Trump " I have not conceded"

There was no evidence of Russia having any influence on the election. I ask over and over what influence this was and there is never an answer. Supposedly someone posted some meme's on Facebook is the evidence. Really?

Russia hacked DNC emails and then had them dropped on the Internet which caused a divide between Hillary Democrats and Bernie Democrats.

You claim you've never been answered on this before... I seriously doubt that's true; but regardless, now you have.

We will note that you provided nothing.


Your delusions are noted and laughed at.

Simply stating facts. Nothing has been shown as to what exactly it is that the Russians supposedly did.
Bring back a law and order president and let him do his job....
A. Presidents have little to do with local policing

B. Have at four years
Leaders have everything to do with law and order....and Joe is blowing it...he is breaking the law everyday at our southern border....when the resident can break the law what do you think the people will do?....they will break the law too....
Nonsense. The border has nothing to do with NYC or anywhere else
Bring back a law and order president and let him do his job....
A. Presidents have little to do with local policing

B. Have at four years
Leaders have everything to do with law and order....and Joe is blowing it...he is breaking the law everyday at our southern border....when the resident can break the law what do you think the people will do?....they will break the law too....
Nonsense. The border has nothing to do with NYC or anywhere else
Law breaking is law breaking...the head guy sets the example....if Joe can break the law so can we....
Bring back a law and order president and let him do his job....
A. Presidents have little to do with local policing

B. Have at four years
Leaders have everything to do with law and order....and Joe is blowing it...he is breaking the law everyday at our southern border....when the resident can break the law what do you think the people will do?....they will break the law too....
Nonsense. The border has nothing to do with NYC or anywhere else
Tell that to all the communities where these illegals are being shipped to.
The supporters of biden here argue the following.

Biden won fairly and legally
We hate audits that might out the above statement as 100% false
If they do out the truth that biden cheated and trump won, so what
We are not concerned about it,which is why we spend all of our time here flaming, trolling, shouting down, name calling, and never attempting to explain the MATH that resulted in 35 states with GOP control of statehouse and state senate
Does it concern you that the audit in AZ is being conducted by a company hand-picked by GOP legislators, a company whose CEO has pressed the "rigged election" stuff?

Does it concern you that the audit is not being conducted by anything approaching regular audit standards, with decreased transparency for outside observers?

If the situation were reversed, would it concern you if Democrats were ignoring multiple existing audits and conducting an audit in this way?

Please feel free to expand. Thanks in advance.

How about the data from the audit being taken out of state to a remote facility (someone's fucking home) in Montana for "analysis"?
Yep..nothing going on there! :)

Sounds like we're about to be spun a story.

Just because someone is telling you that something is happening does not mean it is. How many dates now have we had telling us which day Trump would be back in office?

Funny that this company is going to release their report in late July/Early August. Isn't that when the former Deluded-in-Chief thinks he's going to be re-installed?
Part 1 of your statement depends on how many people are willing to believe that something is actually happening...and then take steps to act on it.

That's the danger here. The lie, becomes the truth.
It doesn’t really matter. Very little difference between Joe and Don.
It actually does matter. Aside from the wedge Trump continues to drive in this country, he's destroying faith in our election process, which is a foundation of this nation. He's doing more harm to us than Putin, Xi, Rouhani and Kim Jong Un combined.

Saying that Russian cheating was the reason Trump won in the first place didn't also do this?
At least there was evidence of that. There is zero evidence of any of Trump's claims of fraud. Aside from him being utterly unable to prove a single claim, every claim was thoroughly debunked. Some in real time as he made them such as his phone call with Raffensberger. Claims of Russia's interference proved to be true. I suspect even Trump knows he lost fair and square but due to his psychotic narcissism, would rather put the country through he'll if he thinks he can steal a win in the manner he's trying. It's why I personally rank him as the worst president ever. More than any president we've ever had, he puts himself and his own personal interests above that of the nation.

