Trump: I Won't Attend White House Correspondents Dinner

Is that where the President makes jokes for the media guys? Why should Trump go there?

You're onto something, he shouldn't do anything a president would.

He doesn't want to be president anyways...His job is to destroy our institutions that lead the world and watch this country die.

Look, your country is declining anyway, empires always do, and further concentrating societal wealth into the hands of fewer and fewer was already well established and was going to continue regrdless of who won the last election. And a good deal of that has to do with amnerican institutions.

Our political system was bought by the rich and our politicians weaken our anti-trust laws and looked the other way as the rich fucked the rest of the country over.

Who I even proposing to weaken anti trust laws? everthing else you losers claimed will take Trump down. Lol nothing
You cant be speaking of that guy Trump who lost the 2016 election in a landslide.....

Yeah, you better start on your lessons on excuse making for next week...

If you forget your lesson, just go back to the....

Snow Flake

He won get over it

Well look what Hillary did

Obama left a mess

Jimmy cracked corn but I don't care....

I made it perfectly clear Trump wasn't my first choice but with SCOTUS appointments looming I voted for him.

So you see once agian you dont have the first fucking clue

You should stop and quit embarrassing yourself

Wow crabby tonight Sassy....
Anyone who ever watched the love fest between the MSM and the Obama administration understands the way the system works Obama ruthlessly roasted citizen Trump at one of the love fest dinners and Trump remembers it. Let the sleazy fools entertain each other this time..
Have you all seen those roast on comic central ???? How low and disgusting that crap is, yet the roasted sit through some of the most deplorable bull crap imaginable
. Trump is the President of the United States, and it's time to separate from the real deplorables in this nation, and run this thing.
Trump is president of and for RED STATE CONSERVATINVE AMERIKA........ONLY.
. That's what won the Presidency for him, so why not represent them to ? You country club elitist think that he should only represent you, but he is representing all AMERICANS, and you just can't stand the thought of it can you ?
The media are more powerful than Trump - and protected by the Constitution.


Passed by Congress September 25, 1789. Ratified December 15, 1791. The first 10 amendments form the Bill of Rights

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
Maybe Alec Baldwin will stand-in for Trump. They'll certainly roast hell out of Trump anyway.
Since Liberals want to blur the lines between comedy and politics that would be predictable.
. Let'em try it, and you talk about looking stupid... Wow... LOL. Trump called it right. Quit getting caught in their petty traps they keep setting for him. He needs to go deep, and keep them guessing, and keep them feeling completely powerless anymore. They have been catered to enough, and they blew it.
My guy dropped out way early, Scott Walker.
I think Walker would have made a great President also, but it seems that we really did need, and still need for now, an outsider, nonpolitician businessman/investor to come in and to a hostile take over of the Federali government and clean house.

That is essentially what Trump is doing; performing a purgative on the Political Class, a cleansing it has been in need of since 1989.
The media are more powerful than Trump - and protected by the Constitution.


Passed by Congress September 25, 1789. Ratified December 15, 1791. The first 10 amendments form the Bill of Rights

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
. The media is fixing to be put back in their place, and oh happy day it will be.
President Donald Trump said Saturday that he will not attend the annual White House correspondents dinner this year.

The annual gathering, hosted by the White House Correspondents Association, is usually attended by the president, reporters from media outlets that cover the White House, and celebrities.

Trump’s announcement, which gave no reason, came after a sustained attack on the media. He recently called news organizations “the enemy,” and the White House on Friday excluded several major outlets, The Huffington Post among them, from a press briefing.

Bloomberg and Vanity Fair, which host one of the hottest parties in Washington the weekend of the annual dinner, have announced they would not hold the event this year. CNN, frequently criticized by Trump, has been contemplating sitting out the dinner.

The annual dinner also features a roast of the president by a comedian ― something that may not have gone over with the notoriously thin-skinned Trump.

Trump has been stung by the event before ― in 2011, when then-President Barack Obama roasted him. At the time, Trump had been falsely claiming that Obama was not born in the United States and was pushing him to release his birth certificate.

More: Trump Says He Will Not Attend Annual White House Correspondents

Gee, I wonder why. I believe the dinner is scheduled for April 29 or 30, 2017. I've seen conflicting dates. Will President Obama be there? I chuckle as I imagine him hosting the event after the roasting he gave Trump in 2011. Video below...

Trump announces he won't be attending two months prior to the event? That is very strange. Isn't it considered a lighthearted way for both the press and members of gov't to get together, let down their hair, and blow off some steam while sharing a laugh together? Isn't it a way of bonding. Why can't Trump just suck it up like a real mensch? After all, it's the WH correspondence dinner, and who the hell lives in the WH? When was the last time a president hasn't made an appearance?

I wondered if Trump has considered how big of a shellacking he's going to be in for simply because he's too chickenshit to show up. And I'm not just talking about during the dinner. Late night comedians are going to pillory Trump, and he will have brought it ALL on himself.
. You try to play it down, but anything with this hostile media is subject to extreme caution. Trump called it right after all that has taken place in the past. Trump is proving yet again that he isn't as foolish as they wish he was.
Trump has 2000 appointments to fill. Why does he have so many VACANCIES???????
. Because he's proving or will prove that most of those positions were government waste. Cracking down.. Gooooooo Trump.
If it doesn't bother the media then why are they crying about it? Maybe he will have a rally on the same night to piss them off
So what it's a waste of time anyway.
Trump needs to get off his ass and start filling vacancies in his cabinet.
The Democrats need to stop dragging their feet on his nominees.
Yeah, they are acting like republicans...
. But Trump is not your typical Republican even though you people want to tie him to that baggage. Trump is anti-establishment in which is what America kept crying for, but once they have their wishes come true they get scared ?
Anyone who ever watched the love fest between the MSM and the Obama administration understands the way the system works Obama ruthlessly roasted citizen Trump at one of the love fest dinners and Trump remembers it. Let the sleazy fools entertain each other this time..
Trump had attempted to destroy Obama. He should have expected retaliation.
It was enjoyable to watch.
So what it's a waste of time anyway.
Trump needs to get off his ass and start filling vacancies in his cabinet.
The Democrats need to stop dragging their feet on his nominees.
Yeah, they are acting like republicans...
. But Trump is not your typical Republican even though you people want to tie him to that baggage. Trump is anti-establishment in which is what America kept crying for, but once they have their wishes come true they get scared ?
I don't care what Trumpet is...or what the dems do...I simply have more important things to do than keep up with filthy rich folks and their hobbies...
So what it's a waste of time anyway.
Trump needs to get off his ass and start filling vacancies in his cabinet.
The Democrats need to stop dragging their feet on his nominees.
Yeah, they are acting like republicans...
. But Trump is not your typical Republican even though you people want to tie him to that baggage. Trump is anti-establishment in which is what America kept crying for, but once they have their wishes come true they get scared ?

The intelligent people want anti-establishment. The extremists want their own establishment to maintain control. Trump doesn't give a shit what either side thinks. He isn't owned by anyone. It's the big and powerful who own politicians and are pushing toward one world government that hate him. They are behind all the protests and the rhetoric that convinces people that racists, greedy wealthy people, white supremacists and bigots are running things. It's all bullshit and designed to pit people against each other.

We have what we need right now. Most people understood that and we are lucky that the radical masses in a few states weren't able to stop us. Trump isn't perfect. Love him or hate him, he's the best one to keep America alive. Hillary was set to sell us down the river to one world order.

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