Trump Hosts Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago

"Guilt-ridden white"...........:heehee: All part and parcel of the MAGAt excuse making for their crappy behavior towards "the Other"......very very similar to the old Segregationist cry of "Ni**er Lover" towards any other white person who wasn't for Jim Crow.
Actually its black and white libs who are hurling the hate bombs at whites
Chamberlain was negotiating, not having dinner.

I just want Trump to go away.
Why? You do not want citizens succeed with help from the government? Our safety and welfare should be the federal governments main concern. At least that is what the Constitution says. It is more than clear that the welfare of the citizen is at the bottom at the list under our present leadership. Are you saying that is not true?
Ah....wanting to shut people up. Yet still NO condemnation of who the fat Florida man invited to his Florida crib.
So far I have seen no reason to condemn Trump for inviting Fuentes to his home. Obama invited certified terrorists to the White house.
So you DO support white supremacists and Holocaust deniers.....using a made up fantasy about Democrats (which shows more about you actually) to "excuse" it.

lol another example of how ridiculously stupid you are, troll. 3 posts of gibbering idiocy and still you can't do anything but parrot idiot strawmen.
America joined with us in fighting nazis. Now the GOP leader is breaking bread with them.This is the swamp that needs clearing.

What a waste of American lives that turned out to be.

We had to fight the Japanese, as they had attacked us.

But we lost so many good men fighting in Europe, to save your kind from the Nazis and the Communists, and now we have you as an example to see what so many Americans died to save.

We should have just stayed out of Europe, let the Nazis and the Commies destroy each other, and let worthless fucks such as yourself get wiped out in the crossfire.

Why do you deny the holocaust ?

Where have I ever denied the Holocaust. Post a link to me saying any such thing, or else admit that you're a lying piece of shit.
"Former President Donald Trump hosted white nationalist and antisemite Nick Fuentes at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach on Tuesday night, according to multiple people familiar with the event.

Fuentes, who frequently posts racist content in addition to Holocaust revisionism, was brought as a guest of rapper Kanye West, who now goes by Ye."


So Ye wants to run for the White House' big desk.
DTrump has already announced he wants it.
I honestly don't know if Fuentes is running for the POTUS slot too.

Nor do I know who or which one of these blokes the JDL would endorse for POTUS.

Maybe anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial ain't the third-rail of the Jewish vote it used to be?
I dunno.
But I suspect it is still a great big hiccup. Yuge! Maybe.

I did see Trump, only Trump. Politico? Yeah, just Trump on Politico. No one else. Probably, it's just a rumor.
Did you respect the actual racism of obama that was hidden by the press as he and the congressional black caucus hosted an event for open racist Louis farakhan? While he was President of the United States?

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What about the friendship of obama with racist, anti-semite al sharpton, who obama had to the White House numerous times?

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Look! Using TWICE elected Former President Obama as a crutch-excuse again. :heehee:
You look the other way when our borders are open and failed Democratic policies have the people, CITIZENS, suffering and unsafe on our city streets. Solve some real problems you divisive POS.
You can't address the thread topic, can you? You can't bring yourself to say anything non-complimentary about a white supremacist/Holocaust denier and the fat Florida man who welcomed him into his home.
So holocaust denial is ok with you ?

That's the thing about freedom of speech. It includes the right to say things with which others disagree. But being a British piece of shit, I wouldn't expect you to understand. That was one of the causes for which we Americans kicked the British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago; and one of many ways in which your backward, degenerate society has not caught up even today to where we were back then.

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