Trump: 'I am a victim'

UPDATE: 8:05 p.m. ― Trump complained he was “a victim” as he continued defending himself Friday night at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“As you’ve seen, I am a victim of one of the greatest political smear campaigns in the history of our country,” Trump said.

He called firsthand accounts that he sexually assaulted women “wild and ludicrous,” and claimed there was “not a single shred of evidence” to substantiate them. He said his accusers were motivated by “personal fame” or “financial purposes.”

More: Donald Trump Mocks Women Who Accused Him Of Sexual Assault | Huffington Post

Sadly funny. Does anyone feel sorry for him?
Trump is actually doing what he accuses Hillary of having done!!!!!
Trump is both rapist and enabler.

Yep, it's called psychological projection.

Psychological Projection: Dealing With Undesirable Emotions
considering that the claims against the Clinton trailer trash have been substantiated, and the claims against Trump have not, I would suggest that Hillary is the one suffering from psychological projection.
but then again, I someone doubt that all of the rapes, groping, national security leaks, tax evasion etc... are leaving them with any undesirable emotions. one would have to have morals for that to happen, and they have no morals.

Funny. Trump has even admitted on Howard Stern (on tape) that he is a "sexual predator".
so, where are your examples to prove he is.
Ive been joking around with friends, male and female and claimed I was stalking people. I don't stalk people but I guess according to your liberal logic, I do.
Of course if I was liberal and said that, then you would defend me.
what you think basically makes no difference to anyone in the real world.
Trump is actually doing what he accuses Hillary of having done!!!!!
Trump is both rapist and enabler.

Yep, it's called psychological projection.

Psychological Projection: Dealing With Undesirable Emotions
considering that the claims against the Clinton trailer trash have been substantiated, and the claims against Trump have not, I would suggest that Hillary is the one suffering from psychological projection.
but then again, I someone doubt that all of the rapes, groping, national security leaks, tax evasion etc... are leaving them with any undesirable emotions. one would have to have morals for that to happen, and they have no morals.

Funny. Trump has even admitted on Howard Stern (on tape) that he is a "sexual predator".

He was joking. That has been gone over. At that time he was entertaining. Someone teasingly said it to him, and he teasingly said yeah.
How stupid to keep stretching and stretching this garbage.

Yeah, it all a "joke". Does that also apply to things Hillary says?
what things that Hillary said are you referring to? we cant answer without the specifics.
The most disgusting type of person, one that victimizes others and then whines about being victimized.

He's a sexual predator. The world knows it now and there is no going back. How anyone can still support this pathetic excuse for a man is one of those mysteries.
The most disgusting type of person, one that victimizes others and then whines about being victimized.

He's a sexual predator. The world knows it now and there is no going back. How anyone can still support this pathetic excuse for a man is one of those mysteries.

Amen! I love your insights and posts. Thank you!
The most disgusting type of person, one that victimizes others and then whines about being victimized.

He's a sexual predator. The world knows it now and there is no going back. How anyone can still support this pathetic excuse for a man is one of those mysteries.

No the world does not know it. And i don't even like the man.

You people have nothing better to do? I have never seen anything like this garbage. What do you all think you are going to accomplish?
The most disgusting type of person, one that victimizes others and then whines about being victimized.

He's a sexual predator. The world knows it now and there is no going back. How anyone can still support this pathetic excuse for a man is one of those mysteries.

No the world does not know it. And i don't even like the man.

You people have nothing better to do? I have never seen anything like this garbage. What do you all think you are going to accomplish?

Madam President.
UPDATE: 8:05 p.m. ― Trump complained he was “a victim” as he continued defending himself Friday night at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“As you’ve seen, I am a victim of one of the greatest political smear campaigns in the history of our country,” Trump said.

He called firsthand accounts that he sexually assaulted women “wild and ludicrous,” and claimed there was “not a single shred of evidence” to substantiate them. He said his accusers were motivated by “personal fame” or “financial purposes.”

More: Donald Trump Mocks Women Who Accused Him Of Sexual Assault | Huffington Post

Sadly funny. Does anyone feel sorry for him?
Trump is actually doing what he accuses Hillary of having done!!!!!
Trump is both rapist and enabler.

