Trump: "I Don't Take Responsibility At All"

So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
The buck still stops with trump

and he knows it

but that does not mean he has to let liberal partisan hacks in the white house press corps push him around
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies
Can you explain this then? Because leaders publicly admit they are responsible. That is if they are real leaders.
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Looks like he’s saying you’re fucked either way. That makes sense. I haven’t heard obungo mentioned. He’s dealing with the situation. You can’t answer everyone’s questions, or solve all the problems. Nobody bitching here could accomplish it. And the dim candidates they’re scrapped up aren’t prepared for anything.

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He didn't have to contradict the media because the media wasn't trying to stir up mass panic.

You idiots think we're supposed to believe the fantasies you spin.

I said he never contradicted the experts not the media. Perhaps because he didn't make such contradictory statements the press didn't report the contradiction.
Which so-called "experts" are you referring to? The "experts" say many contradictory things.

I'm not aware of anything Trump has said that contradicts his experts.

Coronavirus: Trump contradicts health expert who warned young people 'are not immune or safe from getting seriously ill'
President's false claims conflict top health officials in his own administration Alex Woodward New York Sunday 15 March 2020 23:46
Trump contradicts health expert on young people and coronavirus

Trump has many hunches about the coronavirus. Here's what the experts say.
Trump has spread misinformation about the coronavirus, contradicting health officials on significant facts and advice.
Trump has many hunches about the coronavirus. Here's what the experts say.

Published March 16, 2020 11:06 am
Trump claims coronavirus is under control — contradicting reality and his own top expert
Trump claims coronavirus is under control - contradicting reality and his own top expert - KTVZ

You have it backwards

trump said something first and later the doctor said something else

big deal

you don't seem to understand that donny - who has ZERO expertise in any scientific matters should keep his orange cat anus shaped piehole shut.
Then, by your own criteria, so should you.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. This virus will be gone shortly and the economy will boom again.

We calculate here in Germany in next spring (that's the year 2021) a vaccine will be tested and available. Perhaps 1 year later - in 2022 - the situation will be more relaxed. Up to this moment we will have to calculate with waves of infections worldwide. So no need to wait for your economy to wait to start to boom now. But our worst problem in the moment: Still every 1/2 week the number of infections doubles. I hope we stopped this now with the last changes in our lifestyle. Otherwise ... we will see what to do next.

By the way: Trump? Who is Trump? Pence? Who for heavens sake is this man? Never heard they got the Nobel price for virology.
Mike Pence is the VP, I wrote him for some corona virus prayer beads. He doesn't believe anything is going on with climate. He doesn't believe in evolution or that there is a causative link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer.

Does he not know basic concepts of natural science - or is he just simple a liar, who tells ignorants, what they like to hear? Or is it even more worse? Is he perhaps not only an idiot and not only "criminal" but a criminal idiot?
You're lying about what Pence believes, of course, and what you believe isn't science. It's propaganda.
It's late on the compound. Turn in. You're on the TP run tomorrow. MAGA. Happy empty shelves in America.
Just think if Biden or Bernie gets in, this is how it will look 24/7. Ask Venezuela.
You know, things get so scattered on this board it's hard to stay on any one theme. If there is one that is instructive about how the entire Trump presidency has gone, and how The Following views it, it is the issue of the admin's abject failure to ensure there were enough test kits available when they were needed.
There is no debate on this matter any longer. The factual record is clear. Yet Trumpster's are aided in their refusal to accept reality by Trump's repeated lies and right wing media's reinforcement of those lies.
Perhaps the real important question is: Is the USA ready to fight against this virus? Who fights and who fights the fighters? If Trump and Pence are fighting the fighters then let them go.

I would say yes we are but we have people like bripat who are going to make a bad situation worse. Ya' see they were told by our president from the beginning that this wasn't serious and if anyone told you it was, was apart of some hoax. Now that it's absolutely known to be serious they can't let go of the fact that poor leader was wrong even if he has (sort of) come around to the reality of what's happening.

We just can't as a nation get together and do this as one country and for this the blame is on Trump and his cult. They could fall in line at anytime and maybe when the number of infected and deaths spike they will but by then they will already have caused damage.

