Trump: I Use Social Media Because It’s The ‘Only Way To Fight Dishonest Press

It isn't that the press is dishonest that he doesn't like them: it is that they call him on all his lies. That's what he doesn't like. LOL He's such a scum.

It isn't that the press is dishonest that he doesn't like them: it is that they call him on all his lies. That's what he doesn't like. LOL He's such a scum.
The thing is, the press lies as much or more than Trump.
Absolute nonsense. Ridiculous assertion. Just ridiculous. I see you are just like your lover boy.
Truth often is ridiculous to the blind...and to those who consume DNCMSM media 24/7.

It isn't that the press is dishonest that he doesn't like them: it is that they call him on all his lies. That's what he doesn't like. LOL He's such a scum.

I rarely respond to replies to my OPs, since I make my complete point in the OP. Also, the conservatives' responses typically consist of right wing talking points, comparisons of apples to oranges, and miscellaneous non sequiturs. Such responses do not qualify for any reply.

You are correct when you explain the legitimate press reports the lies told by the idiot Trump, and it is this honesty conservatives and the idiot Trump himself hate.

Conservatives rely on the daily misinformation they soak up from right wing rags, conservative blogs, "fantasy" news outlets like FOX, and just plain liars like Rush Limbaugh.

As this massive amount of misinformation is distributed, there are reliable Online fact checking organizations that repudiate the inaccurate statements, and work to correct false segments of semi-accurate statements as quickly as possible. This allows people of reason and good conscience to sort facts from fairytales told by politicians like Ryan, McConnell, the idiot Trump, etc.

Sadly, conservatives are unwilling to seek out truth, but instead, choose to believe lies they feel vindicate their intolerance, ignorance, hatreds, etc.

The claptrap and assorted idiocy posted by the conservatives mustn't be dignified with a response from rational participants on the message boards.

As stated in the OP, thoughtful comments are always welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness. (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.)

IOW, the OP is free to throw around as much nonsense and silliness as desired, but wants to receive none in return. Come to think of it, that's kind of like the way the MSM has operated for a while now.

If the idiot Trump would leave his delusional state occasionally, he would understand people of reason and good conscience know him for the liar and con-man he is. They know full well his daily lies reach double digits. His lies are refuted as fast as they are told by ethical and reliable Online sources.

His use of social media does nothing more than enable him to reinforce the misinformation his minions lap up as fact every day. And his infantile tweets to insult and belittle foreign leaders and other nations have shown the world he is foolish and inept in both communicating and foreign policy. (The idiot Trump is equally foolish and inept concerning domestic issues. Fortunately, that fact makes world wide headlines far less frequently.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness. (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.)

The idiot Trump, indeed.

That the press truthfully reports facts that conflict with Trump’s ridiculous lies doesn’t mean the media are ‘dishonest.’

Conservatives have never been able to face the truth, which is the reason they believe all the media, except FOX Noise, are liberal.

It's been like this for decades, in fact, most conservatives still swear it was the liberal bias of the press, not his and his cronies illegal acts, that forced Nixon out of office. And, led to the false convictions of Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and the rest of the frat boys for their involvement in the Watergate break-in and cover-up.

The more conservatives are proven wrong, the deeper they dig in.


If the idiot Trump would leave his delusional state occasionally, he would understand people of reason and good conscience know him for the liar and con-man he is. They know full well his daily lies reach double digits. His lies are refuted as fast as they are told by ethical and reliable Online sources.

His use of social media does nothing more than enable him to reinforce the misinformation his minions lap up as fact every day. And his infantile tweets to insult and belittle foreign leaders and other nations have shown the world he is foolish and inept in both communicating and foreign policy. (The idiot Trump is equally foolish and inept concerning domestic issues. Fortunately, that fact makes world wide headlines far less frequently.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness. (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.)

The idiot Trump, indeed.

That the press truthfully reports facts that conflict with Trump’s ridiculous lies doesn’t mean the media are ‘dishonest.’

Conservatives have never been able to face the truth, which is the reason they believe all the media, except FOX Noise, are liberal.

It's been like this for decades, in fact, most conservatives still swear it was the liberal bias of the press, not his and his cronies illegal acts, that forced Nixon out of office. And, led to the false convictions of Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and the rest of the frat boys for their involvement in the Watergate break-in and cover-up.

The more conservatives are proven wrong, the deeper they dig in.




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You didn't seem to care about all of Obama's lies. Especially when they were life threatening.
You are so transparent. There is no comparison. None.

Infographic: How Trump's Lies Compare With Obama's
View attachment 169155
I can name 4 lies about Obama care alone. Lol, hell Obama lied more than 18 times in one of his state of the union speeches. You're a hoot!

So in your mind, Trump is to be praised for lying more than Obama?
He doesn't.

Of course he does. Only retards don't know that, or don't admit that.
The debates on healthcare will be on cspan, lie.
I will work with republicans on the healthcare bill, lie.
You can keep your own doctor, lie.
Obama care will save the average American family $2800 a year. Totally a lie.
Obama lied about the healthcare of America and costed lives. Fuck you

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