Trump holds event with Rand Paul at White House to announce executive order repealing Obamacare

"Donald Trump's health care executive order is corrupt, unconstituonal, and genocidal against the American people." - Crazy Bernie

the meltdown begins...
It is unconstitutional to make someone else to pay for others that cannot afford healthcare. It is up to the healthcare providers and pharmaceuticals companies to donate their services or products to the less unfortunates for tax's write-offs, like they has been doing that for years. But the only reason that they wanted to stop that system? It is because that there has been a big increase of health problems lately, that they cannot survive donating free meds and or giving out free services to the poor. And the health problems are continuously increasing,every day, that even the government will not be able to afford to help the poor, unless they increase taxes and use all of it to only pay.for health services, and completely shut down the government forever. And pharma must lower prices on meds by 85%.

.Just last year, the CDC reported a rate of one in 88, which represented a 23 percent increase since 2010, and 78 percent since 2007. Meanwhile, I remember when the incidence of autism in the US was only one in 100,000—just short of 30 years ago! So what's causing this rapid rise in autism and other mental health problems? The Increasing Rate of Mental Health Disorder in Children

The Gut-Brain Connection, Mental Illness, and Disease

GMO crops produce poisonous gut E. Coli? Many faces of an important bacterium | Genetic Literacy Project

The price of an EpiPen has skyrocketed more than 500% since 2009 — and senators are asking for answers
The fact that Senator Rand Paul is on board with Trump's executive order is a huge victory

see how nice i am to Crazy Rand when he's on our side?
"President Trump will today legalize and allow individuals to form Health Associations and purchase insurance across state lines. This is what real free market replacement looks like. Millions of Americans will be eligible to band together to demand less-expensive insurance. The 28 million individuals left behind by Obamacare will now be eligible for inexpensive insurance. The cost to the taxpayer? ZERO! As opposed to the trillion-dollar, “fake” replacements we voted on, this replacement simply legalizes choice.

So what does that mean for you, the healthcare consumer? Well, first of all, it means millions of people who now go it alone or in very small groups will join together and make the CONSUMER THE KING, with increased bargaining power and better prices.

You will be able to choose among better and cheaper insurance that works for you — something Obamacare made illegal. You will be able to buy across state lines, opening up competition for the best plans." - Senator Rand Paul
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the Trump/Paul bromance killed Obamacare!

The biggest problem I have with the bullshit that's seeping out of their mouths is that they seem to think they care about the people, they don't and they know they don't. They're talking about lower costs. But the system they're putting in place won't lower costs much, it'll still be the most expensive healthcare system in the world, it'll still fuck over people with preexisting conditions, it'll still make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
Trump's challenge is to convince the American people that freedom is way, way better than big government. For all of us.
"Donald Trump's health care executive order is corrupt, unconstituonal, and genocidal against the American people." - Crazy Bernie

the meltdown begins...
unconstitutional? What does he think govt regulated healthcare is?
It passed constitutional challenge thus far and it wasn't done by EO.
How many fake repeals have we had this year so far? Add this one to the list.
This one takes away subsidies. That leaves Trump supporters who believed him without any healthcare at all.
And with the subsidies gone, Republicans can give their donors big old tax cuts.


Everyone comes out a winner. Except Trump's base. They are like an old hooker who just got boned and then stiffed.
Trump's challenge is to convince the American people that freedom is way, way better than big government. For all of us.
You mean suffering and death is better than big government. For the middle class. The rich don't care.
the Trump/Paul bromance killed Obamacare!

Killed is such an appropriate word. How many people will be killed because of this?

None but you idiots will believe it....

If you're sick and all you have to rely on is the emergency room, you will die.


Trump said everyone would have better healthcare that costs less.

Well, nothing costs less, for sure. But is it better? Hardly.

When these premiums skyrocket, what will Trump's base say?

It's like the old hooker who dressed up all excited to be on a "date".

She ended up brutally boned, stiffed and thrown out the car. Didn't even get a ride home. Poor thing.
the Trump/Paul bromance killed Obamacare!

Killed is such an appropriate word. How many people will be killed because of this?

None but you idiots will believe it....

If you're sick and all you have to rely on is the emergency room, you will die.


Trump said everyone would have better healthcare that costs less.

Well, nothing costs less, for sure. But is it better? Hardly.

When these premiums skyrocket, what will Trump's base say?