I wish the best for you and Germany!
You know, things get so scattered on this board it's hard to stay on any one theme. If there is one that is instructive about how the entire Trump presidency has gone, and how The Following views it, it is the issue of the admin's abject failure to ensure there were enough test kits available when they were needed.
There is no debate on this matter any longer. The factual record is clear. Yet Trumpster's are aided in their refusal to accept reality by Trump's repeated lies and right wing media's reinforcement of those lies.

Your hero says Trump isn't responsible:

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Coronavirus test delay not the fault of CDC or Trump

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease doctor, said President Trump and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were not to blame for a lack of coronavirus testing kits that has prompted criticism of the administration as cases continue to grow in the United States.

Speaking on "The Hugh Hewitt Show" on Tuesday, Fauci -- also the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases -- was asked about the slow rollout of test kits, saying the delay was due to a "technical glitch" that slowed things down and a series of "multiple things that conflated."

"There [weren’t] any bad guys there. It just happened," Fauci said. "And then when we realized, when the CDC realized, and the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] said both the system itself as it was set up, which serves certain circumstances very well, was not well-suited to the kind of broad testing that we needed the private sector to get involved in."

"Was the glitch or anything about the production of the test President Trump’s fault?" Hewitt asked. " Or actually, let me put it more broadly, would every president have run into the same problem?"

"Oh, absolutely. This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault," Fauci replied.
Tell Billy that if he wants to give his allowance to the poor that is in kerping with the teaching of Jesus

but what Jesus DID NOY SAY

If you meet a hungry man on the road to Damascus, form a political action committee and petition Caesar to give him bread”

jesus also didn't ask the leper for an insurance card either.
Jesus was not Caesar

He told the rich man to sell all he owned and give it to the poor

but Jesus did not send government thugs to the mans house to take his money from him
And the power structure murdered him anyway didn't they. He consorted with the have nots and was dangerous to concentrated wealth.
In the end Jesus will prevail

I'm addressing what went down, not your faithful suspension of critical thought.
We calculate here in Germany in next spring (that's the year 2021) a vaccine will be tested and available. Perhaps 1 year later - in 2022 - the situation will be more relaxed. Up to this moment we will have to calculate with waves of infections worldwide. So no need to wait for your economy to wait to start to boom now. But our worst problem in the moment: Still every 1/2 week the number of infections doubles. I hope we stopped this now with the last changes in our lifestyle. Otherwise ... we will see what to do next.

By the way: Trump? Who is Trump? Pence? Who for heavens sake is this man? Never heard they got the Nobel price for virology.
Mike Pence is the VP, I wrote him for some corona virus prayer beads. He doesn't believe anything is going on with climate. He doesn't believe in evolution or that there is a causative link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer.

Does he not know basic concepts of natural science - or is he just simple a liar, who tells ignorants, what they like to hear? Or is it even more worse? Is he perhaps not only an idiot and not only "criminal" but a criminal idiot?
You're lying about what Pence believes, of course, and what you believe isn't science. It's propaganda.
It's late on the compound. Turn in. You're on the TP run tomorrow. MAGA. Happy empty shelves in America.
Just think if Biden or Bernie gets in, this is how it will look 24/7. Ask Venezuela.

We targeted Venezuela to create those conditions there as part of the ongoing American attempt to topple the govt there ever since Chavez was elected, it is what we do across the globe, and most especially in Latin and South America. Sanctions to starve out the people in hopes they'll turn on the govt they elected. We just tried another coup down there under Don, failed again. So I do find it amusing that those conditions are now enjoyed by americans. We don't seem to like it when it happens here. And our 2009 coup in Honduras helped fuel some of the northern migration americans shat themselves over. Consequences silly.

Nah, Don, Status Quo Joe, Bernie, none of that alters America's trajectory so long as we the people do what we've always done. We've seen behind the curtain now.
Mike Pence is the VP, I wrote him for some corona virus prayer beads. He doesn't believe anything is going on with climate. He doesn't believe in evolution or that there is a causative link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer.

Does he not know basic concepts of natural science - or is he just simple a liar, who tells ignorants, what they like to hear? Or is it even more worse? Is he perhaps not only an idiot and not only "criminal" but a criminal idiot?
You're lying about what Pence believes, of course, and what you believe isn't science. It's propaganda.
It's late on the compound. Turn in. You're on the TP run tomorrow. MAGA. Happy empty shelves in America.
Just think if Biden or Bernie gets in, this is how it will look 24/7. Ask Venezuela.

