Trump: "I Don't Take Responsibility At All"

It's late on the compound. Turn in. You're on the TP run tomorrow. MAGA. Happy empty shelves in America.
Just think if Biden or Bernie gets in, this is how it will look 24/7. Ask Venezuela.

We targeted Venezuela to create those conditions there as part of the ongoing American attempt to topple the govt there ever since Chavez was elected, it is what we do across the globe, and most especially in Latin and South America. Sanctions to starve out the people in hopes they'll turn on the govt they elected. We just tried another coup down there under Don, failed again. So I do find it amusing that those conditions are now enjoyed by americans. We don't seem to like it when it happens here. And our 2009 coup in Honduras helped fuel some of the northern migration americans shat themselves over. Consequences silly.

Nah, Don, Status Quo Joe, Bernie, none of that alters America's trajectory so long as we the people do what we've always done. We've seen behind the curtain now.
No they went pure socialist, now they are a third world shithole. They used to be a prosperous country.

They used to allow US oil corporations to do to their people what they do to us. And then they stopped allowing US capital to subjugate the Venezuelan people like we do here to our own. America has been pouting and attempting to destabilize Venezuela ever since.

Did you mean to gloss over our 2009 coup in Honduras?
How come they were better off and could even get food and toilet paper when U.S. corporations were supposedly bending them over?
We had not blockaded / sanctioned them yet, the economic warfare America wages are on nations we can't economically cannibalize.
We targeted Venezuela to create those conditions there as part of the ongoing American attempt to topple the govt there ever since Chavez was elected, it is what we do across the globe, and most especially in Latin and South America. Sanctions to starve out the people in hopes they'll turn on the govt they elected. We just tried another coup down there under Don, failed again. So I do find it amusing that those conditions are now enjoyed by americans. We don't seem to like it when it happens here. And our 2009 coup in Honduras helped fuel some of the northern migration americans shat themselves over. Consequences silly.

Nah, Don, Status Quo Joe, Bernie, none of that alters America's trajectory so long as we the people do what we've always done. We've seen behind the curtain now.
They were starving in Venezuela long before anyone prevented them from selling their oil here. Furthermore, they can sell their oil in every country in Europe. No one is stopping that.

Only a fucking communist would blame the USA for Venezuela's economic problems.

Thanks for showing your true colors.
The historical record is there for your perusal at your leisure.

About true colors, who outsourced American jobs and production/manufacturing to the communists? Your capitalists. Why would your capitalists so utterly cuck you and themselves to communism? Do you see your capitalists returning yet again to socialism in American capital's times of need and failure?
You're trying to change the subject, commie.

Now address this. Fauci is giving you the historical record. He says Trump isn't responsible for the testing delays. You said we should trust his advice and information. Now you're acting like some perv who got caught jacking off on his sister's underwear.

Oh you need to change the subject now since we're all commies after all in America.

Enjoy the empty shelves and the socialism your capitalists are trying to rescue your society with.

How you got to masturbation from this exchange is a case study in psychoanalysis I'll not be venturing into at this time.
The empty shelves right now is because of the media hype. Under socialism the shelves will look like that 24/7.

If that's your excuse then what you're arguing is that the American people are stupid. I tend to agree, taken as a whole.
They were starving in Venezuela long before anyone prevented them from selling their oil here. Furthermore, they can sell their oil in every country in Europe. No one is stopping that.

Only a fucking communist would blame the USA for Venezuela's economic problems.

Thanks for showing your true colors.
The historical record is there for your perusal at your leisure.

About true colors, who outsourced American jobs and production/manufacturing to the communists? Your capitalists. Why would your capitalists so utterly cuck you and themselves to communism? Do you see your capitalists returning yet again to socialism in American capital's times of need and failure?
You're trying to change the subject, commie.

Now address this. Fauci is giving you the historical record. He says Trump isn't responsible for the testing delays. You said we should trust his advice and information. Now you're acting like some perv who got caught jacking off on his sister's underwear.

Oh you need to change the subject now since we're all commies after all in America.

Enjoy the empty shelves and the socialism your capitalists are trying to rescue your society with.

How you got to masturbation from this exchange is a case study in psychoanalysis I'll not be venturing into at this time.
The empty shelves right now is because of the media hype. Under socialism the shelves will look like that 24/7.

