Trump: I Use Social Media Because It’s The ‘Only Way To Fight Dishonest Press


If the idiot Trump would leave his delusional state occasionally, he would understand people of reason and good conscience know him for the liar and con-man he is. They know full well his daily lies reach double digits. His lies are refuted as fast as they are told by ethical and reliable Online sources.

His use of social media does nothing more than enable him to reinforce the misinformation his minions lap up as fact every day. And his infantile tweets to insult and belittle foreign leaders and other nations have shown the world he is foolish and inept in both communicating and foreign policy. (The idiot Trump is equally foolish and inept concerning domestic issues. Fortunately, that fact makes world wide headlines far less frequently.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness. (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.)

Trump uses social media so he can lie at will. He uses social media because he has such contempt for his bleevers that he knows they will bleev whatever he tells them to bleev.

When you tweet, it is a one way conversation. There is no journalist challenging your fucking bullshit.

"The sun has risen more times in my Presidency than all Presidents before me!"

Once again real men don't read faggot Twitter ..

That's only for homos and a place where Trump trolls Democrats

If the idiot Trump would leave his delusional state occasionally, he would understand people of reason and good conscience know him for the liar and con-man he is. They know full well his daily lies reach double digits. His lies are refuted as fast as they are told by ethical and reliable Online sources.

His use of social media does nothing more than enable him to reinforce the misinformation his minions lap up as fact every day. And his infantile tweets to insult and belittle foreign leaders and other nations have shown the world he is foolish and inept in both communicating and foreign policy. (The idiot Trump is equally foolish and inept concerning domestic issues. Fortunately, that fact makes world wide headlines far less frequently.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness. (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.)

Trump uses social media so he can lie at will. He uses social media because he has such contempt for his bleevers that he knows they will bleev whatever he tells them to bleev.

When you tweet, it is a one way conversation. There is no journalist challenging your fucking bullshit.

"The sun has risen more times in my Presidency than all Presidents before me!"
Trump knows how to exaggerat

Bill, Hillary , Eric holder , Louis Lerner, Elizabeth Warren , Loretta Lynch, Obama are all college grads and know how to lie with deceit and malice ...
You are pathetic. You really are pathetic. Look at you dancing like a fool trying to defend that piece of shit.

I am not defending him I am making fun of you guys ...

If poltifact followed you around 24/7 how many lies would they catch you in?
None of you leftist morons have any ethical, moral, or logical reason to complain about Trump. You slack-jawed pussies said nothing while 0bama lied all through his 8 year regime.
Good thing I'm not a leftist, I'm ambidextrous..But that has nothing to do with who is president now. I may have voted for Trump but that doesn't mean he gets to say or do anything he wants without my ability to judge it and make a statement about it..

It has everything to do with now. One cannot Ignore 8 years of lies from the 0bama regime and then suddenly decide that truth is important when you don’t like the guy in office now. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of it. It’s completely relevant.

If the idiot Trump would leave his delusional state occasionally, he would understand people of reason and good conscience know him for the liar and con-man he is. They know full well his daily lies reach double digits. His lies are refuted as fast as they are told by ethical and reliable Online sources.

His use of social media does nothing more than enable him to reinforce the misinformation his minions lap up as fact every day. And his infantile tweets to insult and belittle foreign leaders and other nations have shown the world he is foolish and inept in both communicating and foreign policy. (The idiot Trump is equally foolish and inept concerning domestic issues. Fortunately, that fact makes world wide headlines far less frequently.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness. (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.)

Trump uses social media so he can lie at will. He uses social media because he has such contempt for his bleevers that he knows they will bleev whatever he tells them to bleev.

When you tweet, it is a one way conversation. There is no journalist challenging your fucking bullshit.

"The sun has risen more times in my Presidency than all Presidents before me!"

Once again real men don't read faggot Twitter ..

That's only for homos and a place where Trump trolls Democrats
Well, lucky for me I don't have a Twitter account. I must be a real man.

