trump Holds Up Coronavirus Aid To Block Democrats' Bid for Election Funding

trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

So he issues those grandiose EO's and is now going to hold things up because he's afraid that Republicans can't engage in their usual tactics of voter suppression? (Let's face it, that's why the hue and cry against vote by mail). I wasn't aware vote by mail was part of the EO issue. I know Democrats asked for funding in their bill, but a at last glance, those talks were dead. He really isn't too bright. So he shoots his own dog and pony show of signing those in the head? He really thinks he can recreate 2016 and he'll do anything to make sure it happens. Unfortunately, he has a record to run on this year...and it's terrible.
If vote by mail is dead, then why won't Piglosi simply delete the funding for it?

Vote by mail is a scam, and every Dim knows it.

The point is your lord and savior made a grand gesture of sweeping in last weekend and signing those EO's, delivering the country from Congress's inaction....and now he wants to shoot those EO's in the head over the Democrats negotiated numbers for mail in voting? I thought those negotiations were dead. They had nothing to do with his EO's. They were supposed to be his golden ticket of throwing manna to a starving and weary public. He really is a moron of the highest order.
Trumps EOs helped thousands of people on the brink of being homeless due to no fault of their own...Pelosi went designer face mask and ice cream shopping instead of working to help people in her very own shut down district....

No they didn't. He has no way to implement any of them easily...if at all in a reasonable period of time. Congress holds the power of the purse...period.
And he's taking his grand gesture of EO signing and taking it back to try and win an unwinnable argument. Mail in voting has been used for decades, with great success, and a negligible amount of fraud.
Not a very smart move..but we're talking about Trump here.
Mail-in voting doesn't belong in the relief bill, period.
trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

/——/ If democRATs can loot, riot and pillage in large numbers, they can stand in line to vote.
trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

The Democrats keep including shit that has nothing to do with the issue.
I don’t think that about 90% of US Citizens should be allowed to vote anyway, so what’s the big deal?
trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

So he issues those grandiose EO's and is now going to hold things up because he's afraid that Republicans can't engage in their usual tactics of voter suppression? (Let's face it, that's why the hue and cry against vote by mail). I wasn't aware vote by mail was part of the EO issue. I know Democrats asked for funding in their bill, but a at last glance, those talks were dead. He really isn't too bright. So he shoots his own dog and pony show of signing those in the head? He really thinks he can recreate 2016 and he'll do anything to make sure it happens. Unfortunately, he has a record to run on this year...and it's terrible.

It's just sad.

We are supposed to have a government by, of and for the people.

Thanks to republican cheating we haven't had that in years.

We have the opportunity to have something close to that with this coming election but trump and republicans are cheating even more to make sure we don't have an honest and fair election to have that government of, by and for the people.

The cheating shouldn't be allowed to happen. Everyone should be able to vote easily in the way they want to vote.
Didn’t the post office become a non federal agency years ago?

. In 1971, the “Post Office Department” was turned into a quasi-governmental corporation, the US Postal Service, which has a federally mandated monopoly on regular mail delivery. The majority of the USPS board are presidential appointees. There are no government appropriations, and a ‘Postal Rate Commission’ that determines rates. In the ‘70’s the USPS tried to close 12,000 underperforming or underutilized post offices, but politicians amended the Postal Reorganization Act to prohibit the closings. In ’77 the same thing happened when the USPS tried to suspend Saturday delivery. The result lost $2.8 billion in ’08 and expects to lose another $3 to $6 billion in 2009.Who will ultimately be responsible for paying these debts? The taxpayer. Such is it when government masquerades as free market entities.


trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

So he issues those grandiose EO's and is now going to hold things up because he's afraid that Republicans can't engage in their usual tactics of voter suppression? (Let's face it, that's why the hue and cry against vote by mail). I wasn't aware vote by mail was part of the EO issue. I know Democrats asked for funding in their bill, but a at last glance, those talks were dead. He really isn't too bright. So he shoots his own dog and pony show of signing those in the head? He really thinks he can recreate 2016 and he'll do anything to make sure it happens. Unfortunately, he has a record to run on this year...and it's terrible.

It's just sad.

We are supposed to have a government by, of and for the people.

Thanks to republican cheating we haven't had that in years.

We have the opportunity to have something close to that with this coming election but trump and republicans are cheating even more to make sure we don't have an honest and fair election to have that government of, by and for the people.

The cheating shouldn't be allowed to happen. Everyone should be able to vote easily in the way they want to vote.
Dims are the ones who always get caught cheating.

