Trump hurt US farmers to help Russian farmers - truly a traitor

Rambunctious, post: 2187296
BS....Farmers love Trump for leveling the playing field.....

Do you think black farmers love Trump?
I don't divide people by color....

That is true. You think all black people are equally inferior.

Give it a try.....
From the feds. Notice the sharp drop before Trump became president

Rambunctious, post: 2187312
I don't divide people by color.

I see. You “ignore” black farmers. They don’t matter in your world.

You said “farmers love Trump..”

I don’t think many black farmers love Trumpo, specifically if Trumpo sent them into bankruptcy to enrich Russian farmers.

South Dakota governor says Trump trade wars have 'devastated' the state


02/22/2019 12:04 PM EST

“And farmers are used to risk, they’re used to prices going up and down and having that, but this sustained low commodity prices, frankly, is driving a lot of family businesses out of business.”

“South Dakota has been devastated by the trade wars that are going on,” Noem said at POLITICO’s State Solutions Conference, noting that agriculture is “by far” the largest industry in the state”
Now we really know who Trumpo is working for:

Trump Trade War Triggering $1.9 Billion Plunge In Farm Exports: USDA
Soybean exports to China have fallen more than 90 percent.
By Mary Papenfuss
02/22/2019 05:13 AM ET

“Russian farmers are one of the beneficiaries of the trade war. Their soybean exports to China more than doubled last year, according to The Wall Street Journal. Russia’s overall trade with China rose more than 27 percent to over $100 billion last year, according to the Journal. “

Trump Trade War Triggering $1.9 Billion Plunge In Farm Exports: USDA | HuffPost

The Bankrupter in Chief is bankrupting Iowa.

That won’t go well in 2020 will it.
Make Russia Great Again
Now we really know who Trumpo is working for:

Trump Trade War Triggering $1.9 Billion Plunge In Farm Exports: USDA
Soybean exports to China have fallen more than 90 percent.
By Mary Papenfuss
02/22/2019 05:13 AM ET

“Russian farmers are one of the beneficiaries of the trade war. Their soybean exports to China more than doubled last year, according to The Wall Street Journal. Russia’s overall trade with China rose more than 27 percent to over $100 billion last year, according to the Journal. “

Trump Trade War Triggering $1.9 Billion Plunge In Farm Exports: USDA | HuffPost

The Bankrupter in Chief is bankrupting Iowa.

That won’t go well in 2020 will it.
Make Russia Great Again
What are you going to do next week when Mueller says he has nothing on Trump?.....
Rambunctious, post: 21874474
why don't you find out dummy? all make money the same matter their skin color...

You can’t think I see.

You said farmers love Trump. As a group that is impossible to be true. You have no respect for black farmers.

That’s why I corrected you.

I never mentioned anything about how farmers make money. Thanks to the civil rights movement denying business loans based on the color of one’s skin has evened out that playing field protecting minorities from businessmen like Trumpo.
Rambunctious, post: 21874579,
What are you going to do next week when Mueller says he has nothing on Trump?.....

What’s that got to do with anything. Trumpo will still be making Russia great again and US farmers will be losing their farms because of him.
Rambunctious, post: 21874474
why don't you find out dummy? all make money the same matter their skin color...

You can’t think I see.

You said farmers love Trump. As a group that is impossible to be true. You have no respect for black farmers.

That’s why I corrected you.

I never mentioned anything about how farmers make money. Thanks to the civil rights movement denying business loans based on the color of one’s skin has evened out that playing field protecting minorities from businessmen like Trumpo.
The point is that farmers may not all think alike but they earn a living by selling their goods here and abroad....the more buyers the better....the more level the price and taxes the better they like it...that's just common sense...why you are so caught up in skin color is astounding and makes no sense what so ever....Farmers by in large in the polls I've seen are very much in favor of Trump talks with China and Canada and Mexico...they also see a huge market in North Korea one you need to sit down and talk to someone about your skin color hang up....that's so 50' backwards Obama really did a number on you....
Rambunctious, post: 21872965
BS....Farmers love Trump for leveling the playing field.....

So do Russian farmers and Vladimir.

  • The US soybean supply has risen dramatically as the trade war takes its toll, with $7.9 billion lost by US farmers in the past year, according to US Department of Agriculture officials.
27.5 million tons of US soybeans expected to go unsold this year as a direct consequence of the trade war with China

Trump hasn’t leveled anything.

|Nov 29, 2018,12:49 pm
Here's Why More American Farms Are Going Bankrupt
Jesse Colombo

Here's Why More American Farms Are Going Bankrupt

Why do any farmers still love Trump? What’s the common thread that binds them to Trumpo. It sure can’t be financial interests,

Because he is the first president that has placed their interest up front...Farmers know that when the negotiations are finished they will have more buyers for their goods and that the field will be fair for everyone....