I don't need the Emperor to tell me what to think.
And btw do you know the difference of lying with deceit like Hillary and Obama does

And just plain old exaggerating's like Trump does?

Do you Know the difference?
Oh, please. You are pathetic. The topic of this thread is about deceit. About Trump essentially implying he's responsible for no American aircraft crashes this year, without specifically saying how he is responsible for that and not mentioning there haven't been any for the previious 6 years either. DECEIT! Only he does it daily: either outright lies or propaganda/deceit, pretending something is true when it isn't, manipulating the truth. Sure, all politicians do it, but not to the extreme and obvious extent Trump does.

Bull shit Trump doesn't like with deceit who the hell are you fooling..he is a damn bussiness man the art of bullshit..

He is not a lawyer like Bill or Hillary or a pertend constitutional scholar like Obama they lie with deceit

Hell harry Once again lied about Romney's tax returns and said he was glad he did it .

Take a simple white lie you fruit loops like to say about Trump ..

He said his inauguration was bigger then Obama's

Was that deceit or just bragging my dick is bigger than yours?

He said the tax bill was going to cost him a fortune. He said it was the biggest tax cut in history.

He paid 25 MILLION DOLLARS back to the people he victimized with Trump University.

Was all that just harmless bragging?

Uhm that's what Trump does that's the only thing he knows how to do is sell something..

We all knew that before he won the presidency...

Don't tell me you never bought a car or house and they tried to bullshit you how great it is untill you find out the problems ..

Other than Trump I don't know anyone who's done 25 million dollars worth of stealing by use of lies.

Oh, yeah, that Ponzi scheme guy from a couple years ago...

who's in PRISON.

If the idiot Trump would leave his delusional state occasionally, he would understand people of reason and good conscience know him for the liar and con-man he is. They know full well his daily lies reach double digits. His lies are refuted as fast as they are told by ethical and reliable Online sources.

His use of social media does nothing more than enable him to reinforce the misinformation his minions lap up as fact every day. And his infantile tweets to insult and belittle foreign leaders and other nations have shown the world he is foolish and inept in both communicating and foreign policy. (The idiot Trump is equally foolish and inept concerning domestic issues. Fortunately, that fact makes world wide headlines far less frequently.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness. (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.)

Trump uses social media so he can lie at will. He uses social media because he has such contempt for his bleevers that he knows they will bleev whatever he tells them to bleev.

When you tweet, it is a one way conversation. There is no journalist challenging your fucking bullshit.

"The sun has risen more times in my Presidency than all Presidents before me!"

Exactly what did that lie raise my health insurance up 100% ?
None of you leftist morons have any ethical, moral, or logical reason to complain about Trump. You slack-jawed pussies said nothing while 0bama lied all through his 8 year regime.
Good thing I'm not a leftist, I'm ambidextrous..But that has nothing to do with who is president now. I may have voted for Trump but that doesn't mean he gets to say or do anything he wants without my ability to judge it and make a statement about it..

It has everything to do with now. One cannot Ignore 8 years of lies from the 0bama regime and then suddenly decide that truth is important when you don’t like the guy in office now. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of it. It’s completely relevant.

Lying is either right or wrong. Hypocrisy, even if it occurred, is irrelevant.
None of you leftist morons have any ethical, moral, or logical reason to complain about Trump. You slack-jawed pussies said nothing while 0bama lied all through his 8 year regime.
Good thing I'm not a leftist, I'm ambidextrous..But that has nothing to do with who is president now. I may have voted for Trump but that doesn't mean he gets to say or do anything he wants without my ability to judge it and make a statement about it..

It has everything to do with now. One cannot Ignore 8 years of lies from the 0bama regime and then suddenly decide that truth is important when you don’t like the guy in office now. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of it. It’s completely relevant.

Lying is either right or wrong. Hypocrisy, even if it occurred, is irrelevant.

Bull shit.

If the idiot Trump would leave his delusional state occasionally, he would understand people of reason and good conscience know him for the liar and con-man he is. They know full well his daily lies reach double digits. His lies are refuted as fast as they are told by ethical and reliable Online sources.