There was no evidence of Russia having any influence on the election. I ask over and over what influence this was and there is never an answer. Supposedly someone posted some meme's on Facebook is the evidence. Really?
It’s an evidence free conspiracy but partisan Ds believe it without question. Yet they simultaneously hold the belief that the 2020 election was the cleanest ever.

Man. Looking at the libturds on this thread shows how nervous they are. I would welcome these audits if I were them to mock them.

Suuuuuure, ya would. Uh-huh.

Had the the roles been reversed and Biden lost every court case about fraud, utterly failed to prove fraud, then 6 months after the election, Nancy Pelosi hired a Biden-cheering company with no certification or experience to hold a sham audit and installed Maxine Waters to review the ballots in search of bamboo fibers, I'm suuuuure you'd be cool with that.

Fauci was screwed because you and I know we funded the creation of this
He did no such thing
Fauci and Zuckerberg conspired to censor the people who knew the truth early on.
They did no such thing
Then critical ready meds were dismissed that could have saved so many lives because of TDS
Hydroxy? Are you fucking serious? That has been filed alongside bleach injections and sticking UV lights up your ass
Fauci said a pandemic was worth the risk of the mad scientist experiments couple yrs ago
He did not. That has been debunked on the thread concerning Gain of Function
People like yourself harmed all your loved onese because of Fauci, Zuckerberg, and chronic TDS
You fuckers need a scapegoat. It used to be ACORN and Soros. Now the boogymen are Zuckerdouche and Fauci
Its in black and white the emails....
Emails now mean the opposite of what they wrote..........lolol.Or not proof

Published med papers saying a pandemic is worth it.....But he didn't mean it with no links?

You wouldn't do that would you?

You can't possibly be asking us to take your WORD for things...can you?
Lesh. I can give you 1000 of em.....You know where to find them
Wow. That was fucking lame.

I ask for a link to the supposed e-mails and you post some right wing rag making the same allegation but providing no evidence...just like you did.

They did provide a link to....some kind of web catalogue. Brilliant
An answer to the out context bullshit posted in another thread,

Very important to note that he HAS NOT conceded. Just remember how important this is. I know you know, but retards do not.

It doesn't make any difference is Trump hasn't conceded. The Electoral College certified the results of the election. Trump has not honored any of our traditions for peaceful change of administration. He didn't even go to the inauguration. Remember how he never hung Obama's portrait in the WH? Trump is a belligerent spoiler. He's a petulant child. I wouldn't even play checkers with him. Imagine cheating on the golf course????? What sort of man does that?
When Trump won in 2016, I held out some hope that he could somehow grow into the position. At the same time, I had a real concern about how bad things could go.

Yeah, I didn't expect this, this unraveling of our electoral system. Who could predict that?
He's done more damage to this country than an other president. He likes being number one, so he's got that.

You Mossad are so cowardly, always framing people, hate hoaxing, assassinating from behind grassy nolls.

Trump was doing a good job until the Mossad-fauXI Covid hoax. You fooled him. And he allowed you to harm America again.

This time y'all are gonna be exposed.....all they way back to JFK.
There was no evidence of Russia having any influence on the election. I ask over and over what influence this was and there is never an answer. Supposedly someone posted some meme's on Facebook is the evidence. Really?

Russia hacked DNC emails and then had them dropped on the Internet which caused a divide between Hillary Democrats and Bernie Democrats.

You claim you've never been answered on this before... I seriously doubt that's true; but regardless, now you have.

We will note that you provided nothing.


Your delusions are noted and laughed at.

Simply stating facts. Nothing has been shown as to what exactly it is that the Russians supposedly did.