If that's your excuse then what you're arguing is that the American people are stupid. I tend to agree, taken as a whole.
Yes, we don't teach anymore. We indoctrinate.
You know, things get so scattered on this board it's hard to stay on any one theme. If there is one that is instructive about how the entire Trump presidency has gone, and how The Following views it, it is the issue of the admin's abject failure to ensure there were enough test kits available when they were needed.
There is no debate on this matter any longer. The factual record is clear. Yet Trumpster's are aided in their refusal to accept reality by Trump's repeated lies and right wing media's reinforcement of those lies.

Your hero says Trump isn't responsible:

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Coronavirus test delay not the fault of CDC or Trump

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease doctor, said President Trump and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were not to blame for a lack of coronavirus testing kits that has prompted criticism of the administration as cases continue to grow in the United States.

Speaking on "The Hugh Hewitt Show" on Tuesday, Fauci -- also the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases -- was asked about the slow rollout of test kits, saying the delay was due to a "technical glitch" that slowed things down and a series of "multiple things that conflated."

"There [weren’t] any bad guys there. It just happened," Fauci said. "And then when we realized, when the CDC realized, and the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] said both the system itself as it was set up, which serves certain circumstances very well, was not well-suited to the kind of broad testing that we needed the private sector to get involved in."

"Was the glitch or anything about the production of the test President Trump’s fault?" Hewitt asked. " Or actually, let me put it more broadly, would every president have run into the same problem?"

"Oh, absolutely. This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault," Fauci replied.

do you honestly think he's stupid enough to actually say it out loud & then get canned - leaving the CDC et al to pick up the slack? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! criticizing donny is the surest way to find yerself unemployed & he knows this really is a matter of life & death that he stay within the science, fact based realm, so maybe we'll come outa this in relatively one piece DESPITE donny's incompetency.
I said he never contradicted the experts not the media. Perhaps because he didn't make such contradictory statements the press didn't report the contradiction.
Which so-called "experts" are you referring to? The "experts" say many contradictory things.

I'm not aware of anything Trump has said that contradicts his experts.

Coronavirus: Trump contradicts health expert who warned young people 'are not immune or safe from getting seriously ill'
President's false claims conflict top health officials in his own administration Alex Woodward New York Sunday 15 March 2020 23:46
Trump contradicts health expert on young people and coronavirus

Trump has many hunches about the coronavirus. Here's what the experts say.
Trump has spread misinformation about the coronavirus, contradicting health officials on significant facts and advice.
Trump has many hunches about the coronavirus. Here's what the experts say.

Published March 16, 2020 11:06 am
Trump claims coronavirus is under control — contradicting reality and his own top expert
Trump claims coronavirus is under control - contradicting reality and his own top expert - KTVZ

You have it backwards

trump said something first and later the doctor said something else

big deal

you don't seem to understand that donny - who has ZERO expertise in any scientific matters should keep his orange cat anus shaped piehole shut.
Then, by your own criteria, so should you.


You know, things get so scattered on this board it's hard to stay on any one theme. If there is one that is instructive about how the entire Trump presidency has gone, and how The Following views it, it is the issue of the admin's abject failure to ensure there were enough test kits available when they were needed.
There is no debate on this matter any longer. The factual record is clear. Yet Trumpster's are aided in their refusal to accept reality by Trump's repeated lies and right wing media's reinforcement of those lies.

Your hero says Trump isn't responsible:

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Coronavirus test delay not the fault of CDC or Trump

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease doctor, said President Trump and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were not to blame for a lack of coronavirus testing kits that has prompted criticism of the administration as cases continue to grow in the United States.

Speaking on "The Hugh Hewitt Show" on Tuesday, Fauci -- also the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases -- was asked about the slow rollout of test kits, saying the delay was due to a "technical glitch" that slowed things down and a series of "multiple things that conflated."

"There [weren’t] any bad guys there. It just happened," Fauci said. "And then when we realized, when the CDC realized, and the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] said both the system itself as it was set up, which serves certain circumstances very well, was not well-suited to the kind of broad testing that we needed the private sector to get involved in."

"Was the glitch or anything about the production of the test President Trump’s fault?" Hewitt asked. " Or actually, let me put it more broadly, would every president have run into the same problem?"

"Oh, absolutely. This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault," Fauci replied.

do you honestly think he's stupid enough to actually say it out loud & then get canned - leaving the CDC et al to pick up the slack? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! criticizing donny is the surest way to find yerself unemployed & he knows this really is a matter of life & death that he stay within the science, fact based realm, so maybe we'll come outa this in relatively one piece DESPITE donny's incompetency.
You're one of the douchebags who said we should listen to Fauci and not Trump. Now you're saying exactly the opposite.
Which so-called "experts" are you referring to? The "experts" say many contradictory things.