His use of social media does nothing more than enable him to reinforce the misinformation his minions lap up as fact every day. And his infantile tweets to insult and belittle foreign leaders and other nations have shown the world he is foolish and inept in both communicating and foreign policy. (The idiot Trump is equally foolish and inept concerning domestic issues. Fortunately, that fact makes world wide headlines far less frequently.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect their typical nonsense and off-topic silliness. (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.)

Trump uses social media so he can lie at will. He uses social media because he has such contempt for his bleevers that he knows they will bleev whatever he tells them to bleev.

When you tweet, it is a one way conversation. There is no journalist challenging your fucking bullshit.

"The sun has risen more times in my Presidency than all Presidents before me!"

Exactly what did that lie raise my health insurance up 100% ?
Remember when Trump promised he would repeal and replace ObamaCare on day one, and that he would give you healthcare at "a tiny fraction of the cost"?

My oh my, how quickly we forget, huh?

How's that cheap healthcare working out for you?
None of you leftist morons have any ethical, moral, or logical reason to complain about Trump. You slack-jawed pussies said nothing while 0bama lied all through his 8 year regime.
Good thing I'm not a leftist, I'm ambidextrous..But that has nothing to do with who is president now. I may have voted for Trump but that doesn't mean he gets to say or do anything he wants without my ability to judge it and make a statement about it..

It has everything to do with now. One cannot Ignore 8 years of lies from the 0bama regime and then suddenly decide that truth is important when you don’t like the guy in office now. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of it. It’s completely relevant.

Lying is either right or wrong. Hypocrisy, even if it occurred, is irrelevant.

Bull shit.
I remember a lot of lying and bullshit coming from pseudocons during the Obama regime. And now all those benchmarks are coming back to bitch slap all of you in your slack little faces.

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

Oh, please. You are pathetic. The topic of this thread is about deceit. About Trump essentially implying he's responsible for no American aircraft crashes this year, without specifically saying how he is responsible for that and not mentioning there haven't been any for the previious 6 years either. DECEIT! Only he does it daily: either outright lies or propaganda/deceit, pretending something is true when it isn't, manipulating the truth. Sure, all politicians do it, but not to the extreme and obvious extent Trump does.

Bull shit Trump doesn't like with deceit who the hell are you fooling..he is a damn bussiness man the art of bullshit..

He is not a lawyer like Bill or Hillary or a pertend constitutional scholar like Obama they lie with deceit

Hell harry Once again lied about Romney's tax returns and said he was glad he did it .

Take a simple white lie you fruit loops like to say about Trump ..

He said his inauguration was bigger then Obama's

Was that deceit or just bragging my dick is bigger than yours?

He said the tax bill was going to cost him a fortune. He said it was the biggest tax cut in history.

He paid 25 MILLION DOLLARS back to the people he victimized with Trump University.

Was all that just harmless bragging?

Uhm that's what Trump does that's the only thing he knows how to do is sell something..

We all knew that before he won the presidency...

Don't tell me you never bought a car or house and they tried to bullshit you how great it is untill you find out the problems ..

Other than Trump I don't know anyone who's done 25 million dollars worth of stealing by use of lies.

Oh, yeah, that Ponzi scheme guy from a couple years ago...

who's in PRISON.

Civil law suits ? Trump paid almost twice that in taxes in one year alone ...25 million is peanuts to 40 million dollars in taxes just one year

Btw so you say Bill didn't rape Paula Jones ...ya do know (I have to remind you again) bill paid her almost a million dollars to shut up .
Somewhere on the Mar-A-Lago golf course is Trump's replacement for ObamaCare. I admire his non-stop dedication to searching for where he left it.

Busy, busy, busy!
Bull shit Trump doesn't like with deceit who the hell are you fooling..he is a damn bussiness man the art of bullshit..

He is not a lawyer like Bill or Hillary or a pertend constitutional scholar like Obama they lie with deceit

Hell harry Once again lied about Romney's tax returns and said he was glad he did it .

