Trump impeachment defense team will include Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz

THAT'S THE POINT. I DON'T buy the cover story that Trump did anything meriting impeachment, and the fact that the House passed two articles, neither of which is even a crime and one of them laughable and specious, and now they want to retry Trump all over again in the senate, proves it.

Just do we are clear, the president is allowed to order investigations into his political opponents for any reason whatsoever?

Is that right?
Do we are clear? Can you even type a sentence? For whatever reason whatsoever? Where did you pluck THAT one out of your ass? Trump gave the reason: Biden was using his power as VP to effect changes in Ukraine for personal gain. Now we'll finally get to the bottom of that.

If Uncle Joe had some honest and legit explanation, the Democrats sure have fought hard to keep it from the public.

That’s not the question. Can you answer it?

The president is allowed to order investigations into his political opponents for any reason whatsoever. True or false?

OMB Releases Memo on Legal Reasons to Withhold Ukraine Aid | Breitbart

The OMB describes the hold as a programmatic delay. The GAO informed them that is not what programmatic means.

It's the president who makes that call, not the GAO. They can inform the President of the matter, but that doesn't disable him from looking into it himself.
He was forcing Ukraine to help his election by investigating his opponent. That’s corrupt.

Ironically, Biden was the one fighting corruption.

He didn't force anybody to do anything. More Democrat lies.
Good point. He only withheld taxpayer dollars to get what he wanted.

Fine. And when you can prove that, then the impeachment is justified. But to say that Democrats ability to read minds is grounds for impeachment is what makes the articles bogus charges.

I’m happy to see you admit that fact.

The accusation against Biden is that he got Shokin fired for personal reasons. How do you know that? Are you reading his mind?

No, I'm going by what Shokin said in that interview. Would you like to see it? I have it right here in my bookmarks.
So Shokin is a mind reader then?
Just do we are clear, the president is allowed to order investigations into his political opponents for any reason whatsoever?

Is that right?
Do we are clear? Can you even type a sentence? For whatever reason whatsoever? Where did you pluck THAT one out of your ass? Trump gave the reason: Biden was using his power as VP to effect changes in Ukraine for personal gain. Now we'll finally get to the bottom of that.

If Uncle Joe had some honest and legit explanation, the Democrats sure have fought hard to keep it from the public.

That’s not the question. Can you answer it?

The president is allowed to order investigations into his political opponents for any reason whatsoever. True or false?

OMB Releases Memo on Legal Reasons to Withhold Ukraine Aid | Breitbart

The OMB describes the hold as a programmatic delay. The GAO informed them that is not what programmatic means.

It's the president who makes that call, not the GAO. They can inform the President of the matter, but that doesn't disable him from looking into it himself.

The president does not have the power to redefine words.
Ken Starr?

The man who supported impeachment over a blow job?

Comments like that are what amazes me about how effective brainwashing is.

It wasn’t was a blowjob

Find me within the articles of impeachment where it charges Clinton with getting a BJ. Your puppet masters told you that, and you echo their lies. The crime was lying in front of a federal grand jury. He violated his presidential oath of office.

He lied about getting a blow job dumb ass,

Great. Now find me where in the articles of impeachment he got charged with that. He got charged for lying to a federal grand jury which is perjury; a felony.

So what do you think he lied about? You got a link to show he lied about something other than a blow job?
So Dershowitz will be convincing us that Trump is innocent the same way he convinced us that OJ was innocent?
He is like the lawyer that arranges bail for rapists and chomos.

Would that be like Hillary bragging about getting a child rapist off, then laughing about it?
Describing the events almost a decade after they had occurred, Clinton’s struck a casual and complacent attitude toward her client and the trial for rape of a minor. “I had him take a polygraph, which he passed – which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” she added with a laugh. Clinton can also be heard laughing at several points when discussing the crime lab’s accidental destruction of DNA evidence that tied Taylor to the crime.

Guy Benson - Unearthed Audio: Hillary Discusses Defending Child Rapist

Q: Did Hillary Clinton volunteer in 1975 to defend a rapist, who was found not guilty, and laugh about it in an interview in 1980?

