TRUMP: I can CUT DEALS with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer

Seems to me that one indicator of the difference between regular Republicans and the right wing Tea Party/Freedom Caucus conservatives is that the latter looks at cooperation as equal to capitulation.

I heard Mark Levin playing the Trump clip about making deals and he was pissed.

When did working together become a bad thing?

Obama made deals with the islamofascist. He steamroll Republicans and made no substantive deals with them
If that's the case, the GOP needs to win more elections so that the "islamofascist" can't steamroll him.

Refusing to communicate and work together is a behavior typically reserved for grade school children.
Seems to me that one indicator of the difference between regular Republicans and the right wing Tea Party/Freedom Caucus conservatives is that the latter looks at cooperation as equal to capitulation.

I heard Mark Levin playing the Trump clip about making deals and he was pissed.

When did working together become a bad thing?

Obama made deals with the islamofascist. He steamroll Republicans and made no substantive deals with them
If that's the case, the GOP needs to win more elections so that the "islamofascist" can't steamroll him.

Refusing to communicate and work together is a behavior typically reserved for grade school children.

Are you calling Obama grade school? The Republicans gave Obama and the dems everything they wanted in the Budget deal. The dems steamrolled Republicans on Obamacare. they removed the filibuster rules for Judges, and you want deals? Screw the friken deals
What would happen if the dems offered a balanced budget deal with $3 in spending cuts for $1 in new revenue without raising marginal income tax rates? LOL
I expect the President to cut deals, no matter who the President or the party.

The unyielding partisan ideologues who think the President should never work with the other side if it violates their sacred belief system are out to lunch.
I expect the President to cut deals, no matter who the President or the party.

The unyielding partisan ideologues who think the President should never work with the other side if it violates their sacred belief system are out to lunch.

You must really dislike Hussein Obama
What would happen if the dems offered a balanced budget deal with $3 in spending cuts for $1 in new revenue without raising marginal income tax rates? LOL

Republicans already said they would not accept $10 in spending cuts for $1 in tax increases
I expect the President to cut deals, no matter who the President or the party.

The unyielding partisan ideologues who think the President should never work with the other side if it violates their sacred belief system are out to lunch.
you, you, dirty stinking RINO, YOU. (-:

Has anyone stopped to ask whether or not this quote was taken out of context?

A lot of conservatives are saying they won't vote for him because of this but the same conservatives were happy with voting for people like Bush who always worked with the democrats. Or they went out and voted for Romney who had his own version of obamacare. When did all of this principle show up in the voter base?
I expect the President to cut deals, no matter who the President or the party.

The unyielding partisan ideologues who think the President should never work with the other side if it violates their sacred belief system are out to lunch.

You must really dislike Hussein Obama

He's a lousy President.
Trump as president will screw over the far right and the neo-cons.

So you're a Trump fan now?:wtf:
Nope, I prefer Kasich and Rubio. Trump, however, has made it clear he won't carry the ball for the TP and the far right. That is a good step in the right direction.
Considering you support Obama and the left at every turn, that's a bad sign for Trump
Opposing the wingers on the far right and the neo-cons is true Americanism is what you mean. I am Republican and you are far right reactionary pretending to be one.
Donald Trump Is Really Unpopular With General Election Voters


Donald Trump Is Really Unpopular With General Election Voters
And primary voters aren't going to vote in the general?

Trumps negatives are through the roof
Hillary's negatives are higher.
Has anyone stopped to ask whether or not this quote was taken out of context?

A lot of conservatives are saying they won't vote for him because of this but the same conservatives were happy with voting for people like Bush who always worked with the democrats. Or they went out and voted for Romney who had his own version of obamacare. When did all of this principle show up in the voter base?

How about you listen ..out of context my ass. Trump is pandering to the establishment and the left

I don't have a problem with what he's saying. If he tries to cut a deal with Pelosi and doesn't get the deal he wants, game over. The other candidates will cut a deal even if it's NOT what they want.

Bullshit, Trump slanders conservatives like Cruz and speaks glowingly of the leftist scum who fucked over the American people?:cuckoo:
What conservative has he slandered?

Cruz, Carson etc.. stick to the friken issues and who the hell likes Pelosi, Schumer, and Reid?
Nobody, but they have to be dealt with. Trump isn't Obama, who would bypass Congress and rule by EOs.

No he'll make deals with his good buddies Pelosi and Schumer:eusa_doh:
So will any other Republican.
Bullshit, Trump slanders conservatives like Cruz and speaks glowingly of the leftist scum who fucked over the American people?:cuckoo:
What conservative has he slandered?

Cruz, Carson etc.. stick to the friken issues and who the hell likes Pelosi, Schumer, and Reid?
Nobody, but they have to be dealt with. Trump isn't Obama, who would bypass Congress and rule by EOs.

No he'll make deals with his good buddies Pelosi and Schumer:eusa_doh:
So will any other Republican.
Capitulation is not a good sign among Trump supporters They are starting to look like Obama cult followers actually. I'll support Trump over Hillary but we aren't there yet

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