Lincoln is the one who coined the term "government of the people, by the people and for the people." The founding fathers wanted a free country. They didn't look at voting as a form of freedom.
trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

Holy Cow you folks are the biggest sheep I have ever seen.
WHAT THE FUCK is funding for mail-in voting doing in a bill to provide IMMEDIATE help due to COVID????
EASY!!!..... it is called hijacking a bill, then try to turn it against the other party saying they don't support the original bill!!

And complete morons and sheep believe it!!
trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

Holy Cow you folks are the biggest sheep I have ever seen.
WHAT THE FUCK is funding for mail-in voting doing in a bill to provide IMMEDIATE help due to COVID????
EASY!!!..... it is called hijacking a bill, then try to turn it against the other party saying they don't support the original bill!!

And complete morons and sheep believe it!!
Dims will defend this sleazy shit until their last breath, and then they whine when we call them scumbags.
trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

So he issues those grandiose EO's and is now going to hold things up because he's afraid that Republicans can't engage in their usual tactics of voter suppression? (Let's face it, that's why the hue and cry against vote by mail). I wasn't aware vote by mail was part of the EO issue. I know Democrats asked for funding in their bill, but a at last glance, those talks were dead. He really isn't too bright. So he shoots his own dog and pony show of signing those in the head? He really thinks he can recreate 2016 and he'll do anything to make sure it happens. Unfortunately, he has a record to run on this year...and it's terrible.

It's just sad.

We are supposed to have a government by, of and for the people.

Thanks to republican cheating we haven't had that in years.

We have the opportunity to have something close to that with this coming election but trump and republicans are cheating even more to make sure we don't have an honest and fair election to have that government of, by and for the people.

The cheating shouldn't be allowed to happen. Everyone should be able to vote easily in the way they want to vote.
What a load of crap.
trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

So he issues those grandiose EO's and is now going to hold things up because he's afraid that Republicans can't engage in their usual tactics of voter suppression? (Let's face it, that's why the hue and cry against vote by mail). I wasn't aware vote by mail was part of the EO issue. I know Democrats asked for funding in their bill, but a at last glance, those talks were dead. He really isn't too bright. So he shoots his own dog and pony show of signing those in the head? He really thinks he can recreate 2016 and he'll do anything to make sure it happens. Unfortunately, he has a record to run on this year...and it's terrible.
If vote by mail is dead, then why won't Piglosi simply delete the funding for it?

Vote by mail is a scam, and every Dim knows it.

The point is your lord and savior made a grand gesture of sweeping in last weekend and signing those EO's, delivering the country from Congress's inaction....and now he wants to shoot those EO's in the head over the Democrats negotiated numbers for mail in voting? I thought those negotiations were dead. They had nothing to do with his EO's. They were supposed to be his golden ticket of throwing manna to a starving and weary public. He really is a moron of the highest order.
Trumps EOs helped thousands of people on the brink of being homeless due to no fault of their own...Pelosi went designer face mask and ice cream shopping instead of working to help people in her very own shut down district....

No they didn't. He has no way to implement any of them easily...if at all in a reasonable period of time. Congress holds the power of the purse...period.
And he's taking his grand gesture of EO signing and taking it back to try and win an unwinnable argument. Mail in voting has been used for decades, with great success, and a negligible amount of fraud.
Not a very smart move..but we're talking about Trump here.
Mail-in voting doesn't belong in the relief bill, period.

Neither does a lot of other things Pelosi wants to add.
We are supposed to have a government by, of and for the people....

“The People” are the absolute LAST group I want making choices for me, my family, and the Society we live in. “The People” are the LEAST qualified group I can even conceive of to make Proper decisions.
/—-/ Place all your trust in self serving, corrupt, career politicians who don’t give a rat’s azz about your health, saftey and welfare. What could possibly go wrong?
trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

bullshit, its the dems that are holding up the funding. stop lying
trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

bullshit, its the dems that are holding up the funding. stop lying

Democrats passed their bill two months ago. Mitch and his crew sat on their ass.
Then Trump tries to be the hero but because he doesn't understand how government works, he ends up looking like an ass.
Democrats compromised. The White House won't. And Mitch is just being the useless fucking turtle he is.
trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

bullshit, its the dems that are holding up the funding. stop lying

Democrats passed their bill two months ago. Mitch and his crew sat on their ass.
Then Trump tries to be the hero but because he doesn't understand how government works, he ends up looking like an ass.
Democrats compromised. The White House won't. And Mitch is just being the useless fucking turtle he is.

moscow mitch sent all of the senate home until after Labor Day.

