Trump in 2024 - driving people away from the polls.

Attempting to get a foreign leader to manufacture a fake scandal about his political opponent.

Attempting a coup to overthrow an election.

Considering we impeached a Democrat over lying about a blowjob, I'd say Trump hurdled over that bar by miles!
Attempting to get a foreign leader to manufacture a fake scandal about his political opponent.

Again, there was no evidence that it was politically motivated, that was all assumption.

Attempting a coup to overthrow an election.

If you had enough evidence to impeach him, why the need for an additional 2+year investigation into it?

Clinton lied to congress, that's why he was impeached.
Again, there was no evidence that it was politically motivated, that was all assumption.

If you had enough evidence to impeach him, why the need for an additional 2+year investigation into it?

Clinton lied to congress, that's why he was impeached.
Clinton broke the law. He lied under oath, and committed evidence tampering as well as witness intimidation.
If you had enough evidence to impeach him, why the need for an additional 2+year investigation into it?

Clinton lied to congress, that's why he was impeached.

Actually he was impeached for lying to a federal grand jury. That's perjury, and worse than a misdemeanor.

And it is a total mistake. Yes, I voted for him twice but in my opinion, people hating on Trump is why we didn't have a red wave in midterms.
His name was mentioned by pretty much every democrat in midterms - and he isn't the president anymore.
But he is the rally cry of the left.

It is time to cut Trump loose. I'll be voting for Ron DeSantis next time
Suuure ya did, leftist shill n00b.

Honestly, I have to agree. One thing the dems did exceedingly well is to tarnish Trump. Their continuous onslaught over the last 5+ years, keeping him in the focus, and using dem owned news media, and extensive use of social media, both by negative publicity, and banning several right wing media personalities, and the overuse of buzzwords, they were able to gin up their base and this mid term should tell you that Trump is damaged goods, not because of his policies and ideas, but because the left wing media has made him a pariah, and even big business doesn't want to touch him now.

They have effectively made him unelectable, and him running will be a sure fire way to make sure Biden wins a second term. So, to you leftys, give yourself a pat on the back, you did a good job at organizing against your political adversary, something the right needs to take a lesson from.

So, ging forward, I think the right would be better off putting their support behind desantis....except. even that may not be good enough. You see, part of the democrat hate machine was not only tarnishing Trump, it's also trying to tie any republican seeking office TO Trump.

Trump did most of the work all by himself. He is, was and always shall be a total, toxic liar and fuck up. Those 7 bankruptcies couldn't have happened without a lifetime of rejecting every piece of sound advise and wise counsel he ever received.

Add in the 1 million dead Americans and a crashed economy, the revolving door and chaos at the White House and Trump has no one to blame but himself for ALL of his losses.
Trump did most of the work all by himself. He is, was and always shall be a total, toxic liar and fuck up. Those 7 bankruptcies couldn't have happened without a lifetime of rejecting every piece of sound advise and wise counsel he ever received.

Add in the 1 million dead Americans and a crashed economy, the revolving door and chaos at the White House and Trump has no one to blame but himself for ALL of his losses.
No, sorry, but it was the dem media. I'm not going to sit here and claim Trump was perfect, not at all, but the overwhelming reason for his persona in society today is due to the left wing media machine over exaggerating everything.

Take your list of "failures" for example:

7 bankruptcies. Many businesses go into bankruptcy, but Trump had some successful and some not successful. You omit that he had some good businesses also.

1 million dead Americans. First, you can't attribute all 1 million deaths to trump. Also, more died under Biden than did under Trump. It was a pandemic.....

Revolving door of chaos. Not really, again, dems took everything Trump did and twisted it and blew it out of proportion and out of context.

If the dems didn't have the stronghold on media like they do, he wouldn't be nearly as stigmatized as he is.

And it is a total mistake. Yes, I voted for him twice but in my opinion, people hating on Trump is why we didn't have a red wave in midterms.
His name was mentioned by pretty much every democrat in midterms - and he isn't the president anymore.
But he is the rally cry of the left.

It is time to cut Trump loose. I'll be voting for Ron DeSantis next time
The narrative is in high gear.
No, sorry, but it was the dem media. I'm not going to sit here and claim Trump was perfect, not at all, but the overwhelming reason for his persona in society today is due to the left wing media machine over exaggerating everything.

Take your list of "failures" for example:

7 bankruptcies. Many businesses go into bankruptcy, but Trump had some successful and some not successful. You omit that he had some good businesses also.

1 million dead Americans. First, you can't attribute all 1 million deaths to trump. Also, more died under Biden than did under Trump. It was a pandemic.....

Revolving door of chaos. Not really, again, dems took everything Trump did and twisted it and blew it out of proportion and out of context.

If the dems didn't have the stronghold on media like they do, he wouldn't be nearly as stigmatized as he is.

No matter how many times you debunk her lies, she keeps on lying anyway. If that's not bad enough, the same lies over and over and over again.

But just to add to Trump's record. Trump had 5 professional bankruptcies, none of his own of course. However Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career. That's a 1% failure rate which is a record any CEO would love to have.


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