I'm not aware of anything Trump has said that contradicts his experts.

Coronavirus: Trump contradicts health expert who warned young people 'are not immune or safe from getting seriously ill'
President's false claims conflict top health officials in his own administration Alex Woodward New York Sunday 15 March 2020 23:46
Trump contradicts health expert on young people and coronavirus

Trump has many hunches about the coronavirus. Here's what the experts say.
Trump has spread misinformation about the coronavirus, contradicting health officials on significant facts and advice.
Trump has many hunches about the coronavirus. Here's what the experts say.

Published March 16, 2020 11:06 am
Trump claims coronavirus is under control — contradicting reality and his own top expert
Trump claims coronavirus is under control - contradicting reality and his own top expert - KTVZ

You have it backwards

trump said something first and later the doctor said something else

big deal

you don't seem to understand that donny - who has ZERO expertise in any scientific matters should keep his orange cat anus shaped piehole shut.
Then, by your own criteria, so should you.


I don't watch videos posted by TDS morons.
You know, things get so scattered on this board it's hard to stay on any one theme. If there is one that is instructive about how the entire Trump presidency has gone, and how The Following views it, it is the issue of the admin's abject failure to ensure there were enough test kits available when they were needed.
There is no debate on this matter any longer. The factual record is clear. Yet Trumpster's are aided in their refusal to accept reality by Trump's repeated lies and right wing media's reinforcement of those lies.

Your hero says Trump isn't responsible:

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Coronavirus test delay not the fault of CDC or Trump

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease doctor, said President Trump and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were not to blame for a lack of coronavirus testing kits that has prompted criticism of the administration as cases continue to grow in the United States.

Speaking on "The Hugh Hewitt Show" on Tuesday, Fauci -- also the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases -- was asked about the slow rollout of test kits, saying the delay was due to a "technical glitch" that slowed things down and a series of "multiple things that conflated."

"There [weren’t] any bad guys there. It just happened," Fauci said. "And then when we realized, when the CDC realized, and the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] said both the system itself as it was set up, which serves certain circumstances very well, was not well-suited to the kind of broad testing that we needed the private sector to get involved in."

"Was the glitch or anything about the production of the test President Trump’s fault?" Hewitt asked. " Or actually, let me put it more broadly, would every president have run into the same problem?"

"Oh, absolutely. This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault," Fauci replied.

do you honestly think he's stupid enough to actually say it out loud & then get canned - leaving the CDC et al to pick up the slack? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! criticizing donny is the surest way to find yerself unemployed & he knows this really is a matter of life & death that he stay within the science, fact based realm, so maybe we'll come outa this in relatively one piece DESPITE donny's incompetency.
You're one of the douchebags who said we should listen to Fauci and not Trump. Now you're saying exactly the opposite.

nooooooooooo............. i'm saying he smart enough not to piss off a deranged rogue 'president'.
Coronavirus: Trump contradicts health expert who warned young people 'are not immune or safe from getting seriously ill'
President's false claims conflict top health officials in his own administration Alex Woodward New York Sunday 15 March 2020 23:46
Trump contradicts health expert on young people and coronavirus

Trump has many hunches about the coronavirus. Here's what the experts say.
Trump has spread misinformation about the coronavirus, contradicting health officials on significant facts and advice.
Trump has many hunches about the coronavirus. Here's what the experts say.

Published March 16, 2020 11:06 am
Trump claims coronavirus is under control — contradicting reality and his own top expert
Trump claims coronavirus is under control - contradicting reality and his own top expert - KTVZ

You have it backwards

trump said something first and later the doctor said something else

big deal

you don't seem to understand that donny - who has ZERO expertise in any scientific matters should keep his orange cat anus shaped piehole shut.
Then, by your own criteria, so should you.


I don't watch videos posted by TDS morons.

noooooooooooo.......... it's 'cause you are a eunuch.
You know, things get so scattered on this board it's hard to stay on any one theme. If there is one that is instructive about how the entire Trump presidency has gone, and how The Following views it, it is the issue of the admin's abject failure to ensure there were enough test kits available when they were needed.
There is no debate on this matter any longer. The factual record is clear. Yet Trumpster's are aided in their refusal to accept reality by Trump's repeated lies and right wing media's reinforcement of those lies.