A: Clinton defended an accused rapist, but she did not volunteer. He pleaded guilty to a lesser offense. She laughed when recalling unusual aspects of the case.
Clinton's 1975 Rape Case
Love how you twist the truth. Hillary made the Bill Clinton victim's out to be the bad guy. Bimbo gate. You people are scum.
Lying under oath about having an affair. Don't let the facts get in your way. LOL.

Is tramp going under oath, or giving a sample of his blood??? Or anything, they didn't ok any witnesses and documents. And the witnesses , if they are allowed, will exert EP.
It's still a felony you ignorant slut.

He should of refused to go under oath, like tramp did and will do. Barr is protecting him. As long as tramp has his job, barr has his.

He wouldn't have went under oath, but like always, the Democrat always feels they are the smartest one in the room. Bill thought he was way too smart to be outdone by some 20 something kid. Little did he know or suspect. Otherwise, he would't have testified under oath.

You must mean the old hag Tripp.

What does she have to do with my comment?
She has to deflect.

You might note that the all the things proffered by Dershowitz in those four links have proven to be wrong. There will be a trial, and only an idiot would think the impeachment claims could possibly be thrown out on constitutional grounds. Great links, but unfortunately for you, given the fact that his remarks in those links have already been shown to be bullshit, they just don't help your case.

I see your opinion that Dershowitz was "proven" wrong, but I don't see any proof?!
So until you can provide a "proof" I'm just fine believing Professor Dershowitz, his opinions do make perfect sense:
1. Article-2 is dead because the USSC took the Trump vs House subpoena for tax records, proving that Trump does have due process rights, and there is no such thing as "Obstruction of the House". Its see you House morons in court.
2. Article-2 is dead because hearsay evidence is not allowed in the senate like it was in the House.
Despite Senate Majority Leader's wish the Senate trial keep as low profile as possible, Trump wants to turn the trial into a daytime melodrama with him as the star, of course.

The Post reports, "With his Senate trial to begin in earnest next week, President Trump has added some high-profile lawyers to his legal team, including Harvard emeritus law professor Alan Dershowitz and former independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr."

Starr is a serious mistake, unless Trump is lying again. With him, you never know. If Starr is one his lawyers, it will become known that before Clinton was impeached, Starr conducted a three year investigation as the special prosecutor with all the witnesses he needed from the White House.

We no longer have the special prosecutor. The impeachment inquiry was conducted by the House with all the due process Trump wanted -- he chose not to defend himself and blocked witness testimony from the White House -- and the inquiry was much shorter.

Unless Trump wants to incriminate himself again, Starr will not be one of his lawyers. That announcement was strictly for show, in other words, pure Trumpism.

I have a feeling Mitch will make sure that happens. After all,he runs the Senate, not Trump, and even Trump must follow Senate rules
Comments like that are what amazes me about how effective brainwashing is.

It wasn’t was a blowjob

Find me within the articles of impeachment where it charges Clinton with getting a BJ. Your puppet masters told you that, and you echo their lies. The crime was lying in front of a federal grand jury. He violated his presidential oath of office.

He lied about getting a blow job dumb ass,

Great. Now find me where in the articles of impeachment he got charged with that. He got charged for lying to a federal grand jury which is perjury; a felony.

So what do you think he lied about? You got a link to show he lied about something other than a blow job?

It has nothing to do with what he lied about rather than it does who he lied to. He lied to a federal grand jury. It doesn't matter if it was about a murder or jaywalking. When you lie to the FBI, a judge, a grand jury, that's perjury. You can't do that because it's a felony.
President Trump has added some high-profile lawyers to his legal team, including Harvard emeritus law professor Alan Dershowitz.

Dershowitz is a loser. He defended O.J. and we know what happened to him. He destroyed his affluent lifestyle and spent years in prison. Dershowitz also defended the sexual pervert, Jeffrey Epstein, who was in prison when he committed suicide or was murdered. Like I said, a loser.

This guy has defended Trump for three years, which leads me to believe he is a conservative.

Or not, apparently he thought Trump was so bad as a candidate, that Dershowitz voted for Hillary in 2016.