We targeted Venezuela to create those conditions there as part of the ongoing American attempt to topple the govt there ever since Chavez was elected, it is what we do across the globe, and most especially in Latin and South America. Sanctions to starve out the people in hopes they'll turn on the govt they elected. We just tried another coup down there under Don, failed again. So I do find it amusing that those conditions are now enjoyed by americans. We don't seem to like it when it happens here. And our 2009 coup in Honduras helped fuel some of the northern migration americans shat themselves over. Consequences silly.

Nah, Don, Status Quo Joe, Bernie, none of that alters America's trajectory so long as we the people do what we've always done. We've seen behind the curtain now.
They were starving in Venezuela long before anyone prevented them from selling their oil here. Furthermore, they can sell their oil in every country in Europe. No one is stopping that.

Only a fucking communist would blame the USA for Venezuela's economic problems.

Thanks for showing your true colors.
You know, things get so scattered on this board it's hard to stay on any one theme. If there is one that is instructive about how the entire Trump presidency has gone, and how The Following views it, it is the issue of the admin's abject failure to ensure there were enough test kits available when they were needed.
There is no debate on this matter any longer. The factual record is clear. Yet Trumpster's are aided in their refusal to accept reality by Trump's repeated lies and right wing media's reinforcement of those lies.

Your hero says Trump isn't responsible:

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Coronavirus test delay not the fault of CDC or Trump

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease doctor, said President Trump and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were not to blame for a lack of coronavirus testing kits that has prompted criticism of the administration as cases continue to grow in the United States.

Speaking on "The Hugh Hewitt Show" on Tuesday, Fauci -- also the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases -- was asked about the slow rollout of test kits, saying the delay was due to a "technical glitch" that slowed things down and a series of "multiple things that conflated."

"There [weren’t] any bad guys there. It just happened," Fauci said. "And then when we realized, when the CDC realized, and the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] said both the system itself as it was set up, which serves certain circumstances very well, was not well-suited to the kind of broad testing that we needed the private sector to get involved in."

"Was the glitch or anything about the production of the test President Trump’s fault?" Hewitt asked. " Or actually, let me put it more broadly, would every president have run into the same problem?"

"Oh, absolutely. This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault," Fauci replied.

Don doesn't listen to him. You got on board with the "hoax" business and now, now you want to pay attention to Fauci? How cute. How soon will Fauci be wrong again bribri?
Are you saying we should listen to Fauci or not?
Does he not know basic concepts of natural science - or is he just simple a liar, who tells ignorants, what they like to hear? Or is it even more worse? Is he perhaps not only an idiot and not only "criminal" but a criminal idiot?
You're lying about what Pence believes, of course, and what you believe isn't science. It's propaganda.
It's late on the compound. Turn in. You're on the TP run tomorrow. MAGA. Happy empty shelves in America.
Just think if Biden or Bernie gets in, this is how it will look 24/7. Ask Venezuela.

We targeted Venezuela to create those conditions there as part of the ongoing American attempt to topple the govt there ever since Chavez was elected, it is what we do across the globe, and most especially in Latin and South America. Sanctions to starve out the people in hopes they'll turn on the govt they elected. We just tried another coup down there under Don, failed again. So I do find it amusing that those conditions are now enjoyed by americans. We don't seem to like it when it happens here. And our 2009 coup in Honduras helped fuel some of the northern migration americans shat themselves over. Consequences silly.

Nah, Don, Status Quo Joe, Bernie, none of that alters America's trajectory so long as we the people do what we've always done. We've seen behind the curtain now.
They were starving in Venezuela long before anyone prevented them from selling their oil here. Furthermore, they can sell their oil in every country in Europe. No one is stopping that.

Only a fucking communist would blame the USA for Venezuela's economic problems.

Thanks for showing your true colors.
The historical record is there for your perusal at your leisure.

About true colors, who outsourced American jobs and production/manufacturing to the communists? Your capitalists. Why would your capitalists so utterly cuck you and themselves to communism? Do you see your capitalists returning yet again to socialism in American capital's times of need and failure?
You're lying about what Pence believes, of course, and what you believe isn't science. It's propaganda.
It's late on the compound. Turn in. You're on the TP run tomorrow. MAGA. Happy empty shelves in America.
Just think if Biden or Bernie gets in, this is how it will look 24/7. Ask Venezuela.

