Trump in 2024 - driving people away from the polls.

And it is a total mistake. Yes, I voted for him twice but in my opinion, people hating on Trump is why we didn't have a red wave in midterms.
His name was mentioned by pretty much every democrat in midterms - and he isn't the president anymore.
But he is the rally cry of the left.

It is time to cut Trump loose. I'll be voting for Ron DeSantis next time
1) The lukewarm midterms had zero to do with Trump - he's just the scapegoat.

2) DeSantis will lose to any Democrat he might face if he gets the nod.
The guy cannot get under 50% negatives in the polls.

That alone is - fatal - in elections.

The red wave fail was trump plus fraud.

My guess is 20% trump 80% fraud.

If trump had STFU gop +15 in house

Trump got the left to turn out.

All a distraction. We need a good election AUDIT strategy right now.

VA 7 is my best target.

Stop blamig Trump and learn why the Red trickled.
Totally disagree. Bubba was a sleaze, but a good president. Bush Jnr wasn't too bright. Biden is below average. Obama was average.

Trump is just a fucking loon. And why wouldn't those that are politically against him remind people - every day - what a low life piece of shit he is.

Which is the problem with our country. We went from choosing the best leaders to making it a popularity contest.
Because of no crime.

But that also again demonstrates part of the problem.

I heard it described in this way. In the election of 2016, Hillary generated such total crap that the left believed. If she was elected, that rage would have subsided but shocker, that didn't happen. The rage from the fringe, including the media only continued. It is irrational but that again describes most of the left.

He is damaged goods and his name along with the irrational rage that the left holds on so dearly is costing the republican party.

In order to survive, we have to get rid of Trump

So you admit to playing right into their hands. The Communists never feared a person more than Trump; at least during my lifetime. Their goal was to destroy his name with bogus impeachments, bogus investigations, phony lawsuits, and even a bogus raid on his home. Their goal was to turn as many people against Trump as they could, and by your posts, it worked exactly the way they planned.
Just like Orange Jesus bitchslapped them in

2018 - whoops!
2020 - whoops!
2022 - whoops!

Keep clinging cultist!

It was announced we took leadership of the House tonight. That means Nancy is packing her bags and going home to hide all the hammers in the house.
Which is the problem with our country. We went from choosing the best leaders to making it a popularity contest.
The private sector pays better.
Who was the last truly great president you had. Ike maybe. Kennedy is given a lot of kudos, but it would be interesting to see what his legacy would have been had he lived. He is forever caught up in the shine of Camelot due to his premature death. Johnson and Nixon were average. Ford didn't get much of a crack. Carter was okay but his legacy will be forever linked to the oil crisis and Tehran hostages. At the time, I thought Reagan would be the worst president in my lifetime. Boy, how wrong could I be.
So you admit to playing right into their hands. The Communists never feared a person more than Trump; at least during my lifetime. Their goal was to destroy his name with bogus impeachments, bogus investigations, phony lawsuits, and even a bogus raid on his home. Their goal was to turn as many people against Trump as they could, and by your posts, it worked exactly the way they planned.

Or, trump told sessions and barr to open 911 and global warming cases...

And it is a total mistake. Yes, I voted for him twice but in my opinion, people hating on Trump is why we didn't have a red wave in midterms.
His name was mentioned by pretty much every democrat in midterms - and he isn't the president anymore.
But he is the rally cry of the left.

It is time to cut Trump loose. I'll be voting for Ron DeSantis next time
Trump in 2024 – the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over again expecting different results.
1. Cool story, bro.

2. Your tu quoque fallacy in no way detracts from the fact that any Republican running for office had to swear fealty to Trump's Big Lie.

3. The rodeo clown did not wear any other masks. You lied.

He wore a Clinton and a bush mask.
The private sector pays better.
Who was the last truly great president you had. Ike maybe. Kennedy is given a lot of kudos, but it would be interesting to see what his legacy would have been had he lived. He is forever caught up in the shine of Camelot due to his premature death. Johnson and Nixon were average. Ford didn't get much of a crack. Carter was okay but his legacy will be forever linked to the oil crisis and Tehran hostages. At the time, I thought Reagan would be the worst president in my lifetime. Boy, how wrong could I be.

As far as I'm concerned Trump was the best President we had since Reagan. Even during the best economy we had in 50 years, gasoline never went above $3.00 a gallon nationally which is unheard of. Inflation was normal, jobs were plentiful, stock market did great, our southern border finally under some reasonable control, the first American President that had the balls to go to North Korea and got Un to stop firing his test missiles, lowered taxes on our businesses and most workers alike, that's just off the top of my head.

It's a shame that our people can't separate personality from accomplishments. Otherwise Trump would be in his second term and our country would be doing fantastic.
The guy cannot get under 50% negatives in the polls.

That alone is - fatal - in elections.

The red wave fail was trump plus fraud.

My guess is 20% trump 80% fraud.

If trump had STFU gop +15 in house

Trump got the left to turn out.

All a distraction. We need a good election AUDIT strategy right now.

VA 7 is my best target.
Who are they polling?

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