Trump Hosts Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago

Well the last 2 elections do not support your nonsense. This might be popular with your sort but most Americans will be appalled.

SHUT UP, fool. Your opinion does not matter, you don't know anything, Trump has the greatest widespread following and has gotten the most votes of any sitting president in history and just had a better than 90% success rate in endorsing people for our midterms far better than anyone else in the GOP or democrats.

Go suck a lemon, limey.
You do not speak for any Americans, you one-legged British faggot.

We fought two wars to establish that nothing about America is any of your fucking business. Also to save our country from your degenerate ideas of “civilised”.
America joined with us in fighting nazis. Now the GOP leader is breaking bread with them.This is the swamp that needs clearing.
Why do you deny the holocaust ?
SHUT UP, fool. Your opinion does not matter, you don't know anything, Trump has the greatest widespread following and has gotten the most votes of any sitting president in history and just had a better than 90% success rate in endorsing people for our midterms far better than anyone else in the GOP or democrats.

Go suck a lemon, limey.
So holocaust denial is ok with you ?
Why not? He's running to be President. West is an antisemite and anyone with him is bad news and a PR disaster. On non MAGA sites this is bad news.
Unless you're DeSantis of course...
I don’t give a shit about Ye or Fuentes. But even meeting with an anti-Semite doesn’t imply any agreement.

This is just shit being stirred up for propaganda purposes. It has no impact on most of us who support Trump. His own family includes Jewish people. I don’t think anyone can make any honest argument that Trump is an anti-Semite.
I know the fact of this is being debated elsewhere but I wanted to focus on the political fall out.

Trump seems to be trying to appeal to the far right followoers of Neo Naxi Nick Fuentes.
Will this create problems for him both in the primary and later in the elextion if he gets that far ?

It seems to be a risky strategy. Surely he had that demographic sewn up ? Perhaps he is worried De Santis might eat into that group of voters ?

Or is it a strategy ? Is his antenna so off kilter ? There cant be enough nazis in America to compensate for the revulsion felt by decent Americans.

I suspect that Mr deSantis is chuckling to himself this evening.
All perfectly fair questions, especially for someone who doesn't live here. The brother of mine who lives in London asks the same kinds of questions.

Trump essentially has three groups in his corner, two of which comprise his "base".The question is whether he still has enough of these people engaged and ready to keep fighting (that's a big word for them) on his behalf.

The first group, the largest and most important part of his base, are his standard-issue hardcore Trumpsters, most of the flock you see here, the people you'll see saying absolutely ridiculous, mal-informed, ignorant MAGA media-distorted crap while being interviewed at Trump rallies. These are the people who are absolutely certain and confident in those fantasies, and you'll never talk them out of it. They're quite willing to turn a blind eye to hate and bigotry (enabling it), because freedom 'n liburdy 'n stuff.

The second group, smaller but still important because he needs the votes, are the straight up hateful white nationalists who would be fine seeing the whole thing burn, because darker-skinned people can never amount to anything. I guess they're trying to slow the progress of the growth of darker-skinned people, so we'll see how that goes for them. They pretend to be strong and confident, but like Trump, they're just weak, paranoid and miserable. Several of them are here, and they're loud & feral.

The third group consists primarily of independents, some left-leaners and regular conservatives who generally like his positions overall, but who are also turned off by the Left and the Dems and are willing to overlook the ugliness of what he has unleashed and vote for him, if he doesn't go much more off the rails.

But he cannot piss off the first two groups, period. They're 98% of the energy in the party, and he would go nowhere without them. He'll try to keep the third group with denials like "I don't know anything about Nick Fuentes" and "I don't know anything about David Duke", but the efficacy of that tactic remains to be seen.
Dumbshit, fascism is an alignment between business and the state. FBI telling Facebook what to censor, that's fascism.

Learn to speak English, would you please?

Fascism is government that is reactionary, illiberal, authoritarian, and anti-democratic.

Conservatism is likewise government that is reactionary, illiberal, authoritarian, and anti-democratic.

Lying about the FBI ‘telling’ Facebook what to censor is also fascism and conservativism.
How Ironic when the Far Right keeps showing us clearly their anti-semitic side.
You miss the squad and other members, they always have something anti-semetic to offer, but you'd never guess, everybody seems to look the other way.

You see the BDS poster in Senator Fetterman's 'art gallery'?

Fetterman’s campaign defended the gallery exhibit and his views on Israel, telling the Washington Free Beacon that Fetterman "is and always has been a pro-Israel Democrat"

Just like his fracking stance....
I don’t give a shit about Ye or Fuentes. But even meeting with an anti-Semite doesn’t imply any agreement.

This is just shit being stirred up for propaganda purposes. It has no impact on most of us who support Trump.

That's kinda the issue.
The ADL are Communists and liars. They treat hoaxes like real crimes and count threats as actual violence. They have pulled this crap for years. They have 0 credibility just like the media, the FBI and the DoJ, and this illegitimate administration.
This statement supports why you don't see this as a big deal.
I got to here (see below) before I realized the editorial was just another propaganda piece written by a globalist lefty. How do these twisted whackos think they can write their own definitions and that there are people ignorant enough to allow them to do so?

”When people hear the phrase “white Christian nationalism” in the news, they do not always get the correct meaning.

“A common misunderstanding would be that it is the same thing as being a patriotic Christian,” said Philip Gorski, chair of the Department of Sociology at Yale. “Patriotism is an adherence to the ideals of the United States, and nationalism is loyalty to your tribe and not the country.”

American nationalism is in-fact loyalty to “your tribe” and that tribe is good real core Americans….the only type of American that should reside on American soil….that’s the way it always was and thats the way it should always be….I know you globalists hate that.

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