We targeted Venezuela to create those conditions there as part of the ongoing American attempt to topple the govt there ever since Chavez was elected, it is what we do across the globe, and most especially in Latin and South America. Sanctions to starve out the people in hopes they'll turn on the govt they elected. We just tried another coup down there under Don, failed again. So I do find it amusing that those conditions are now enjoyed by americans. We don't seem to like it when it happens here. And our 2009 coup in Honduras helped fuel some of the northern migration americans shat themselves over. Consequences silly.

Nah, Don, Status Quo Joe, Bernie, none of that alters America's trajectory so long as we the people do what we've always done. We've seen behind the curtain now.
They were starving in Venezuela long before anyone prevented them from selling their oil here. Furthermore, they can sell their oil in every country in Europe. No one is stopping that.

Only a fucking communist would blame the USA for Venezuela's economic problems.

Thanks for showing your true colors.
The historical record is there for your perusal at your leisure.

About true colors, who outsourced American jobs and production/manufacturing to the communists? Your capitalists. Why would your capitalists so utterly cuck you and themselves to communism? Do you see your capitalists returning yet again to socialism in American capital's times of need and failure?
You're trying to change the subject, commie.

Now address this. Fauci is giving you the historical record. He says Trump isn't responsible for the testing delays. You said we should trust his advice and information. Now you're acting like some perv who got caught jacking off on his sister's underwear.
You know, things get so scattered on this board it's hard to stay on any one theme. If there is one that is instructive about how the entire Trump presidency has gone, and how The Following views it, it is the issue of the admin's abject failure to ensure there were enough test kits available when they were needed.
There is no debate on this matter any longer. The factual record is clear. Yet Trumpster's are aided in their refusal to accept reality by Trump's repeated lies and right wing media's reinforcement of those lies.

Your hero says Trump isn't responsible:

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Coronavirus test delay not the fault of CDC or Trump

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease doctor, said President Trump and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were not to blame for a lack of coronavirus testing kits that has prompted criticism of the administration as cases continue to grow in the United States.

Speaking on "The Hugh Hewitt Show" on Tuesday, Fauci -- also the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases -- was asked about the slow rollout of test kits, saying the delay was due to a "technical glitch" that slowed things down and a series of "multiple things that conflated."

"There [weren’t] any bad guys there. It just happened," Fauci said. "And then when we realized, when the CDC realized, and the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] said both the system itself as it was set up, which serves certain circumstances very well, was not well-suited to the kind of broad testing that we needed the private sector to get involved in."

"Was the glitch or anything about the production of the test President Trump’s fault?" Hewitt asked. " Or actually, let me put it more broadly, would every president have run into the same problem?"

"Oh, absolutely. This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault," Fauci replied.

Don doesn't listen to him. You got on board with the "hoax" business and now, now you want to pay attention to Fauci? How cute. How soon will Fauci be wrong again bribri?
Are you saying we should listen to Fauci or not?

I'm saying your listening to him is inconsistent and based upon whether you see Don listening to Fauci relative to a given line Fauci utters, and/or how what Fauci says reflects on your Golden Calf, Don.
It's late on the compound. Turn in. You're on the TP run tomorrow. MAGA. Happy empty shelves in America.
Just think if Biden or Bernie gets in, this is how it will look 24/7. Ask Venezuela.

We targeted Venezuela to create those conditions there as part of the ongoing American attempt to topple the govt there ever since Chavez was elected, it is what we do across the globe, and most especially in Latin and South America. Sanctions to starve out the people in hopes they'll turn on the govt they elected. We just tried another coup down there under Don, failed again. So I do find it amusing that those conditions are now enjoyed by americans. We don't seem to like it when it happens here. And our 2009 coup in Honduras helped fuel some of the northern migration americans shat themselves over. Consequences silly.

Nah, Don, Status Quo Joe, Bernie, none of that alters America's trajectory so long as we the people do what we've always done. We've seen behind the curtain now.
They were starving in Venezuela long before anyone prevented them from selling their oil here. Furthermore, they can sell their oil in every country in Europe. No one is stopping that.

Only a fucking communist would blame the USA for Venezuela's economic problems.

Thanks for showing your true colors.
The historical record is there for your perusal at your leisure.

