Trump Hotels Overcharged the Government for Hotel Rooms

Trump has no space in my head. The Decline and Fall of the American Empire is my concern, and as long as Trump goes unpunished for his crimes, that will continue.

Your fear is the decline of the U.S empire? I haven't heard you once speak out about illegal immigration at their southern border, the increased debt that threatens their economy nor the failure of their allies to embrace liberty (i.e Canada), thus hurting Americas global reputation.
The House Oversight Committee looked into the moneys paid by the government to Trump Hotels for housing the Secret Service and found that Trump Hotels charged the Secret Service up to $1100 per night for rooms at the various hotels and resorts the President visited.

Eric Trump told voters that the government got the rooms for free, paying only housekeeping charges. Over $1100 a night for Eric's detail to stay at the Trump Hotel in Washington, when Eric was staying in Washington.

Grifters gotta grift.
The Trump Crime Organization.
The House Oversight Committee looked into the moneys paid by the government to Trump Hotels for housing the Secret Service and found that Trump Hotels charged the Secret Service up to $1100 per night for rooms at the various hotels and resorts the President visited.
This is so pathetic, it's laughable.

The GSA rate is not the rate hotels are allowed to charge; it's the rate which the government agrees to reimburse normal government employees like bean counters when they travel.

I'm sure it does not apply to the US Secret Service as they perform their duties protecting the POTUS. You think that when Biden travels, the Secret Service have to stay in a roach infested motel ten blocks away because the GSA rate is $200 per night?

When I checked the rates at the Trump Hotel long ago, a cheap room was $500 per night. If I was traveling on official government business, they were not obligated to lower their rate for me.

Do you really think that luxury hotels honor the GSA rates? Some do, some don't. But the great hotels don't.
Nice deflection, but the amount was $93,000, it was for three days of breakfast, lunch, and snacks for 44 people, including 17 flight crew. Still more than $2,000 per person, but none of that money was paid to the Governor General's catering company.

This thread is about the $1.4 million that the US government paid to Trump Hotels for accommodations for the Secret Service.

Trump visited Trump owned properties more than 500 times during his presidency, and billed the government for full rack rate at all of the resorts. Eric Trump lied and said the rooms were provided at cost. Government records say otherwise.

Trump billed the Government for more than
Already debunked. In near record time. Next lie....
Foreign dignitaries were booking rooms at trump's hotel & never even bothered to stay there despite paying for the rooms, Trump asslicker.

That tell you anything, halfwit?
Tells me you have no link.
The House Oversight Committee looked into the moneys paid by the government to Trump Hotels for housing the Secret Service and found that Trump Hotels charged the Secret Service up to $1100 per night for rooms at the various hotels and resorts the President visited.

Eric Trump told voters that the government got the rooms for free, paying only housekeeping charges. Over $1100 a night for Eric's detail to stay at the Trump Hotel in Washington, when Eric was staying in Washington.

Grifters gotta grift.
Good find! So that’s what caused 8.3 Percent inflation and an increase in dependence on foreign oil under Biden over the past two years.

You really shifted voters’ minds on the eve of the 2022 midterms.
Typical bullshit answer from a Trumpster.

Yes, I have posted about Biden's mistake and fuckups. I didn't vote for him. I have no problem discussing all his problems. So you can shove that "You don't seem too concerned..." bullshit up your ass.

There is one topic here. And whether I do or don't call out Biden is not it. It is an obvious deflection. Nothing more.

But at least it is better than the knee-jerk TDS claim.

And as for me posting lies every day, feel free to show ANY lies I have posted here.
Yah got not proof. Just another lie like Russian Collusion, only you didn't have to pay Putin to help you out like you did in 2016.
I dare you to try another Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane again, traitor.
Foreign dignitaries were booking rooms at trump's hotel & never even bothered to stay there despite paying for the rooms, Trump asslicker.