Now he is going to be defending Trump, another loser, a dumbass, paranoid President who got himself impeached.
Do we are clear? Can you even type a sentence? For whatever reason whatsoever? Where did you pluck THAT one out of your ass? Trump gave the reason: Biden was using his power as VP to effect changes in Ukraine for personal gain. Now we'll finally get to the bottom of that.

If Uncle Joe had some honest and legit explanation, the Democrats sure have fought hard to keep it from the public.

That’s not the question. Can you answer it?

The president is allowed to order investigations into his political opponents for any reason whatsoever. True or false?

OMB Releases Memo on Legal Reasons to Withhold Ukraine Aid | Breitbart

The OMB describes the hold as a programmatic delay. The GAO informed them that is not what programmatic means.

It's the president who makes that call, not the GAO. They can inform the President of the matter, but that doesn't disable him from looking into it himself.

The president does not have the power to redefine words.

WTF are you even talking about? Redefining what words?
He didn't force anybody to do anything. More Democrat lies.
Good point. He only withheld taxpayer dollars to get what he wanted.

Fine. And when you can prove that, then the impeachment is justified. But to say that Democrats ability to read minds is grounds for impeachment is what makes the articles bogus charges.

I’m happy to see you admit that fact.

The accusation against Biden is that he got Shokin fired for personal reasons. How do you know that? Are you reading his mind?

No, I'm going by what Shokin said in that interview. Would you like to see it? I have it right here in my bookmarks.
So Shokin is a mind reader then?

He's not reading anybody's mind. I doubt he's even a leftist. He's explaining in his words what exactly took place. He refused to back off of Burisma, and Joe had him fired for that.
I know that over time, Dershowitz has been adamant about the unconstitutional nature of the Trump impeachment (as has Starr and Ray), and Dershowitz has drawn a lot of fire from Dems because he is standing up for what is right and not what is politically advantageous for the Dem party. I believe he has also been a confidant of the Trump Administration on Constitutional matters of concern to the administration....he has been spotted at the White House on numerous occasions.
Dershowitz professes to be a "Liberal" old school Democrat, and I think this whole impeachment mess, plus the left wing political direction of the Dem party irritates him to no end.
This should be interesting to watch!
Trump & Dersh can rehash the good ole days when underage tail were easy pickins on Epstein Island.
It wasn’t was a blowjob

Find me within the articles of impeachment where it charges Clinton with getting a BJ. Your puppet masters told you that, and you echo their lies. The crime was lying in front of a federal grand jury. He violated his presidential oath of office.

He lied about getting a blow job dumb ass,

Great. Now find me where in the articles of impeachment he got charged with that. He got charged for lying to a federal grand jury which is perjury; a felony.

So what do you think he lied about? You got a link to show he lied about something other than a blow job?

It has nothing to do with what he lied about rather than it does who he lied to. He lied to a federal grand jury. It doesn't matter if it was about a murder or jaywalking. When you lie to the FBI, a judge, a grand jury, that's perjury. You can't do that because it's a felony.

You hang on to that thought. Right wingers impeached Clinton for something as inconsequential as lying about a blowjob, but claim it's OK for trump to misdirect federal funds to bribe a foreign country for his own personal political gains. Do you even remember when the right still had integrity?
I know that over time, Dershowitz has been adamant about the unconstitutional nature of the Trump impeachment (as has Starr and Ray), and Dershowitz has drawn a lot of fire from Dems because he is standing up for what is right and not what is politically advantageous for the Dem party. I believe he has also been a confidant of the Trump Administration on Constitutional matters of concern to the administration....he has been spotted at the White House on numerous occasions.
Dershowitz professes to be a "Liberal" old school Democrat, and I think this whole impeachment mess, plus the left wing political direction of the Dem party irritates him to no end.
This should be interesting to watch!
Trump & Dersh can rehash the good ole days when underage tail were easy pickins on Epstein Island.

Is that what they told you to believe?

The flight logs showed that Trump flew on Epstein’s plane at least once — from Palm Beach to Newark, New Jersey, in January 1997.

The Epstein Connections Fueling Conspiracy Theories
Find me within the articles of impeachment where it charges Clinton with getting a BJ. Your puppet masters told you that, and you echo their lies. The crime was lying in front of a federal grand jury. He violated his presidential oath of office.