About true colors, who outsourced American jobs and production/manufacturing to the communists? Your capitalists. Why would your capitalists so utterly cuck you and themselves to communism? Do you see your capitalists returning yet again to socialism in American capital's times of need and failure?
You're trying to change the subject, commie.

Now address this. Fauci is giving you the historical record. He says Trump isn't responsible for the testing delays. You said we should trust his advice and information. Now you're acting like some perv who got caught jacking off on his sister's underwear.

Oh you need to change the subject now since we're all commies after all in America.

Enjoy the empty shelves and the socialism your capitalists are trying to rescue your society with.

How you got to masturbation from this exchange is a case study in psychoanalysis I'll not be venturing into at this time.
Mike Pence is the VP, I wrote him for some corona virus prayer beads. He doesn't believe anything is going on with climate. He doesn't believe in evolution or that there is a causative link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer.

Does he not know basic concepts of natural science - or is he just simple a liar, who tells ignorants, what they like to hear? Or is it even more worse? Is he perhaps not only an idiot and not only "criminal" but a criminal idiot?
You're lying about what Pence believes, of course, and what you believe isn't science. It's propaganda.
It's late on the compound. Turn in. You're on the TP run tomorrow. MAGA. Happy empty shelves in America.
Just think if Biden or Bernie gets in, this is how it will look 24/7. Ask Venezuela.

We targeted Venezuela to create those conditions there as part of the ongoing American attempt to topple the govt there ever since Chavez was elected, it is what we do across the globe, and most especially in Latin and South America. Sanctions to starve out the people in hopes they'll turn on the govt they elected. We just tried another coup down there under Don, failed again. So I do find it amusing that those conditions are now enjoyed by americans. We don't seem to like it when it happens here. And our 2009 coup in Honduras helped fuel some of the northern migration americans shat themselves over. Consequences silly.

Nah, Don, Status Quo Joe, Bernie, none of that alters America's trajectory so long as we the people do what we've always done. We've seen behind the curtain now.
No they went pure socialist, now they are a third world shithole. They used to be a prosperous country.
Does he not know basic concepts of natural science - or is he just simple a liar, who tells ignorants, what they like to hear? Or is it even more worse? Is he perhaps not only an idiot and not only "criminal" but a criminal idiot?
You're lying about what Pence believes, of course, and what you believe isn't science. It's propaganda.
It's late on the compound. Turn in. You're on the TP run tomorrow. MAGA. Happy empty shelves in America.
Just think if Biden or Bernie gets in, this is how it will look 24/7. Ask Venezuela.

We targeted Venezuela to create those conditions there as part of the ongoing American attempt to topple the govt there ever since Chavez was elected, it is what we do across the globe, and most especially in Latin and South America. Sanctions to starve out the people in hopes they'll turn on the govt they elected. We just tried another coup down there under Don, failed again. So I do find it amusing that those conditions are now enjoyed by americans. We don't seem to like it when it happens here. And our 2009 coup in Honduras helped fuel some of the northern migration americans shat themselves over. Consequences silly.

Nah, Don, Status Quo Joe, Bernie, none of that alters America's trajectory so long as we the people do what we've always done. We've seen behind the curtain now.
No they went pure socialist, now they are a third world shithole. They used to be a prosperous country.

They used to allow US oil corporations to do to their people what they do to us. And then they stopped allowing US capital to subjugate the Venezuelan people like we do here to our own. America has been pouting and attempting to destabilize Venezuela ever since.

Did you mean to gloss over our 2009 coup in Honduras?
Just think if Biden or Bernie gets in, this is how it will look 24/7. Ask Venezuela.

We targeted Venezuela to create those conditions there as part of the ongoing American attempt to topple the govt there ever since Chavez was elected, it is what we do across the globe, and most especially in Latin and South America. Sanctions to starve out the people in hopes they'll turn on the govt they elected. We just tried another coup down there under Don, failed again. So I do find it amusing that those conditions are now enjoyed by americans. We don't seem to like it when it happens here. And our 2009 coup in Honduras helped fuel some of the northern migration americans shat themselves over. Consequences silly.

Nah, Don, Status Quo Joe, Bernie, none of that alters America's trajectory so long as we the people do what we've always done. We've seen behind the curtain now.
They were starving in Venezuela long before anyone prevented them from selling their oil here. Furthermore, they can sell their oil in every country in Europe. No one is stopping that.