Your hero says Trump isn't responsible:

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Coronavirus test delay not the fault of CDC or Trump

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease doctor, said President Trump and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were not to blame for a lack of coronavirus testing kits that has prompted criticism of the administration as cases continue to grow in the United States.

Speaking on "The Hugh Hewitt Show" on Tuesday, Fauci -- also the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases -- was asked about the slow rollout of test kits, saying the delay was due to a "technical glitch" that slowed things down and a series of "multiple things that conflated."

"There [weren’t] any bad guys there. It just happened," Fauci said. "And then when we realized, when the CDC realized, and the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] said both the system itself as it was set up, which serves certain circumstances very well, was not well-suited to the kind of broad testing that we needed the private sector to get involved in."

"Was the glitch or anything about the production of the test President Trump’s fault?" Hewitt asked. " Or actually, let me put it more broadly, would every president have run into the same problem?"

"Oh, absolutely. This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault," Fauci replied.

do you honestly think he's stupid enough to actually say it out loud & then get canned - leaving the CDC et al to pick up the slack? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! criticizing donny is the surest way to find yerself unemployed & he knows this really is a matter of life & death that he stay within the science, fact based realm, so maybe we'll come outa this in relatively one piece DESPITE donny's incompetency.
You're one of the douchebags who said we should listen to Fauci and not Trump. Now you're saying exactly the opposite.

nooooooooooo............. i'm saying he smart enough not to piss off a deranged rogue 'president'.
Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

You said Fauci is the go-to guy for answers about The Wuhan flu. Now your saying he's not.

You're talking out of both sides of your mouth, as always.
You have it backwards

trump said something first and later the doctor said something else

big deal

you don't seem to understand that donny - who has ZERO expertise in any scientific matters should keep his orange cat anus shaped piehole shut.
Then, by your own criteria, so should you.


I don't watch videos posted by TDS morons.

noooooooooooo.......... it's 'cause you are a eunuch.

I doubt you know what a eunuch is.
The historical record is there for your perusal at your leisure.

About true colors, who outsourced American jobs and production/manufacturing to the communists? Your capitalists. Why would your capitalists so utterly cuck you and themselves to communism? Do you see your capitalists returning yet again to socialism in American capital's times of need and failure?
You're trying to change the subject, commie.

Now address this. Fauci is giving you the historical record. He says Trump isn't responsible for the testing delays. You said we should trust his advice and information. Now you're acting like some perv who got caught jacking off on his sister's underwear.

Oh you need to change the subject now since we're all commies after all in America.

Enjoy the empty shelves and the socialism your capitalists are trying to rescue your society with.

How you got to masturbation from this exchange is a case study in psychoanalysis I'll not be venturing into at this time.
The empty shelves right now is because of the media hype. Under socialism the shelves will look like that 24/7.

If that's your excuse then what you're arguing is that the American people are stupid. I tend to agree, taken as a whole.
Yes, we don't teach anymore. We indoctrinate.
We teach science. You call that indoctrination .
You're trying to change the subject, commie.

Now address this. Fauci is giving you the historical record. He says Trump isn't responsible for the testing delays. You said we should trust his advice and information. Now you're acting like some perv who got caught jacking off on his sister's underwear.

Oh you need to change the subject now since we're all commies after all in America.

Enjoy the empty shelves and the socialism your capitalists are trying to rescue your society with.

How you got to masturbation from this exchange is a case study in psychoanalysis I'll not be venturing into at this time.
The empty shelves right now is because of the media hype. Under socialism the shelves will look like that 24/7.

If that's your excuse then what you're arguing is that the American people are stupid. I tend to agree, taken as a whole.
Yes, we don't teach anymore. We indoctrinate.
We teach science. You call that indoctrination .
It's not science. It's propaganda.
Rational people know that the world cannot stop indefinitely over a virus

millions will catch the virus

thats only common sense

but millions of Americans will not die as freaked out liberals are suggesting
OK, idiot, here's the deal: you're right, millions WILL catch the virus. The idea right now is to slow the spread of the virus, so that millions of people won't catch the virus AT THE SAME TIME and overwhelm the health care system. That's why everybody should self-quarantine as much as possible right now. It won't stop the virus, but it should slow it down. Get it?
You may as well be talking to a rock or a lump of shit. Thats the intelligence level youre dealing with. FYI
The nation cannot remain in hiding for 18 months

