Trump in a serious, commanding light at the G7 ?

A serious, commanding light? This is how he sees himself in his delusional state of mind.

but in reality, as with his selling property for less than he paid for it, calling it a win, we have The Donald Bullshitting His Cult, but not the rest of us

View attachment 197552
The Pouter-in-Chief? So many epithets

Seriously, how embarrassing for America
Well, you know what folded arms mean and why is that fatass always sitting down?
Well, mr newbie sure are butthurt and have been since the day you joined....that much most of us know.
Trump breath number one:

America has the best economy in the world and is stronger than ever.

Trump breath number two:

America is being treated unfairly by the rest of the world.

Trump under his breath:

My fans are a bunch of morons who believe everything I say.
Well he did laugh about them during a NYT interview (taped).

"You know, if it gets a little boring, if I see people starting to sort of, maybe thinking about leaving, I can sort of tell the audience, I just say, 'We will build the wall!' and they go nuts," he told The New York Times in 2016.
He's well aware that mnay of his most ardent followers are below average in the intelligence department.
The crossed arms and the smirk say it all.....
He doesnt give a fuck what Urkel has to say and her leaning in says she's begging.

Looks like a pouting child with a mouthful of shit. But he's just an overgrown dufus with a mouthful of shit, that all too often comes spewing out all over friends and allies

Why do you hate record employment for blacks and hispanics?
Sounds racist.
As far as our suppossed allies they're going to be run by muslims shortly so I really dont see the need to incubate relations with a soon to be enemy.
Blacks and Hispanics everywhere thank you for your new found concern for their employment prospects
Donald J Trouble, does what most bullies do...they find a weak person and puts them in their radar. Canada is no more a threat to the US than a 1 year old border baby...but these are the victims Trump loves to target. He don't fuck with China. He don't fuck with Russia, he don't fuck with any country that has the capacity to tell this white bitch to go to hell. Instead he targets those that partner with the US in order to maintain their financial footings in the world...Canada is our second largest import.

He's a bully, a bad one at that...because a real bully a real balla would go after the Chinese that fucks us day in and day out!!
A serious, commanding light? This is how he sees himself in his delusional state of mind.

but in reality, as with his selling property for less than he paid for it, calling it a win, we have The Donald Bullshitting His Cult, but not the rest of us

View attachment 197552
The Pouter-in-Chief? So many epithets

Seriously, how embarrassing for America
let me guess.

there are things trump could do that would you would give a fair compliment to.

didn't think so. ergo, all you say is biased crap and we're full on that but thanks.
The crossed arms and the smirk say it all.....
He doesnt give a fuck what Urkel has to say and her leaning in says she's begging.

Looks like a pouting child with a mouthful of shit. But he's just an overgrown dufus with a mouthful of shit, that all too often comes spewing out all over friends and allies

Why do you hate record employment for blacks and hispanics?
Sounds racist.
As far as our suppossed allies they're going to be run by muslims shortly so I really dont see the need to incubate relations with a soon to be enemy.
Blacks and Hispanics everywhere thank you for your new found concern for their employment prospects

I have zero concern if Tyrone or Jesus have a job or not.
But they do.

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