It's like the old hooker who dressed up all excited to be on a "date".

She ended up brutally boned, stiffed and thrown out the car. Didn't even get a ride home. Poor thing.

I can see you still believe in bed time stories that big liberalism feeds you. Obamacare is a disaster. People's premiums have shot through the roof & we all know the lie about keeping your doctor and/or your plan. Think for one moment. Would you rather have a choice in what coverage you & your family needs or do you want something forced down upon you?

What Trump signed today is only a good start. Again my question stands...why are liberals so afraid to give people choices? Why are you afraid?
the Trump/Paul bromance killed Obamacare!

Killed is such an appropriate word. How many people will be killed because of this?

None but you idiots will believe it....

If you're sick and all you have to rely on is the emergency room, you will die.


Trump said everyone would have better healthcare that costs less.

Well, nothing costs less, for sure. But is it better? Hardly.

When these premiums skyrocket, what will Trump's base say?

It's like the old hooker who dressed up all excited to be on a "date".

She ended up brutally boned, stiffed and thrown out the car. Didn't even get a ride home. Poor thing.

I can see you still believe in bed time stories that big liberalism feeds you. Obamacare is a disaster. People's premiums have shot through the roof & we all know the lie about keeping your doctor and/or your plan. Think for one moment. Would you rather have a choice in what coverage you & your family needs or do you want something forced down upon you?

What Trump signed today is only a good start. Again my question stands...why are liberals so afraid to give people choices? Why are you afraid?

Here's a question.

If Obamacare is a disaster because it costs too much, wasn't what it replaced also a disaster for costing too much and won't Trump's system be a disaster because it will also cost too much?

In the UK the British people pay LESS per capita for their healthcare than the US Federal govt pays for healthcare costs. Forget all the money going through insurance companies, this is extra, if you live in the UK, you will spend less to get a single payer healthcare system, than in the US what many get get nothing for. Absolutely nothing.

Go figure.
the Trump/Paul bromance killed Obamacare!

Killed is such an appropriate word. How many people will be killed because of this?

None but you idiots will believe it....

If you're sick and all you have to rely on is the emergency room, you will die.


Trump said everyone would have better healthcare that costs less.

Well, nothing costs less, for sure. But is it better? Hardly.

When these premiums skyrocket, what will Trump's base say?

It's like the old hooker who dressed up all excited to be on a "date".

She ended up brutally boned, stiffed and thrown out the car. Didn't even get a ride home. Poor thing.

I can see you still believe in bed time stories that big liberalism feeds you. Obamacare is a disaster. People's premiums have shot through the roof & we all know the lie about keeping your doctor and/or your plan. Think for one moment. Would you rather have a choice in what coverage you & your family needs or do you want something forced down upon you?

What Trump signed today is only a good start. Again my question stands...why are liberals so afraid to give people choices? Why are you afraid?

Here's a question.

If Obamacare is a disaster because it costs too much, wasn't what it replaced also a disaster for costing too much and won't Trump's system be a disaster because it will also cost too much?

In the UK the British people pay LESS per capita for their healthcare than the US Federal govt pays for healthcare costs. Forget all the money going through insurance companies, this is extra, if you live in the UK, you will spend less to get a single payer healthcare system, than in the US what many get get nothing for. Absolutely nothing.

Go figure.

What came before Obamacare was far from perfect but inflicting Obamacare on the country was a disgrace. In short, insurance tied to employment is a broken model. But Obamacare took that pain one step further & it became a mandate.

The only way out of this mess isn't to socialize medical coverage further, but to increase opportunity. Association-based plans do just that because it allows groups to form & purchase insurance for what that specific group needs. So, for example, AARP decided to offer health care to its membership as an incentive. Given this is one of the most powerful lobbying groups out there, they could flex their muscles & negotiate a reasonably priced policy for their members that fit their needs. It doesn't saddle the rest of society with unwanted & unnecessary coverages which just sky rockets premiums.
"It’s going to hurt people. It’s going to hurt kids. It’s going to hurt families. It’s going to hurt individuals. It’s going to hurt people with mental health issues. It’s going to hurt veterans. It’s going to hurt everybody. And so this is something that I’ve been very supportive during my administration in terms of expanding health care and making sure that people have access to affordable health care and I’m going to continue on that path." - Cryin Brian Sandoval, Republican Gov of Nevada

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