nor can you support everyone by dropping $1,000 bills from black helicopters

yes the situation in italy looks bad

but everything in italy looks bad most of the time

if we are not back to work in two weeks the virus will be the least of our worries
Youre a clueless idiot. This virus is going to knock the nation for a loop either way. The least we can do is slow it down so it doesnt swamp our capitalistic health care system.
And yet not even the laziest liberals can lay around doing nothing for months to a year

sooner or later the nation has to face the danger head on

but the longer you wait the worse the economy will be
You poor idiot. If we overwhelm the hospitals you can pretty much kiss your little job goodbye.
No, it will be good news for everybody.
No it won't. It means Trump will be reelected and your scheme to defeat him has failed, once again.
My scheme to defeat Trump? If only I were that Machiavellian! And yes, the end of the epidemic will be good news for everyone, even Republicans!
It's not your scheme. You're obviously far too stupid for that. But you are gloming on to it, just as all the other brain damaged TDS morons are gloming on to it.
No, you're stupid! You're a stupid moron! Is that the level of debate that you want?
I don't debate idiots like you. I ridicule you because facts and logic are wasted on you.
I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you! Nyaaaah! If you're not going to debate facts and logic, what's left?
Oh you need to change the subject now since we're all commies after all in America.

Enjoy the empty shelves and the socialism your capitalists are trying to rescue your society with.

How you got to masturbation from this exchange is a case study in psychoanalysis I'll not be venturing into at this time.
The empty shelves right now is because of the media hype. Under socialism the shelves will look like that 24/7.

If that's your excuse then what you're arguing is that the American people are stupid. I tend to agree, taken as a whole.
Yes, we don't teach anymore. We indoctrinate.
We teach science. You call that indoctrination .
It's not science. It's propaganda.
And you're an expert on science because... ??
OK, idiot, here's the deal: you're right, millions WILL catch the virus. The idea right now is to slow the spread of the virus, so that millions of people won't catch the virus AT THE SAME TIME and overwhelm the health care system. That's why everybody should self-quarantine as much as possible right now. It won't stop the virus, but it should slow it down. Get it?
You may as well be talking to a rock or a lump of shit. Thats the intelligence level youre dealing with. FYI
The nation cannot remain in hiding for 18 months

nor can you support everyone by dropping $1,000 bills from black helicopters

yes the situation in italy looks bad

but everything in italy looks bad most of the time

if we are not back to work in two weeks the virus will be the least of our worries
Youre a clueless idiot. This virus is going to knock the nation for a loop either way. The least we can do is slow it down so it doesnt swamp our capitalistic health care system.
And yet not even the laziest liberals can lay around doing nothing for months to a year

sooner or later the nation has to face the danger head on

but the longer you wait the worse the economy will be
You poor idiot. If we overwhelm the hospitals you can pretty much kiss your little job goodbye.
You’re a damn fool

I understand that you are freaking out over the chinese virus

its going to kill some of us no matter what we do

just hope it isnt you or yours

But otherwise life must go on

the nation can only maintain this lockdown for a week or two

and that clock is ticking
You may as well be talking to a rock or a lump of shit. Thats the intelligence level youre dealing with. FYI
The nation cannot remain in hiding for 18 months

nor can you support everyone by dropping $1,000 bills from black helicopters

yes the situation in italy looks bad

but everything in italy looks bad most of the time

if we are not back to work in two weeks the virus will be the least of our worries
Youre a clueless idiot. This virus is going to knock the nation for a loop either way. The least we can do is slow it down so it doesnt swamp our capitalistic health care system.
And yet not even the laziest liberals can lay around doing nothing for months to a year

sooner or later the nation has to face the danger head on

but the longer you wait the worse the economy will be
You poor idiot. If we overwhelm the hospitals you can pretty much kiss your little job goodbye.
You’re a damn fool

I understand that you are freaking out over the chinese virus
You really need to see that Donald Trump is an incompetent idiot - what I think, but don't know for certain. Nevertheless: Don't think this idiot likes to save your life. He will not do so! He's specialized in saving his own ass and money, that's it. That's why he needs your vote, that's all.

its going to kill some of us no matter what we do

What a nonsense.

just hope it isnt you or yours

But otherwise life must go on

Life goes not on after death and destruction, idiot. Example: When you send someone into war will often come back a stranger.

the nation can only maintain this lockdown for a week or two

and that clock is ticking

From my point of view you are not an US-American. There's something wrong with your basic "dream", with you psychology.