Can you prove that??
Can you prove it about, you really can''s all conjectures from right wingers and people trying to make a buck or two or millions, off of the Clintons, as many have done for the past 40 years...regurgitated unproven, derogatory, and defamatory accusations that grow bigger and badder with every repeat... :rolleyes:

but but but...that's all A-OK, eh?
UPDATE: 8:05 p.m. ― Trump complained he was “a victim” as he continued defending himself Friday night at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“As you’ve seen, I am a victim of one of the greatest political smear campaigns in the history of our country,” Trump said.

He called firsthand accounts that he sexually assaulted women “wild and ludicrous,” and claimed there was “not a single shred of evidence” to substantiate them. He said his accusers were motivated by “personal fame” or “financial purposes.”

More: Donald Trump Mocks Women Who Accused Him Of Sexual Assault | Huffington Post

Sadly funny. Does anyone feel sorry for him?
Trump is actually doing what he accuses Hillary of having done!!!!!
Trump is both rapist and enabler.

Can you prove that??
Can you prove it about, you really can''s all conjectures from right wingers and people trying to make a buck or two or millions, off of the Clintons, as many have done for the past 40 years...regurgitated unproven, derogatory, and defamatory accusations that grow bigger and badder with every repeat... :rolleyes:

but but but...that's all A-OK, eh?

I never said Hillary was a rapist, or sexual predator.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
The most disgusting type of person, one that victimizes others and then whines about being victimized.

He's a sexual predator. The world knows it now and there is no going back. How anyone can still support this pathetic excuse for a man is one of those mysteries.

No the world does not know it. And i don't even like the man.

You people have nothing better to do? I have never seen anything like this garbage. What do you all think you are going to accomplish?

Madam President.

Well, I think that is going to happen without you guys getting down in the gutter.
Really, you guys on the right need to cut your losses and jettison the pervy creep.

Stop and think about how historians will look upon you.
Trump brought this on to himself...when he said that talk on the tape was just "locker room banter", that gave the press their cue to verify it...

like gary hart, denying his philandering told the press, 'go ahead, follow me around, you will find my life extremely boring'....well, the press did follow him, to a party with a young broad sitting on his lap...made great pictures, he lost or dropped out of the race....can't remember?

they both, self destructed....
Really, you guys on the right need to cut your losses and jettison the pervy creep.

Stop and think about how historians will look upon you.

You guys??? We aren't all one country? Why do we have to be divided? I don't care about Trump, and I don't care about Hillary. I am not interested in ''winning'' so I can say "I WON I WON".

I am interested in this country, and not all the fighting among ourselves.
Trump brought this on to himself...when he said that talk on the tape was just "locker room banter", that gave the press their cue to verify it...

like gary hart, denying his philandering told the press, 'go ahead, follow me around, you will find my life extremely boring'....well, the press did follow him, to a party with a young broad sitting on his lap...made great pictures, he lost or dropped out of the race....can't remember?

they both, self destructed....

I am thinking he may have dropped out. I get your point.
UPDATE: 8:05 p.m. ― Trump complained he was “a victim” as he continued defending himself Friday night at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“As you’ve seen, I am a victim of one of the greatest political smear campaigns in the history of our country,” Trump said.

He called firsthand accounts that he sexually assaulted women “wild and ludicrous,” and claimed there was “not a single shred of evidence” to substantiate them. He said his accusers were motivated by “personal fame” or “financial purposes.”

More: Donald Trump Mocks Women Who Accused Him Of Sexual Assault | Huffington Post

Sadly funny. Does anyone feel sorry for him?

Ha.Ha. This ass clown is more entertainment than anyone can possibly imagine. A released audio of him stating he kiss's and his hands go to the crotch--and all these women just basically verifying what HE said he does to women is TRUE, and he's calling them liars--LOL

Then he looks at the crowd--and denies it by saying "they weren't beautiful enough for him to be interested in them.--LOL Basically indicating, that if these women would have met his standard in sexy, he would have done what they accused him of. It really can't get any better than this.

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Really, you guys on the right need to cut your losses and jettison the pervy creep.

I doubt he is as perverted as Slick Willy, but if you want to get on the holier than thou train, try admitting she takes lying to a whole new level...

