Trump: I am the only candidate who can prevent World War III & nuclear holocaust

from Waco to El Paso, from Houston to Dallas, and from the Red Rio to the Rio Grande, Texans know Trump will protect America. COME AND TAKE IT, PUTIN!
Trump is the only candidate who is against war. He's a businessman and he knows blood is a big expense. Remember, he is the only candidate who received education as a soldier, a graduate of one of New York State's finest military academies.

Trump: I am the only candidate who can prevent World War III & nuclear holocaust​

Welp, that CINCHES it! I was all set to vote for my darling boy
Joseph Robinsegg Bidden but now I'm going to have to vote
Trump on the outside chance that he might be right. :smoke:
By SUCKING PUTINS and KIM JONG UN's DICK. I am sorry but human rights is worth war and we should NOT side with evil countries such as Russia or North Korea.

I am sorry that our conservative fundies don't give a damn about freedom or human rights.
Absolute nonsense. Trump was in power for four years and DID NOT prevent the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.

The Russian Federation didn't invade Ukraine during the Trump Administration. That didn't happen until 2022.

And Russia invaded Crimea during the Regime of B. Hussein O., not during the Trump Administration.
By SUCKING PUTINS and KIM JONG UN's DICK. I am sorry but human rights is worth war and we should NOT side with evil countries such as Russia or North Korea.

I am sorry that our conservative fundies don't give a damn about freedom or human rights.
You support Biden denying fighter jets to Ukraine?
The Russian Federation didn't invade Ukraine during the Trump Administration. That didn't happen until 2022.

And Russia invaded Crimea during the Regime of B. Hussein O., not during the Trump Administration.

Yes, I know. That's not the point.
Trump says he's the only candidate that can stop WW3.

Which means in the 4 years he'd get, he thinks he can STOP WW3 from happening, either during his 4 years or AFTER.
But during his first four years he couldn't stop the war in the Ukraine.

Think about it.
Trump is the only candidate who is against war. He's a businessman and he knows blood is a big expense. Remember, he is the only candidate who received education as a soldier, a graduate of one of New York State's finest military academies.
Not really. He just wants to build Trump Moscow, so supporting Putin is his thing.
By SUCKING PUTINS and KIM JONG UN's DICK. I am sorry but human rights is worth war and we should NOT side with evil countries such as Russia or North Korea.
Funny how you left CHINA out of there!

I am sorry that our conservative fundies don't give a damn about freedom or human rights.
Freedom? You mean like freedom to control your own child's education? Freedom like being able to decide for yourself whether an experimental vaccine is right for you? Freedom like being able to go to the polls and vote and have your vote count and TRUST the election results? Freedom, like being able to stand outside the capitol taking
pictures without being arrested for two years without even being charged? Freedom, like being able to post questions and topics of concern without being blocked by the FBI or tracked and harassed? Freedom? Like being able to vote for the person of your choice or go to their rally or wear their gear without being harassed, attacked, and have things thrown at you?

Human rights? You mean like the rights of the unborn to mature and be delivered live into this world to enjoy their life?

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