He lied about getting a blow job dumb ass,

Great. Now find me where in the articles of impeachment he got charged with that. He got charged for lying to a federal grand jury which is perjury; a felony.

So what do you think he lied about? You got a link to show he lied about something other than a blow job?

It has nothing to do with what he lied about rather than it does who he lied to. He lied to a federal grand jury. It doesn't matter if it was about a murder or jaywalking. When you lie to the FBI, a judge, a grand jury, that's perjury. You can't do that because it's a felony.

You hang on to that thought. Right wingers impeached Clinton for something as inconsequential as lying about a blowjob, but claim it's OK for trump to misdirect federal funds to bribe a foreign country for his own personal political gains. Do you even remember when the right still had integrity?

Except there is evidence (DNA and video) of Clinton lying. There is zero evidence of Trump withholding aid for political gains......ZERO!
He lied about getting a blow job dumb ass,

Great. Now find me where in the articles of impeachment he got charged with that. He got charged for lying to a federal grand jury which is perjury; a felony.

So what do you think he lied about? You got a link to show he lied about something other than a blow job?

It has nothing to do with what he lied about rather than it does who he lied to. He lied to a federal grand jury. It doesn't matter if it was about a murder or jaywalking. When you lie to the FBI, a judge, a grand jury, that's perjury. You can't do that because it's a felony.

You hang on to that thought. Right wingers impeached Clinton for something as inconsequential as lying about a blowjob, but claim it's OK for trump to misdirect federal funds to bribe a foreign country for his own personal political gains. Do you even remember when the right still had integrity?

Except there is evidence (DNA and video) of Clinton lying. There is zero evidence of Trump withholding aid for political gains......ZERO!

No question he lied about a blowjob. Big deal. There is lots of evidence that Trump withheld funds for political gains. You can pretend that evidence doesn't exist if you want to.
Great. Now find me where in the articles of impeachment he got charged with that. He got charged for lying to a federal grand jury which is perjury; a felony.

So what do you think he lied about? You got a link to show he lied about something other than a blow job?

It has nothing to do with what he lied about rather than it does who he lied to. He lied to a federal grand jury. It doesn't matter if it was about a murder or jaywalking. When you lie to the FBI, a judge, a grand jury, that's perjury. You can't do that because it's a felony.

You hang on to that thought. Right wingers impeached Clinton for something as inconsequential as lying about a blowjob, but claim it's OK for trump to misdirect federal funds to bribe a foreign country for his own personal political gains. Do you even remember when the right still had integrity?

Except there is evidence (DNA and video) of Clinton lying. There is zero evidence of Trump withholding aid for political gains......ZERO!

No question he lied about a blowjob. Big deal. There is lots of evidence that Trump withheld funds for political gains. You can pretend that evidence doesn't exist if you want to.

There is? A lot of evidence? Show me one.
Trump will become the OJ of presidents. Acquitted but not innocent.

No comparison. His defense should be to call bullshit. If assholes like Bill Clinton still show their faces in public, should be no concerns. Dims alleged that Don did something. Scumbag Willy left DNA [emoji3459] evidence. Besties with a notorious peodophille. You morons still worship him. [emoji1787]

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So Dershowitz will be convincing us that Trump is innocent the same way he convinced us that OJ was innocent?
Actually Dershowitz got Epstein off with a slap on the wrist. Since Trump. Epstein and Dershowitz all ran in the same circle, Dershowitz being retained by Trump was inevitable.
Isn't Dershowitz being investigated for screwing little girls, he got on loan from Epstein?
I think so. Just like Trump being sued for raping a 13 year old.

Sorry derpster. That suit was thrown out in both California AND New York for something called NO EVIDENCE. You couldn’t get the two most liberal states in the Union to accept that garbage.
Sorry Trumpster, the case was voluntarily dismissed which is common after settlement. How much did the rapist pay the victim. I’m guessing ten million.

Wrong as always. The case was THROWN OUT. The address the “victim” provided was an EMPTY LOT. Oops. They were given a time frame to produce evidence or the case would be dismissed. They could come up with ZERO. So you lie again.

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