Stop and think about how historians will look upon you.

I have and it will be much more favorable than you and your liberal friends...

But for you to understand this oxygen would have to reach whats left of your brain...
  • Thanks
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UPDATE: 8:05 p.m. ― Trump complained he was “a victim” as he continued defending himself Friday night at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“As you’ve seen, I am a victim of one of the greatest political smear campaigns in the history of our country,” Trump said.

He called firsthand accounts that he sexually assaulted women “wild and ludicrous,” and claimed there was “not a single shred of evidence” to substantiate them. He said his accusers were motivated by “personal fame” or “financial purposes.”

More: Donald Trump Mocks Women Who Accused Him Of Sexual Assault | Huffington Post

Sadly funny. Does anyone feel sorry for him?
everything he said was TRUE clinton is smearing his name bc she knows its coming out that she has commited treason and can only win now by smear tactics if it was a normalperson theyd be in jail these men on cnn saying its not locker room talk know there lying for public perception no men dont do it around women but soon as were alone we start talking about how hot you are and how we like a peice of that ass yes even married men its just how we talk its not meant for women to hear but trust me all race age group dont matter we do it its like a bonding thing we do bc all men want the same thing from women and it aint conversation and i find it hard to beleive women dont already know this or booty shorts n low necklines wouldnt be so popular alll these men on tv lying and you know why cause if they tell the truth then their women will get mad and media will go after them as well this politically correct shit makes me sick which is why im supporting trump only politician who actually says what hes thinking is our border patrol a joke YES thats not racist but it is TRUE i hear black people and mexicans saying hes gonna send us back to africa \ mexico ignorant statement unless you dont have a green card which btw means your not suppse to be here in the first place i mean have you ever been to china these people are packed in these small apartments like sardines n with people flooding our borders at exponential rates 20 years from now picture where this leads it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out yes ocountry is diverse but there has to belimits to all things we cant sit by while we are flooded with people i thought the trojan horse analogy was perfect what if people who hate us flood in infiltrate our gov and military trump has been on point from day one about hiliary were worried about trumps women instead of thfact hiliry is acriminal
Trump is actually doing what he accuses Hillary of having done!!!!!
Trump is both rapist and enabler.

Yep, it's called psychological projection.

Psychological Projection: Dealing With Undesirable Emotions
considering that the claims against the Clinton trailer trash have been substantiated, and the claims against Trump have not, I would suggest that Hillary is the one suffering from psychological projection.
but then again, I someone doubt that all of the rapes, groping, national security leaks, tax evasion etc... are leaving them with any undesirable emotions. one would have to have morals for that to happen, and they have no morals.

Funny. Trump has even admitted on Howard Stern (on tape) that he is a "sexual predator".

He was joking. That has been gone over. At that time he was entertaining. Someone teasingly said it to him, and he teasingly said yeah.
How stupid to keep stretching and stretching this garbage.

Yeah, it all a "joke". Does that also apply to things Hillary says?

It's really shameful the way these 'good' people defend the sexual predator that is Trump. He's been doing it for decades and bragging about it on Howard Stern.

BTW Nothing that Bill Clinton has been accused of, other than consensual relationships with Flowers and Lewinsky, has been proven. There are only accusations, some of which have been recanted in legal documents. Whereas, Trump has admitted to being a sexual predator and sexually assaulting women
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20-30 years from now, most all of the boomers will have met their maker, we'll need more people if we don't start having more kids of our own...
The most disgusting type of person, one that victimizes others and then whines about being victimized.

He's a sexual predator. The world knows it now and there is no going back. How anyone can still support this pathetic excuse for a man is one of those mysteries.

No the world does not know it. And i don't even like the man.

You people have nothing better to do? I have never seen anything like this garbage. What do you all think you are going to accomplish?
Yes the world does know it. I am living outside the States and continuously watching international news. The only people who don't believe it are diehard Trump supporters with their heads in the sand. The whole world is laughing at you all.

He is on tape lusting after 10 and 12 year olds. Admiting to sexual assault. Bragging about walking into womens' dressing rooms when they are naked or half dressed. Laughing about it all. He is a sick, sick man.

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