Only a fucking communist would blame the USA for Venezuela's economic problems.

Thanks for showing your true colors.
The historical record is there for your perusal at your leisure.

About true colors, who outsourced American jobs and production/manufacturing to the communists? Your capitalists. Why would your capitalists so utterly cuck you and themselves to communism? Do you see your capitalists returning yet again to socialism in American capital's times of need and failure?
You're trying to change the subject, commie.

Now address this. Fauci is giving you the historical record. He says Trump isn't responsible for the testing delays. You said we should trust his advice and information. Now you're acting like some perv who got caught jacking off on his sister's underwear.

Oh you need to change the subject now since we're all commies after all in America.

Enjoy the empty shelves and the socialism your capitalists are trying to rescue your society with.

How you got to masturbation from this exchange is a case study in psychoanalysis I'll not be venturing into at this time.
The empty shelves right now is because of the media hype. Under socialism the shelves will look like that 24/7.
You're lying about what Pence believes, of course, and what you believe isn't science. It's propaganda.
It's late on the compound. Turn in. You're on the TP run tomorrow. MAGA. Happy empty shelves in America.
Just think if Biden or Bernie gets in, this is how it will look 24/7. Ask Venezuela.

We targeted Venezuela to create those conditions there as part of the ongoing American attempt to topple the govt there ever since Chavez was elected, it is what we do across the globe, and most especially in Latin and South America. Sanctions to starve out the people in hopes they'll turn on the govt they elected. We just tried another coup down there under Don, failed again. So I do find it amusing that those conditions are now enjoyed by americans. We don't seem to like it when it happens here. And our 2009 coup in Honduras helped fuel some of the northern migration americans shat themselves over. Consequences silly.

Nah, Don, Status Quo Joe, Bernie, none of that alters America's trajectory so long as we the people do what we've always done. We've seen behind the curtain now.
No they went pure socialist, now they are a third world shithole. They used to be a prosperous country.

They used to allow US oil corporations to do to their people what they do to us. And then they stopped allowing US capital to subjugate the Venezuelan people like we do here to our own. America has been pouting and attempting to destabilize Venezuela ever since.

Did you mean to gloss over our 2009 coup in Honduras?
How come they were better off and could even get food and toilet paper when U.S. corporations were supposedly bending them over?
We targeted Venezuela to create those conditions there as part of the ongoing American attempt to topple the govt there ever since Chavez was elected, it is what we do across the globe, and most especially in Latin and South America. Sanctions to starve out the people in hopes they'll turn on the govt they elected. We just tried another coup down there under Don, failed again. So I do find it amusing that those conditions are now enjoyed by americans. We don't seem to like it when it happens here. And our 2009 coup in Honduras helped fuel some of the northern migration americans shat themselves over. Consequences silly.

Nah, Don, Status Quo Joe, Bernie, none of that alters America's trajectory so long as we the people do what we've always done. We've seen behind the curtain now.
They were starving in Venezuela long before anyone prevented them from selling their oil here. Furthermore, they can sell their oil in every country in Europe. No one is stopping that.

Only a fucking communist would blame the USA for Venezuela's economic problems.

Thanks for showing your true colors.
The historical record is there for your perusal at your leisure.

About true colors, who outsourced American jobs and production/manufacturing to the communists? Your capitalists. Why would your capitalists so utterly cuck you and themselves to communism? Do you see your capitalists returning yet again to socialism in American capital's times of need and failure?
You're trying to change the subject, commie.

Now address this. Fauci is giving you the historical record. He says Trump isn't responsible for the testing delays. You said we should trust his advice and information. Now you're acting like some perv who got caught jacking off on his sister's underwear.

Oh you need to change the subject now since we're all commies after all in America.

Enjoy the empty shelves and the socialism your capitalists are trying to rescue your society with.

How you got to masturbation from this exchange is a case study in psychoanalysis I'll not be venturing into at this time.
The empty shelves right now is because of the media hype. Under socialism the shelves will look like that 24/7.

Yeah, and your empty shelves are stocked with "made in America"? Under American style capitalism, you outsourced your jobs and production / manufacturing capability / capacity to communists to avoid hiring americans. And now, as always, socialist measures are being implemented whenever American capitalism implodes on itself as it does cyclically. But you can still insist you're a capitalist if you like, you're just a capitalist who got cucked to communism which you supported via your consumption habits.

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