Take a simple white lie you fruit loops like to say about Trump ..

He said his inauguration was bigger then Obama's

Was that deceit or just bragging my dick is bigger than yours?

He said the tax bill was going to cost him a fortune. He said it was the biggest tax cut in history.

He paid 25 MILLION DOLLARS back to the people he victimized with Trump University.

Was all that just harmless bragging?

Uhm that's what Trump does that's the only thing he knows how to do is sell something..

We all knew that before he won the presidency...

Don't tell me you never bought a car or house and they tried to bullshit you how great it is untill you find out the problems ..

Other than Trump I don't know anyone who's done 25 million dollars worth of stealing by use of lies.

Oh, yeah, that Ponzi scheme guy from a couple years ago...

who's in PRISON.

Civil law suits ? Trump paid almost twice that in taxes in one year alone ...25 million is peanuts to 40 million dollars in taxes just one year

Btw so you say Bill didn't rape Paula Jones ...ya do know (I have to remind you again) bill paid her almost a million dollars to shut up .
Hey, where's that Clinton child rape videotape?

Go ahead. Prove that none of those were lies.
Kinda like when Obama lied about family saving 2500 dollars a year? Which in return liberals said he didn't intend for them to go up. So therefore there is no lie?
Remember the Obamas spending $200 million a day for their India trip?
QUOTE) Please post where this 200 million a day cost info came from? Thought the official tally for Obama vacations over 8 years was 96 million, give or take a few hundred thousand?
None of you leftist morons have any ethical, moral, or logical reason to complain about Trump. You slack-jawed pussies said nothing while 0bama lied all through his 8 year regime.
Good thing I'm not a leftist, I'm ambidextrous..But that has nothing to do with who is president now. I may have voted for Trump but that doesn't mean he gets to say or do anything he wants without my ability to judge it and make a statement about it..

It has everything to do with now. One cannot Ignore 8 years of lies from the 0bama regime and then suddenly decide that truth is important when you don’t like the guy in office now. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of it. It’s completely relevant.

Lying is either right or wrong. Hypocrisy, even if it occurred, is irrelevant.

Bull shit.
I remember a lot of lying and bullshit coming from pseudocons during the Obama regime. And now all those benchmarks are coming back to bitch slap all of you in your slack little faces.

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

So know Trump doesn't have a smart phone on him when he plays golf?

Ever hear of multi tasking ..?

Trump figured out being president is not being dictator he read Obama job wrong..
Good thing I'm not a leftist, I'm ambidextrous..But that has nothing to do with who is president now. I may have voted for Trump but that doesn't mean he gets to say or do anything he wants without my ability to judge it and make a statement about it..

It has everything to do with now. One cannot Ignore 8 years of lies from the 0bama regime and then suddenly decide that truth is important when you don’t like the guy in office now. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of it. It’s completely relevant.

Lying is either right or wrong. Hypocrisy, even if it occurred, is irrelevant.

Bull shit.
I remember a lot of lying and bullshit coming from pseudocons during the Obama regime. And now all those benchmarks are coming back to bitch slap all of you in your slack little faces.

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

So know Trump doesn't have a smart phone on him when he plays golf?

Ever hear of multi tasking ..?

Trump figured out being president is not being dictator he read Obama job wrong..

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, retard.

How's that cheap healthcare working out for ya? :lol:
These tards. Trump bragged to them he wasn't going to have time to golf because he was going to be too busy working for them.

Now they have to do mental twists to excuse his lies as health care costs keep going up, up, up.

Somewhere on the Mar-A-Lago golf course is Trump's replacement for ObamaCare. I admire his non-stop dedication to searching for where he left it.

Busy, busy, busy!

Once again you stupid fuck we have 3 branches of government, a president makes a campaign promise and has to work with Congress then he signs the bill..

Tell us prick whenever did Obama worked with Congress to sign a transparency bill?

Obama signed Obama care in three days

Like Nancy pelosi said " we have to pass Obamacare to see what's in it"


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