The Trump haters got taken to school.LOL Only correction that needs to be made in this post is first president since Kennedy.
Ever hear of farm subsidies? They're welfare for the bread basket. Ain't our democratic socialist republic grand?

But seriously, cherry-picked data does not a disaster make. Soybeans are far from America's farmers only export. For years I've been hearing about how NAFTA was a boon for American rice farmers at the expense of Mexican farmers. Clearly this is not a one dimensional issue. I wish the resistance on this site could wrap their brains around the fact that there was life before Trump and there will be life after him. He is not the end of all things as we know it.

And trying to tie Russia to everything is a little ridiculous at this point. CNN is talking about the next investigations because they know they can't keep the Russia conspiracy theories going much longer.
Last edited:
Now we really know who Trumpo is working for:

Trump Trade War Triggering $1.9 Billion Plunge In Farm Exports: USDA
Soybean exports to China have fallen more than 90 percent.
By Mary Papenfuss
02/22/2019 05:13 AM ET

“Russian farmers are one of the beneficiaries of the trade war. Their soybean exports to China more than doubled last year, according to The Wall Street Journal. Russia’s overall trade with China rose more than 27 percent to over $100 billion last year, according to the Journal. “

Trump Trade War Triggering $1.9 Billion Plunge In Farm Exports: USDA | HuffPost

The Bankrupter in Chief is bankrupting Iowa.

That won’t go well in 2020 will it.
You really have no clue what your talking about.
First the xhina wants the tariffs to end .
1.9 billion temp loss is minor.
If you noticed china want to end the tariffs on over 200 billion in goods .
Deals are not made overnight.
It takes long term commitments.
In the end we will have a fair trade deal that benifits all of america
Now we really know who Trumpo is working for:

Trump Trade War Triggering $1.9 Billion Plunge In Farm Exports: USDA
Soybean exports to China have fallen more than 90 percent.
By Mary Papenfuss
02/22/2019 05:13 AM ET

“Russian farmers are one of the beneficiaries of the trade war. Their soybean exports to China more than doubled last year, according to The Wall Street Journal. Russia’s overall trade with China rose more than 27 percent to over $100 billion last year, according to the Journal. “

Trump Trade War Triggering $1.9 Billion Plunge In Farm Exports: USDA | HuffPost

The Bankrupter in Chief is bankrupting Iowa.

That won’t go well in 2020 will it.

NO NEED TO WORRY as those AmeriKKKan MAGA farmers are getting TrumpAgraFare aka welfare for the Trump agriculture league.
Stephen Brandon, post: 21874688
I wish the resistance on this site could wrap their brains around the fact that there was life before Trump

I recognize that life and America were great before Trumpo. So why must he lie and tell us that he is the only one that can make America great again.

Just because I have my brain wrapped around the fact that life is great right now and was before and will be after Trumpo it means I should bury my brain in the sand and accept a lying theiving racist asshole to be POTUS without a challenge.

The Orange asshole rose to political prominence by championing the racist birther movement against an honorable decent human being who led the country out of the worst recession since the Great One.

You want to live unannoyed by the pile of crap in the White House, go right ahead. I see what your defense of Trumpo consists of - mindless speculation about the lack of joy in the hearts of all who oppose Trumpo.

Your argument that soybeans are not the only export farmers have is just as mindless. That’s not close to any point or argument I’m making.

You seem to be counting on some fantastic forthcoming deal because the great Trumpo will prevail that will make suffering soybean farmers bounce right back.

Nothing in Trumpo’s record gives me confidence things will go our way.

His mouth, tweets record leads me to believe China gains the upper hand knowing they are dealing with a phony and a buffoon.

China makes minor concessions here and there because they know Trumpo will brag about it and will suck up to any authoritarian leader for a photo op. They know he put his eggs in two baskets. Reducing the US China trade deficit and peace with North Korea.

I don’t think China cares about yielding some on the trade deficit because it matters little to their huge plans to expand Chinese influence around the globe. China’s focus is on dominating tech, including artificial intelligence not by stealing ideas but by creating their own.
Trumpo is in over his head and will drag us down.

On North Korea I think China has Trumpo by the Ying Yang. China can control what happens there as far as Trumpo’s PR fantasies go. Trumpo’s photo ops with a dictator with no solid concessions beforehand was weak. China knows it will slap him around as they see fit.

Just hearing about Trumpo Corp involved in insurance fraud. Yes life is good. Let’s find out all about it. Or are we to accept that Trumpo is above the law.

Stay tuned.

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