Trump in 2024 - driving people away from the polls.

Again, when you use absolute terms, you are by default wrong.

But logic has never been the lefts strongpoint.
Do you know of any Republican who rejected Trump's Big Lie?

Liz Cheney? Gone!

Adam Kinzinger? Gone!

Every Republican who voted for Trump's impeachment? Gone!

So...yeah. Cults are gonna cult.
They were demonstrations. Nobody rioted.

Try harder. I know it is tough for the uneducable
Honestly, I have to agree. One thing the dems did exceedingly well is to tarnish Trump. Their continuous onslaught over the last 5+ years, keeping him in the focus, and using dem owned news media, and extensive use of social media, both by negative publicity, and banning several right wing media personalities, and the overuse of buzzwords, they were able to gin up their base and this mid term should tell you that Trump is damaged goods, not because of his policies and ideas, but because the left wing media has made him a pariah, and even big business doesn't want to touch him now.

They have effectively made him unelectable, and him running will be a sure fire way to make sure Biden wins a second term. So, to you leftys, give yourself a pat on the back, you did a good job at organizing against your political adversary, something the right needs to take a lesson from.

So, going forward, I think the right would be better off putting their support behind desantis....except. even that may not be good enough. You see, part of the democrat hate machine was not only tarnishing Trump, it's also trying to tie any republican seeking office TO Trump.
Well, at the risk of sounding like we're in a playground, this shit started when Bubba was president. It's been a shit show since then.
Well, at the risk of sounding like we're in a playground, this shit started when Bubba was president. It's been a shit show since then.
You are correct. I think we need to get as far away from the shit show to proceed as a party and a nation.

Try harder. I know it is tough for the uneducable
Congrats. You found some one offs. Most were straight up protests. But don't let my being a wet blanket spoil your night. Rejoice. Your savior is returning. Send him your money. He needs it.
Gawd, I haven't laughed this hard since the day Trump got up in front of the nation and wondered if UV light could be introduced into the body "in some other way". :auiqs.jpg:
You must be very young as you obviously do not remember the right wing hate machine attacking Obama every day of his Administration.

And at the head of that attack machine was Birther Donald J. Trump.

Obama still got re-elected. So quit your loser excuses.

You know what Trump tweeted when Obama won re-election?


Trump obviously didn't know Obama won the popular vote, too. Something Loser Trump has never done.
Lol, you loons called us racist. Because we disagreed with him.
I think Trump being a total loon, liar and scumbag piece of shit is are what cost the right the mid terms.
You have just described pretty much every presidential candidate.

But again, this just proves my point. Midterms shouldn't been about Trump but the left made every election about Trump, costing us the red wave.
Do you know of any Republican who rejected Trump's Big Lie?

Liz Cheney? Gone!

Adam Kinzinger? Gone!

Every Republican who voted for Trump's impeachment? Gone!

So...yeah. Cults are gonna cult.
I remember a rodeo clown that got banned from the rodeo circuit. Because he wore an Obama mask, even though he wore other presidents mask also. Talk about a cult.
I remember a rodeo clown that got banned from the rodeo circuit. Because he wore an Obama mask, even though he wore other presidents mask also. Talk about a cult.
Isolated case. We had riots that were nation wide when Trump was elected.

Try to keep up.
I don't think you are following, a common issue of the left.

I don't want Trump to run.
I want him to go away.
Too bad. You're stuck with him. He ain't going anywhere. And will eliminate all who dare stand against him.
SOW========>REAP. :)

And it is a total mistake. Yes, I voted for him twice but in my opinion, people hating on Trump is why we didn't have a red wave in midterms.
His name was mentioned by pretty much every democrat in midterms - and he isn't the president anymore.
But he is the rally cry of the left.

It is time to cut Trump loose. I'll be voting for Ron DeSantis next time
What if InSantis doesn't run? What then?
Too bad. You're stuck with him. He ain't going anywhere. And will eliminate all who dare stand against him.
Apparency, you missed the point where I won't vote for him again. I will vote for Ron DeSantis. I honestly don't think that Trump has the support that he once had
I remember a rodeo clown that got banned from the rodeo circuit. Because he wore an Obama mask, even though he wore other presidents mask also. Talk about a cult.
1. Cool story, bro.

2. Your tu quoque fallacy in no way detracts from the fact that any Republican running for office had to swear fealty to Trump's Big Lie.

3. The rodeo clown did not wear any other masks. You lied.

You have just described pretty much every presidential candidate.

But again, this just proves my point. Midterms shouldn't been about Trump but the left made every election about Trump, costing us the red wave.

Totally disagree. Bubba was a sleaze, but a good president. Bush Jnr wasn't too bright. Biden is below average. Obama was average.

Trump is just a fucking loon. And why wouldn't those that are politically against him remind people - every day - what a low life piece of shit he is.
Just like Orange Jesus bitchslapped them in

2018 - whoops!
2020 - whoops!
2022 - whoops!

Keep clinging cultist!
Trump made you cry in 2016 then you cried and freaked out for 4 years trying to impeach the guy twice. Your butthurt and tears are as sweet to me as a rare wine.
Do you know of any Republican who rejected Trump's Big Lie?

Liz Cheney? Gone!

Adam Kinzinger? Gone!

Every Republican who voted for Trump's impeachment? Gone!

So...yeah. Cults are gonna cult.

Thanks for reminding us of the really good things trump did

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