rand Paul is a doctor. He should have included "and if insurance companies deny you insurance, drop dead." Rand Paul should be kicked out of the medical profession.
the Trump/Paul bromance killed Obamacare!

Sticking it to the poor by cutting off their subsidies proves once again what a dick this president is.
You're going straight to hell,
Donald Trump.
No long lines for you.
Someone will say, "Right this way, sir."
They'll clear a path.
the Trump/Paul bromance killed Obamacare!

Killed is such an appropriate word. How many people will be killed because of this?

None but you idiots will believe it....

If you're sick and all you have to rely on is the emergency room, you will die.


Trump said everyone would have better healthcare that costs less.

Well, nothing costs less, for sure. But is it better? Hardly.

When these premiums skyrocket, what will Trump's base say?

It's like the old hooker who dressed up all excited to be on a "date".

She ended up brutally boned, stiffed and thrown out the car. Didn't even get a ride home. Poor thing.

I can see you still believe in bed time stories that big liberalism feeds you. Obamacare is a disaster. People's premiums have shot through the roof & we all know the lie about keeping your doctor and/or your plan. Think for one moment. Would you rather have a choice in what coverage you & your family needs or do you want something forced down upon you?

What Trump signed today is only a good start. Again my question stands...why are liberals so afraid to give people choices? Why are you afraid?

Obamacare has not been a failure. It has been far from a success but it has not been a total failure as you paint it. The fact is that premiums have shot through the roof since Republicans have come to power. The reason is that Republicans are doing everything they can to make it fail.

The fact is that many people do not have a choice. Before Obamacare, many people were routinely denied coverage or were faced with unaffordable premiums. Obamacare did succeed in making headway on it. It also allowed many more people to get coverage and many for the first time in their lives.

Why do we not give people a choice in auto insurance? Why do we require minimum coverages? Because people will act in their own self-interest and not necessarily the public interest. The idea for a mandate came from the Heritage Foundation which is a conservative organization. They recognized the same problem. They are not liberal.
the Trump/Paul bromance killed Obamacare!

Sticking it to the poor by cutting off their subsidies proves once again what a dick this president is.
You're going straight to hell,
Donald Trump.
No long lines for you.
Someone will say, "Right this way, sir."
They'll clear a path.

Mo' gubermint, mo' taxes, mo' fees! Mo' entitlements and subsidies!!! It's what the peoples want!!! So sayeth the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies.
"Health Insurance stocks, which have gone through the roof during the ObamaCare years, plunged yesterday after I ended their Dems windfall!" - Trump

there's more...

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If all Obamacare did was provide insurance to the uninsured, I’d understand. But it destroyed the system for those who had perfect insurance
Bannon told the Values Voters Summit that Trump pulled CSR payments to 'blow up' Obamacare exchanges, make prices skyrocket.
the Trump/Paul bromance killed Obamacare!

Killed is such an appropriate word. How many people will be killed because of this?

None but you idiots will believe it....

If you're sick and all you have to rely on is the emergency room, you will die.


Trump said everyone would have better healthcare that costs less.

Well, nothing costs less, for sure. But is it better? Hardly.

When these premiums skyrocket, what will Trump's base say?

It's like the old hooker who dressed up all excited to be on a "date".

She ended up brutally boned, stiffed and thrown out the car. Didn't even get a ride home. Poor thing.

I can see you still believe in bed time stories that big liberalism feeds you. Obamacare is a disaster. People's premiums have shot through the roof & we all know the lie about keeping your doctor and/or your plan. Think for one moment. Would you rather have a choice in what coverage you & your family needs or do you want something forced down upon you?

What Trump signed today is only a good start. Again my question stands...why are liberals so afraid to give people choices? Why are you afraid?

Obamacare has not been a failure. It has been far from a success but it has not been a total failure as you paint it. The fact is that premiums have shot through the roof since Republicans have come to power. The reason is that Republicans are doing everything they can to make it fail.

The fact is that many people do not have a choice. Before Obamacare, many people were routinely denied coverage or were faced with unaffordable premiums. Obamacare did succeed in making headway on it. It also allowed many more people to get coverage and many for the first time in their lives.

Why do we not give people a choice in auto insurance? Why do we require minimum coverages? Because people will act in their own self-interest and not necessarily the public interest. The idea for a mandate came from the Heritage Foundation which is a conservative organization. They recognized the same problem. They are not liberal.

premiums have risen exponentially since this became law. There is an entire Library of Congress worth of data & articles which outlines this. "You can keep your doctor & your plan" has been thoroughly discredited. This is the very definition of failure.

I will agree with one thing about Obamacare. The pre-existing clause. It was immoral that companies would force you to job lock to cover medical procedures. However, the HIPAA Law of 1996 provides pretty clear guidance & precedes Obamacare as well.

HIPAA: Your rights to health insurance portability

In the auto industry, you are talking about liability insurance. That's why there are minimum coverages. Health insurance is different. You aren't liable to someone else if you get sick. But you should be able to tailor your plan based on your needs. I do not require maternity coverage, so it serves no purpose other than to raise an overall cost.

Regarding the Heritage Foundation mandate, it spoke of a basic catastrophic coverage. Obamacare does the opposite & goes for the maximum. Hardly the same thing...

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