That tell you anything, halfwit?
Yah got no proof. Just propaganda. Typical ChiCOM CCP, Ayatollah Assahollah Ruskie Rim Job propagandist. Wipe the shit off your nose hairy ass man lover.
Yah got not proof. Just another lie like Russian Collusion, only you didn't have to pay Putin to help you out like you did in 2016.
I dare you to try another Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane again, traitor.

The only traitors I see are the ones who put a single person above the good of the nation, and refuse to see any harm he has done.
The only traitors I see are the ones who put a single person above the good of the nation, and refuse to see any harm he has done.
Is this why Joe Biden is trying to tell poor people to stick it up their ass when they can't afford an EV, or gasoline, or food, or the rent for their crappy apartments?

Joe and Hunter seem to be doing awfully well with Bribery and Graft Inc. How does one become a multi millionaire being a Senator? Ever hear of Burisma?

Let them eat Cake, am I right lil DemNazi?

Did you like it when Joe helped Iran to sell suicide drones to Russia to kill Ukrainians? You know you did. Just another form or abortion right?

"The Planet has a Fever and People are The Virus"
Al Gore.
Is this why Joe Biden is trying to tell poor people to stick it up their ass when they can't afford an EV, or gasoline, or food, or the rent for their crappy apartments?

Joe and Hunter seem to be doing awfully well with Bribery and Graft Inc. How does one become a multi millionaire being a Senator? Ever hear of Burisma?

Let them eat Cake, am I right lil DemNazi?

Did you like it when Joe helped Iran to sell suicide drones to Russia to kill Ukrainians? You know you did. Just another form or abortion right?

"The Planet has a Fever and People are The Virus"
Al Gore.

Biden is mentally barely functioning.

I think we should look at all the senators and representatives to see how they became millionaires. It is rampant in both houses.

And I am not sure who you are calling "...lil DemNazi". I am no more a Nazi or Democrat than I am "lil".
The only traitors I see are the ones who put a single person above the good of the nation, and refuse to see any harm he has done.
Obama did a lot of harm to America and you fools worshipped him as a Black Messiah. There was your threat to Democracy and you did nothing about it.
What we got from your negligence was a treasonous COUP called Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane that is still ongoing today as our nation suffers under a daily siege against Lady Liberty and our Democracy, all lead by The Globalist DemNazi Fascist 4th Reich.
Obama did a lot of harm to America and you fools worshipped him as a Black Messiah. There was your threat to Democracy and you did nothing about it.
What we got from your negligence was a treasonous COUP called Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane that is still ongoing today as our nation suffers under a daily siege against Lady Liberty and our Democracy, all lead by The Globalist DemNazi Fascist 4th Reich.

"Obama did a lot of harm to America and you fools worshipped him as a Black Messiah"

You like making baseless accusations, don't you. Yes, there were some who worshipped him. Much like some seem to worship Trump.

But neither of those two groups include me. Let me know when you want to discuss reality.
Yah got not proof. Just another lie like Russian Collusion, only you didn't have to pay Putin to help you out like you did in 2016.
I dare you to try another Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane again, traitor.
The Jan. 6 Committee has the evidence, Tree Humper.

Didga hear how Durham got his ass handed back to him again at another trial, Trump ass sniffer?
The Jan. 6 Committee has the evidence, Tree Humper.

Didga hear how Durham got his ass handed back to him again at another trial, Trump ass sniffer?
No evidence. It is not a court of law. The so called committee actually has no power to prosecute anything. It's more like a Kangaroo Court Civil Court where you can make baseless accusations without proof, only there is an absence of Due Process Rights granted the target, aka The President of The United States.

So your clown show is a joke, kind of like your posts only worse.

Joe Biden is helping Iran sell suicide drones to Russia to kill Ukrainians with, America is under siege from Joe Flation and Illegal Immigration, and Jan 6 clowns are like "Orange Man Bad!"

This is why no one takes you and your Posse of Commie Clowns seriously.

How'd your Dog and Pony Show called Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane work out for you?

Did you have a party afterwards with Mueller and Comey making little balloon animals for Pelosi, Schummer and The DNC?
Was Seth Rich invited?

Robert Mueller at the Moscow Mueller After Party
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