That is how important America is to moscow mitch and republicans.

Their August vacation is much more important to them than our nation and people.

How many people will be evicted by then? How many will be living on the streets? How many will be hungry and resort to crime just to eat?

This is a prescription for disaster.
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trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

bullshit, its the dems that are holding up the funding. stop lying

Democrats passed their bill two months ago. Mitch and his crew sat on their ass.
Then Trump tries to be the hero but because he doesn't understand how government works, he ends up looking like an ass.
Democrats compromised. The White House won't. And Mitch is just being the useless fucking turtle he is.
/-----/ " he doesn't understand how government works, "
That's the talking point today from LiberalPropagandaville.
butt paste.jpg
trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

bullshit, its the dems that are holding up the funding. stop lying

Democrats passed their bill two months ago. Mitch and his crew sat on their ass.
Then Trump tries to be the hero but because he doesn't understand how government works, he ends up looking like an ass.
Democrats compromised. The White House won't. And Mitch is just being the useless fucking turtle he is.
/-----/ " he doesn't understand how government works, "
That's the talking point today from LiberalPropagandaville.
View attachment 374920

Bored. Trump hasn't understood how government works from Day 1. And, frankly, he doesn't care. He's just the carnival barker constantly running for the office.
His EO's are about as effective as your terribly boring meme. Democrats offered compromise, The White House didn't. Republicans sat on their hands.
trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

bullshit, its the dems that are holding up the funding. stop lying

Democrats passed their bill two months ago. Mitch and his crew sat on their ass.
Then Trump tries to be the hero but because he doesn't understand how government works, he ends up looking like an ass.
Democrats compromised. The White House won't. And Mitch is just being the useless fucking turtle he is.
/-----/ " he doesn't understand how government works, "
That's the talking point today from LiberalPropagandaville.
View attachment 374920

Bored. Trump hasn't understood how government works from Day 1. And, frankly, he doesn't care. He's just the carnival barker constantly running for the office.
His EO's are about as effective as your terribly boring meme. Democrats offered compromise, The White House didn't. Republicans sat on their hands.

compromise????? WTF???? 3 trillion to 2 trillion???? and still including all their pet libtard projects that have nothing to do with the virus?

come on dude, stop lying. are you aware that a trillion is 1000 billion? and botox bitch wants to toss that around like pocket money? Who the fuck do you think will be on the hook to pay that back?
trump has been going all out to destroy our post office. For the only reason to stop voting. To prevent people from their legal right to vote.

Our military overseas defending our nation vote by mail. trump doesn't care about them. He knows they won't vote for him. For many reasons. The main one being the bounties on their heads by putin which trump won't do anything about. So he's going to do all he can to prevent them from voting.

As for the rest of us, trump is going all out to prevent us from voting by mail.

He is holding up virus relief to prevent us from voting.

The only reason being he knows he will lose. If he was confident that he will win he would want everyone to vote. He would be doing everything in his power to make sure everyone votes. If he was a real American who follows our constitution and the principles of a democratic republic of a government of, by and for the people. We haven't had that in a long time.

None of the lies trump and his followers work this time. People have been voting by mail for decades without any problems. Some states, such as mine, have been 100% mail in voting for years. With absolutely no problems.

trump is going all out on the cheating this time. You republicans and trump supporters are in denial but those of us who aren't stupid or bat crap crazy knows the cheating republicans do and knows the republicans know that the only way they can win an election in a lot of this nation is to cheat. They can't win an honest and fair election.

trump knows he will end up in prison if he's not reelected. I just wonder what he will do in 4 years if he is reelected? How will he keep himself out of prison then? And how will he keep himself out of prison at the state level? The only person who can pardon him or keep him out of a state prison is the governor of that state.

trump's house of cards will fall. It's inevitable. The only question is when?

If he loses in November a lot of people will be facing a lot of legal problems for the crimes they've committed in these four years.

bullshit, its the dems that are holding up the funding. stop lying

Democrats passed their bill two months ago. Mitch and his crew sat on their ass.
Then Trump tries to be the hero but because he doesn't understand how government works, he ends up looking like an ass.
Democrats compromised. The White House won't. And Mitch is just being the useless fucking turtle he is.

the house bill was passed by the dem majority with zero GOP votes. Pelosi has no idea how to do the job of speaker, she is an incompetent old angry botoxed drunk woman who should be in a nursing home with Biden.

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