19 fucking indictments of Russians....stupid. And you're not a trump Humper?
Fauci was screwed because you and I know we funded the creation of this
He did no such thing
Fauci and Zuckerberg conspired to censor the people who knew the truth early on.
They did no such thing
Then critical ready meds were dismissed that could have saved so many lives because of TDS
Hydroxy? Are you fucking serious? That has been filed alongside bleach injections and sticking UV lights up your ass
Fauci said a pandemic was worth the risk of the mad scientist experiments couple yrs ago
He did not. That has been debunked on the thread concerning Gain of Function
People like yourself harmed all your loved onese because of Fauci, Zuckerberg, and chronic TDS
You fuckers need a scapegoat. It used to be ACORN and Soros. Now the boogymen are Zuckerdouche and Fauci
These freaks are fucking crazy. There's simply no other rationale.
Bring back a law and order president and let him do his job....
A. Presidents have little to do with local policing

B. Have at four years
Leaders have everything to do with law and order....and Joe is blowing it...he is breaking the law everyday at our southern border....when the resident can break the law what do you think the people will do?....they will break the law too....
Nonsense. The border has nothing to do with NYC or anywhere else
Tell that to all the communities where these illegals are being shipped to.
Ya gotta have a boogey man I guess
Trump supporters continue to argue that Trump had nothing to do with the Jan 6 protest but it was this very thing (blaming Pence for not doing what he couldn't even do) is one of the big reasons for it in the first place.

Who argued that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the January 6 protest? I have not seen anyone say that. There is more involved, but who said Trump supporters "had nothing to do" with it? You making your shit up again?

That's not what I said. Just because this is often done I'm going to break it down.

What I said.

Trump supporters continue to argue that Trump had nothing to do with the Jan 6 protest

What you said.

Who argued that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the January 6 protest?

Are you able to comprehend the difference in the two statements?

OK, fair enough. So I'll fix it.

Who argued that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the January 6 protest?

No one said that. Trump didn't tell anyone to commit violence or go INTO the Capital. But I've never heard anyone deny he said to go to the capital and protest. Democrats protest at the SCOTUS, at the White House and AT THE CAPITAL.

He did say to go to the Capital and protest, but you're such a total fascist that you believe that only Democrats are allowed to protest at the Capital or anywhere else. You're a Nazi

Tony Norman: Blame America for Jan. 6, but not Trump?

I explained myself right from the beginning. Things like blaming Pence is what caused Jan 6th and he is still doing it.

Your quoting a local nut job reporter in Pittsburg who claims to read minds proves what exactly?

I have no idea who he is but that's really not the point.

The protest on Jan 6th were over things like Trump blaming Pence and he is still doing it.

OK, read the question again:

- Who argued that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the January 6 protest?

Trump said to go to the Capital and protest. No one denies that. Nothing you said contradicts that.

YOU LIED. Of course you did, the Democrat party lies, it's your inner being
It doesn't matter what he has or has not conceded life goes on while he stays static in one moment of time..

Agreed. The election was stolen and certified. It's not going to change. The dragon won
In a hundred years what the heck difference will it make?
None. Trump will be remembered as a failed one-term president who inspired a failed insurrection against his own government.
It doesn't matter what he has or has not conceded life goes on while he stays static in one moment of time..

Agreed. The election was stolen and certified. It's not going to change. The dragon won
In a hundred years what the heck difference will it make?
None. Trump will be remembered as a failed one-term president who inspired a failed insurrection against his own government.
And was impeached twice by the House.
It doesn't matter what he has or has not conceded life goes on while he stays static in one moment of time..

Agreed. The election was stolen and certified. It's not going to change. The dragon won
In a hundred years what the heck difference will it make?
None. Trump will be remembered as a failed one-term president who inspired a failed insurrection against his own government.

It's pretty funny all this whining then you have pictures of whining babies below it ...
It doesn't matter what he has or has not conceded life goes on while he stays static in one moment of time..

Agreed. The election was stolen and certified. It's not going to change. The dragon won
In a hundred years what the heck difference will it make?
None. Trump will be remembered as a failed one-term president who inspired a failed insurrection against his own government.
And was impeached twice by the House.

No one remembers that now. No one cared when Democrats did it, no one talked about it after they did it.