We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.
John F. Kennedy

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
John F. Kennedy

Donald Trumps money not needs you - your country needs you. Fight against this god damned virus for the life and happiness of your fellow countrymen. Start now! The future is not ours to see - but for sure who starts not to fight is lost. Whoever will die from your friends or in your family: Take care you will be able to go to his or her grave, so you can say to her or him with a true heart: I did it - I fought for your life - I lost - damn! - but still I love you. Hope we will see us again.

Last edited:
The nation cannot remain in hiding for 18 months

nor can you support everyone by dropping $1,000 bills from black helicopters

yes the situation in italy looks bad

but everything in italy looks bad most of the time

if we are not back to work in two weeks the virus will be the least of our worries
Youre a clueless idiot. This virus is going to knock the nation for a loop either way. The least we can do is slow it down so it doesnt swamp our capitalistic health care system.
And yet not even the laziest liberals can lay around doing nothing for months to a year

sooner or later the nation has to face the danger head on

but the longer you wait the worse the economy will be
You poor idiot. If we overwhelm the hospitals you can pretty much kiss your little job goodbye.
You’re a damn fool

I understand that you are freaking out over the chinese virus
You really need to see that Donald Trump is an incompetent idiot - what I think, but don't know for certain. Nevertheless: Don't think this idiot likes to save your life. He will not do so! He's specialized in saving his own ass and money, that's it. That's why he needs your vote, that's all.

its going to kill some of us no matter what we do

What a nonsense.

just hope it isnt you or yours

But otherwise life must go on

Life goes not on after death and destruction, idiot. Example: When you send someone into war will often come back a stranger.

the nation can only maintain this lockdown for a week or two

and that clock is ticking

From my point of view you are not an US-American. There's something wrong with your basic "dream", with you psychology.

We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.
John F. Kennedy

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
John F. Kennedy

Donald Trumps money not needs you - your country needs you. Fight against this god damned virus for the life and happiness of your fellow countrymen. Start now! The future is not ours to see - but for sure who starts not to fight is lost. Whoever will die from your friends or in your family: Take care you will be able to go to his or her grave, so you can say to her or him with a true heart: I did it - I fought for your life - I lost - damn! - but still I love you. Hope we will see us again.

You’re a german and your opinion of trump does not interest me

bugger off
Youre a clueless idiot. This virus is going to knock the nation for a loop either way. The least we can do is slow it down so it doesnt swamp our capitalistic health care system.
And yet not even the laziest liberals can lay around doing nothing for months to a year

sooner or later the nation has to face the danger head on

but the longer you wait the worse the economy will be
You poor idiot. If we overwhelm the hospitals you can pretty much kiss your little job goodbye.
You’re a damn fool

I understand that you are freaking out over the chinese virus
You really need to see that Donald Trump is an incompetent idiot - what I think, but don't know for certain. Nevertheless: Don't think this idiot likes to save your life. He will not do so! He's specialized in saving his own ass and money, that's it. That's why he needs your vote, that's all.

its going to kill some of us no matter what we do

What a nonsense.

just hope it isnt you or yours

But otherwise life must go on

Life goes not on after death and destruction, idiot. Example: When you send someone into war will often come back a stranger.

the nation can only maintain this lockdown for a week or two

and that clock is ticking

From my point of view you are not an US-American. There's something wrong with your basic "dream", with you psychology.

We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.
John F. Kennedy

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
John F. Kennedy

Donald Trumps money not needs you - your country needs you. Fight against this god damned virus for the life and happiness of your fellow countrymen. Start now! The future is not ours to see - but for sure who starts not to fight is lost. Whoever will die from your friends or in your family: Take care you will be able to go to his or her grave, so you can say to her or him with a true heart: I did it - I fought for your life - I lost - damn! - but still I love you. Hope we will see us again.

You’re a german and your opinion of trump does not interest me

bugger off

Sure, idiot, racist one. "German" is by the way a capitalized noun in your own language, "American". By the way: What still do your soldiers do here in Germany? Are they waiting until they'll get Corona here? Do you not need them in your own country fighting against Corona and fighting for the life of infected people there? Oh by the way. When you will bring them home then do not forget to take Mr. Richard Grenell with you - this great pseudo-ambassador of your greatest pseudo-president of the hypergreatest country of the universe: US-pseudotopia.

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