That was just your manifestation of pure hate because you're fascists who believe you can shut down opposition by whatever means necessary. You're Nazis
My state of Nevada was stolen by illegal trash and I can guarantee you that Nevada will make zero changes !!
Nevada is lost .plus we have had 500,000 folks from mostly California move here the last several years.
Don’t expect any changes here . We’re California of the early 2000s
If Nevada has been stolen, why isn't our Mexican food any better?
It doesn't matter what he has or has not conceded life goes on while he stays static in one moment of time..

Agreed. The election was stolen and certified. It's not going to change. The dragon won
In a hundred years what the heck difference will it make?
None. Trump will be remembered as a failed one-term president who inspired a failed insurrection against his own government.
And was impeached twice by the House.

No one remembers that now. No one cared when Democrats did it, no one talked about it after they did it.

That was just your manifestation of pure hate because you're fascists who believe you can shut down opposition by whatever means necessary. You're Nazis
It is in the history books whether you like to accept it or not, it is not my problem it is yours.
To be undiplomatically blunt, too many of you are taking this thread way way too seriously.

Not that the topic ain't current, or doesn't require attention, but.......but in the face of some of the, ummmm, more 'notable' contributions here this philosophical quarrelling over who-stole-which-election-when-and-by-how-much kinda pales in the humor department.

I mean by that, this recent post by most everybody's concept of Wacky Uncle Wally got ignored by most everybody here. Tho one did comment in sort of an 'exasperation' tone (I'm speculating on that).

Everybody else ignored it. Notably, none of the Trumplandia citizens jumped in to support and 'attaboy' one of their own. Nor did they publicly embrace --yet-- a comrade and his view that the January 6th Republican Patriots = Homosexuals. (There may be a little disloyalty dynamic goin' on there, imo.)

So c'mon mi amigos ....let's not let the Good Ship Lollypop sail by and not comment on its "correlations".

It's this post, of course:

"The truth is that 911 and 1/6 were both Zionist hate hoaxes, fascist false flag attacks....
........many of the most Zionist Zionists in DC are HOMOS also
correlates with the obvious truth that homos are sick people..

Now, to be clear, I'm not pokin' fun at a poster, or the good citizens of Trumplandia, nor am I ascribing all of the above "1/6 hoax' assertions to that poster alone. Rather, you gotta admit, it has sorta the tone of coming straight out of Mar-A-Lardo's style of grievance complaining. So, our good poster may be under that influence, a mindmeld thingy.

However, in my view, there's something there for both Looney Trump Sycophants and Rational Trump Skeptics.

Something where both can productively discuss their views. Their views on Don Trump. Their views on Zionist flying planes into buildings, and the LGBQ takeover of the Republican 'Patriot' movement....and the Oathkeepers subsequent resentment over being called 'queers' by an anonymous poster on an internet chatroom.

Just sayin'.

911 fraud

North tower - bomb, nothing hit it, naudet video is photo shopped.
South tower - 767 plane, black, no markings, cargo version, 2200F molten steel pouring out (jet fuel burns at 600F) proof of thermite being used to demo structure
Pentagon - cruise missile
Shanksville - a ditch with metal junk doused with gasoline and set on fire - missing plane and corpses
Osama - CIA/Mossad double agent col Tim osman, job was to pop up and take credit for CIA/Mossad terror

Capitol police told to stand down and not erect standard barricade
Homos in MAGAdrag trolling trump supporters, urging a rush
Some trump supporters were dumb enough to follow
Capitol police officer death - fraud, guy clocked in next day
Babbitt - murder either by Chris wray's FBI or homO's hate hoaxing homos

In both cases, Zionist media did nothing but lie 100%.

Check the 1/6 crowd and you will find they are overwhelmingly homos who joined oath keepers or another group under false pretenses. Behind the homos is homO, the real community hate hoax organizer...
Ah...a crazy truther.....makes sense.
Americans should never concede to the Democrats stealing the 2020 election.

You're an anarchist??

Our Democracy was destroyed with the Democrats using the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

We should never let the sonofabitches get away with it.
Well then, what will you be doing? Tell us.

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